Why is the country MORE divided than it was 8 years ago?

I don't doubt that the incessant accusations of racism has in fact led to racism across-the-board.
Having a Black President brought out racism that was hidden for years.
Yep....having you klansmen democrats come out into the light was a bad thing....
Obama was a Democrat...
You repeated my post......
So your claim is Obama wasnt a democrat?
I don't doubt that the incessant accusations of racism has in fact led to racism across-the-board.
Having a Black President brought out racism that was hidden for years.
Yep....having you klansmen democrats come out into the light was a bad thing....
Obama was a Democrat...
You repeated my post......
So your claim is Obama wasnt a democrat?
No....that is not my claim.....

You got it right the first time....
The division of the US started with this Obama lie...

Dickinson: Obama's War on Pot

"Back when he was running for president in 2008, Barack Obama insisted that medical marijuana was an issue best left to state and local governments. "I'm not going to be using Justice Department resources to try to circumvent state laws on this issue," he vowed, promising an end to the Bush administration's high-profile raids on providers of medical pot, which is legal in 16 states and the District of Columbia.

But over the past year, the Obama administration has quietly unleashed a multiagency crackdown on medical cannabis that goes far beyond anything undertaken by George W. Bush. The feds are busting growers who operate in full compliance with state laws, vowing to seize the property of anyone who dares to even rent to legal pot dispensaries, and threatening to imprison state employees responsible for regulating medical marijuana. With more than 100 raids on pot dispensaries during his first three years, Obama is now on pace to exceed Bush's record for medical-marijuana busts. "There's no question that Obama's the worst president on medical marijuana," says Rob Kampia, executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project. "He's gone from first to worst.""

Why did O lie?

Why did he not warn those he lied to before prosecuting them?

A: they were WHITE
On the left, the practitioners of identity politics saw Obama's election as an opportunity to promote their politically correct racialist agenda. On the right, some old-fashioned racists couldn't stand having a black man for president, but far larger numbers of non-racist conservatives became so fed up with all the racialism identity politics of the left that they just said "screw it".

That's the whole thing with agendas driven by polemics -- it allows for no middle ground and forces people into making a decision. The left has become so increasingly intolerant and so obsessed with their witch hunt against every conceivable thought crime that they are just the mirror image of the kkk. In turn, the right is so fed up with the witch hunt that they become even more entrenched.
How divided we are, over what and why is a deep subject. My contribution is to point out that we have ALWAYS been a deeply divided country. At the time of our founding, no country in Europe (including Britain) was as divided religiously, racially or culturally as the thirteen colonies which formed the USA.

From the beginning, our Constitution established a coalition of divided and by no means mutually harmonious sovereign states. The Civil War put our national status to the test and we failed. The Civil War did not create those divisions and and it did little to heal them either.

Government propaganda made a great push for Americans to think of themselves as a united people during both of the World Wars of the 20th century, but when the propaganda stopped with the end of the war, we went right back to our antagonisms and divisions.

Love between the brothers and the sisters all over this land (If I Had a Hammer) has always been a myth. The new interconnectedness of social media makes the divisions more obvious. Most of us don't want unity, or at least we aren't willing to pay our share of the social costs necessary to achieve it. As in much else, the real America is very different from the image most of us carry in our heads.
You know, the "us vs. them" mentality started after 9/11 when Jr. said that if you're not with us, you're with the terrorists. That is what started the division because people started to look for others who didn't think like them so they could keep a watch over them, just in case.

Then? The division was further exacerbated when Obama won the presidency and the Republicans (led by Mcconell, Boehner) then stated THE FIRST DAY that their whole goal was to make Obama a one term president.

After that? They used the "us vs. them" thinking to divide the parties to the point where we have a huge partisan divide between Dems and Republicans.

Gimmie back the 80's and the 90's, when even though both sides didn't like each other, they at least worked together for the betterment of this country.

You don't think Obama basically saying all whites are racist (even his Grandmother), and his far left/Socialist agenda had anything to do with it? If you don't, I believe you to be a far left, blinder wearing, Kool-aid drinker.
Having a Black President brought out racism that was hidden for years.
Yep....having you klansmen democrats come out into the light was a bad thing....
Obama was a Democrat...
You repeated my post......
So your claim is Obama wasnt a democrat?
No....that is not my claim.....

You got it right the first time....
Glad you agree. They were upset because Obama was Black.
There is no getting around it. We are WAY more divided than we were 8 years ago.


Simply put because a Black man was elected POTUS and white males freaked out.

No white males voted for Obama?
Not enough.
The smart ones didn't....
I wouldnt exactly call them smart. The vast majority were poor and uneducated.
No, the ones who didn't vote Obama,,,
Yep....having you klansmen democrats come out into the light was a bad thing....
Obama was a Democrat...
You repeated my post......
So your claim is Obama wasnt a democrat?
No....that is not my claim.....

You got it right the first time....
Glad you agree. They were upset because Obama was Black.
No...although you voted for him because he was black....l
Simply put because a Black man was elected POTUS and white males freaked out.

No white males voted for Obama?
Not enough.
The smart ones didn't....
I wouldnt exactly call them smart. The vast majority were poor and uneducated.
No, the ones who didn't vote Obama,,,
Thats who I am talking about. The illiterate, poor white males.
Obama was a Democrat...
You repeated my post......
So your claim is Obama wasnt a democrat?
No....that is not my claim.....

You got it right the first time....
Glad you agree. They were upset because Obama was Black.
No...although you voted for him because he was black....l
Thats not true. I voted for Obama because he was a better choice and he was Black.
Not enough.
The smart ones didn't....
I wouldnt exactly call them smart. The vast majority were poor and uneducated.
No, the ones who didn't vote Obama,,,
Thats who I am talking about. The illiterate, poor white males.
The ones that voted Obama....
....were typically educated and relatively successful white males.
The smart ones didn't....
I wouldnt exactly call them smart. The vast majority were poor and uneducated.
No, the ones who didn't vote Obama,,,
Thats who I am talking about. The illiterate, poor white males.
The ones that voted Obama....
....were typically educated and relatively successful white males.
Yes, the ones who didn't vote Obama.....
I wouldnt exactly call them smart. The vast majority were poor and uneducated.
No, the ones who didn't vote Obama,,,
Thats who I am talking about. The illiterate, poor white males.
The ones that voted Obama....
....were typically educated and relatively successful white males.
Yes, the ones who didn't vote Obama.....
Yes the ones that did vote for Obama were educated and did not live in a trailer park like the ones that voted against Obama.
Just because some inbred POS declared that by electing a Black President, America cured itself of its inherent racism, didn't mean that it was. The divide was there all along. Pretending it wasn't is contrary to known reality.
There is no getting around it. We are WAY more divided than we were 8 years ago.


Simply put because a Black man was elected POTUS and white males freaked out.

No white males voted for Obama?
Not enough.
The smart ones didn't....
I wouldnt exactly call them smart. The vast majority were poor and uneducated.

Poor and uneducated......who have traditionally been the core of Democrats for decades. When you take your core and falsely scapegoat them for all the ills of the world, you tend to lose elections when it comes time to vote. Of course you can delude yourself that it's the FBI Director's fault for investigating YOUR crimes.

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