Why is the american press so fixated on the ROYAL BABY?

I don't know of any american who cares about this but today on GMA it was their lead story and they talked about nothing else the first 8 minutes!!! The bride is a nobody in a nothing country. Why should we care?

Takes our minds off the fact that we share the country with jackasses like you. Undoubtedly many of your interests are totally worthless, too.
The child is also not going to be a national leader or head of state either.

If you want a point, the point would be in the United States every child has the potential to grow up to be our national leader, and we kill them anyway. That's a point. Suppose America felt that every child had the potential to be a great person, be a leader, like the British expects from the new baby. The British know that this child will one day be their king, so they respect him. If Americans felt that every baby might be their president, we might feel differently about the wholesale slaughter going on.

The abortion rate in the US is 19 per 1,000 women. In England and Wales it is 17 per 1,000 women. They have abortion too and to the same extent as in the US. This baby is planned and wanted. Planned and wanted babies born under circumstances that are healthy for both the mother and child are one thing. The need for abortion is another. The attempt to turn this into an issue of Americans not valuing children in the US while they value them in the UK is ludicrous and pathetic.

You just made that up.

The issue under discussion is THIS royal baby that will one day grow up to be King. Not every child in the UK will grow up to be King. Every child in the US has the potential to grow up to be president. We just don't see it that way. In the US every birth is a disappointment, a failure of its mother to understand her obligation to have an abortion.
A little musical interlude, for the Anglophiles out there...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qq_UhePJZ0]British National Anthem (Lyrics) - YouTube[/ame]
The child is also not going to be a national leader or head of state either.

If you want a point, the point would be in the United States every child has the potential to grow up to be our national leader, and we kill them anyway. That's a point. Suppose America felt that every child had the potential to be a great person, be a leader, like the British expects from the new baby. The British know that this child will one day be their king, so they respect him. If Americans felt that every baby might be their president, we might feel differently about the wholesale slaughter going on.

The abortion rate in the US is 19 per 1,000 women. In England and Wales it is 17 per 1,000 women. They have abortion too and to the same extent as in the US. This baby is planned and wanted. Planned and wanted babies born under circumstances that are healthy for both the mother and child are one thing. The need for abortion is another. The attempt to turn this into an issue of Americans not valuing children in the US while they value them in the UK is ludicrous and pathetic.

You just made that up.

The issue under discussion is THIS royal baby that will one day grow up to be King. Not every child in the UK will grow up to be King. Every child in the US has the potential to grow up to be president. We just don't see it that way. In the US every birth is a disappointment, a failure of its mother to understand her obligation to have an abortion.

You're crazy. You don't even make any sense. And btw, every child born in the UK has the potential to grow up to be Prime Minister, a real position. The Royal Family are just figure heads, celebrities, with no more power, authority or value than a movie star.

I remember this and now the baby has a baby.


That simply makes me happy.
And liberals despise the new baby too.

This is so typical of the right wing two dimensional reality: either you're just crazy about this baby or you despise it. No middle ground. Pathetic.

The inevitable result of haters living in a comic-book world where the whole universe must be painted into a dichotomy of heroes and villains.

Very sad. :(
Bet the Brit dentists are excited about the birth of another citizen who will go through life not realizing their teeth can be fixed.
It's mostly the progs who are fascinated with being subjects....they'd prefer we had a king or queen...TOREY dirtbags, the lot of them.

The monarchy has no political power in the UK you goof. It's all about tradition. Intelligent people know this.

Yeah umm you need to pick up a book lol.

And they don't want us to have a king Joe. They'd prefer we were Socialist.
Granny says, "Awww look, ya can see the baby wavin' his lil' fingers at ever'body...
Jul 23,`13 -- Prince William and his wife Kate presented their newborn son to the world for the first time Tuesday, drawing whoops and wild applause from well-wishers as they revealed the new face of the British monarchy - though not, yet, his name.
"We're still working on a name. So we'll have that as soon as we can," William told scores of reporters gathered outside St. Mary's Hospital as he cradled the child. The young family's debut public appearance was the moment the world's media had been waiting for, but the royal couple showed no sign of stress in the face of dozens of flashing cameras. Instead the couple, both 31, laughed and joked with reporters as they took turns holding their baby son, who appeared to doze through it all. "He's got her looks, thankfully," William said, referring to his wife, the Duchess of Cambridge, as the newborn prince squirmed in his arms and poked a tiny hand out of his swaddling blanket, almost like a little royal wave. "He's got a good pair of lungs on him, that's for sure," William added with a grin. "He's a big boy. He's quite heavy."

The infant is third in line to become monarch one day, after his grandfather, Prince Charles, and William. But for now, the media and the public were focused on getting all the details of new parenthood they could from the couple: How they feel, what the baby looks like, and even who changed the diapers. Kate, wearing a simple baby blue dress, said William had already had a go at changing the first one. "He's very good at it," she said. Asked how she felt, she said: "It's very emotional. It's such a special time. I think any parent will know what this feeling feels like." And William poked fun at his own lack of hair when he responded with a wink to a reporter's question about the baby's locks: "He's got way more than me, thank God."


