Why is the far left so upset that a 17 year old Patriot shoot arsonists and looters?

Great way to promote senseless killing on top of senseless rioting.

I'm beyond disgusted by what's happening on all sides.

Everyone seems to listen to the same echo chamber here. The so-called claims of "violent rape and assault" and "pedophilia" were deliberately made up to slander them. How low can you go West short of killing someone? Here's an idea for a start - go to the WI Sex Offender Registry and type in his name. Anything pop up? That is a start at trying untangle this complete mess of layered fakery, bogus claims, and incitements for more violence on both sides.

Second. If you claim these three men (2 dead and 1 injured) were rioters, please show it. Acts of rioting, looting and arson are illegal, we all agree on that. Show us that is what THOSE THREE PEOPLE were doing. Are you claiming EVERYONE at the protest was engaged in arson and looting? Then that must include the kid and the armed private militia people right? Or - wait - are you going to make some distinctions? hmmm....how about Right = lawful, Left = unlawful = legitimate target....cause that's where you guys are going with this. That's a good starting point for killing people on a political basis huh? No need to mess around trying to figure out who is engaged in unlawful activity and who is not. Now, if only there is some way to identify them before we kill them and have to make up crap to justify it AFTER THE FACT.

So what happened here?

Here's one news account with no speculation:

Social media footage surfaced surrounding the late-night fatal shooting during unrest. Witness accounts and video indicate the gunman first shot someone at a car lot just before midnight, but details on what sparked that shooting weren't immediately clear.
The alleged gunman then jogged away, fell in the street, and opened fire again as members of the crowd closed in on him, some appearing to kick and grab at his weapon. According to witness accounts and video footage, police apparently let the gunman walk past them and leave the scene with a rifle over his shoulder and his hands in the air as members of the crowd were yelling for him to be arrested because he had shot people.
When asked why the gunman was not arrested in the moment, Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth said he couldn't say for certain, but noted the chaos surrounding officers that night.

Since it's all caught on video, it's pretty damn hard to JUSTIFY but easier to UNDERSTAND the shootings - the fact he was there and (illegally) armed to begin with and the fact he was allowed to simply walk away and return to another state and the fact that in that video there was NO criminal behavior being conducted by any of the dead or injured victims speak for themselves. The rest is speculation, differing accounts, deliberate disinformation, witness statements and armchair quarterbacks dissecting a brief video.

So here are the questions:

WHY WAS A 17 YEAR OLD THERE????? WITH THAT KIND OF WEAPON???? Regardless of what was going on....no one else got shot. Regardless of how I personally feel about private militias (which, as you know, is pretty negative) - THEY didn't shoot anyone either. The police refused to deputize these citizens...for good reason, but they were and imo it's fine to do so - allowed to guard private property. That is FINE. That is what this kid was supposed to be doing, but he LEFT his spot. If he had stayed there nothing would have happened! He was in over his head and he panicked, understandably, when people in the crowd tried to restrain him and get rid of his weapon. As far as anyone could see - the kid was another mass shooter...like Parkland, or any number of events. How could anyone know otherwise when they witness a man shot in the head and another man trotting away with a rifle? He wasn't law enforcement. No badge. No ID. WE FAILED HIM BY ALLOWING HIM TO BE THERE! He is not a hero. He is not a thug. He's a mixed up kid, who badly wanted to be a policeman, who idolized law enforcement, who carried a MEDIC bag in case any protestors needed help, and damn, I just end up crying for HIM, for this one ruined life, someone who really did not seem to have any malice. The dead are dead, but he will have to live with this. It's so wrong.

WHO SHOULD WE BLAME for the riots? Oh, I know the answer that will come from some - commie lefties. Democrats. Sheesh. Get a new playbook. Responsibility ultimately comes down on the mayor. He, along with the city council are responsible for ensuring the safety of his citizens, and their livelyhoods and their homes. Just like if you are the president - it doesn't really matter what you do or don't do - the buck stops here.

But there is a bit more than that because nothing is really simple unless you are a business that got burned out, or the fiancé, with a 2 yr old daughter, of a man who is now dead and slandered, or a 17 year old kid who will now be facing a life he never envisioned, or the family of a man brutally shot in the back at close range, and you just want justice.

What could have been done differently?

Let's start at the beginning. What sparked the demonstrations that then turned into rioting?

