Why is the far left so upset that a 17 year old Patriot shoot arsonists and looters?

The kid is a criminal and no better than the rioters. He was breaking laws before he ever shot anyone. And then he committed the worst crimes of the night.
No. Here's why.

Rioters went there to rob, loot, burn and cause destruction.
He went there with the intention to provide a presence to maintain and protect property and safety from rioters and looters and arsonists

He has the moral high ground
He was also there as a medic. With his medic gear.
That was his main purpose for going there. Thank you for adding that. It needs to be remembered.
He sure is a shitty medic. Again, he committed the worst crimes of the night.
Self defense is a crime? He killed and injured criminals. You’re an oxymoron
He killed a person and tried to escape the scene of the crime. When people tried to stop him he killed them too.
He called 911 as soon as he shot the first person. He also didn’t resist arrest. Hence he is alive. Democrat cities burn. Let’s be real.
He sure wasn't arrested anywhere near the crime scene.
Two nights ago, the Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha, and Guardian of the Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, suppressed an unlawful riot in Kenosha where countless businesses have been burnt down, looted and forced out of business.

The police were no where to be found, unable to act and carry out their function of maintaining Law and Order.

So the citizens of the area took up arms, exercising their Second Amendment right to suppress violent riot, arson and looting and to suppress a communist insurrection.

It's almost as if the far left wants to take our Second Amendment rights so they can abolish the police and then rain chaos upon our communities (problem, reaction...solution?), and then institute their new police force under the flag of communism to restore civilization.

The 2nd Amendment mentions riots, arson and looting and communism?
People he shot had extensive criminal records and they attacked him first. Self defense is allowed.
Once again we see the same pattern. The left defends criminals and their activity. Then they try to tell us they dont.

Only the insane would vote Biden
We sure had a lot less of this before Trump. Only the insane will vote for Trump. The country is in ruins.
So you want to win by extortion? Less violence if you vote Democrat? You have got to be kidding me.
There sure was a lot less before Trump. That's simply a fact.
So you want extortion. Ferguson happened cause of Trump? When did Black Lives Matter form? Who was the President?
Two nights ago, the Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha, and Guardian of the Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, suppressed an unlawful riot in Kenosha where countless businesses have been burnt down, looted and forced out of business.

The police were no where to be found, unable to act and carry out their function of maintaining Law and Order.

So the citizens of the area took up arms, exercising their Second Amendment right to suppress violent riot, arson and looting and to suppress a communist insurrection.

It's almost as if the far left wants to take our Second Amendment rights so they can abolish the police and then rain chaos upon our communities (problem, reaction...solution?), and then institute their new police force under the flag of communism to restore civilization.

The 2nd Amendment mentions riots, arson and looting and communism?
People he shot had extensive criminal records and they attacked him first. Self defense is allowed.
Once again we see the same pattern. The left defends criminals and their activity. Then they try to tell us they dont.

Only the insane would vote Biden
We sure had a lot less of this before Trump. Only the insane will vote for Trump. The country is in ruins.
So you want to win by extortion? Less violence if you vote Democrat? You have got to be kidding me.
There sure was a lot less before Trump. That's simply a fact.
thats on the dems not trump,,,,
The kid is a criminal and no better than the rioters. He was breaking laws before he ever shot anyone. And then he committed the worst crimes of the night.
No. Here's why.

Rioters went there to rob, loot, burn and cause destruction.
He went there with the intention to provide a presence to maintain and protect property and safety from rioters and looters and arsonists

He has the moral high ground
He was also there as a medic. With his medic gear.
That was his main purpose for going there. Thank you for adding that. It needs to be remembered.
He sure is a shitty medic. Again, he committed the worst crimes of the night.
Self defense is a crime? He killed and injured criminals. You’re an oxymoron
He killed a person and tried to escape the scene of the crime. When people tried to stop him he killed them too.
He called 911 as soon as he shot the first person. He also didn’t resist arrest. Hence he is alive. Democrat cities burn. Let’s be real.
He sure wasn't arrested anywhere near the crime scene.
The cops were dealing in chaos. He still gave himself up and is alive to Garner a defense in the court of law. Again, you don’t have the right to riot cause your party lost. Republicans didn’t riot from 08-16.
The kid is a criminal and no better than the rioters. He was breaking laws before he ever shot anyone. And then he committed the worst crimes of the night.
No. Here's why.

