Why is the country MORE divided than it was 8 years ago?

Having a Black President brought out racism that was hidden for years.

You are absolutely wrong, idealism is completely responsible for the divide. I disagreed with Obama's politics, his color was irrelevant. Democrats use race as a wedge. They are good at it but they are total fear mongers and liars.
Republicans are 90% white. Democrats are everyone else. Trump's newly vocal supporters who saluted him over the weekend kind of let's us know the direction the Republican Party has taken. They have traveled that road for years, but are now more vocal. It is what it is. A party that's 90% white and ridicules the resit of America can't deflect with "they are the ones who're racist".

Pot, kettle, black. If you spend decades brainwashing minority groups that they will fail and can't function or thrive without the Democrat party's "protection", you might be a racist.
No one ever told me that. You lose, thank you for playing.

I'm sorry for you that you are so easily played and clueless. You know all of those times that Democratic candidates were ask for your vote by telling you that Republicans hate women, want to put black people back in chains or that your gay marriage would be reversed? That's the Democratic party telling you that you aren't strong enough or good enough to determine your own course and destiny. If you vote for them, they will protect you and without them doing so, you are in for a world of shit. Look at all the rioting and wailing and gnashing of teeth going on right now when Trump hasn't even been sworn into office. That is all the people who've been conditioned to believe they need a Democrat to protect them and give their life value. You need to wake up. I did about 6 years ago and I've never looked back.
Did you even see my reply? I do not need a lecture by someone with a limited capacity. I know how my life has been.
You are absolutely wrong, idealism is completely responsible for the divide. I disagreed with Obama's politics, his color was irrelevant. Democrats use race as a wedge. They are good at it but they are total fear mongers and liars.
Republicans are 90% white. Democrats are everyone else. Trump's newly vocal supporters who saluted him over the weekend kind of let's us know the direction the Republican Party has taken. They have traveled that road for years, but are now more vocal. It is what it is. A party that's 90% white and ridicules the resit of America can't deflect with "they are the ones who're racist".

Pot, kettle, black. If you spend decades brainwashing minority groups that they will fail and can't function or thrive without the Democrat party's "protection", you might be a racist.
No one ever told me that. You lose, thank you for playing.

I'm sorry for you that you are so easily played and clueless. You know all of those times that Democratic candidates were ask for your vote by telling you that Republicans hate women, want to put black people back in chains or that your gay marriage would be reversed? That's the Democratic party telling you that you aren't strong enough or good enough to determine your own course and destiny. If you vote for them, they will protect you and without them doing so, you are in for a world of shit. Look at all the rioting and wailing and gnashing of teeth going on right now when Trump hasn't even been sworn into office. That is all the people who've been conditioned to believe they need a Democrat to protect them and give their life value. You need to wake up. I did about 6 years ago and I've never looked back.
Did you even see my reply? I do not need a lecture by someone with a limited capacity. I know how my life has been.

Yes, it was condescending and full of shit. You're welcome for the schooling. No charge.
Republicans are 90% white. Democrats are everyone else. Trump's newly vocal supporters who saluted him over the weekend kind of let's us know the direction the Republican Party has taken. They have traveled that road for years, but are now more vocal. It is what it is. A party that's 90% white and ridicules the resit of America can't deflect with "they are the ones who're racist".

Pot, kettle, black. If you spend decades brainwashing minority groups that they will fail and can't function or thrive without the Democrat party's "protection", you might be a racist.
No one ever told me that. You lose, thank you for playing.

I'm sorry for you that you are so easily played and clueless. You know all of those times that Democratic candidates were ask for your vote by telling you that Republicans hate women, want to put black people back in chains or that your gay marriage would be reversed? That's the Democratic party telling you that you aren't strong enough or good enough to determine your own course and destiny. If you vote for them, they will protect you and without them doing so, you are in for a world of shit. Look at all the rioting and wailing and gnashing of teeth going on right now when Trump hasn't even been sworn into office. That is all the people who've been conditioned to believe they need a Democrat to protect them and give their life value. You need to wake up. I did about 6 years ago and I've never looked back.
Did you even see my reply? I do not need a lecture by someone with a limited capacity. I know how my life has been.

Yes, it was condescending and full of shit. You're welcome for the schooling. No charge.
If you think that was schooling, it explains a lot.
Pot, kettle, black. If you spend decades brainwashing minority groups that they will fail and can't function or thrive without the Democrat party's "protection", you might be a racist.
No one ever told me that. You lose, thank you for playing.