Britain's Prince William and Kate, Duchess of Cambridge hold the Prince of Cambridge, Tuesday July 23, 2013, as they pose for photographers outside St. Mary's Hospital exclusive Lindo Wing in London where the Duchess gave birth on Monday July 22. The Royal couple are expected to head to London’s Kensington Palace from the hospital with their newly born son, the third in line to the British throne.

It was a much more relaxed scene than the one when Princess Diana and Prince Charles carried their newborn son, William, out to pose for photographs on the same hospital steps in 1982. Charles, wearing a dark suit, tie and boutonniere, spoke awkwardly to reporters. By contrast, William, dressed in jeans and a blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up, joked with the assembled media and addressed some by name. At his side, Kate waved and smiled broadly, the blue sapphire engagement ring that had been Diana's on her finger.

The photographs snapped Tuesday are likely to be reprinted for decades as the baby grows into adulthood and his role as a future king, and onlookers were elated to witness the historic moment. "William gave us a wave as they drove away, so it was perfect. Days like this really bring the country together," said Katie Allan, 26, from Bristol, England.

Yanno....................I thought that back in the late 1700's, we had a Revolution to get rid of the monarchy that was Britain. I thought that's what the Founding Fathers were all about.

If we'd lost the Revolution and remained British subjects to this day? THEN and ONLY THEN would I even care that a child was born to the royal family.

But.....................seeing as how we threw off the yoke of the monarchy over 200 years ago, I'm still wondering how the birth of a baby into the royal family has anything to do with me, this country, or how our government operates.

Know what I'd like to see other than wall to wall reporting of bullshit that doesn't matter like the Zimmerman trial, or the birth of the royal baby? I'd like to see what is going on in places like Detroit, where a large city had to declare bankruptcy, or I'd like to hear about what kind of bullshit moves the conservatives are doing to restrict a woman's right to choose, or I'd like to hear about how things are going for our military in the middle east.

MSNBC kinda soured me on their news reporting, because last week it was all about the Zimmerman trial (and no other news got reported except for on the news crawl at the bottom of the screen), or like how this week it's all about a child being born into a royal family in a country we split away from over 200 years ago.

I mean shit..........................I kinda like some of the shows on MSNBC, but when they spend the WHOLE FUCKING HOUR reporting on crap that has no bearing on my taxes or my life, it sort of pisses me off.

Did MSNBC REALLY need to use up the whole news day for a week on Zimmerman? Did they really need to do the same thing for this royal birth?

Know what news I like to watch on a regular basis? BBC. Because they actually report on what is going on in the world. I mean crap...............even the BBC World News and BBC America News (which comes on PBS from 11:00 pm to 12:00 pm CST) managed to find time for segments other than what was going on with the birth.

If they keep trying to give me the celebrity crap, I may have to quit watching news altogether and start reading it off the 'net.

I quit watching CNN for the very same reason.
Yanno....................I thought that back in the late 1700's, we had a Revolution to get rid of the monarchy that was Britain. I thought that's what the Founding Fathers were all about.

If we'd lost the Revolution and remained British subjects to this day? THEN and ONLY THEN would I even care that a child was born to the royal family.

But.....................seeing as how we threw off the yoke of the monarchy over 200 years ago, I'm still wondering how the birth of a baby into the royal family has anything to do with me, this country, or how our government operates.

Know what I'd like to see other than wall to wall reporting of bullshit that doesn't matter like the Zimmerman trial, or the birth of the royal baby? I'd like to see what is going on in places like Detroit, where a large city had to declare bankruptcy, or I'd like to hear about what kind of bullshit moves the conservatives are doing to restrict a woman's right to choose, or I'd like to hear about how things are going for our military in the middle east.

MSNBC kinda soured me on their news reporting, because last week it was all about the Zimmerman trial (and no other news got reported except for on the news crawl at the bottom of the screen), or like how this week it's all about a child being born into a royal family in a country we split away from over 200 years ago.

I mean shit..........................I kinda like some of the shows on MSNBC, but when they spend the WHOLE FUCKING HOUR reporting on crap that has no bearing on my taxes or my life, it sort of pisses me off.

Did MSNBC REALLY need to use up the whole news day for a week on Zimmerman? Did they really need to do the same thing for this royal birth?

Know what news I like to watch on a regular basis? BBC. Because they actually report on what is going on in the world. I mean crap...............even the BBC World News and BBC America News (which comes on PBS from 11:00 pm to 12:00 pm CST) managed to find time for segments other than what was going on with the birth.

If they keep trying to give me the celebrity crap, I may have to quit watching news altogether and start reading it off the 'net.

I quit watching CNN for the very same reason.

Can't possibly agree more. :clap2: News puppet theater. My TV's already been yanked.

It remains the fact though that if scores of viewers/listeners/readers didn't continue to lie back and sponge up this pap as if it mattered, they'd have to move on to substantial stories. H.L. Mencken and P.T. Barnum saw it coming. I guess this is a case where the pap purveyors could whine in defense "we're just giving the public what it wants", and in a cynical way, they'd be right. Thanks a lot, The Unwashed.
I just heard on the news that the oddsmakers have Louis at 12:1 for the baby's name.

Louis? Please.

I think they should name him George.

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