Rioters went there to rob, loot, burn and cause destruction.
He went there with the intention to provide a presence to maintain and protect property and safety from rioters and looters and arsonists

He has the moral high ground
He was also there as a medic. With his medic gear.
That was his main purpose for going there. Thank you for adding that. It needs to be remembered.
He sure is a shitty medic. Again, he committed the worst crimes of the night.
Self defense is a crime? He killed and injured criminals. You’re an oxymoron
He killed a person and tried to escape the scene of the crime. When people tried to stop him he killed them too.
He called 911 as soon as he shot the first person. He also didn’t resist arrest. Hence he is alive. Democrat cities burn. Let’s be real.
He sure wasn't arrested anywhere near the crime scene.
whats your point???
A crime is a crime. The rioters are all criminals and so is the murderer. We all need to admit this.
The kid is a criminal and no better than the rioters. He was breaking laws before he ever shot anyone. And then he committed the worst crimes of the night.
No. Here's why.

Rioters went there to rob, loot, burn and cause destruction.
He went there with the intention to provide a presence to maintain and protect property and safety from rioters and looters and arsonists

He has the moral high ground
He was also there as a medic. With his medic gear.
That was his main purpose for going there. Thank you for adding that. It needs to be remembered.
He sure is a shitty medic. Again, he committed the worst crimes of the night.
Self defense is a crime? He killed and injured criminals. You’re an oxymoron
He killed a person and tried to escape the scene of the crime. When people tried to stop him he killed them too.
He called 911 as soon as he shot the first person. He also didn’t resist arrest. Hence he is alive. Democrat cities burn. Let’s be real.
He sure wasn't arrested anywhere near the crime scene.
whats your point???
You don't get that far away from the crime scene without running from the crime scene. The facts are clear.
The kid is a criminal and no better than the rioters. He was breaking laws before he ever shot anyone. And then he committed the worst crimes of the night.
No. Here's why.

Rioters went there to rob, loot, burn and cause destruction.
He went there with the intention to provide a presence to maintain and protect property and safety from rioters and looters and arsonists

He has the moral high ground
He was also there as a medic. With his medic gear.
That was his main purpose for going there. Thank you for adding that. It needs to be remembered.
He sure is a shitty medic. Again, he committed the worst crimes of the night.
Self defense is a crime? He killed and injured criminals. You’re an oxymoron
He killed a person and tried to escape the scene of the crime. When people tried to stop him he killed them too.
He called 911 as soon as he shot the first person. He also didn’t resist arrest. Hence he is alive. Democrat cities burn. Let’s be real.
He sure wasn't arrested anywhere near the crime scene.
whats your point???
You don't get that far away from the crime scene without running from the crime scene. The facts are clear.
did he walk or did he run???
I fear you all here make an empty discussion. What brings a 17 years old child to the idea to try to solve the problems of the USA with a machine gun? And why helped so many people and structures this child to do wrong? Did his trust make him to a murderer? Was his only previous illness to trust in Trump?
CheeseLouise! What does all that have to do with the tea in China! Lol

And what is it what you really like to say?
The kid is a criminal and no better than the rioters. He was breaking laws before he ever shot anyone. And then he committed the worst crimes of the night.
No. Here's why.

Rioters went there to rob, loot, burn and cause destruction.
He went there with the intention to provide a presence to maintain and protect property and safety from rioters and looters and arsonists

He has the moral high ground
He was also there as a medic. With his medic gear.
That was his main purpose for going there. Thank you for adding that. It needs to be remembered.
He sure is a shitty medic. Again, he committed the worst crimes of the night.
Self defense is a crime? He killed and injured criminals. You’re an oxymoron
He killed a person and tried to escape the scene of the crime. When people tried to stop him he killed them too.
He called 911 as soon as he shot the first person. He also didn’t resist arrest. Hence he is alive. Democrat cities burn. Let’s be real.
He sure wasn't arrested anywhere near the crime scene.
whats your point???
You don't get that far away from the crime scene without running from the crime scene. The facts are clear.
He was being chased. Of course he ran. Again if Leftists weren’t burning and looting innocent businesses none of this would have happened. If you punch me in the face and I retaliate by Slamming your racist ass on the floor you cannot blame me for defending myself. Look at the polls. People are sick of Democrats disorder and extortion. Again, I ll repeat since you’re stupid. If you don’t riot or loot you won’t get shot.
The Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha and Guardian of Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, will be acquitted by a Jury of his Peers, the townsfolk of Kenosha who have suffered immense harm by the hands of Rioters, Rapists, Arsonists, Looters and Thugs.