I'm sorry for you that you are so easily played and clueless. You know all of those times that Democratic candidates were ask for your vote by telling you that Republicans hate women, want to put black people back in chains or that your gay marriage would be reversed? That's the Democratic party telling you that you aren't strong enough or good enough to determine your own course and destiny. If you vote for them, they will protect you and without them doing so, you are in for a world of shit. Look at all the rioting and wailing and gnashing of teeth going on right now when Trump hasn't even been sworn into office. That is all the people who've been conditioned to believe they need a Democrat to protect them and give their life value. You need to wake up. I did about 6 years ago and I've never looked back.
Did you even see my reply? I do not need a lecture by someone with a limited capacity. I know how my life has been.

Yes, it was condescending and full of shit. You're welcome for the schooling. No charge.
If you think that was schooling, it explains a lot.

That you are oblivious to fact and common sense explains even more. You need to wake up.
Many a Democrat just don't fucking get it. The socialists and Democrats feed into it for power. You people have been had. It should tell you something about the left in power, because they couldn't give a shit about you or the country.

Nobody is saying racism/sexism doesn't exist. It always will. The results of the left is it's liberals that are the most intolerant, and they're probably more racist as well. Seriously, what a bunch of pansies. They go out of their way to create a racist narrative. Where I live, half the young millennials can't even act right around black people. It's embarrassing, and it shows it's they who see color. Speaking for myself, I couldn't give a shit what color you are, I'll treat you the same, and I see you the same. Only thing I look at is the eyes. The eyes tell a lot.

Look Dude..... Racism always exist that is true ........ but you don't expect me to just lay there and die accepting these non sense racist behavior.
You cannot tell by looking at the eyes. Eyes are deceiving. You have to judge they behave and respect others.

Can't see your eyes, but I'm guessing you look for racism, and if you can't find it you'll fudge.
OP- Pure mindless Party-only GOP obstruction for 8 years, total alternate bs GOP universe.
You are wrong, we were willing to give Obama a chance, he didn't extend his hand across the aisle. When he stepped into the office he was arrogant.

As President Barack Obama finishes out the last year of his second term, it seems that members of the Republican party have all suffered from a collective amnesia regarding Obama’s ability, as both a president and senator, to work with counterparts across the aisle. The real number of times Obama has willingly worked with Republicans is probably in the thousands, but compromises are not created equal. Here is the top ten countdown of times Barack Obama worked towards a compromise with people that still insist he’s a ruthless dictator.

Top 10 Times Obama Worked Across The Aisle And Hit A Republican Wall

Sit in the back of the bus set the tone. His arrogance at the beginning of his first term set the tone. He pitted so many groups against each other then wanted harmony.

I am not looking at your silly left wing propaganda link.

He never said sit in the back of the bus.

Don't read it snowflake. Can't expose yourself to facts n stuff!

No i don't read extreme right or left BS, they are extremely biased and dishonest, now go find a moderate that will back your position cupcake.

It's not a position fluffy, it's history.

It's a partisan biased look at history.
As President Barack Obama finishes out the last year of his second term, it seems that members of the Republican party have all suffered from a collective amnesia regarding Obama’s ability, as both a president and senator, to work with counterparts across the aisle. The real number of times Obama has willingly worked with Republicans is probably in the thousands, but compromises are not created equal. Here is the top ten countdown of times Barack Obama worked towards a compromise with people that still insist he’s a ruthless dictator.

Top 10 Times Obama Worked Across The Aisle And Hit A Republican Wall

Sit in the back of the bus set the tone. His arrogance at the beginning of his first term set the tone. He pitted so many groups against each other then wanted harmony.

I am not looking at your silly left wing propaganda link.

He never said sit in the back of the bus.

Don't read it snowflake. Can't expose yourself to facts n stuff!

No i don't read extreme right or left BS, they are extremely biased and dishonest, now go find a moderate that will back your position cupcake.

It's not a position fluffy, it's history.

It's a partisan biased look at history.

You said you wouldn't read it so how would you know?
OP- Pure mindless Party-only GOP obstruction for 8 years, total alternate bs GOP universe.

Was your head up your ass when Harry Reid killed over 350 bipartisan bills as a one man bottleneck that brought Congress to a screeching halt for over 2 years and cost the Democrats the Senate?
Sit in the back of the bus set the tone. His arrogance at the beginning of his first term set the tone. He pitted so many groups against each other then wanted harmony.

I am not looking at your silly left wing propaganda link.

He never said sit in the back of the bus.

Don't read it snowflake. Can't expose yourself to facts n stuff!

No i don't read extreme right or left BS, they are extremely biased and dishonest, now go find a moderate that will back your position cupcake.

It's not a position fluffy, it's history.

It's a partisan biased look at history.

