Why is the country MORE divided than it was 8 years ago?

I don't doubt that the incessant accusations of racism has in fact led to racism across-the-board.
Having a Black President brought out racism that was hidden for years.

You are absolutely wrong, idealism is completely responsible for the divide. I disagreed with Obama's politics, his color was irrelevant. Democrats use race as a wedge. They are good at it but they are total fear mongers and liars.
There is no getting around it. We are WAY more divided than we were 8 years ago.

We have a new president openly admired and saluted by Nazi's. Instead of expressing disdain from support by white supremacists, he tweets about a broadway play were he was asked to be president for all Americans. It kinds of sets the stage.
There is no getting around it. We are WAY more divided than we were 8 years ago.

We have a new president openly admired and saluted by Nazi's. Instead of expressing disdain from support by white supremacists, he tweets about a broadway play were he was asked to be president for all Americans. It kinds of sets the stage.
Yep...democrats voted Trump too....
I don't doubt that the incessant accusations of racism has in fact led to racism across-the-board.
Having a Black President brought out racism that was hidden for years.

You are absolutely wrong, idealism is completely responsible for the divide. I disagreed with Obama's politics, his color was irrelevant. Democrats use race as a wedge. They are good at it but they are total fear mongers and liars.
Republicans are 90% white. Democrats are everyone else. Trump's newly vocal supporters who saluted him over the weekend kind of let's us know the direction the Republican Party has taken. They have traveled that road for years, but are now more vocal. It is what it is. A party that's 90% white and ridicules the resit of America can't deflect with "they are the ones who're racist".
There is no getting around it. We are WAY more divided than we were 8 years ago.


Seems to me that too many bought into the rhetoric of the left. Obama wasted no time ginning up anger. He pounced on the Cambridge police and stopped short of calling them racists for properly doing their jobs. He bought in the Norman Rockwell painting to remind everyone about racism. Then, with a willing media, a big deal was made out of some shootings to paint whites and cops as racists. They changed Zimmerman from a Hispanic man to a white man to fit their narrative. Most of the shootings that made national news turned out to be justified, but race baiters, like Sharpton, made sure damage was done and the truth was buried. Obama was a willing participant and constantly claimed we have a problem with cops. Obama failed time and time again to condemn the violence against cops, just like he fails now to condemn the violence by Soros' paid thugs.

This is the message they want out there, that America is racist and whites are the enemy.
There is no getting around it. We are WAY more divided than we were 8 years ago.

We have a new president openly admired and saluted by Nazi's. Instead of expressing disdain from support by white supremacists, he tweets about a broadway play were he was asked to be president for all Americans. It kinds of sets the stage.

Telling Republicans to take the backseat. That was pretty stupid. Not letting Republicans into meetings on healthcare, another really brilliant move, and then when no one goes along with the Democrats stupid plan, the leftist morons call racism!

We have riots and the President does nothing, why? He is a racist?

Get a clue drama queen.
I don't doubt that the incessant accusations of racism has in fact led to racism across-the-board.
Having a Black President brought out racism that was hidden for years.

You are absolutely wrong, idealism is completely responsible for the divide. I disagreed with Obama's politics, his color was irrelevant. Democrats use race as a wedge. They are good at it but they are total fear mongers and liars.
Republicans are 90% white. Democrats are everyone else. Trump's newly vocal supporters who saluted him over the weekend kind of let's us know the direction the Republican Party has taken. They have traveled that road for years, but are now more vocal. It is what it is. A party that's 90% white and ridicules the resit of America can't deflect with "they are the ones who're racist".

Romney pulled 7% of the black vote and 25% of the Hispanic vote. Trump pulled 13% of the black vote and 30% of the Hispanic vote. Seems to me Trump made some head way into the minorities. Looks like the voters saw how much the Democrats have left them.
Hillary and Obama should have asked people to stop rioting. It's shows that they are more about themselves than the country.

They want Trump to look bad. Obama is going to whine for as long as Trump is POTUS.
I don't doubt that the incessant accusations of racism has in fact led to racism across-the-board.
Having a Black President brought out racism that was hidden for years.

You are absolutely wrong, idealism is completely responsible for the divide. I disagreed with Obama's politics, his color was irrelevant. Democrats use race as a wedge. They are good at it but they are total fear mongers and liars.
Republicans are 90% white. Democrats are everyone else. Trump's newly vocal supporters who saluted him over the weekend kind of let's us know the direction the Republican Party has taken. They have traveled that road for years, but are now more vocal. It is what it is. A party that's 90% white and ridicules the resit of America can't deflect with "they are the ones who're racist".

Romney pulled 7% of the black vote and 25% of the Hispanic vote. Trump pulled 13% of the black vote and 30% of the Hispanic vote. Seems to me Trump made some head way into the minorities. Looks like the voters saw how much the Democrats have left them.

But....The Wall!!!
There is no getting around it. We are WAY more divided than we were 8 years ago.


probably because a half-black president brought out the latent racism that exists among many southern uneducated, bigoted, frightened, white males......
With folks like Trump championing tacit racist and xenophobic demagoguery, the country has witnessed a cold-civil-war.
Many a Democrat just don't fucking get it. The socialists and Democrats feed into it for power. You people have been had. It should tell you something about the left in power, because they couldn't give a shit about you or the country.

Nobody is saying racism/sexism doesn't exist. It always will. The results of the left is it's liberals that are the most intolerant, and they're probably more racist as well. Seriously, what a bunch of pansies. They go out of their way to create a racist narrative. Where I live, half the young millennials can't even act right around black people. It's embarrassing, and it shows it's they who see color. Speaking for myself, I couldn't give a shit what color you are, I'll treat you the same, and I see you the same. Only thing I look at is the eyes. The eyes tell a lot.
There is no getting around it. We are WAY more divided than we were 8 years ago.


And 8 years later........... People like you refused to admit we have black president.
Trump hasn't started yet ... ......... Have you been watching the news what is going on ALL over the country? There will be a wall between you and me with Asc on the other side.
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There is no getting around it. We are WAY more divided than we were 8 years ago.


And 8 years later........... People like you refused to admit we have black president.
Trump hasn't started yet ... ......... Have you been watching the news what is going on ALL over the country? There will be a wall between you and me with Asc on the other side.

I'm not sure what you are talking about. I didn't vote for Obama, but I never "refused to admit we have a black President", and the stereotyping isn't very progressive...you might want to keep that to a minimum when you are telling people your bullshit. I disagree with Obama's policies. You're trying to play the race card, and it's pathetic.
Many a Democrat just don't fucking get it. The socialists and Democrats feed into it for power. You people have been had. It should tell you something about the left in power, because they couldn't give a shit about you or the country.

Nobody is saying racism/sexism doesn't exist. It always will. The results of the left is it's liberals that are the most intolerant, and they're probably more racist as well. Seriously, what a bunch of pansies. They go out of their way to create a racist narrative. Where I live, half the young millennials can't even act right around black people. It's embarrassing, and it shows it's they who see color. Speaking for myself, I couldn't give a shit what color you are, I'll treat you the same, and I see you the same. Only thing I look at is the eyes. The eyes tell a lot.

Look Dude..... Racism always exist that is true ........ but you don't expect me to just lay there and die accepting these non sense racist behavior.
You cannot tell by looking at the eyes. Eyes are deceiving. You have to judge they behave and respect others.
For me Hillary's campaign stood for nothing and was far too negative. Trump's was simply insulting. I've never seen an election where issues were so neglected and folks were voting for personalities. I think we all saw this coming, regardless of who won the other side was bound to be totally ticked.

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