A video.
A video showing police come up to a man, leaning into his car, grabbing him by the shirt, pulling him back and pumping multiple rounds into his back at close range. It was brutal and against the backdrop of so many videos showing (justifiable and unjustifiable) police violence - there should be no surprise at public reaction. I don't care who the man was, there is no way to watch that (if you are a normal person) and not be horrified. This is our new reality - videos. Of EVERYTHING. Harder to sweep things under the rug, easier to spin, misconstrue, take out of context. Easier to inflame "the masses". Easier to see wrong doing.

What preceded that? Attempts at police reform by the Wisconsin governor, stalled by the legislature. Maybe, just maybe, if people see that something is happening and something is being done, and there is transparency the potential for violence is less. The governor is attempting, AGAIN, to pass it

Yet, the mayor himself appears to be tone deaf to his constituency. If he doesn't listen to the other half, and he fails to provide law and order, he's going to deservedly lose re-election. One example - curfews. A good way to tamp down the potential for violence which always seems to escalate at night. There are demonstrations ongoing described as "mostly peaceful". There is supposed to be a curfew. It's NOT BEING ENFORCED. What the hell?

What is your solution? Blame "commies"? Get real. We have a perfect storm with bitter political divisions at EVERY LEVEL, widespread public anger and unrest, a lot of restrictions and confusion with a pandemic, widespread distrust of our leadership, huge unemployment, Congress incapable of doing their job, a hugely divisive and incompetent president, and the worst recession in ages and more internet disinformation than ever before. Take your pick - it all feeds into the unrest.

But I will say this, I was wrong on one thing, I am now agreeing with you that we need law and order more than ever - we need to stop the violence and that means addressing ALL the participants, not politicizing who to go after. But that can't be with private militias, because they become PART of the problem, fed by the same disinformation as the rest of us. Private entities can guard private property but they have no business roaming the streets or public areas and if they kill someone, they face the law on that. The police and our national guard are the ones who need to be doing this. It's their job, it's what they are trained for. Crowd control. Arresting looters and arsonists. Enforcing curfews.

This kid is not a hero. He's a victim. And we are all to blame.

A few things are missing from your play by play of the events all caught on video.

Again. Like I said. Armchair Quarterbacks dissecting a video. You weren't there.

First guy shot was caught on video leading a group chasing Rittenhouse.

Does the video show what Rittenhouse did prior to that? No. Does the video show why he left his post guarding private property? No.

It's a useless speculation.

Earlier in the night he was filmed strutting around shouting at armed men defending property "shoot me, nigga!" as if to imply that bullets would only make him angry.

So what? There are a lot of assholes out there. On all sides. Haven't you noticed? Being an asshole is not a death sentence nor is it illegal. And, guess what - POLICE are trained to deal with that. They are mature trained adults. 17 year old kids are NOT.

Same guy threw a flaming object at Rittenhouse a moment before he cornered him in a parking lot and thats when you could hear shots fired. Rittenhouse then calls 911 to report that he had shot someone, also caught on video.

Debunked. That's part of the river of false information surrounding this. The only thing thrown was what appeared to be a lightweight bag of trash.

Yes. Rittenhouse did call 911. He did the right thing. He wasn't a bad kid. He was in the wrong place and the ADULTS who allowed it ought to take some responsibility.

Rosenbaum's assholish behavior sheds light onto the mindset that compelled him to begin chasing a guy armed with a rifle. He obviously took for granted that the men with guns were unlike himself, very restrained and disciplined, plus he was obviously intoxicated by mob mentality and probably a lifetime of leftist indoctrination into thinking that nothing bad could ever happen to him. I'll speculate that RIttenhouse "left his post" because the mob, like a pack of hyenas, recognized him as the weakest member of the herd and intentionally separated him from the group. That's what it looks like to me.

ASSHOLERY is not a CRIME. It's certainly not a death sentence. And, you are probably right - he was intoxicated with mob mentality (hardly confined to the left). You can speculate all you want but it doesn't change one important fact - it's speculation.

I can speculate too.

That he got angered by taunting and let loose.

Or, he saw a situation he thought he should get involved in.

