Why is the country MORE divided than it was 8 years ago?

I don't doubt that the incessant accusations of racism has in fact led to racism across-the-board.
Having a Black President brought out racism that was hidden for years.

This is what is dividing it
The truth is dividing the country. This is interesting.
Yes and the truth is that leftists throw temper tantrums when they don't get their way. They run to the left and cry out that the right is moving backwards!

Division is caused by not going along with them. Any resistance is seen as hate and intolerance. Liberals are batshit crazy when they have power and downright comical when they don't.
Inferior People Desperately Need to Preach Equality

Liberals are vindictive White weaklings, getting even for being rejected by their own race. They don't care about Blacks at all; going out of their way to support all Black behavior is motivated solely by revenge against other Whites.

All liberals are white?

No one ever told me that. You lose, thank you for playing.

I'm sorry for you that you are so easily played and clueless. You know all of those times that Democratic candidates were ask for your vote by telling you that Republicans hate women, want to put black people back in chains or that your gay marriage would be reversed? That's the Democratic party telling you that you aren't strong enough or good enough to determine your own course and destiny. If you vote for them, they will protect you and without them doing so, you are in for a world of shit. Look at all the rioting and wailing and gnashing of teeth going on right now when Trump hasn't even been sworn into office. That is all the people who've been conditioned to believe they need a Democrat to protect them and give their life value. You need to wake up. I did about 6 years ago and I've never looked back.
Did you even see my reply? I do not need a lecture by someone with a limited capacity. I know how my life has been.

Yes, it was condescending and full of shit. You're welcome for the schooling. No charge.
If you think that was schooling, it explains a lot.

That you are oblivious to fact and common sense explains even more. You need to wake up.
You make little quotes that mean nothing.
There is no getting around it. We are WAY more divided than we were 8 years ago.


Looks to me that all workers of America were pretty much united in this election.
They voted for Trump.
They want jobs.
They are going to be sorely disappointed. Drumpf already sends his jobs overseas.
I do hope you never leave the democrats plantation.....
As long as whites proliferate the gop your wishes will come true.
I don't doubt that the incessant accusations of racism has in fact led to racism across-the-board.
Having a Black President brought out racism that was hidden for years.

That's like saying the bruise from where I hit you with a 2 x 4 had just been "hidden" until I started swinging a board around irresponsibly.
No its not dummy. A bruise cannot be hidden until you start swinging a board around. What someone feels can be.
The truth is dividing the country. This is interesting.
Yes and the truth is that leftists throw temper tantrums when they don't get their way. They run to the left and cry out that the right is moving backwards!

Division is caused by not going along with them. Any resistance is seen as hate and intolerance. Liberals are batshit crazy when they have power and downright comical when they don't.
Inferior People Desperately Need to Preach Equality

Liberals are vindictive White weaklings, getting even for being rejected by their own race. They don't care about Blacks at all; going out of their way to support all Black behavior is motivated solely by revenge against other Whites.

You're not the sage of Main Street, you're the village idiot.

Actually, it's not Sage of Main Street, it's Idiot on the Sidewalk.
New Age Sewage

On Main Street, we flush decaying Liberal garbage into the gutter.

And where do you put the Blacks? And the Hispanics?
Having a Black President brought out racism that was hidden for years.

This is what is dividing it
The truth is dividing the country. This is interesting.
Yes and the truth is that leftists throw temper tantrums when they don't get their way. They run to the left and cry out that the right is moving backwards!

Division is caused by not going along with them. Any resistance is seen as hate and intolerance. Liberals are batshit crazy when they have power and downright comical when they don't.
Inferior People Desperately Need to Preach Equality

Liberals are vindictive White weaklings, getting even for being rejected by their own race. They don't care about Blacks at all; going out of their way to support all Black behavior is motivated solely by revenge against other Whites.

All liberals are white?


The Moron of Main Street has been asked to move along by the local cops.
And then that racism was carefully curated by Trump demanding Obama's birth certificate in 2011.

WTF does his birth certificate have to do with race?

Then you wonder why nobody takes you leftist seriously when you make up these race charges. Democrats are the boy that cried wolf.
And then that racism was carefully curated by Trump demanding Obama's birth certificate in 2011.

WTF does his birth certificate have to do with race?

Then you wonder why nobody takes you leftist seriously when you make up these race charges. Democrats are the boy that cried wolf.

Yanno...........I gotta side with Ray on this one. The only thing the birth certificate issue brought into doubt was if he was a US citizen or not, it had nothing to do with race.

However.................there WAS a lot of racial BS going on from the right. Think "Obamabucks" and dressing him up as a witch doctor.
There was never a doubt he was a citizen...you don't think this is checked out before running? Only a total moron sees it otherwise.
Yanno...........I gotta side with Ray on this one. The only thing the birth certificate issue brought into doubt was if he was a US citizen or not, it had nothing to do with race.

However.................there WAS a lot of racial BS going on from the right. Think "Obamabucks" and dressing him up as a witch doctor.

I appreciate you supporting my point, but there were plenty of fake Bush pictures going around when he was in office.


There was never a doubt he was a citizen...you don't think this is checked out before running? Only a total moron sees it otherwise.

I guess that means that there are a lot of morons in this country, because there are STILL people out there who think Obama is a foreigner from Kenya.
And then that racism was carefully curated by Trump demanding Obama's birth certificate in 2011.

WTF does his birth certificate have to do with race?

Then you wonder why nobody takes you leftist seriously when you make up these race charges. Democrats are the boy that cried wolf.
Plenty. You clowns decide that you want to question the citizenship of a Black person that has won the office of POTUS? Then you wonder why everyone laughs at you alt-right buffoons.
Those who think that make the rich folks day. They think 15 bucks an hour is a dern good wage. Losers.
Plenty. You clowns decide that you want to question the citizenship of a Black person that has won the office of POTUS? Then you wonder why everyone laughs at you alt-right buffoons.

Yes, because his mother did live out of the country around his birth. His father was not an American. It had nothing to do with his race.
There was never a doubt he was a citizen...you don't think this is checked out before running? Only a total moron sees it otherwise.

I guess that means that there are a lot of morons in this country, because there are STILL people out there who think Obama is a foreigner from Kenya.

Even if he was, he would still be considered an American citizen due to his mother being an American citizen.
And then that racism was carefully curated by Trump demanding Obama's birth certificate in 2011.

WTF does his birth certificate have to do with race?

Then you wonder why nobody takes you leftist seriously when you make up these race charges. Democrats are the boy that cried wolf.
Plenty. You clowns decide that you want to question the citizenship of a Black person that has won the office of POTUS? Then you wonder why everyone laughs at you alt-right buffoons.

You know, while the birther attacks may have been driven because he's "different" (i.e. black), the attack itself had nothing to do with his race, it was about his status as a US citizen.

Sorry..............that one example isn't racist in my book, even if the thing that drove it was.
Yes it was all about race....if a white guy li!e me was in his place nothing would have been questionefd. I'm calling out my race.

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