Why is the country MORE divided than it was 8 years ago?

He was accusing you of racism, with sarcasm.
Wow, I did not even see your lips move.

Dude. I'm starting to feel pity for you.
You should not pity a good sense of humor.

You must have missed this.

Conservative republicans were just as harsh with Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Barack Obama, and HIllary Clinton.

What ONE thing do all these people have in common?

It's not skin color. That doesn't seem to effect the response of the Right.

It's not gender, Being male didn't get Bill, John, or Barack and slack.

It is them being liberal democrats.

That was the point that Papageorgio was making and you really should have been able to see that.

If you really couldn't that shows that you are so closed minded that you can't even hear what we are saying.

If you were just being a jerk, knock it off.

Either way, stop screwing around and address what he is actually saying.

He sees it, that's not his position. He thinks blacks are inferior and aren't capable of being treated like they were white and we need to take it easier on them or we are racist. He is actually a racist, he doesn't just play one on message boards. That's why he doesn't see it. In his mind, you cannot treat blacks like they were white. They can't handle it

My goal is to rub his face in that until he finally sees himself.

Failing that, to be amused at his incredible lack of self awareness.
There is no getting around it. We are WAY more divided than we were 8 years ago. Why?
Predictably, both ends are pointing the finger at the other here. And, of course, they're both right. .
Predictably, you avoid the substance and point fingers everywhere thinking it make you look smart.
Yeah, it doesn't take much effort.
It isn't working. You might as well be jerking off.
Hey, don't get me wrong!

I think your automatic intellectual approach to pretty much EVERYTHING - "It's ALL THEIR fault, THOSE guys, over THERE" - should be considered the MODEL behavior for three-, four-, and five-year olds ALL OVER THE freaking PLANET!

You should be PROUD!


There is not always two sides to every story.
Predictably, both ends are pointing the finger at the other here. And, of course, they're both right. .
Predictably, you avoid the substance and point fingers everywhere thinking it make you look smart.
Yeah, it doesn't take much effort.
It isn't working. You might as well be jerking off.
Hey, don't get me wrong!

I think your automatic intellectual approach to pretty much EVERYTHING - "It's ALL THEIR fault, THOSE guys, over THERE" - should be considered the MODEL behavior for three-, four-, and five-year olds ALL OVER THE freaking PLANET!

You should be PROUD!


There is not always two sides to every story.
Of course there is. One's eyes just need to be open a little.
There is no getting around it. We are WAY more divided than we were 8 years ago. Why?
Predictably, both ends are pointing the finger at the other here. And, of course, they're both right. .
Predictably, you avoid the substance and point fingers everywhere thinking it make you look smart.
Yeah, it doesn't take much effort.
It isn't working. You might as well be jerking off.
Hey, don't get me wrong!

I think your automatic intellectual approach to pretty much EVERYTHING - "It's ALL THEIR fault, THOSE guys, over THERE" - should be considered the MODEL behavior for three-, four-, and five-year olds ALL OVER THE freaking PLANET!

You should be PROUD!

Like I said, you should be doing something more fruitful like jerking off. If you COULD pull your head out of your ass you would have seen where I said the left has called the shots in media and now has competition. The left has been running to the left and blaming the right on division.

Your answer is ...."they point fingers at each other". That's not a response, it's just you trying to look above it all but it's beyond stupid to think you're selling it. Go soil a sock.
Predictably, you avoid the substance and point fingers everywhere thinking it make you look smart.
Yeah, it doesn't take much effort.
It isn't working. You might as well be jerking off.
Hey, don't get me wrong!

I think your automatic intellectual approach to pretty much EVERYTHING - "It's ALL THEIR fault, THOSE guys, over THERE" - should be considered the MODEL behavior for three-, four-, and five-year olds ALL OVER THE freaking PLANET!

You should be PROUD!


There is not always two sides to every story.
Of course there is. One's eyes just need to be open a little.
Right, so the guy that mugs you has a legitimate point.

Predictably, both ends are pointing the finger at the other here. And, of course, they're both right. .
Predictably, you avoid the substance and point fingers everywhere thinking it make you look smart.
Yeah, it doesn't take much effort.
It isn't working. You might as well be jerking off.
Hey, don't get me wrong!

I think your automatic intellectual approach to pretty much EVERYTHING - "It's ALL THEIR fault, THOSE guys, over THERE" - should be considered the MODEL behavior for three-, four-, and five-year olds ALL OVER THE freaking PLANET!

You should be PROUD!

Like I said, you should be doing something more fruitful like jerking off. If you COULD pull your head out of your ass you would have seen where I said the left has called the shots in media and now has competition. The left has been running to the left and blaming the right on division.

Your answer is ...."they point fingers at each other". That's not a response, it's just you trying to look above it all but it's beyond stupid to think you're selling it. Go soil a sock.
"Go soil a sock"?

Holy crap, THAT'S a new one.

You're very intimidating.

There is no getting around it. We are WAY more divided than we were 8 years ago.

This is what happens when you elect an asshole who's only leadership trait before he took office was leading protests.
Predictably, you avoid the substance and point fingers everywhere thinking it make you look smart.
Yeah, it doesn't take much effort.
It isn't working. You might as well be jerking off.
Hey, don't get me wrong!

