Why is the country MORE divided than it was 8 years ago?

You like Hillary wouldn't know the truth if it hit you along side the head like a 2X4.

Anyone who voted for Trump is in no position to call Hillary a liar. Trump blatantly lied every time he opened his mouth. About everything. You didn't care. You don't want an honest candidate. If you did, Trump would be the LAST person you'd vote for.
I don't doubt that the incessant accusations of racism has in fact led to racism across-the-board.
Having a Black President brought out racism that was hidden for years.

This is what is dividing it
The truth is dividing the country. This is interesting.

In 1984 speak, yeah. Yes, in your racist mind we cannot treat a black liberal like a white liberal. That is "Truth."

So why can't we treat a black like a white? You think blacks are more stupid? You think blacks are lazier? Why can't we treat blacks like whites in your little bigoted mind?
Speak for your own stupid self. You know nothing about me, but you posts this idiotic rant.

Looks like kaz hit it a nerve with you.
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I don't doubt that the incessant accusations of racism has in fact led to racism across-the-board.
Having a Black President brought out racism that was hidden for years.

This is what is dividing it
The truth is dividing the country. This is interesting.
Yes and the truth is that leftists throw temper tantrums when they don't get their way. They run to the left and cry out that the right is moving backwards!

Division is caused by not going along with them. Any resistance is seen as hate and intolerance. Liberals are batshit crazy when they have power and downright comical when they don't.
I don't think many of us understand the extent to which those on the left are affected by the propaganda by the MSM. Millions of Americans who get all their news from left wing sources, are becoming radicalized. If you are feed lies for months..years...you might start believing those lies.

I think this column identifies well....
Mainstream Media Goes Full McCarthyite
Today’s NPR Evening Edition discussed some recent Trump appointments. Senator Jeff Sessions, Trump’s nominee for Attorney General, was described as a racist. Anybody with any familiarity with Sessions knows that this is a complete falsehood. He isn’t remotely a racist.

The basis for using the label is the claim of a single person, now dead, that in the 1970’s Sessions had used the phrase “white folks,” which Sessions said had been just “folks.” There was also a joke from the same era about KKK’ers smoking pot. Note that this was over a quarter century ago.

Evening Edition then moved on to interviewing someone from Foreign Policy Magazine who described Trump White House senior staff appointee Steve Bannon as an “ethno-nationalist.” At first hearing, this sounded tame compared to the flood of recent epithets flung at Bannon: “racist, anti-Semite,” etc. But none of this has a shred of evidence behind it. I have had some experience of Bannon myself and as his colleague Peter Schweizer very accurately said, “ he doesn’t have a racist or bigoted bone in his body.” If this isn’t defamation and libel, I don’t know what is.

This is a rather minor quibble, but also consider the term “ethno-nationalist.” What does it mean? What can it mean? America is famously a nation that is not an ethnicity. So if I am an American nationalist, I cannot be against any American ethnic group.

Why then is this illogical terminology being used on this show and accepted without demure by the host? Because it is a sneaky way to convey the shameful falsehood that Bannon is a white racist whose allegiance is not to the nation but to his so-called race. I say so-called race because no one ever has or ever could define exactly what a white person is in scientific terms.

Bannon himself couldn’t care less about anybody’s race. Nor is he anti-semitic, Islamophobic, or any other “ ist” or “phobe.” It is all a witch hunt with not a shred of factual basis. Tolerance of other people and other views is one of his cardinal beliefs. Just look at his staff at Breitbart. He has hired and promoted gays, Jews, and Muslims.

Sessions and Bannon were just warm-ups. Following the segments on Sessions and Bannon, NPRs Evening Edition then moved to interview the grandson of a Jew who escaped Austria before World War Two to go to Palestine and thereby saved his life. The grandson’s lesson seemed to be that we should regard Trump as some kind of Hitler figure and protect ourselves before it is too late.

To suggest in this manner that Trump is some kind of Hitlerian anti-Semite is ludicrous. One of his closest advisors, his son-in-law Jared Kushner, is an orthodox Jew, and his daughter Ivanka converted to Judaism.

NPR made no effort to balance any of these blatant McCarthite lies and insinuations. It is ironic. The media won plaudits from historians for going after McCarthy when most politicians feared to confront him. For years, there was no greater smear word among left journalists than McCarthyite. And now it is they who are practicing it and won’t give it up.

Mainstream Media Goes Full McCarthyite
Do you even read the forum posts here of your fellow conservatives?

They outright call people negroes, ******* and other racistthings. But you continue to defend them... pretend they don't exist... pull the wool over your eyes, because you view them as a powerful ally.
I've seen a few do that. If you want to broadbrush everyone on the right with that you are full of shit.

I don't ever see you guys condemn them at all. Not a single time. You expect muslims to condemn people they don't know... but you post alongside your fellow "patriots" and you just smile and dumbly post when they start spewing racial epithets everywhere?

How about you clean up the trash you brought with you... or you're no better than they are.
I didn't bring any trash you dishonest stupid smug asshole. I never see you criticize your dishonest stupid smug asshole clones.
You like Hillary wouldn't know the truth if it hit you along side the head like a 2X4.

