Why is the country MORE divided than it was 8 years ago?

I don't doubt that the incessant accusations of racism has in fact led to racism across-the-board.
Having a Black President brought out racism that was hidden for years.
Yep. It rose to the surface and got real ugly the minute the black guy won the election. And it wasn't just a bunch of anonymous pussies on internet message boards either.

So people elected a black President then said WTF have we done and undercut him.

You people are stupid as shit.

So how's the race pimping working out for you? You just had a historic loss, particularly at the State level. Maybe you should come up with a better con than ...

... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist
No. He nailed it. People went crazzzzzzzzzzzy over the idea of a black man in the White House.

I've been looking all over the board for some complaint about how much it's going to cost the taxpayers and the City of New York, to have Melania Trump stay in New York and not move into the White House. Crickets.

If Michelle Obama had stayed in Chicago, there'd be 15 threads about how much money was being wasted to provide additional security and protection for her.

The only people that went crazy over a "black guy" in the White House was the left. His race had nothing to do with it by the right. Speaking of which, it's the left that kept pressing the race issue all by themselves, so it's not a wonder why we're more divided now.
I don't doubt that the incessant accusations of racism has in fact led to racism across-the-board.
Having a Black President brought out racism that was hidden for years.

You are absolutely wrong, idealism is completely responsible for the divide. I disagreed with Obama's politics, his color was irrelevant. Democrats use race as a wedge. They are good at it but they are total fear mongers and liars.
People opposed Obama before they gave him a chance. They also did not like Blacks getting uppity about having a Black President. America is a racist country which is evidenced by these boards.

Give me a break.

A decidedly prejudiced, jaundiced, and childish over-reaction. Just makin' shit up.
You cannot take the truth. I get it.

You like Hillary wouldn't know the truth if it hit you along side the head like a 2X4.
A decidedly prejudiced, jaundiced, and childish over-reaction. Just makin' shit up.

No. He nailed it. People went crazzzzzzzzzzzy over the idea of a black man in the White House.

I've been looking all over the board for some complaint about how much it's going to cost the taxpayers and the City of New York, to have Melania Trump stay in New York and not move into the White House. Crickets.

If Michelle Obama had stayed in Chicago, there'd be 15 threads about how much money was being wasted to provide additional security and protection for her.

How dare we treat a black liberal like a white liberal! That is so racist! Actually you're the racist to say we can't treat a black like a white. You may want to weed your garden before worrying about someone else's, Mrs. Mao
I don't doubt that the incessant accusations of racism has in fact led to racism across-the-board.
Having a Black President brought out racism that was hidden for years.

This is what is dividing it
The truth is dividing the country. This is interesting.

In 1984 speak, yeah. Yes, in your racist mind we cannot treat a black liberal like a white liberal. That is "Truth."

So why can't we treat a black like a white? You think blacks are more stupid? You think blacks are lazier? Why can't we treat blacks like whites in your little bigoted mind?
Republicans are 90% white. Democrats are everyone else. Trump's newly vocal supporters who saluted him over the weekend kind of let's us know the direction the Republican Party has taken. They have traveled that road for years, but are now more vocal. It is what it is. A party that's 90% white and ridicules the resit of America can't deflect with "they are the ones who're racist".

Okay genius. If blacks don't want to join the Republican party, how is that racist on our behalf? What do you want us to do, go out and jump blacks, tie them up with a rope, and force them to come down to the RNC and join up?
I don't doubt that the incessant accusations of racism has in fact led to racism across-the-board.
Having a Black President brought out racism that was hidden for years.

This is what is dividing it
The truth is dividing the country. This is interesting.

In 1984 speak, yeah. Yes, in your racist mind we cannot treat a black liberal like a white liberal. That is "Truth."

So why can't we treat a black like a white? You think blacks are more stupid? You think blacks are lazier? Why can't we treat blacks like whites in your little bigoted mind?
Speak for your own stupid self. You know nothing about me, but you posts this idiotic rant.
We have a new president openly admired and saluted by Nazi's. Instead of expressing disdain from support by white supremacists, he tweets about a broadway play were he was asked to be president for all Americans. It kinds of sets the stage.

