Why is the american press so fixated on the ROYAL BABY?

What a royal pain in the ass.

I'm happy for them I really am, but seriously, it is too predictable why the press is fixated on the royal baby. They don't want to report on the failure Obama is turning out to be in his second term. Collapse a la Boosh.
I don't know of any american who cares about this but today on GMA it was their lead story and they talked about nothing else the first 8 minutes!!! The bride is a nobody in a nothing country. Why should we care?

Because all liberals crave subjugation. They want a firm hand to protect them, and a warm teat to feed them for their whole lives.
I don't know of any american who cares about this but today on GMA it was their lead story and they talked about nothing else the first 8 minutes!!! The bride is a nobody in a nothing country. Why should we care?

Because all liberals crave subjugation. They want a firm hand to protect them, and a warm teat to feed them for their whole lives.

OMG this is really funny. How bizarre it must be to live in a 2 dimensional world: one dimension is liberal, the other is conservative, and nothing else exists. You need to read the book FLAT LAND. So, you actually think it is only US liberals who are interested in this British baby? Too, too funny.....:cuckoo::cuckoo::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Don't give a rats about the baby, which is a boy, by the way. Pity the kid will be bald by the time he reaches adulthood.
I talk to British associates in England every day, several times a day, the British are consumed by the Royal Baby so you can bet your ass when I talk to them the first thing I ask is about the birth and how it's going. While I could not care less about what's going on in a British Hospital, I don't want to appear to be insensitive to what's important to them. So it became important to me too. British bookies will make a fortune on the bets as to gender and name.

Many Americans seem to think all Brits are obsessed with royalty. Well, I'm a Brit and I'm very much NOT consumed by this sycophant media frenzy. I know plenty of other people over here who also couldn't give a damn and see the hypocrisy of all this attention on one baby when in the 8 minutes some mentioned in a post above 100s of kids around the world have died of starvation, war or whatever. IMHO the Royals are more popular stateside than over here - just read the stuff our press writes about them!
Try as we might to deny it, at a distance of 230+ years, we are a spin-off of England...

In our language, in our laws, in our traditions, in our culture and in our collective subliminal mind...

Doesn't matter whether our ancestors came to America from England, or Ireland, or Germany, or France, or Italy, or Poland, or Russia, or China, or Japan, or any of the African or Middle Eastern or any other country or region on earth...

Once you're here for a couple of generations and you and your family are fully assimilated, you are American by nature...

And Americans by nature are knock-off Englishmen, from several vantage points, whether we choose to admit it or not, and regardless of whether we choose to deny it...

We don't acknowledge the Brits as rulers...

But we acknowledge them as kindred (philosophically or culturally) every day of our lives, without even realizing it...

So, when the British Royals do something, or when something happens to one of them, or when one of them pops-out a new rug-rat...

Our Lamestream Media, understanding this odd, multi-generational, half-buried fascination, and in keeping with their counterparts across the worldwide Commonwealth, goes all ga-ga about it in order to play to this subliminally-motivated audience...

Many - most, maybe, albeit not all - just can't help looking...

And the News Outlets just can't help catering to our own compulsions...

Even when we vehemently protest that we kicked them out and disowned their King...

Even when we ardently declare that we are a Republic without need or want of such trappings...

Even when we call their Royals useless and obsolete and a mere tourist-trap...

Even when we don't understand WHY we're compelled to look...

< takes off bullshit amateur-hour collective psychologist hat and meekly folds hands, and quietly whistles 'Yankee Doodle' >
necessary frills and whistles ??? I almost forgot. gotta have one !!! :laugh2:


"Self-proclaimed town crier" sure is an interesting job title. This guy's real name is Tony Appleton, and boy is he enthusiastic about making proclamations. He did his thing outside the Lindo Wing at St. Mary's hospital, where Kate gave birth to a baby boy Monday.
necessary frills and whistles ??? I almost forgot. gotta have one !!! :laugh2:


"Self-proclaimed town crier" sure is an interesting job title. This guy's real name is Tony Appleton, and boy is he enthusiastic about making proclamations. He did his thing outside the Lindo Wing at St. Mary's hospital, where Kate gave birth to a baby boy Monday.

what a way to start the day!
My mother was half British.

Dad... he was half drunk.

But I do like this Brit baby shit. Over there they are celebrating a birth.

Over here, we are celebrating the murder of birth. Tens of thousands of births.

I choose the Brits celebration over your celebration.

Choice Whores unite. Yeah Vagina vacuums unite.