Or, he decided to play "hero"

Or any number of things that don't change the essentials facts:
  • He is not a policeman, trained to deal with volatile crowds and assholes.
  • He had no business being there, illegally armed and underage.
  • He had no business leaving his post and "patrolling" public streets.
One can only speculate what he planned to do once he caught Rittenhouse. Probably nothing good I'm guessing. Was he just supposed to just accept a beating and end up like this guy?
View attachment 381171

FYI, people carry guns to avoid ending up beaten half to death in the street by angry mobs.

Ok...so you've essentially GUTTED your whole "good guy with a gun" theory. We now know it's based on partisan politics.

Would they have beaten him? Possibly. They just witnessed him SHOOTING AN UNARMED MAN IN THE HEAD for god's sakes. Or, maybe the other guy with the gun (who, if he were a rightist would be a "good guy with a gun") might have held him at gunpoint until the police came.

Either way, it does not change the fact he shot and killed one two people and badly wounded another. None were committing illegal acts. Two, were trying to stop him from escaping after he killed the first.

The kid was heavily armed, NOT the police. No uniform. No authority. Could have been just another mass shooter shooting into a crowd.

Take the partisan politics out of the situation and what does it look like?

Rosenbaum was an angry little man with a history of violence boasting with stereotypical street-thug bravado. He chased the kid down, intending to do him harm and got what he quite literally asked for. You keep saying none of them committed illegal acts but ignore the fact that they were attacking him. Is assault not illegal? Do you have to wait until your blood is spilled before you're legally permitted to defend yourself? Nobody would have been shot if they had just left him alone. But no, they decided to chase him and corner him in a parking lot. The other two guys shot are also seen in the background during Rosenbaum's little "shoot me nigga" display so it's not like they were heroes confused about the situation into thinking it was a random mass-shooting type deal.

First Fact: the kid should not have been there and he was illegally armed.

No. Rosenbaum didn't ask for it. No evidence the kid was defending himself against Rosenbaum, that's your speculation. Words are words. No one is calling Rosenbaum any kind of hero. He's just a man. Who was unarmed I might add, and acting like jerk. None of which justifies murder.

The fact that people have to make up crap, like he was a child rapist, in order to justify it, kind of indicates that the case for killing him is weak and lawless and desperate.

Again. Assholery is not a crime. If it were, most of us here would be executed.

When a guy with a high-powered weapon starts shooting UNARMED people who are not actively engaged in crime, HE BECOMES A POTENTIAL MASS SHOOTER and at best - an ACTIVE SHOOTER.
Exactly. By definition, he is a mass shooter.
The Communist Democrats are upset because he shot one of the domestic terrorists that they are wholeheartedly supporting! :icon_rolleyes:
All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Kyle Rittenhouse did something.
He committed the worst crime of the night.
He committed no crime. He was assaulted by a gang trying to murder him
He committed several. He was illegally carrying a gun and broke curfew. Then he killed someone and tried to escape the crime scene. When people tried to stop him he killed them too.

Escape the crime scene?

He was running straight at the flashing lights of LEO heavily armored MRAPS with his hands up, before and after the other two violent felons pulled a pistol out on him.

They weren't felons. None of the three men, two now dead, were felons. Why do you lot insist on lying? Is that how you justify killing people? Lying about people?
their death is justified because they attacked someone,,,

You mean when they were trying to stop him from shooting people? God you guys are warped.
he was trying to get away after they attacked him the first time,,,

its all on video so you should take a minute and watch them,,it will avoid you making ignorant comments like this one later,,,
Multiple videos even.
The Communist Democrats are upset because he shot one of the domestic terrorists that they are wholeheartedly supporting! :icon_rolleyes:
All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Kyle Rittenhouse did something.
He committed the worst crime of the night.
He committed no crime. He was assaulted by a gang trying to murder him
He committed several. He was illegally carrying a gun and broke curfew. Then he killed someone and tried to escape the crime scene. When people tried to stop him he killed them too.

Escape the crime scene?

He was running straight at the flashing lights of LEO heavily armored MRAPS with his hands up, before and after the other two violent felons pulled a pistol out on him.

They weren't felons. None of the three men, two now dead, were felons. Why do you lot insist on lying? Is that how you justify killing people? Lying about people?

You can read all my links in this thread, and then take back your comments.

But I think you know better. You know the all the information on third party websites has alreayd been erased, and now people have to directly access .gov databases to obtain this information.

You're just as dishonest as the Big Tech companies deleting this data to push your agenda/narrative along with Big Tech.