Anyone who voted for Trump is in no position to call Hillary a liar. Trump blatantly lied every time he opened his mouth. About everything. You didn't care. You don't want an honest candidate. If you did, Trump would be the LAST person you'd vote for.

Oh please, all politicians say things that aren't true. But it's much less about the lie than it is what one is lying about.
Do you even read the forum posts here of your fellow conservatives?

They outright call people negroes, ******* and other racistthings. But you continue to defend them... pretend they don't exist... pull the wool over your eyes, because you view them as a powerful ally.
I've seen a few do that. If you want to broadbrush everyone on the right with that you are full of shit.

I don't ever see you guys condemn them at all. Not a single time. You expect muslims to condemn people they don't know... but you post alongside your fellow "patriots" and you just smile and dumbly post when they start spewing racial epithets everywhere?

How about you clean up the trash you brought with you... or you're no better than they are.
I didn't bring any trash you dishonest stupid smug asshole. I never see you criticize your dishonest stupid smug asshole clones.

My fellow left/liberal/progressive posters here aren't calling people ******* and propping up white supremacist rhetoric.

You must just be fine with that sort of thing, if you don't think you have a whole bunch of trash that you brought with you.
You like Hillary wouldn't know the truth if it hit you along side the head like a 2X4.

Anyone who voted for Trump is in no position to call Hillary a liar. Trump blatantly lied every time he opened his mouth. About everything. You didn't care. You don't want an honest candidate. If you did, Trump would be the LAST person you'd vote for.

I voted for McMullen, so my point stands. You are the one that didn't want an honest candidate. I disliked both mainstream liars, I couldn't vote for either in good conscience. Seems you could.
I don't think many of us understand the extent to which those on the left are affected by the propaganda by the MSM. Millions of Americans who get all their news from left wing sources, are becoming radicalized. If you are feed lies for months..years...you might start believing those lies.
Oh, I agree the brainwashing is going on, it has been for many years. Even back in Reagan's day. The difference today is there are other media outlets that are not singing the leftist tune. That's cause them to up the ante as they struggle to hold onto power. This election proved they don't have it like they used to.
There is no getting around it. We are WAY more divided than we were 8 years ago.


THe constant smearing of normal, bitter partisan politics as racism, has increasingly alienated the LEft and minorities from their fellow American citizens on the RIght.

The RIght and whites, have become increasing angry at constantly being slandered by fucking assholes.

Every single day of that last 8 years.

AND every single day for the foreseeable future.

That is it. That's ALL of it. No buts or ands.
Do you even read the forum posts here of your fellow conservatives?

They outright call people negroes, ******* and other racistthings. But you continue to defend them... pretend they don't exist... pull the wool over your eyes, because you view them as a powerful ally.
I've seen a few do that. If you want to broadbrush everyone on the right with that you are full of shit.

I don't ever see you guys condemn them at all. Not a single time. You expect muslims to condemn people they don't know... but you post alongside your fellow "patriots" and you just smile and dumbly post when they start spewing racial epithets everywhere?

How about you clean up the trash you brought with you... or you're no better than they are.
I didn't bring any trash you dishonest stupid smug asshole. I never see you criticize your dishonest stupid smug asshole clones.

My fellow left/liberal/progressive posters here aren't calling people ******* and propping up white supremacist rhetoric.

You must just be fine with that sort of thing, if you don't think you have a whole bunch of trash that you brought with you.
The trash is between your ears. You are proving it now. Anyone that disagrees with trash like you is automatically labelled a homophobe, sexist, racist, hater, etc. So go fuck yourself.
Having a Black President brought out racism that was hidden for years.

This is what is dividing it
The truth is dividing the country. This is interesting.

In 1984 speak, yeah. Yes, in your racist mind we cannot treat a black liberal like a white liberal. That is "Truth."

So why can't we treat a black like a white? You think blacks are more stupid? You think blacks are lazier? Why can't we treat blacks like whites in your little bigoted mind?
Speak for your own stupid self. You know nothing about me, but you posts this idiotic rant.

Looks like kaz hit it a nerve with you.
Not at all, some people just need a mirror.
I don't think many of us understand the extent to which those on the left are affected by the propaganda by the MSM. Millions of Americans who get all their news from left wing sources, are becoming radicalized. If you are feed lies for months..years...you might start believing those lies.
Oh, I agree the brainwashing is going on, it has been for many years. Even back in Reagan's day. The difference today is there are other media outlets that are not singing the leftist tune. That's cause them to up the ante as they struggle to hold onto power. This election proved they don't have it like they used to.
Agreed...but if one believes Trump is Hitler, one is likely to take action. That action could be violent.

The MSM is clearly trying to undermine Trump and further divide Americans with this over the top propaganda.

We see it for what it is, but many on the left do not and it results in radicalization...much like Muslims become radicalized in Islamist mosques.
This is what is dividing it
The truth is dividing the country. This is interesting.

In 1984 speak, yeah. Yes, in your racist mind we cannot treat a black liberal like a white liberal. That is "Truth."

