Why is the country MORE divided than it was 8 years ago?

No, the ones who didn't vote Obama,,,
Thats who I am talking about. The illiterate, poor white males.
The ones that voted Obama....
....were typically educated and relatively successful white males.
Yes, the ones who didn't vote Obama.....
Yes the ones that did vote for Obama were educated and did not live in a trailer park like the ones that voted against Obama.

You're a racist, classist moron.
Simply put because a Black man was elected POTUS and white males freaked out.

No white males voted for Obama?
Not enough.
The smart ones didn't....
I wouldnt exactly call them smart. The vast majority were poor and uneducated.

Poor and uneducated......who have traditionally been the core of Democrats for decades. When you take your core and falsely scapegoat them for all the ills of the world, you tend to lose elections when it comes time to vote. Of course you can delude yourself that it's the FBI Director's fault for investigating YOUR crimes.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?
No white males voted for Obama?
Not enough.
The smart ones didn't....
I wouldnt exactly call them smart. The vast majority were poor and uneducated.

Poor and uneducated......who have traditionally been the core of Democrats for decades. When you take your core and falsely scapegoat them for all the ills of the world, you tend to lose elections when it comes time to vote. Of course you can delude yourself that it's the FBI Director's fault for investigating YOUR crimes.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?
Aren't all highly educated basket weavers liberal?
Not enough.
The smart ones didn't....
I wouldnt exactly call them smart. The vast majority were poor and uneducated.

Poor and uneducated......who have traditionally been the core of Democrats for decades. When you take your core and falsely scapegoat them for all the ills of the world, you tend to lose elections when it comes time to vote. Of course you can delude yourself that it's the FBI Director's fault for investigating YOUR crimes.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?
Aren't all highly educated basket weavers liberal?

Could be. With education comes the tendency to be liberal.
The smart ones didn't....
I wouldnt exactly call them smart. The vast majority were poor and uneducated.

Poor and uneducated......who have traditionally been the core of Democrats for decades. When you take your core and falsely scapegoat them for all the ills of the world, you tend to lose elections when it comes time to vote. Of course you can delude yourself that it's the FBI Director's fault for investigating YOUR crimes.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?
Aren't all highly educated basket weavers liberal?

Could be. With education comes the tendency to be liberal.
Baskets don't weave themselves without liberals......
'There is no getting around it. We are WAY more divided than we were 8 years ago. Why?'


President Barak Obama

Vowed to eliminate racism with his very election as the 1st White President

Vowed he would not use the 'Race Card'


Accused whites of “white privilege,” (which means having an unfair advantage due to being white, an advantage built upon oppressing minorities), pushing this message across America...

ccused the police and justice system at large of racism
- When his college professor acted like a racist ass to campus police, before he even knew the details, Obama stopped in front of the cameras on the way to a meeting to declare to the nation, "I DON'T HAVE ALL THE INFORMATION YET but it seems the police acted stupidly'. This was a racist knee-jerk reaction on Obama's part that was not based in any fact whatsoever.

lamed pay differences between men and women on discrimination
- This was also NOT based on any fact. In fact, it was reported, for example, that while they criticized the practice of paying women less money for the same work Hillary paid her female workers less than the men.

Islamic radicalism as a legitimate response to discrimination in an a seeming attempt to justify Islamic radicalism, WHILE threatening Americans for exercising their 1st Amendment rights to free speech.

This strategy has had two effects:
1) It’s caused the alleged victims of the perceived discrimination to become more militant, hostile, and only willing to make demands and not willing to engage in dialogue due to increasing their sense of victimhood,


2) It’s caused the alleged perpetrators of the perceived discrimination to feel unfairly blamed for problems that are not their fault, thus less willing to engage in dialogue with people who will do nothing but accuse them of wrongdoing.

In other words, both sides are moving away from each other. This means that, contrary to unifying the nation, the president’s leadership has caused division and discord."

How Obama Left Us More Racially Divided Than Ever
There is no getting around it. We are WAY more divided than we were 8 years ago.

The displaced white working class has been abandoned by both parties. So they went with the outsider. And both maj candidates were disliked by a maj of voters.

It was wayyyyy fucked up election.

Let's hope Trump makes a success of his presidency and the country enjoys bottom to top prosperity. I don't think that's going to happen, because interest rates ARE going to go up, even if he doesn't raise deficits more. And that will both make it more expensive to pay interest on the debt, but also make it more expensive for biz to expand. The one positive might be a middle class tax cut to provide expansion, but Paul Ryan is the go to guy on that, and I don't trust him, nor do I think he has much actual power with Trump or the congress.