It's kind of surprising that American liberals haven't said anything about the baby being aborted. It seems like a royal late term abortion would be right up their alley. It will have to be enough that the liberals are upset that they called it a boy.

frangipaniprincess: if one more person says ?we... | The Impostor Adult
necessary frills and whistles ??? I almost forgot. gotta have one !!! :laugh2:


"Self-proclaimed town crier" sure is an interesting job title. This guy's real name is Tony Appleton, and boy is he enthusiastic about making proclamations. He did his thing outside the Lindo Wing at St. Mary's hospital, where Kate gave birth to a baby boy Monday.

what a way to start the day!

just what they need, another ding dong
My mother was half British.

Dad... he was half drunk.

But I do like this Brit baby shit. Over there they are celebrating a birth.

Over here, we are celebrating the murder of birth. Tens of thousands of births.

I choose the Brits celebration over your celebration.

Choice Whores unite. Yeah Vagina vacuums unite.

It's kind of surprising that American liberals haven't said anything about the baby being aborted. It seems like a royal late term abortion would be right up their alley. It will have to be enough that the liberals are upset that they called it a boy.

frangipaniprincess: if one more person says ?we... | The Impostor Adult

I hear Sharpton and Jackson are pissed cause its white
necessary frills and whistles ??? I almost forgot. gotta have one !!! :laugh2:


"Self-proclaimed town crier" sure is an interesting job title. This guy's real name is Tony Appleton, and boy is he enthusiastic about making proclamations. He did his thing outside the Lindo Wing at St. Mary's hospital, where Kate gave birth to a baby boy Monday.

what a way to start the day!

just what they need, another ding dong

How DARE the British recognize their own history. There oughta be a law.
All this hate for a baby. Damn.

Ain't no hate on no baby. What there is is disdain for those who lap this pap up like candy.

At the same time whatzisname is born there's a million other babies born, every one of them to circumstances FAR less fortunate than this one. Who's watching them? No, fuck that, let's fawn over this "royal" creature who's going to have its whole life handed to it and will want for absolutely nothing.

That ain't the fault of the royal baby. But it is a comment on what we value.
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Sorry, but no one is going to write a story about the tenth child born to a couple in Mumbai.
The child is also not going to be a national leader or head of state either.

If you want a point, the point would be in the United States every child has the potential to grow up to be our national leader, and we kill them anyway. That's a point. Suppose America felt that every child had the potential to be a great person, be a leader, like the British expects from the new baby. The British know that this child will one day be their king, so they respect him. If Americans felt that every baby might be their president, we might feel differently about the wholesale slaughter going on.
The child is also not going to be a national leader or head of state either.

If you want a point, the point would be in the United States every child has the potential to grow up to be our national leader, and we kill them anyway. That's a point. Suppose America felt that every child had the potential to be a great person, be a leader, like the British expects from the new baby. The British know that this child will one day be their king, so they respect him. If Americans felt that every baby might be their president, we might feel differently about the wholesale slaughter going on.

Whatever "wholesale slaughter" is going on in the confines of your comic book infested head is irrelevant. Yes, we do live in a violent culture but that comes after birthing. We actually let them live a few years before we burst into the classroom spraying bullets. That's not the issue here; the issue here is the attention to classism.

Besides, this "royal" baby (he's royal because we say so) isn't going to be a "leader" or head of state anyway. That much we know. He'll be at best a figurehead, if even that. Big fookin' deal.
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It must just piss liberals off in untold amounts that the future KING is being welcomed with such pomp and circumstance.

I love it. What's more entertaining? The joy the British have in their new King, or the way liberals are pissing themselves over it.

It's mostly the progs who are fascinated with being subjects....they'd prefer we had a king or queen...TOREY dirtbags, the lot of them.

The monarchy has no political power in the UK you goof. It's all about tradition. Intelligent people know this.
The child is also not going to be a national leader or head of state either.

If you want a point, the point would be in the United States every child has the potential to grow up to be our national leader, and we kill them anyway. That's a point. Suppose America felt that every child had the potential to be a great person, be a leader, like the British expects from the new baby. The British know that this child will one day be their king, so they respect him. If Americans felt that every baby might be their president, we might feel differently about the wholesale slaughter going on.

The abortion rate in the US is 19 per 1,000 women. In England and Wales it is 17 per 1,000 women. They have abortion too and to the same extent as in the US. This baby is planned and wanted. Planned and wanted babies born under circumstances that are healthy for both the mother and child are one thing. The need for abortion is another. The attempt to turn this into an issue of Americans not valuing children in the US while the British value them in the UK is ludicrous and pathetic.
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