I love it how you guys come up with convenient conspiracy theories to account for lack of information...you know, like how your "registered sex offender" doesn't seem to exist in the registry.

If any of these "felon" claims were valid you know damn well your mouthpiece Foxnews would be all over it.
The Communist Democrats are upset because he shot one of the domestic terrorists that they are wholeheartedly supporting! :icon_rolleyes:
All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Kyle Rittenhouse did something.
He committed the worst crime of the night.
He committed no crime. He was assaulted by a gang trying to murder him
He committed several. He was illegally carrying a gun and broke curfew. Then he killed someone and tried to escape the crime scene. When people tried to stop him he killed them too.

Escape the crime scene?

He was running straight at the flashing lights of LEO heavily armored MRAPS with his hands up, before and after the other two violent felons pulled a pistol out on him.

They weren't felons. None of the three men, two now dead, were felons. Why do you lot insist on lying? Is that how you justify killing people? Lying about people?

You can read all my links in this thread, and then take back your comments.

But I think you know better. You know the all the information on third party websites has alreayd been erased, and now people have to directly access .gov databases to obtain this information.

You're just as dishonest as the Big Tech companies deleting this data to push your agenda/narrative along with Big Tech.

I love it how you guys come up with convenient conspiracy theories to account for lack of information...you know, like how your "registered sex offender" doesn't seem to exist in the registry.

If any of these "felon" claims were valid you know damn well your mouthpiece Foxnews would be all over it.

Are you claiming the links are false from the .gov databases?
The Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha and Guardian of Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, will be acquitted by a Jury of his Peers, the townsfolk of Kenosha who have suffered immense harm by the hands of Rioters, Rapists, Arsonists, Looters and Thugs.

Two nights ago, the Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha, and Guardian of the Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, suppressed an unlawful riot in Kenosha where countless businesses have been burnt down, looted and forced out of business.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The police were no where to be found, unable to act and carry out their function of maintaining Law and Order.

So the citizens of the area took up arms, exercising their Second Amendment right to suppress violent riot, arson and looting and to suppress a communist insurrection.

It's almost as if the far left wants to take our Second Amendment rights so they can abolish the police and then rain chaos upon our communities (problem, reaction...solution?), and then institute their new police force under the flag of communism to restore civilization.

Is this some sort of a troll joke?

If I go grab my rifle and start shooting up whoever I think are "bad guys" you are going to be cool with that?

How ignorant do you have to be to not understand even such basic concepts about a functional society?
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Two nights ago, the Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha, and Guardian of the Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, suppressed an unlawful riot in Kenosha where countless businesses have been burnt down, looted and forced out of business.

The police were no where to be found, unable to act and carry out their function of maintaining Law and Order.

So the citizens of the area took up arms, exercising their Second Amendment right to suppress violent riot, arson and looting and to suppress a communist insurrection.

It's almost as if the far left wants to take our Second Amendment rights so they can abolish the police and then rain chaos upon our communities (problem, reaction...solution?), and then institute their new police force under the flag of communism to restore civilization.
So what he did was legal?

When you start to support vigilantism like this, you are no different than the looters and rioters. This all is coming together in a really bad way and dangerous way for our country.
the one difference here is, you didn't start it. but if you allow looters and rioters to tear shit up - you're a fool if you expect people to sit back and let it happen night after night after night.

It's starting to look like you are following me around from thread to thread.

Can't understand how you can on the one hand condemn rioting (which I agree with that condemnation) and yet support this. It's internally inconsistent.

Vigilantism is lawlessness. No different than rioting. A 17 year old in no way should be out there in a hyper volatile protest with a high powered rifle. IF the facts so far are correct - and the situation if evolving - he shot and KILLED two people and badly injured a third. Self defense is one thing, but in the initial killing, that does NOT appear to be the case.

The picture of him coming out is also disturbing. Funny how a protestor, standing across the street holding up speakers gets shot in the face by a rubber bullet, is vilified as a jobless bum (despite no evidence of actual participation in rioting) but this guy, illegally carrying a high powered rifle (he's 17) is a "hero". MURDER IS NOT HEROIC.

Something is messed up is very messed up right now if this is a "hero". Police are heroes. Undisciplined private paramilitaries are not. They are as dangerous as mobs of rioters. And they are ANTI-LAW. Anyone who believes in taking the law into their own hands and meting out justice is NOT LAWFUL.