If the economy doesn't improve in terms of pay, esp for the displaced white workers, Trump will probably be a one term guy.
I wouldnt exactly call them smart. The vast majority were poor and uneducated.

Poor and uneducated......who have traditionally been the core of Democrats for decades. When you take your core and falsely scapegoat them for all the ills of the world, you tend to lose elections when it comes time to vote. Of course you can delude yourself that it's the FBI Director's fault for investigating YOUR crimes.

Why Are Highly Educated Americans Getting More Liberal?
Aren't all highly educated basket weavers liberal?

Could be. With education comes the tendency to be liberal.
Baskets don't weave themselves without liberals......
True. However that does nothing for the illiterate and poor cons.
There is no getting around it. We are WAY more divided than we were 8 years ago.

The displaced white working class has been abandoned by both parties. So they went with the outsider. And both maj candidates were disliked by a maj of voters.

It was wayyyyy fucked up election.

Let's hope Trump makes a success of his presidency and the country enjoys bottom to top prosperity. I don't think that's going to happen, because interest rates ARE going to go up, even if he doesn't raise deficits more. And that will both make it more expensive to pay interest on the debt, but also make it more expensive for biz to expand. The one positive might be a middle class tax cut to provide expansion, but Paul Ryan is the go to guy on that, and I don't trust him, nor do I think he has much actual power with Trump or the congress.

If the economy doesn't improve in terms of pay, esp for the displaced white workers, Trump will probably be a one term guy.
Drumpf is a pillar of hope for white males. If he loses a reelection it wont be by much. I dont see how the Dems can recover from this unless they vote in Bernie.
Obama himself has been subjected to more "privilege" than anyone, starting from admission to school where he claimed he was "born in Keyna" to get a "diversity scholarship." In every step of his climb to the top, he played the race card and got preferential treatment. WHY? The man and his ancestors have never been victims of any discrimination. His ancestral contribution to slavery is quite well documented...


1. We're lazy. We lack identity, purpose and character.

2. Democrats pull shit out of their butts for power. Don't ask what you can do for mankind, ask what you can do for the Democratic party.

3. Liberals pull shit out of their butts to add meaning to their lives (i.e., cause-seeking).

4. We're dumbing down and it's rapid. Critical thought is giving way to emotional responses.
There is no getting around it. We are WAY more divided than we were 8 years ago.

The displaced white working class has been abandoned by both parties. So they went with the outsider. And both maj candidates were disliked by a maj of voters.

It was wayyyyy fucked up election.

Let's hope Trump makes a success of his presidency and the country enjoys bottom to top prosperity. I don't think that's going to happen, because interest rates ARE going to go up, even if he doesn't raise deficits more. And that will both make it more expensive to pay interest on the debt, but also make it more expensive for biz to expand. The one positive might be a middle class tax cut to provide expansion, but Paul Ryan is the go to guy on that, and I don't trust him, nor do I think he has much actual power with Trump or the congress.

If the economy doesn't improve in terms of pay, esp for the displaced white workers, Trump will probably be a one term guy.
Drumpf is a pillar of hope for white males. If he loses a reelection it wont be by much. I dont see how the Dems can recover from this unless they vote in Bernie.

You know, I'm going to wait until after my birthday (July) to decide if Trump has what it takes to run the country or not. Any president can say they will do great and that their selections for cabinet members are the most qualified up until Jan 20th, but after that, they are going to have to perform and prove that they are that good. Same with Trump.

However..................if jobs don't come back, if the wall isn't built, and if taxes are raised (3 things that I think will happen), he will be a one term president and very well might end up doing something that could get him impeached.

Many people are already very nervous about his business connections with other countries, 2 of which are Russia and China.
There is no getting around it. We are WAY more divided than we were 8 years ago.

The displaced white working class has been abandoned by both parties. So they went with the outsider. And both maj candidates were disliked by a maj of voters.

It was wayyyyy fucked up election.

Let's hope Trump makes a success of his presidency and the country enjoys bottom to top prosperity. I don't think that's going to happen, because interest rates ARE going to go up, even if he doesn't raise deficits more. And that will both make it more expensive to pay interest on the debt, but also make it more expensive for biz to expand. The one positive might be a middle class tax cut to provide expansion, but Paul Ryan is the go to guy on that, and I don't trust him, nor do I think he has much actual power with Trump or the congress.

If the economy doesn't improve in terms of pay, esp for the displaced white workers, Trump will probably be a one term guy.
Drumpf is a pillar of hope for white males. If he loses a reelection it wont be by much. I dont see how the Dems can recover from this unless they vote in Bernie.
Do you think the displaced white workers who voted for Trump will stick with him if he doesn't deliver? Yes, the dems shat on them as much as the gop establishment shat on them. But Trump won with the lowest turnout in 20 years, and didn't get a maj of the voters, and even lost the pop vote to the dem establishment candidate.