You said you wouldn't read it so how would you know?

It is a leftwing nutter site, it would be like reading Breitbart and expecting fair reporting. I don't go to extreme sites for information, it is heavily biased, it twists words and info to fit an extreme agenda.
I don't doubt that the incessant accusations of racism has in fact led to racism across-the-board.
Having a Black President brought out racism that was hidden for years.

This is what is dividing it
The truth is dividing the country. This is interesting.
Yes and the truth is that leftists throw temper tantrums when they don't get their way. They run to the left and cry out that the right is moving backwards!

Division is caused by not going along with them. Any resistance is seen as hate and intolerance. Liberals are batshit crazy when they have power and downright comical when they don't.
Inferior People Desperately Need to Preach Equality

Liberals are vindictive White weaklings, getting even for being rejected by their own race. They don't care about Blacks at all; going out of their way to support all Black behavior is motivated solely by revenge against other Whites.
I don't doubt that the incessant accusations of racism has in fact led to racism across-the-board.
Having a Black President brought out racism that was hidden for years.

This is what is dividing it
The truth is dividing the country. This is interesting.
Yes and the truth is that leftists throw temper tantrums when they don't get their way. They run to the left and cry out that the right is moving backwards!

Division is caused by not going along with them. Any resistance is seen as hate and intolerance. Liberals are batshit crazy when they have power and downright comical when they don't.
Inferior People Desperately Need to Preach Equality

Liberals are vindictive White weaklings, getting even for being rejected by their own race. They don't care about Blacks at all; going out of their way to support all Black behavior is motivated solely by revenge against other Whites.

You're not the sage of Main Street, you're the village idiot.
OP- Pure mindless Party-only GOP obstruction for 8 years, total alternate bs GOP universe.

Was your head up your ass when Harry Reid killed over 350 bipartisan bills as a one man bottleneck that brought Congress to a screeching halt for over 2 years and cost the Democrats the Senate?
All crap bills, for propaganda ONLY, dupe. Every single one DESIGNED to be DOA.
Having a Black President brought out racism that was hidden for years.

This is what is dividing it
The truth is dividing the country. This is interesting.
Yes and the truth is that leftists throw temper tantrums when they don't get their way. They run to the left and cry out that the right is moving backwards!

Division is caused by not going along with them. Any resistance is seen as hate and intolerance. Liberals are batshit crazy when they have power and downright comical when they don't.
Inferior People Desperately Need to Preach Equality

Liberals are vindictive White weaklings, getting even for being rejected by their own race. They don't care about Blacks at all; going out of their way to support all Black behavior is motivated solely by revenge against other Whites.

You're not the sage of Main Street, you're the village idiot.

Actually, it's not Sage of Main Street, it's Idiot on the Sidewalk.
Yeah, it doesn't take much effort.
It isn't working. You might as well be jerking off.
Hey, don't get me wrong!

I think your automatic intellectual approach to pretty much EVERYTHING - "It's ALL THEIR fault, THOSE guys, over THERE" - should be considered the MODEL behavior for three-, four-, and five-year olds ALL OVER THE freaking PLANET!

You should be PROUD!


There is not always two sides to every story.
Of course there is. One's eyes just need to be open a little.

Mac, you know me.

I'm a hard line ideological paleoconservative.

In my adult life I have been hard on a LOT of democratic liberals over the years. REally, just about every single one I have ever heard of.

For the last 8 years, I have constantly been called racist for my partisan and ideological opposition to Obama.

There are not two sides to this story.

The lefties who did that were race baiting assholes, and I was unfairly slandered by them.
Bluebloods and Their Bootlicking Brownnoses

Calling someone a "racist" is as bigoted as calling someone the N-word. It makes snobs who hate the sons of the working class feel morally superior. They are driven to such self-congratulating ethics in order to cover up the fact that they'd be nobodies without the help of their Daddies' money.
This is what is dividing it
The truth is dividing the country. This is interesting.
Yes and the truth is that leftists throw temper tantrums when they don't get their way. They run to the left and cry out that the right is moving backwards!

Division is caused by not going along with them. Any resistance is seen as hate and intolerance. Liberals are batshit crazy when they have power and downright comical when they don't.
Inferior People Desperately Need to Preach Equality

Liberals are vindictive White weaklings, getting even for being rejected by their own race. They don't care about Blacks at all; going out of their way to support all Black behavior is motivated solely by revenge against other Whites.

You're not the sage of Main Street, you're the village idiot.

Actually, it's not Sage of Main Street, it's Idiot on the Sidewalk.
New Age Sewage

On Main Street, we flush decaying Liberal garbage into the gutter.

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