What do we know about this kid?

But brief accounts from neighbors and local institutions paint the picture of a high school dropout who viewed law enforcement officers as his personal heroes.
So much so that, when massive protests, looting and fires broke out in Kenosha following the police shooting of Jacob Blake on Sunday, he crossed state lines to offer his support to local policemen – at times, speaking as if their duties were his, too.

Police are heavily trained, and they know the law. These guys don't. They have no business acting like police.

There are WAY TOO MANY armed people at these protests and that includes "the left" - you once said once you bring firearms to a protest it is no longer peaceful. Still believe that?

There are WAY TOO MANY OUTSIDERS at these events - both "protestors" and "counter protestors" - they need to be thrown out of town.

Here is what one person said - is she right?
“Maybe he thought he was doing the right thing, but you don’t kill somebody,” she said. “That’s not your business to kill someone for messing with someone else’s business. That’s for the cops to deal with.”

Hmmm, one of the thugs he killed was a pedo who served 12 years, and the other raped and tortured his girlfriend. Fine upstanding citizens those two were.

The last guy was armed with a pistol and the leader of a communist group who wants to destroy the USA.

I should care about violent felons why?
Just out of morbid curiosity; one of our more prominent posters here did time in prison. If he were shot dead by some guy who just wanted to kill someone, would you care?

First off the dead felons were trying to attack the kid. At that point I simply don't give a shit what happens to them.

They already have shown they don't care about the Rights of others, and they were trying to kill this kid, so no, good riddance to bad rubbish.

Great way to promote senseless killing on top of senseless rioting.

I'm beyond disgusted by what's happening on all sides.

Everyone seems to listen to the same echo chamber here. The so-called claims of "violent rape and assault" and "pedophilia" were deliberately made up to slander them. How low can you go West short of killing someone? Here's an idea for a start - go to the WI Sex Offender Registry and type in his name. Anything pop up? That is a start at trying untangle this complete mess of layered fakery, bogus claims, and incitements for more violence on both sides.

Second. If you claim these three men (2 dead and 1 injured) were rioters, please show it. Acts of rioting, looting and arson are illegal, we all agree on that. Show us that is what THOSE THREE PEOPLE were doing. Are you claiming EVERYONE at the protest was engaged in arson and looting? Then that must include the kid and the armed private militia people right? Or - wait - are you going to make some distinctions? hmmm....how about Right = lawful, Left = unlawful = legitimate....cause that's where you guys are going with this. That's a good starting point for killing people huh? No need to mess around trying to figure out who is engaged in unlawful activity and who is not. Now, if only there is some way to identify them before we kill them and have to make up crap to justify it.

So what happened here?

Here's one news account with no speculation:

Social media footage surfaced surrounding the late-night fatal shooting during unrest. Witness accounts and video indicate the gunman first shot someone at a car lot just before midnight, but details on what sparked that shooting weren't immediately clear.
The alleged gunman then jogged away, fell in the street, and opened fire again as members of the crowd closed in on him, some appearing to kick and grab at his weapon. According to witness accounts and video footage, police apparently let the gunman walk past them and leave the scene with a rifle over his shoulder and his hands in the air as members of the crowd were yelling for him to be arrested because he had shot people.
When asked why the gunman was not arrested in the moment, Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth said he couldn't say for certain, but noted the chaos surrounding officers that night.

Since it's all caught on video, it's pretty damn hard to JUSTIFY but easier to UNDERSTAND the shootings - the fact he was there and (illegally) armed to begin with and the fact he was allowed to simply walk away and return to another state and the fact that in that video there was NO criminal behavior being conducted by any of the dead or injured victims speak for themselves. The rest is speculation, differing accounts, deliberate disinformation, witness statements and armchair quarterbacks directing a brief video.