Two nights ago, the Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha, and Guardian of the Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, suppressed an unlawful riot in Kenosha where countless businesses have been burnt down, looted and forced out of business.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The police were no where to be found, unable to act and carry out their function of maintaining Law and Order.

So the citizens of the area took up arms, exercising their Second Amendment right to suppress violent riot, arson and looting and to suppress a communist insurrection.

It's almost as if the far left wants to take our Second Amendment rights so they can abolish the police and then rain chaos upon our communities (problem, reaction...solution?), and then institute their new police force under the flag of communism to restore civilization.
Patriots and defenders do not go searching for someone to shoot. It's premeditated murder. Nothing less.
Unless the filth killed are Marxists (commies). They do not have the right to live and are sub-human, so not murder. I call it pest control.
And I call you a worthless scumbag piece of shit for saying things like that. Real pest control would be rounding up all the tRumplings and shipping them off to one of the third world dictatorships they idolize.

The only ones who idolize 3rd world dictators are you and the morons who make pilgrimages to Cuba, Venezuela, and back when they were a thing, the Soviet Union....you moron.
The Communist Democrats are upset because he shot one of the domestic terrorists that they are wholeheartedly supporting! :icon_rolleyes:
All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Kyle Rittenhouse did something.
He committed the worst crime of the night.
He committed no crime. He was assaulted by a gang trying to murder him
He committed several. He was illegally carrying a gun and broke curfew. Then he killed someone and tried to escape the crime scene. When people tried to stop him he killed them too.
Actually he was helping the victim and is the one that called 911 when he was chased by an angry mob and attacked. He shot other people that were attacking him and trying to take his gun away. Self defense.
He was committing crimes, but again the right doesn't believe in law an order. Hence why the country is in such bad shape after 4 years or trump.
Democrats are literally allowing mobs to attack cops and business owners in the streets and burn down businesses and government buildings with zero resistance...even paying their bail ...and you have the gall to blame Trump? F Off.
Two nights ago, the Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha, and Guardian of the Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, suppressed an unlawful riot in Kenosha where countless businesses have been burnt down, looted and forced out of business.

The police were no where to be found, unable to act and carry out their function of maintaining Law and Order.

So the citizens of the area took up arms, exercising their Second Amendment right to suppress violent riot, arson and looting and to suppress a communist insurrection.

It's almost as if the far left wants to take our Second Amendment rights so they can abolish the police and then rain chaos upon our communities (problem, reaction...solution?), and then institute their new police force under the flag of communism to restore civilization.

The 2nd Amendment mentions riots, arson and looting and communism?

Yes it does:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
It says nothing about murder.

Nor did he commit murder. He defended himself from three violent felons.
He had his mother drive him there from another state to shoot people. That is murder.

Wrong. He didn't travel there to shoot people, he was forced to defend himself.

But you know that, you just don't want your violent felons killed while trying to hurt others.
He traveled there with a weapon. Yours st
Two nights ago, the Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha, and Guardian of the Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, suppressed an unlawful riot in Kenosha where countless businesses have been burnt down, looted and forced out of business.

The police were no where to be found, unable to act and carry out their function of maintaining Law and Order.

So the citizens of the area took up arms, exercising their Second Amendment right to suppress violent riot, arson and looting and to suppress a communist insurrection.

It's almost as if the far left wants to take our Second Amendment rights so they can abolish the police and then rain chaos upon our communities (problem, reaction...solution?), and then institute their new police force under the flag of communism to restore civilization.

The 2nd Amendment mentions riots, arson and looting and communism?

Yes it does:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
It says nothing about murder.

Nor did he commit murder. He defended himself from three violent felons.
He had his mother drive him there from another state to shoot people. That is murder.

Wrong. He didn't travel there to shoot people, he was forced to defend himself.