The Dems fucked the pooch in 2008 by not passing healthcare funded by the 1% and eliminating the soc sec cap. But, be that as it may, if you see a credible means to Trump bringing back low skill high pay jobs, please let me in on the secret.
There is no getting around it. We are WAY more divided than we were 8 years ago.

The displaced white working class has been abandoned by both parties. So they went with the outsider. And both maj candidates were disliked by a maj of voters.

It was wayyyyy fucked up election.

Let's hope Trump makes a success of his presidency and the country enjoys bottom to top prosperity. I don't think that's going to happen, because interest rates ARE going to go up, even if he doesn't raise deficits more. And that will both make it more expensive to pay interest on the debt, but also make it more expensive for biz to expand. The one positive might be a middle class tax cut to provide expansion, but Paul Ryan is the go to guy on that, and I don't trust him, nor do I think he has much actual power with Trump or the congress.

If the economy doesn't improve in terms of pay, esp for the displaced white workers, Trump will probably be a one term guy.
Drumpf is a pillar of hope for white males. If he loses a reelection it wont be by much. I dont see how the Dems can recover from this unless they vote in Bernie.

You know, I'm going to wait until after my birthday (July) to decide if Trump has what it takes to run the country or not. Any president can say they will do great and that their selections for cabinet members are the most qualified up until Jan 20th, but after that, they are going to have to perform and prove that they are that good. Same with Trump.

However..................if jobs don't come back, if the wall isn't built, and if taxes are raised (3 things that I think will happen), he will be a one term president and very well might end up doing something that could get him impeached.

Many people are already very nervous about his business connections with other countries, 2 of which are Russia and China.
I don't think there's any appetite for impeachment. And, I hope saner heads in the senate find a compromise of the Supreme Court to remove the gop animosity over Bork and to allow presidents to have their nominees confirmed if they are professionally and ethically competent ... without regard to ideology.
There is no getting around it. We are WAY more divided than we were 8 years ago.

The displaced white working class has been abandoned by both parties. So they went with the outsider. And both maj candidates were disliked by a maj of voters.

It was wayyyyy fucked up election.

Let's hope Trump makes a success of his presidency and the country enjoys bottom to top prosperity. I don't think that's going to happen, because interest rates ARE going to go up, even if he doesn't raise deficits more. And that will both make it more expensive to pay interest on the debt, but also make it more expensive for biz to expand. The one positive might be a middle class tax cut to provide expansion, but Paul Ryan is the go to guy on that, and I don't trust him, nor do I think he has much actual power with Trump or the congress.

If the economy doesn't improve in terms of pay, esp for the displaced white workers, Trump will probably be a one term guy.
Drumpf is a pillar of hope for white males. If he loses a reelection it wont be by much. I dont see how the Dems can recover from this unless they vote in Bernie.

You know, I'm going to wait until after my birthday (July) to decide if Trump has what it takes to run the country or not. Any president can say they will do great and that their selections for cabinet members are the most qualified up until Jan 20th, but after that, they are going to have to perform and prove that they are that good. Same with Trump.

However..................if jobs don't come back, if the wall isn't built, and if taxes are raised (3 things that I think will happen), he will be a one term president and very well might end up doing something that could get him impeached.

Many people are already very nervous about his business connections with other countries, 2 of which are Russia and China.
I don't think there's any appetite for impeachment. And, I hope saner heads in the senate find a compromise of the Supreme Court to remove the gop animosity over Bork and to allow presidents to have their nominees confirmed if they are professionally and ethically competent ... without regard to ideology.

Right now there isn't any appetite for impeachment, but give it a year and lets see if Trump understands how to work with people, or if he just pisses everyone off by trying to ram through his own agenda.
There is no getting around it. We are WAY more divided than we were 8 years ago.

The displaced white working class has been abandoned by both parties. So they went with the outsider. And both maj candidates were disliked by a maj of voters.

It was wayyyyy fucked up election.

Let's hope Trump makes a success of his presidency and the country enjoys bottom to top prosperity. I don't think that's going to happen, because interest rates ARE going to go up, even if he doesn't raise deficits more. And that will both make it more expensive to pay interest on the debt, but also make it more expensive for biz to expand. The one positive might be a middle class tax cut to provide expansion, but Paul Ryan is the go to guy on that, and I don't trust him, nor do I think he has much actual power with Trump or the congress.