So here are the questions:

WHY WAS A 17 YEAR OLD THERE????? WITH THAT KIND OF WEAPON???? Regardless of what was going on....no one else got shot. Regardless of how I personally feel about private militias (which, as you know, is pretty negative) - THEY didn't shoot anyone either. The police refused to deputize these citizens...for good reason, but they were and imo it's fine to do so - allowed to guard private property. That is FINE. That is what this kid was supposed to be doing, but he LEFT his spot. If he had stayed there nothing would have happened! He was in over his head and he panicked, understandably, when people in the crowd tried to restrain him and get rid of his weapon. As far as anyone could see - the kid was another mass shooter...like Parkland, or any number of events. How could anyone know otherwise when they witness a man shot in the head and another man trotting away with a rifle? He wasn't law enforcement. No badge. No ID. WE FAILED HIM BY ALLOWING HIM TO BE THERE! He is not a hero. He is not a thug. He's a mixed up kid, who badly wanted to be a policeman, who idolized law enforcement, who carried a MEDIC bag in case any protestors needed help, and damn, I just end up crying for HIM, for this one ruined life, someone who really did not seem to have any malice. The dead are dead, but he will have to live with this. It's so wrong.

WHO SHOULD WE BLAME for the riots? Oh, I know the answer that will come from some - commie lefties. Democrats. Sheesh. Get a new playbook. Responsibility ultimately comes down on the mayor. He, along with the city council are responsible for ensuring the safety of his citizens, and their livelyhoods and their homes. Just like if you are the president - it doesn't really matter what you do or don't do - the buck stops here.

But there is a bit more than that because nothing is really simple unless you are a business that got burned out, or the fiancé, with a 2 yr old daughter, of a man who is now dead and slandered, or a 17 year old kid who will now be facing a life he never envisioned, or the family of a man brutally shot in the back at close range, and you just want justice.

What could have been done differently?

Let's start at the beginning. What sparked the demonstrations that then turned into rioting?

A video.
A video showing police come up to a man, leaning into his car, grabbing him by the shirt, pulling him back and pumping multiple rounds into his back at close range. It was brutal and against the backdrop of so many videos showing (justifiable and unjustifiable) police violence - there should be no surprise at public reaction. I don't care who the man was, there is no way to watch that (if you are a normal person) and not be horrified. This is our new reality - videos. Of EVERYTHING. Harder to sweep things under the rug, easier to spin, misconstrue, take out of context. Easier to inflame "the masses". Easier to see wrong doing.

What preceded that? Attempts at police reform by the Wisconsin governor, stalled by the legislature. Maybe, just maybe, if people see that something is happening and something is being done, and there is transparency the potential for violence is less. The governor is attempting, AGAIN, to pass it

Yet, the mayor himself appears to be tone deaf to his constituency. If he doesn't listen to the other half, and he fails to provide law and order, he's going to deservedly lose re-election. One example - curfews. A good way to tamp down the potential for violence which always seems to escalate at night. There are demonstrations ongoing described as "mostly peaceful". There is supposed to be a curfew. It's NOT BEING ENFORCED. What the hell?

What is your solution? Blame "commies"? Get real. We have a perfect storm with bitter political divisions at EVERY LEVEL, widespread public anger and unrest, a lot of restrictions and confusion with a pandemic, widespread distrust of our leadership, huge unemployment, Congress incapable of doing their job, a hugely divisive and incompetent president, and the worst recession in ages and more internet disinformation than ever before. Take your pick - it all feeds into the unrest.

But I will say this, I was wrong on one thing, I am now agreeing with you that we need law and order more than ever - we need to stop the violence and that means addressing ALL the participants, not politicizing who to go after. But that can't be with private militias, because they become PART of the problem, fed by the same disinformation as the rest of us. Private entities can guard private property but they have no business roaming the streets or public areas and if they kill someone, they face the law on that. The police and our national guard are the ones who need to be doing this. It's their job, it's what they are trained for. Crowd control. Arresting looters and arsonists. Enforcing curfews.

This kid is not a hero. He's a victim. And we are all to blame.

Amazing how each end has 20/20 vision on the misdeeds of the other end, and are completely blind to their own.

The adults in the room had better take control pretty fucking soon. Wherever they are.