I think your automatic intellectual approach to pretty much EVERYTHING - "It's ALL THEIR fault, THOSE guys, over THERE" - should be considered the MODEL behavior for three-, four-, and five-year olds ALL OVER THE freaking PLANET!

You should be PROUD!


There is not always two sides to every story.
Of course there is. One's eyes just need to be open a little.

Mac, you know me.

I'm a hard line ideological paleoconservative.

In my adult life I have been hard on a LOT of democratic liberals over the years. REally, just about every single one I have ever heard of.

For the last 8 years, I have constantly been called racist for my partisan and ideological opposition to Obama.

There are not two sides to this story.

The lefties who did that were race baiting assholes, and I was unfairly slandered by them.
Yeah, it doesn't take much effort.
It isn't working. You might as well be jerking off.
Hey, don't get me wrong!

I think your automatic intellectual approach to pretty much EVERYTHING - "It's ALL THEIR fault, THOSE guys, over THERE" - should be considered the MODEL behavior for three-, four-, and five-year olds ALL OVER THE freaking PLANET!

You should be PROUD!


There is not always two sides to every story.
Of course there is. One's eyes just need to be open a little.

Mac, you know me.

I'm a hard line ideological paleoconservative.

In my adult life I have been hard on a LOT of democratic liberals over the years. REally, just about every single one I have ever heard of.

For the last 8 years, I have constantly been called racist for my partisan and ideological opposition to Obama.

There are not two sides to this story.

The lefties who did that were race baiting assholes, and I was unfairly slandered by them.
When it comes down to individual behaviors within an issue - such as dishonest PC zealots pretending for political advantage that racism exists where it does not - sure, that's wrong and indefensible.

But on a macro level, there are two sides to the issue of race.

There will always, sadly, be dishonest, hateful people who pollute a conversation.
Not at all, some people just need a mirror.

Coming from you, classic. Look Archie Bunker, politics is a blood sport. You need to put aside your racist bigotry and realize blacks can handle it just fine. In fact they can handle it like they were white ...
This however, is a racist statement.

He was accusing you of racism, with sarcasm.
Wow, I did not even see your lips move.

It's a message board, racist douche bag, anyone can comment
It's a message board. Chill out. Do not have a heart attack. In the bigger picture, these boards are not that important.
Do you even read the forum posts here of your fellow conservatives?

They outright call people negroes, ******* and other racistthings. But you continue to defend them... pretend they don't exist... pull the wool over your eyes, because you view them as a powerful ally.
I've seen a few do that. If you want to broadbrush everyone on the right with that you are full of shit.

I don't ever see you guys condemn them at all. Not a single time. You expect muslims to condemn people they don't know... but you post alongside your fellow "patriots" and you just smile and dumbly post when they start spewing racial epithets everywhere?

How about you clean up the trash you brought with you... or you're no better than they are.
I didn't bring any trash you dishonest stupid smug asshole. I never see you criticize your dishonest stupid smug asshole clones.

My fellow left/liberal/progressive posters here aren't calling people ******* and propping up white supremacist rhetoric.

You must just be fine with that sort of thing, if you don't think you have a whole bunch of trash that you brought with you.
The trash is between your ears. You are proving it now. Anyone that disagrees with trash like you is automatically labelled a homophobe, sexist, racist, hater, etc. So go fuck yourself.

You give them the platform upon which they stand, then. Bend over.
This however, is a racist statement.

He was accusing you of racism, with sarcasm.
Wow, I did not even see your lips move.

Dude. I'm starting to feel pity for you.
You should not pity a good sense of humor.

You must have missed this.

Conservative republicans were just as harsh with Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Barack Obama, and HIllary Clinton.

What ONE thing do all these people have in common?

It's not skin color. That doesn't seem to effect the response of the Right.

It's not gender, Being male didn't get Bill, John, or Barack and slack.

It is them being liberal democrats.

That was the point that Papageorgio was making and you really should have been able to see that.

If you really couldn't that shows that you are so closed minded that you can't even hear what we are saying.

If you were just being a jerk, knock it off.

Either way, stop screwing around and address what he is actually saying.
I did not miss it.
Looks like kaz hit it a nerve with you.
Not at all, some people just need a mirror.

Coming from you, classic. Look Archie Bunker, politics is a blood sport. You need to put aside your racist bigotry and realize blacks can handle it just fine. In fact they can handle it like they were white ...
This however, is a racist statement.

He was accusing you of racism, with sarcasm.

You can't make up dumb like that, can you?
You certainly attempt to.
Speak for your own stupid self. You know nothing about me, but you posts this idiotic rant.

Looks like kaz hit it a nerve with you.
Not at all, some people just need a mirror.

Coming from you, classic. Look Archie Bunker, politics is a blood sport. You need to put aside your racist bigotry and realize blacks can handle it just fine. In fact they can handle it like they were white ...
I am not the racist. I come from a mixed marriage which means that I view the different sides with equal suspicion.

