Why is the american press so fixated on the ROYAL BABY?

I don't know of any american who cares about this but today on GMA it was their lead story and they talked about nothing else the first 8 minutes!!! The bride is a nobody in a nothing country. Why should we care?

Because Americans do. They eat this up. The reason the monarchy still exists is because the Queen and Buckingham Palace are one of the biggest tourist attractions in Europe next to the Eiffel Tower and the Roman Coliseum.

To me, it's like Disney World announcing a new ride. I could care less.

My advice, load up on newspapers because the cable and network news are going to gag on this drivel for a week.
Most of the Lamestream media has become a royal joke, shallow and dumb

They are just catering to their audience and competing for rating $$$.

When Janet Jackson had that wardrobe "malfunction" in 2003 at the Super Bowl, viewers had their say and CBS adjusted. That's how it works.

If you've ever gotten a viewer inquiry randomly in the mail from Nielsen Ratings you would see that they don't even have documentaries as a program of choice. Sad.
American culture is fixated and enamored by Hollywood, sports, rock stars, and yes societies elite. As it regards those that work and are successful F-em.
I just heard on the news that he won't be on the throne until 2070.

rw's don't have a life unless they're ripping someone to pieces or worshiping rednecks beauties like honey boob boob. They're adoration killed off Diana so they're now madly in love with this new one. Sorry I can't think of her name.

Its pathetic.

Edited to add ........... This could very well be related to what we see with rw's voting against their own interests. They believe they will someday win the lottery and be wealthy beyond their wildest dreams. So, they vote for wealthy people to be able to steal from the common man.

Maybe they believe they will someday hobnob, rub elbows with British royalty so they worship them.
I don't know of any american who cares about this but today on GMA it was their lead story and they talked about nothing else the first 8 minutes!!! The bride is a nobody in a nothing country. Why should we care?

You are asking this question about people in a country that idolizes drug-abusing, alcohol-swilling, sex addicted entertainers who either drop dead or spend half their lives in rehab or get their own reality TV shows?

You are asking this question about people in a country that supports abortion-on-demand, re-elects an incompetent Marxist as President, looks the other way as the U.S. Constitution is ripped to shreds, and feels entitled to anything they believe they need?
I don't know of any american who cares about this but today on GMA it was their lead story and they talked about nothing else the first 8 minutes!!! The bride is a nobody in a nothing country. Why should we care?

You are asking this question about people in a country that idolizes drug-abusing, alcohol-swilling, sex addicted entertainers who either drop dead or spend half their lives in rehab or get their own reality TV shows?

You are asking this question about people in a country that supports abortion-on-demand, re-elects an incompetent Marxist as President, looks the other way as the U.S. Constitution is ripped to shreds, and feels entitled to anything they believe they need?

Well, if you put it THAT way....

The left is squirming in jealousy. The Queen has a 90% approval rating while obama is a laughing stock, when he's not being incredibly embarrassing.
So much hate aimed at a wee baby whohasn't even been named yet.

Personally, I'm happy to see a wanted baby come into the world. Yes, he'll be brought up in a rarified position of privilege...so what? It's the luck of the gene pool draw.

Congrats to Will and Kate. I hope the baby is healthy and happy.
Why should the Brits care? The Monarchy is nothing but a boil on the British taxpayer's backside.
I don't know of any american who cares about this but today on GMA it was their lead story and they talked about nothing else the first 8 minutes!!! The bride is a nobody in a nothing country. Why should we care?

Better than listening to the endless whining over the Zimmerman case. It's a happy event and babies are cute.
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My mother was half British.

Dad... he was half drunk.

But I do like this Brit baby shit. Over there they are celebrating a birth.

Over here, we are celebrating the murder of birth. Tens of thousands of births.

I choose the Brits celebration over your celebration.

Choice Whores unite. Yeah Vagina vacuums unite.
So much hate aimed at a wee baby whohasn't even been named yet.

Personally, I'm happy to see a wanted baby come into the world. Yes, he'll be brought up in a rarified position of privilege...so what? It's the luck of the gene pool draw.

Congrats to Will and Kate. I hope the baby is healthy and happy.

I don't see hate, I see indifference and a hate for a media that focuses on irrelevant stories.
I just heard on the news that he won't be on the throne until 2070.

rw's don't have a life unless they're ripping someone to pieces or worshiping rednecks beauties like honey boob boob. They're adoration killed off Diana so they're now madly in love with this new one. Sorry I can't think of her name.

Its pathetic.

Edited to add ........... This could very well be related to what we see with rw's voting against their own interests. They believe they will someday win the lottery and be wealthy beyond their wildest dreams. So, they vote for wealthy people to be able to steal from the common man.

Maybe they believe they will someday hobnob, rub elbows with British royalty so they worship them.

Whoa whoa. You needed the news to do basic math?
I don't know of any american who cares about this but today on GMA it was their lead story and they talked about nothing else the first 8 minutes!!! The bride is a nobody in a nothing country. Why should we care?

You may not be interested in it (I'm certainly not), and a lot of other Americans are not interested, but enough are for the press to focus on it. The media wants attention because of advertisers: it is their source of money. American people are interested enough in this story that the press and the advertisers know it sells, so GMA and other news sources go on and on about it. Be glad you don't live in the UK; the coverage there is ten times worse!
My mother was half British.

Dad... he was half drunk.

But I do like this Brit baby shit. Over there they are celebrating a birth.

Over here, we are celebrating the murder of birth. Tens of thousands of births.

I choose the Brits celebration over your celebration.

Choice Whores unite. Yeah Vagina vacuums unite.

Abortion is legal in the UK, and they have just as many abortions per capita as the US. :cuckoo:

Statistically, in England and Wales, the abortion rate is about 17 per 1,000 women between the ages of 15 and 44. In the US, the abortion rate is about 19 per 1,000 women between the ages of 15 and 44. Clearly, your idea that the UK celebrates birth and the US celebrates the murder of birth is ludicrous and self serving. In fact, around the world, the US is the only country with an abortion controversy. Very religious countries, like the Republic of Ireland, ban abortion. Secular countries allow it. The US is not a theocracy; it is a secular country and the majority of people want abortion to be legal. If you don't like it, move to a Christian theocracy. You want to be ruled by your religion fine, but you've got no right, in a secular nation, to try to rule others by your religious beliefs.
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