Why is the bar lower for Trump in the debates?

They are both running for the same office.

Why is it now acceptable for Trump only know or understand a tiny fraction of Clinton does about the issues?

Why is knowing less or not being prepared for the office okay for Trump at this point?

The so-called liberal media is giving Donald a 20-stroke knowledge handicap for the upcoming debates -- WTF has happened to this country that we stand still for this.

The media's job should be expose Trump the way they exposed Sarah Palin as a know-nothing who doesn't read.

She knows more than trump because maybe she's been freeloading off the taxpayers her whole life maybe? Too bad that after all those years in government "service" she didn't learn how to properly protect secure information. That one item alone should be enough to make her unelectable.
ANY OTHER gov. employee would be in prison already!
One of these days the Clintons will be dead of old age and or disease. There is that.
When he sits and barks on command they see that as being Presidential. So as long as he doesnt fling poo they count it as a win
They are both running for the same office.

Why is it now acceptable for Trump only know or understand a tiny fraction of Clinton does about the issues?

Why is knowing less or not being prepared for the office okay for Trump at this point?

The so-called liberal media is giving Donald a 20-stroke knowledge handicap for the upcoming debates -- WTF has happened to this country that we stand still for this.

The media's job should be expose Trump the way they exposed Sarah Palin as a know-nothing who doesn't read.
So you think that coming across as an ignorant idiot is going to be ok for Trump ???

I think this will be Trump's coup de grace of himself.

Hillary will tear him apart and expose him as the frat boy that he really is.

The GOP's only hope now is to somehow hold onto the Senate.
Hitlery's considered the 'Experienced-Polished' Candidate. Trump's not a Politician. But i think that's what many Americans hate about Hitlery, and love about Trump. So i don't think she has as big an advantage as many think.
Hitlery's considered the 'Experienced-Polished' Candidate. Trump's not a Politician. But i think that's what many Americans hate about Hitlery, and love about Trump. So i don't think she has as big an advantage as many think.
I really don't know. Will "I'll have experts look into this and report to me" be good enough.

And what of nafta? Hillary can rattle off how Nafta has given us access to more and more affordable produce without putting farmers out of biz, so how do we keep that and ameliorate the bad. Nafta has helped agricultural exports from my state. Trump has no clue as to trade.
Why is it now acceptable for Trump only know or understand a tiny fraction of [what] Clinton does about the issues?

You can't seriously be asking that question, can you? The answer is among the few things this election cycle that is pretty simple and straightforward: because the bulk of the people who support Trump don't know much about much either, have neither the will nor ability to learn much about anything, and have weak to no critical thinking skills. There's a reason Mrs. Clinton is ahead with college educated folks.
  • Is one given to or demanding of rigorous and objective analysis?
    • Yes --> One most likely favors Mrs. Clinton over Trump.
    • No --> One most likely favors Trump over Mrs. Clinton.
Hitlery's considered the 'Experienced-Polished' Candidate. Trump's not a Politician. But i think that's what many Americans hate about Hitlery, and love about Trump. So i don't think she has as big an advantage as many think.
I really don't know. Will "I'll have experts look into this and report to me" be good enough.

And what of nafta? Hillary can rattle off how Nafta has given us access to more and more affordable produce without putting farmers out of biz, so how do we keep that and ameliorate the bad. Nafta has helped agricultural exports from my state. Trump has no clue as to trade.

The Clintons are NWO Globalist Elite assholes. They don't care about American Citizens. No recent Trade Deal has been negotiated with American Citizen's best interests in mind. They've been negotiated with only wealthy Globalist Elite's best interests in mind. It's time for something different. I hope Trump gets a chance.
What are Hillary's best accomplishments as Senator and SoS?
It gave her background and knowledge of the subject and the players. That's all I'm saying.
as often as she admitted to not remembering things when being questioned about her e-mails or other issues, what is it that causes you to think she can remember anything about those "players" now.
Unless, no, she couldn't have been lying about not remembering could she? I mean, who would want an outright liar as president.
Clinton lies about stuff to weasel out of trouble. We all know that. Trump has been lying his whole life for no reason except to make himself look like bigger hot shit than he is. And to get people to buy into his plans. This is NO different and you're all being shnookered.
you can possibly be stupid enough to think the two are the same. If you were, you wouldn't even be able to figure out how to turn on the computer.
You're right. I think Trump is much worse.
Hitlery's considered the 'Experienced-Polished' Candidate. Trump's not a Politician. But i think that's what many Americans hate about Hitlery, and love about Trump. So i don't think she has as big an advantage as many think.
I really don't know. Will "I'll have experts look into this and report to me" be good enough.

And what of nafta? Hillary can rattle off how Nafta has given us access to more and more affordable produce without putting farmers out of biz, so how do we keep that and ameliorate the bad. Nafta has helped agricultural exports from my state. Trump has no clue as to trade.

The Clintons are NWO Globalist Elite assholes. They don't care about American Citizens. No recent Trade Deal has been negotiated with American Citizen's best interests in mind. They've been negotiated with only wealthy Globalist Elite's best interests in mind. It's time for something different. I hope Trump gets a chance.

Yeah, folks that claim NAFTA is a boon watch too much MSM. It's a farce.

So glad bendog loves the American taxpayer subsidizing agricultural production and has no qualms about dumping American produce on Latin markets via infrastructure paid for by tax payers and not the elites.

These folks have no clue what they are talking about.