So why can't we treat a black like a white? You think blacks are more stupid? You think blacks are lazier? Why can't we treat blacks like whites in your little bigoted mind?
Speak for your own stupid self. You know nothing about me, but you posts this idiotic rant.

Looks like kaz hit it a nerve with you.
Not at all, some people just need a mirror.

Conservative republicans were just as harsh with Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Barack Obama, and HIllary Clinton.

What ONE thing do all these people have in common?

It's not skin color. That doesn't seem to effect the response of the Right.

It's not gender, Being male didn't get Bill, John, or Barack and slack.

It is them being liberal democrats.

That was the point that Papageorgio was making and you really should have been able to see that.

If you really couldn't that shows that you are so closed minded that you can't even hear what we are saying.

If you were just being a jerk, knock it off.

Either way, stop screwing around and address what he is actually saying.
This is what is dividing it
The truth is dividing the country. This is interesting.

In 1984 speak, yeah. Yes, in your racist mind we cannot treat a black liberal like a white liberal. That is "Truth."

So why can't we treat a black like a white? You think blacks are more stupid? You think blacks are lazier? Why can't we treat blacks like whites in your little bigoted mind?
Speak for your own stupid self. You know nothing about me, but you posts this idiotic rant.

Looks like kaz hit it a nerve with you.
Not at all, some people just need a mirror.

Coming from you, classic. Look Archie Bunker, politics is a blood sport. You need to put aside your racist bigotry and realize blacks can handle it just fine. In fact they can handle it like they were white ...
The truth is dividing the country. This is interesting.

In 1984 speak, yeah. Yes, in your racist mind we cannot treat a black liberal like a white liberal. That is "Truth."

So why can't we treat a black like a white? You think blacks are more stupid? You think blacks are lazier? Why can't we treat blacks like whites in your little bigoted mind?
Speak for your own stupid self. You know nothing about me, but you posts this idiotic rant.

Looks like kaz hit it a nerve with you.
Not at all, some people just need a mirror.

Coming from you, classic. Look Archie Bunker, politics is a blood sport. You need to put aside your racist bigotry and realize blacks can handle it just fine. In fact they can handle it like they were white ...
I am not the racist. I come from a mixed marriage which means that I view the different sides with equal suspicion.
The truth is dividing the country. This is interesting.

In 1984 speak, yeah. Yes, in your racist mind we cannot treat a black liberal like a white liberal. That is "Truth."

So why can't we treat a black like a white? You think blacks are more stupid? You think blacks are lazier? Why can't we treat blacks like whites in your little bigoted mind?
Speak for your own stupid self. You know nothing about me, but you posts this idiotic rant.

Looks like kaz hit it a nerve with you.
Not at all, some people just need a mirror.

Coming from you, classic. Look Archie Bunker, politics is a blood sport. You need to put aside your racist bigotry and realize blacks can handle it just fine. In fact they can handle it like they were white ...
This however, is a racist statement.
In 1984 speak, yeah. Yes, in your racist mind we cannot treat a black liberal like a white liberal. That is "Truth."

So why can't we treat a black like a white? You think blacks are more stupid? You think blacks are lazier? Why can't we treat blacks like whites in your little bigoted mind?
Speak for your own stupid self. You know nothing about me, but you posts this idiotic rant.

Looks like kaz hit it a nerve with you.
Not at all, some people just need a mirror.

Coming from you, classic. Look Archie Bunker, politics is a blood sport. You need to put aside your racist bigotry and realize blacks can handle it just fine. In fact they can handle it like they were white ...
This however, is a racist statement.

He was accusing you of racism, with sarcasm.
Speak for your own stupid self. You know nothing about me, but you posts this idiotic rant.

Looks like kaz hit it a nerve with you.
Not at all, some people just need a mirror.

Coming from you, classic. Look Archie Bunker, politics is a blood sport. You need to put aside your racist bigotry and realize blacks can handle it just fine. In fact they can handle it like they were white ...
This however, is a racist statement.

He was accusing you of racism, with sarcasm.
Wow, I did not even see your lips move.
In 1984 speak, yeah. Yes, in your racist mind we cannot treat a black liberal like a white liberal. That is "Truth."

So why can't we treat a black like a white? You think blacks are more stupid? You think blacks are lazier? Why can't we treat blacks like whites in your little bigoted mind?
Speak for your own stupid self. You know nothing about me, but you posts this idiotic rant.

Looks like kaz hit it a nerve with you.
Not at all, some people just need a mirror.

Coming from you, classic. Look Archie Bunker, politics is a blood sport. You need to put aside your racist bigotry and realize blacks can handle it just fine. In fact they can handle it like they were white ...
I am not the racist. I come from a mixed marriage which means that I view the different sides with equal suspicion.

Ditto, so do I. My wife is Korean, so my kids are half Korean. The difference between us is that I think other races can be treated the same as whites while you think blacks can't handle it and can't be the same. That's racist, Holmes. I treat Obama like he's white. Just makes you cringe, doesn't it? Come to terms with your own bigoted views before throwing your judgmental crap out there at others

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