But you know that, you just don't want your violent felons killed while trying to hurt others.
He traveled there with a weapon. Your stubbornness makes you look stupid.
we see that was a good idea since if he didnt have it he would have been killed,,,
Or, he could have minded his own business.
Or the lefties paid mobs could have not been out attacking people and burning shit down.
he nearly got you there. what a clever trap.

It isn't a trap Stasi man, it is just logic.

All of you who attack the person defending himself are engendering the criminal acts, themselves. It does not stand to reason that if you actually believed the criminal acts to be in the wrong, you would not be attacking the boy who is defending himself, therefore you must think these criminal acts should be legal.

I realize double-talk is pretty much hard wired into you, but there are limits to my tolerance of such.
interesting pretzel logic. what happens when your limits are reached?

do you then stomp your feet, old man?

vigilantes have never made anything better. they make things worse. this is not a batman movie.

Here's a list of those murdered by peaceful protesters. Can ANY of you show us where you posted any condemnation of these murderers? I'm expecting crickets, but I'm willing to give it a shot

Did anyone try to make the killers heros?
They weren't heroes. Neither were they DEFENDING THEMSELVES
Again, the right isn't for law and order. They pick and choose who has to obey laws, there is no order in that.
Unlike the left that defends murderous mobs and pays their bail. You are an idiot.
Who is defending the riots? Please share a link.
So you are not here defending murderous mobs? Many of whom are felons?
That is breaking the law. I am lawful. I think the rioters should be jailed just like this murderer.
Well...now you have two less felons to prosecute and house in prison. They shouldn’t have been on the streets attacking people.
A crime is a crime. The rioters are all criminals and so is the murderer. We all need to admit this.
he didnt murder anyone,,,it was all self defense,,,

An armed child goes with a war weapon to a riot in a strange region far from home and self defenses some people to death. How plausible is this?
when did that happen???

cause thats not what we are talking about,,,
And what are you talking about? How to kill the next human being with your absurde ideas?
A crime is a crime. The rioters are all criminals and so is the murderer. We all need to admit this.
he didnt murder anyone,,,it was all self defense,,,

An armed child goes with a war weapon to a riot in a strange region far from home and self defenses some people to death. How plausible is this?
when did that happen???

cause thats not what we are talking about,,,
And what are you talking about? How to kill the next human being with your absurde ideas?
he nearly got you there. what a clever trap.

It isn't a trap Stasi man, it is just logic.

All of you who attack the person defending himself are engendering the criminal acts, themselves. It does not stand to reason that if you actually believed the criminal acts to be in the wrong, you would not be attacking the boy who is defending himself, therefore you must think these criminal acts should be legal.

I realize double-talk is pretty much hard wired into you, but there are limits to my tolerance of such.
interesting pretzel logic. what happens when your limits are reached?

do you then stomp your feet, old man?

vigilantes have never made anything better. they make things worse. this is not a batman movie.
No pretzels involved Stasi man. You are simply too stupid to say anything beyond what you have been trained to say.

When you wish to remove the ability of a person to defend themselves and their belongings, you have made a very clear statement in support of unfettered criminality.

All your de rigueur double talk does not change this essential fact whatsoever.
the very simple fact here is that the high school dropout from outer state had no business to be in kenosha at all. he made a very stupid decision followed by further very stupid decisions, probably egged on by the rhetoric barfed on the internet by people like you. the result of his stupid decisions is that he is now in jail and accused of killing two people. oh, and two are dead, and one injured. but this seems not to be interesting to you.
on the other hand, all your bloviating and lying about me is uninteresting to me. but funny, logic. LOL
so, THAT is how you justify looting and attempted murder.

what a creative mind you have.
see. more lying about me. uninteresting.

but that you claim that your lying about my statements is based on logic, that is still funny.
Ah, so you HAVE read the Stasi agitprop manuel!

Chapter 2 "turnspeak" - just call truth lies and lies truth and hope people are too stupid to figure out which is which.

The mob of criminals was there to loot and burn. The boy was there to protect a business. Three known criminals attacked the boy. The boy defended himself against the criminals.

Those are the facts of the matter. Those who spin an alternate reality so as to support the criminals have no business calling anybody a liar

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