Hil-Liar and Sanders were both highly praised by the US Communist Party. I don't recall either of them "expressing disdain" about it.
I don't doubt that the incessant accusations of racism has in fact led to racism across-the-board.
Having a Black President brought out racism that was hidden for years.

This is what is dividing it
The truth is dividing the country. This is interesting.

In 1984 speak, yeah. Yes, in your racist mind we cannot treat a black liberal like a white liberal. That is "Truth."

So why can't we treat a black like a white? You think blacks are more stupid? You think blacks are lazier? Why can't we treat blacks like whites in your little bigoted mind?
Speak for your own stupid self. You know nothing about me, but you posts this idiotic rant.

Well, you're saying Obama, a black guy, can't handle what white liberals do. Why not? I'm curious how racist minds work so I'm asking you since you've clearly identified yourself. The obvious answers are you think blacks are dumber than whites or more lazy. Is it one of those? Something else? A combination?

Why don't you think blacks can handle being treated like whites? I mean Reid, Pelosi, Kerry, Gore, Slick, Hillary, they all handle it. But when it's the black guy, you trot out, whoa there people, he's black, he can't handle that.

Why not? Why can't Obama handle being treated like a white liberal?
I don't doubt that the incessant accusations of racism has in fact led to racism across-the-board.
Having a Black President brought out racism that was hidden for years.
Yep. It rose to the surface and got real ugly the minute the black guy won the election. And it wasn't just a bunch of anonymous pussies on internet message boards either.

So people elected a black President then said WTF have we done and undercut him.

You people are stupid as shit.

So how's the race pimping working out for you? You just had a historic loss, particularly at the State level. Maybe you should come up with a better con than ...

... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist

Do you even read the forum posts here of your fellow conservatives?

They outright call people negroes, ******* and other racistthings. But you continue to defend them... pretend they don't exist... pull the wool over your eyes, because you view them as a powerful ally.
I don't doubt that the incessant accusations of racism has in fact led to racism across-the-board.
Having a Black President brought out racism that was hidden for years.

This is what is dividing it
The truth is dividing the country. This is interesting.
Yes and the truth is that leftists throw temper tantrums when they don't get their way. They run to the left and cry out that the right is moving backwards!

Division is caused by not going along with them. Any resistance is seen as hate and intolerance. Liberals are batshit crazy when they have power and downright comical when they don't.
Do you even read the forum posts here of your fellow conservatives?

They outright call people negroes, ******* and other racistthings. But you continue to defend them... pretend they don't exist... pull the wool over your eyes, because you view them as a powerful ally.
I've seen a few do that. If you want to broadbrush everyone on the right with that you are full of shit.
I don't doubt that the incessant accusations of racism has in fact led to racism across-the-board.
Having a Black President brought out racism that was hidden for years.
Yep. It rose to the surface and got real ugly the minute the black guy won the election. And it wasn't just a bunch of anonymous pussies on internet message boards either.

So people elected a black President then said WTF have we done and undercut him.

You people are stupid as shit.

So how's the race pimping working out for you? You just had a historic loss, particularly at the State level. Maybe you should come up with a better con than ...

... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist ... you're racist

Do you even read the forum posts here of your fellow conservatives?

They outright call people negroes, ******* and other racistthings. But you continue to defend them... pretend they don't exist... pull the wool over your eyes, because you view them as a powerful ally.

I'm not a conservative and in thousands of posts and no, conservatives don't do that. You're another liberal racist piece of shit who thinks blacks can't handle what whites can. Why not? What about blacks is inferior to whites that justifies that overtly racist view? You need to spend more time in front of a mirror before you start judging and pointing fingers. I have zero respect for you
Do you even read the forum posts here of your fellow conservatives?

They outright call people negroes, ******* and other racistthings. But you continue to defend them... pretend they don't exist... pull the wool over your eyes, because you view them as a powerful ally.
I've seen a few do that. If you want to broadbrush everyone on the right with that you are full of shit.

I don't ever see you guys condemn them at all. Not a single time. You expect muslims to condemn people they don't know... but you post alongside your fellow "patriots" and you just smile and dumbly post when they start spewing racial epithets everywhere?

How about you clean up the trash you brought with you... or you're no better than they are.

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