Why is the american press so fixated on the ROYAL BABY?

I don't know of any american who cares about this but today on GMA it was their lead story and they talked about nothing else the first 8 minutes!!! The bride is a nobody in a nothing country. Why should we care?

I wasn't fixated on this story, until the little one arrived, and then I was very happy. The parents seem to be a loving couple after two years together in the spotlight, and the arrival of their little boy, brings me joy because it brings them joy. :eusa_angel:
The poor kid is doomed. Seriously, the entire royal family should be exterminated or sterilized. I'll give the kids a break but the adults deserve extermination. Think of it as reparations to world their forefathers infected with their Imperial bullshit.

The same could be said about the Bush family and others.
The one --and I'm really scraping here-- notable fact: the child was born July 22nd, which was the full moon. Births spike during full moons. So do murders and general lunacy... which is thought to be doled out in extra heapin' helpin's to those born under full moons. Werewolves. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Other than that....
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The poor kid is doomed. Seriously, the entire royal family should be exterminated or sterilized. I'll give the kids a break but the adults deserve extermination. Think of it as reparations to world their forefathers infected with their Imperial bullshit.

The same could be said about the Bush family and others.

The one --and I'm really scraping here-- notable fact: the child was born July 22nd, which was the full moon. Births spike during full moons. So do murders and general lunacy... which is thought to be doled out in extra heapin' helpin's to those born under full moons. Werewolves. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Other than that....

RC's still in the spike trickle down then.
The poor kid is doomed. Seriously, the entire royal family should be exterminated or sterilized. I'll give the kids a break but the adults deserve extermination. Think of it as reparations to world their forefathers infected with their Imperial bullshit.

The same could be said about the Bush family and others.

The one --and I'm really scraping here-- notable fact: the child was born July 22nd, which was the full moon. Births spike during full moons. So do murders and general lunacy... which is thought to be doled out in extra heapin' helpin's to those born under full moons. Werewolves. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Other than that....

RC's still in the spike trickle down then.

Funny and clever, but I don't understand why anyone cares about these mouth breathers.

The U.S. government kills people less annoying every day yet nobody raises a fuss, nevertheless, whenever I condone taking it to the vermin everyone's collective panties get in a twist. Not as if it's going to happen any time soon or even ever.

Did anyone complain when the Romanian aristocracy was put up against Vlad's wall and shot? No because that shit was funny, and deserved. These insects are as equally vile and they can rot in hell from the princes on up as far as I'm concerned.
The poor kid is doomed. Seriously, the entire royal family should be exterminated or sterilized. I'll give the kids a break but the adults deserve extermination. Think of it as reparations to world their forefathers infected with their Imperial bullshit.

The same could be said about the Bush family and others.

The one --and I'm really scraping here-- notable fact: the child was born July 22nd, which was the full moon. Births spike during full moons. So do murders and general lunacy... which is thought to be doled out in extra heapin' helpin's to those born under full moons. Werewolves. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Other than that....

RC's still in the spike trickle down then.

Funny and clever, but I don't understand why anyone cares about these mouth breathers.

The U.S. government kills people less annoying every day yet nobody raises a fuss, nevertheless, whenever I condone taking it to the vermin everyone's collective panties get in a twist. Not as if it's going to happen any time soon or even ever.

Did anyone complain when the Romanian aristocracy was put up against Vlad's wall and shot? No because that shit was funny, and deserved. These insects are as equally vile and they can rot in hell from the princes on up as far as I'm concerned.

Because it's a blessed event for anyone and that kid will never look cuter in his life than he does ages 0 to age 10. After that he will morph into another Royal and lets face it, they fell from the ugly tree and hit ever branch on the way down.
Because the Brits are so much fun to laugh at. That's why.

It's a girl! yay!


im a brit by birth you asshole
nothing is s funny as americans thinking they are the premier country in the world while every other nation feeds of them .
they have a game *rounders * they call baseball and it occupies every yanks mind 9o% of the time . they call it the world series and nobody but american teams play it.
who else gives a shit about it?
now football *soccer* is played by every nation on earth thats world class sport .

if your royalty is someone like lindsey lohan your the ones we should be laughing at.
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The child is also not going to be a national leader or head of state either.

If you want a point, the point would be in the United States every child has the potential to grow up to be our national leader, and we kill them anyway. That's a point. Suppose America felt that every child had the potential to be a great person, be a leader, like the British expects from the new baby. The British know that this child will one day be their king, so they respect him. If Americans felt that every baby might be their president, we might feel differently about the wholesale slaughter going on.

The abortion rate in the US is 19 per 1,000 women. In England and Wales it is 17 per 1,000 women. They have abortion too and to the same extent as in the US. This baby is planned and wanted. Planned and wanted babies born under circumstances that are healthy for both the mother and child are one thing. The need for abortion is another. The attempt to turn this into an issue of Americans not valuing children in the US while they value them in the UK is ludicrous and pathetic.

You just made that up.

The issue under discussion is THIS royal baby that will one day grow up to be King. Not every child in the UK will grow up to be King. Every child in the US has the potential to grow up to be president. We just don't see it that way. In the US every birth is a disappointment, a failure of its mother to understand her obligation to have an abortion.
not every child only those who are TRUE citizens not a malutto like nobama
I just heard on the news that the oddsmakers have Louis at 12:1 for the baby's name.

Louis? Please.

I think they should name him George.

I quote myself.

I am So Gratified that they followed my advice and named the wee babe George.
The poor kid is doomed. Seriously, the entire royal family should be exterminated or sterilized. I'll give the kids a break but the adults deserve extermination. Think of it as reparations to world their forefathers infected with their Imperial bullshit.

The same could be said about the Bush family and others.
Would,nt be any dimocrats in that list of *others * would there ??????
Interesting................people claim to have no interest in the royal baby named George, yet they continually post about him.


I'm a U.S. Navy man, and have been for many years. We won our independence in 1776, and have defended it ever since.

I don't really care what the royal family does (I mean...............all men are created equal, right), and don't really care what is going to happen to a child who will have every opportunity they could ever desire.

I'd rather see the money going into celebrating the royal birth in Britain be funneled down to the educational systems in America.

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