If the economy doesn't improve in terms of pay, esp for the displaced white workers, Trump will probably be a one term guy.
Drumpf is a pillar of hope for white males. If he loses a reelection it wont be by much. I dont see how the Dems can recover from this unless they vote in Bernie.
Do you think the displaced white workers who voted for Trump will stick with him if he doesn't deliver? Yes, the dems shat on them as much as the gop establishment shat on them. But Trump won with the lowest turnout in 20 years, and didn't get a maj of the voters, and even lost the pop vote to the dem establishment candidate.

The Dems fucked the pooch in 2008 by not passing healthcare funded by the 1% and eliminating the soc sec cap. But, be that as it may, if you see a credible means to Trump bringing back low skill high pay jobs, please let me in on the secret.
Yes. i think the low intellect voters that voted for Drumpf will vote for him again just like they did for the GOP that took away their path to the middle class previously. What I see on the Dem side is no person capable of generating the necessary enthusiasm to beat Drumpf in this "post racial" society.
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There is no getting around it. We are WAY more divided than we were 8 years ago.

The displaced white working class has been abandoned by both parties. So they went with the outsider. And both maj candidates were disliked by a maj of voters.

It was wayyyyy fucked up election.

Let's hope Trump makes a success of his presidency and the country enjoys bottom to top prosperity. I don't think that's going to happen, because interest rates ARE going to go up, even if he doesn't raise deficits more. And that will both make it more expensive to pay interest on the debt, but also make it more expensive for biz to expand. The one positive might be a middle class tax cut to provide expansion, but Paul Ryan is the go to guy on that, and I don't trust him, nor do I think he has much actual power with Trump or the congress.

If the economy doesn't improve in terms of pay, esp for the displaced white workers, Trump will probably be a one term guy.
Drumpf is a pillar of hope for white males. If he loses a reelection it wont be by much. I dont see how the Dems can recover from this unless they vote in Bernie.
Do you think the displaced white workers who voted for Trump will stick with him if he doesn't deliver? Yes, the dems shat on them as much as the gop establishment shat on them. But Trump won with the lowest turnout in 20 years, and didn't get a maj of the voters, and even lost the pop vote to the dem establishment candidate.

The Dems fucked the pooch in 2008 by not passing healthcare funded by the 1% and eliminating the soc sec cap. But, be that as it may, if you see a credible means to Trump bringing back low skill high pay jobs, please let me in on the secret.
Yes. i think the low intellect voters that voted for Drumpf will vote for him again just like they did the for the GOP that took away their path to the middle class previously. What I see on the Dem side is no person capable of generating the necessary enthusiasm to beat Drumpf in this "post racial" society.
What fascist you democrats going to roll out upon the nation next? :lol:
There is no getting around it. We are WAY more divided than we were 8 years ago.

The displaced white working class has been abandoned by both parties. So they went with the outsider. And both maj candidates were disliked by a maj of voters.

It was wayyyyy fucked up election.

Let's hope Trump makes a success of his presidency and the country enjoys bottom to top prosperity. I don't think that's going to happen, because interest rates ARE going to go up, even if he doesn't raise deficits more. And that will both make it more expensive to pay interest on the debt, but also make it more expensive for biz to expand. The one positive might be a middle class tax cut to provide expansion, but Paul Ryan is the go to guy on that, and I don't trust him, nor do I think he has much actual power with Trump or the congress.

If the economy doesn't improve in terms of pay, esp for the displaced white workers, Trump will probably be a one term guy.
Drumpf is a pillar of hope for white males. If he loses a reelection it wont be by much. I dont see how the Dems can recover from this unless they vote in Bernie.
Do you think the displaced white workers who voted for Trump will stick with him if he doesn't deliver? Yes, the dems shat on them as much as the gop establishment shat on them. But Trump won with the lowest turnout in 20 years, and didn't get a maj of the voters, and even lost the pop vote to the dem establishment candidate.

The Dems fucked the pooch in 2008 by not passing healthcare funded by the 1% and eliminating the soc sec cap. But, be that as it may, if you see a credible means to Trump bringing back low skill high pay jobs, please let me in on the secret.
Yes. i think the low intellect voters that voted for Drumpf will vote for him again just like they did the for the GOP that took away their path to the middle class previously. What I see on the Dem side is no person capable of generating the necessary enthusiasm to beat Drumpf in this "post racial" society.
What fascist you democrats going to roll out upon the nation next? :lol:
I'm not a Dem. Try again boy.
The first (half) Black president was elected 8 years ago to bring the Country together. It's not about race though, it's about the racist and bigoted policies inherent in the democrat party.

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