Mixed? You mean a man and a woman?
That would be part of it.
Not at all, some people just need a mirror.

Coming from you, classic. Look Archie Bunker, politics is a blood sport. You need to put aside your racist bigotry and realize blacks can handle it just fine. In fact they can handle it like they were white ...
I am not the racist. I come from a mixed marriage which means that I view the different sides with equal suspicion.

Ditto, so do I. My wife is Korean, so my kids are half Korean. The difference between us is that I think other races can be treated the same as whites while you think blacks can't handle it and can't be the same. That's racist, Holmes. I treat Obama like he's white. Just makes you cringe, doesn't it? Come to terms with your own bigoted views before throwing your judgmental crap out there at others
I think all PEOPLE should be treated the same. Their race means nothing to me.

Seems it does. You think people treated Obama differently because of his skin color. He was treated the same as any other liberal and yet you claimed racism. Why is that?
You people hate liberals, just as you hate Blacks.
Coming from you, classic. Look Archie Bunker, politics is a blood sport. You need to put aside your racist bigotry and realize blacks can handle it just fine. In fact they can handle it like they were white ...
I am not the racist. I come from a mixed marriage which means that I view the different sides with equal suspicion.

Ditto, so do I. My wife is Korean, so my kids are half Korean. The difference between us is that I think other races can be treated the same as whites while you think blacks can't handle it and can't be the same. That's racist, Holmes. I treat Obama like he's white. Just makes you cringe, doesn't it? Come to terms with your own bigoted views before throwing your judgmental crap out there at others
I think all PEOPLE should be treated the same. Their race means nothing to me.

Seems it does. You think people treated Obama differently because of his skin color. He was treated the same as any other liberal and yet you claimed racism. Why is that?
You people hate liberals, just as you hate Blacks.

What's not to hate?
I've seen a few do that. If you want to broadbrush everyone on the right with that you are full of shit.

I don't ever see you guys condemn them at all. Not a single time. You expect muslims to condemn people they don't know... but you post alongside your fellow "patriots" and you just smile and dumbly post when they start spewing racial epithets everywhere?

How about you clean up the trash you brought with you... or you're no better than they are.
I didn't bring any trash you dishonest stupid smug asshole. I never see you criticize your dishonest stupid smug asshole clones.

My fellow left/liberal/progressive posters here aren't calling people ******* and propping up white supremacist rhetoric.

You must just be fine with that sort of thing, if you don't think you have a whole bunch of trash that you brought with you.
The trash is between your ears. You are proving it now. Anyone that disagrees with trash like you is automatically labelled a homophobe, sexist, racist, hater, etc. So go fuck yourself.

You give them the platform upon which they stand, then. Bend over.
I brought in the trash. I give them the platform. Bend over.

You have nothing but cowpies.
I am not the racist. I come from a mixed marriage which means that I view the different sides with equal suspicion.

Ditto, so do I. My wife is Korean, so my kids are half Korean. The difference between us is that I think other races can be treated the same as whites while you think blacks can't handle it and can't be the same. That's racist, Holmes. I treat Obama like he's white. Just makes you cringe, doesn't it? Come to terms with your own bigoted views before throwing your judgmental crap out there at others
I think all PEOPLE should be treated the same. Their race means nothing to me.

Seems it does. You think people treated Obama differently because of his skin color. He was treated the same as any other liberal and yet you claimed racism. Why is that?
You people hate liberals, just as you hate Blacks.

What's not to hate?
Thank you for proving my point.
Ditto, so do I. My wife is Korean, so my kids are half Korean. The difference between us is that I think other races can be treated the same as whites while you think blacks can't handle it and can't be the same. That's racist, Holmes. I treat Obama like he's white. Just makes you cringe, doesn't it? Come to terms with your own bigoted views before throwing your judgmental crap out there at others
I think all PEOPLE should be treated the same. Their race means nothing to me.

Seems it does. You think people treated Obama differently because of his skin color. He was treated the same as any other liberal and yet you claimed racism. Why is that?
You people hate liberals, just as you hate Blacks.

What's not to hate?
Thank you for proving my point.

Anytime LOSER.
Coming from you, classic. Look Archie Bunker, politics is a blood sport. You need to put aside your racist bigotry and realize blacks can handle it just fine. In fact they can handle it like they were white ...
I am not the racist. I come from a mixed marriage which means that I view the different sides with equal suspicion.

Ditto, so do I. My wife is Korean, so my kids are half Korean. The difference between us is that I think other races can be treated the same as whites while you think blacks can't handle it and can't be the same. That's racist, Holmes. I treat Obama like he's white. Just makes you cringe, doesn't it? Come to terms with your own bigoted views before throwing your judgmental crap out there at others
I think all PEOPLE should be treated the same. Their race means nothing to me.

Seems it does. You think people treated Obama differently because of his skin color. He was treated the same as any other liberal and yet you claimed racism. Why is that?
You people hate liberals, just as you hate Blacks.

"You people"? As bigoted as it gets.

I don't hate anyone, it is not in my DNA. I don't understand some liberals but I don't hate them. As far as me hating blacks? You are projecting your hate on me. Very strange thing for you to do.

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