Mexican Farmers Affected By Agricultural Subsidies From NAFTA, Other International Agreements
Mexican Farmers Affected By Agricultural Subsidies From NAFTA, Other International Agreements | Huffington Post

U.S. Capitalism Isn't a 'Free Market'
Centuries of government intervention have distorted society and the economy considerably, and it will take time and patience to fix.
U.S. Capitalism Isn't a 'Free Market'

Sometimes these are usually the same folks that say, it's best for the Earth and the environment to "buy local." Funny how they are starting to sound like conservatives now that have always said, "buy American." It all comes together now.
What are Hillary's best accomplishments as Senator and SoS?
It gave her background and knowledge of the subject and the players. That's all I'm saying.
as often as she admitted to not remembering things when being questioned about her e-mails or other issues, what is it that causes you to think she can remember anything about those "players" now.
Unless, no, she couldn't have been lying about not remembering could she? I mean, who would want an outright liar as president.
Clinton lies about stuff to weasel out of trouble. We all know that. Trump has been lying his whole life for no reason except to make himself look like bigger hot shit than he is. And to get people to buy into his plans. This is NO different and you're all being shnookered.
you can possibly be stupid enough to think the two are the same. If you were, you wouldn't even be able to figure out how to turn on the computer.
You're right. I think Trump is much worse.
You need better sources of information then, and then you need to think harder.
Hitlery's considered the 'Experienced-Polished' Candidate. Trump's not a Politician. But i think that's what many Americans hate about Hitlery, and love about Trump. So i don't think she has as big an advantage as many think.
I really don't know. Will "I'll have experts look into this and report to me" be good enough.

And what of nafta? Hillary can rattle off how Nafta has given us access to more and more affordable produce without putting farmers out of biz, so how do we keep that and ameliorate the bad. Nafta has helped agricultural exports from my state. Trump has no clue as to trade.

The Clintons are NWO Globalist Elite assholes. They don't care about American Citizens. No recent Trade Deal has been negotiated with American Citizen's best interests in mind. They've been negotiated with only wealthy Globalist Elite's best interests in mind. It's time for something different. I hope Trump gets a chance.

Yeah, folks that claim NAFTA is a boon watch too much MSM. It's a farce.

So glad bendog loves the American taxpayer subsidizing agricultural production and has no qualms about dumping American produce on Latin markets via infrastructure paid for by tax payers and not the elites.

These folks have no clue what they are talking about.

Mexican Farmers Affected By Agricultural Subsidies From NAFTA, Other International Agreements
Mexican Farmers Affected By Agricultural Subsidies From NAFTA, Other International Agreements | Huffington Post

U.S. Capitalism Isn't a 'Free Market'
Centuries of government intervention have distorted society and the economy considerably, and it will take time and patience to fix.
U.S. Capitalism Isn't a 'Free Market'

Sometimes these are usually the same folks that say, it's best for the Earth and the environment to "buy local." Funny how they are starting to sound like conservatives now that have always said, "buy American." It all comes together now.
Well if you want nuance and reason, Two Tone Donnie is not the guy for you.


American voters are usually not stupid. But Hillary is a dishonest as the day is long.
Just think we need to call the so-called liberal media out on this.

Make Trump accountable to know and understand the issues as well as Hillary does.

Don't let him get away with "I'll just hire someone to explain it to me."
Hitlery's considered the 'Experienced-Polished' Candidate. Trump's not a Politician. But i think that's what many Americans hate about Hitlery, and love about Trump. So i don't think she has as big an advantage as many think.
I really don't know. Will "I'll have experts look into this and report to me" be good enough.

And what of nafta? Hillary can rattle off how Nafta has given us access to more and more affordable produce without putting farmers out of biz, so how do we keep that and ameliorate the bad. Nafta has helped agricultural exports from my state. Trump has no clue as to trade.

The Clintons are NWO Globalist Elite assholes. They don't care about American Citizens. No recent Trade Deal has been negotiated with American Citizen's best interests in mind. They've been negotiated with only wealthy Globalist Elite's best interests in mind. It's time for something different. I hope Trump gets a chance.

Yeah, folks that claim NAFTA is a boon watch too much MSM. It's a farce.

So glad bendog loves the American taxpayer subsidizing agricultural production and has no qualms about dumping American produce on Latin markets via infrastructure paid for by tax payers and not the elites.

These folks have no clue what they are talking about.

Mexican Farmers Affected By Agricultural Subsidies From NAFTA, Other International Agreements
Mexican Farmers Affected By Agricultural Subsidies From NAFTA, Other International Agreements | Huffington Post

U.S. Capitalism Isn't a 'Free Market'
Centuries of government intervention have distorted society and the economy considerably, and it will take time and patience to fix.
U.S. Capitalism Isn't a 'Free Market'

Sometimes these are usually the same folks that say, it's best for the Earth and the environment to "buy local." Funny how they are starting to sound like conservatives now that have always said, "buy American." It all comes together now.
Well if you want nuance and reason, Two Tone Donnie is not the guy for you.


American voters are usually not stupid. But Hillary is a dishonest as the day is long.

I have no doubt that it has been a boon to the globalists. Thanks for linking us to the NWO website. :badgrin:

Now we know everything we need to know about why the wealth gap has increased. . . . :lmao:
Some Americans are still unaware of the what the job really entails.
It will be difficult enough for a seasoned professional who's been preparing all her life for this election, but for huckster in it as a lark?


Don't underestimate him. Clinton is as corrupt as they come. And many Americans know that. Stay tuned.

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