Why is the country MORE divided than it was 8 years ago?

I trace it back to the early 80s when things really went downhill fast.


I saw nothing like that.

The real hate started in 2000, when Gore lost Florida and the left lost their shit. In their anger over Bush having the gall to win, they handed the party over to Soros and his goons. Soros as we know, makes Goebbels look like he was fair and honest in contrast. Hate became the foundation of the left in the 2000's, with hate sites like KOS and Alternet spewing the most vile filth imaginable on a daily basis, while Keith Olbermann regurgitated hate on MSNBC and Jon Stewart vomited vicious snark on Comedy Central to leftist with 85 IQ's who thought this was actual news.

Then came Obama and the open hatred of whites. What the scumbags of the left don't grasp (and don't care about) is that racism is a double edged sword. As they spent 8 years promoting utter hatred against "white men" they created a resentment against them and their incessant racist attacks.

The left cannot survive in a united country. Only through division and conflict can the leftist plan to establish an authoritarian system thrive. Only through the spreading of hatred can the left promote their ideas such as ending freedom of speech through "hate speech" laws.
And then that racism was carefully curated by Trump demanding Obama's birth certificate in 2011.

WTF does his birth certificate have to do with race?

Then you wonder why nobody takes you leftist seriously when you make up these race charges. Democrats are the boy that cried wolf.
Plenty. You clowns decide that you want to question the citizenship of a Black person that has won the office of POTUS? Then you wonder why everyone laughs at you alt-right buffoons.

You know, while the birther attacks may have been driven because he's "different" (i.e. black), the attack itself had nothing to do with his race, it was about his status as a US citizen.

Sorry..............that one example isn't racist in my book, even if the thing that drove it was.
The reasoning behind it was racist. If he had been white no one would have even brought it up after he became POTUS.

When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. You seriously need to take your racist lenses off if you want to see the real world.
The country cannot be united. It IS divided by class, race, religion, location, etc. Always has been. Class division is going to rise big time.
Disagreed about united. Agreed there are different groups, but that doesn't mean all have to be at everyone's throat.

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