Honest to god Mac, my heart goes out to this 17 yr old, who's life is now ruined. The other's are dead. He even carried a medic kit for heaven's sakes. WE FAILED HIM. :( :( :(. They are not charging him him with murder, but reckless homicide and intentional homicide. That is more appropriate. I don't know if he is being charged as an adult...
He should not be charged at all---he only shot to defend himself............he wasnt reckless and nor even intentional.
A crime is a crime. The rioters are all criminals and so is the murderer. We all need to admit this.
he didnt murder anyone,,,it was all self defense,,,

An armed child goes with a war weapon to a riot in a strange region far from home and self defenses some people to death. How plausible is this?
Not far from home. He lives 20 min away. My commune to work everyday is 20 min. He had every right to be there.
He may have had a “ right” but traveling across sTate lines with a loaded weapon and meeting up with a vigilante group And taking part in a mass shooting doesn’t bode well for any self defense plea. Sounds like an organized plan to disrupt a demonstration. He Is the guilty party. He’s not a US Marshall with aut(ority to go from one state to another with an firearm looking for people to shoot. It becomes a federal offense if he commits an illegal act with a firearms across state lines.
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Two nights ago, the Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha, and Guardian of the Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, suppressed an unlawful riot in Kenosha where countless businesses have been burnt down, looted and forced out of business.

The police were no where to be found, unable to act and carry out their function of maintaining Law and Order.

So the citizens of the area took up arms, exercising their Second Amendment right to suppress violent riot, arson and looting and to suppress a communist insurrection.

It's almost as if the far left wants to take our Second Amendment rights so they can abolish the police and then rain chaos upon our communities (problem, reaction...solution?), and then institute their new police force under the flag of communism to restore civilization.
So what he did was legal?

When you start to support vigilantism like this, you are no different than the looters and rioters. This all is coming together in a really bad way and dangerous way for our country.
the one difference here is, you didn't start it. but if you allow looters and rioters to tear shit up - you're a fool if you expect people to sit back and let it happen night after night after night.

It's starting to look like you are following me around from thread to thread.

Can't understand how you can on the one hand condemn rioting (which I agree with that condemnation) and yet support this. It's internally inconsistent.

Vigilantism is lawlessness. No different than rioting. A 17 year old in no way should be out there in a hyper volatile protest with a high powered rifle. IF the facts so far are correct - and the situation if evolving - he shot and KILLED two people and badly injured a third. Self defense is one thing, but in the initial killing, that does NOT appear to be the case.

The picture of him coming out is also disturbing. Funny how a protestor, standing across the street holding up speakers gets shot in the face by a rubber bullet, is vilified as a jobless bum (despite no evidence of actual participation in rioting) but this guy, illegally carrying a high powered rifle (he's 17) is a "hero". MURDER IS NOT HEROIC.

Something is messed up is very messed up right now if this is a "hero". Police are heroes. Undisciplined private paramilitaries are not. They are as dangerous as mobs of rioters. And they are ANTI-LAW. Anyone who believes in taking the law into their own hands and meting out justice is NOT LAWFUL.

What do we know about this kid?

But brief accounts from neighbors and local institutions paint the picture of a high school dropout who viewed law enforcement officers as his personal heroes.
So much so that, when massive protests, looting and fires broke out in Kenosha following the police shooting of Jacob Blake on Sunday, he crossed state lines to offer his support to local policemen – at times, speaking as if their duties were his, too.

Police are heavily trained, and they know the law. These guys don't. They have no business acting like police.

There are WAY TOO MANY armed people at these protests and that includes "the left" - you once said once you bring firearms to a protest it is no longer peaceful. Still believe that?

There are WAY TOO MANY OUTSIDERS at these events - both "protestors" and "counter protestors" - they need to be thrown out of town.

Here is what one person said - is she right?
“Maybe he thought he was doing the right thing, but you don’t kill somebody,” she said. “That’s not your business to kill someone for messing with someone else’s business. That’s for the cops to deal with.”

Hmmm, one of the thugs he killed was a pedo who served 12 years, and the other raped and tortured his girlfriend. Fine upstanding citizens those two were.

The last guy was armed with a pistol and the leader of a communist group who wants to destroy the USA.

I should care about violent felons why?
Just out of morbid curiosity; one of our more prominent posters here did time in prison. If he were shot dead by some guy who just wanted to kill someone, would you care?

First off the dead felons were trying to attack the kid. At that point I simply don't give a shit what happens to them.

They already have shown they don't care about the Rights of others, and they were trying to kill this kid, so no, good riddance to bad rubbish.

Great way to promote senseless killing on top of senseless rioting.

I'm beyond disgusted by what's happening on all sides.

Everyone seems to listen to the same echo chamber here. The so-called claims of "violent rape and assault" and "pedophilia" were deliberately made up to slander them. How low can you go West short of killing someone? Here's an idea for a start - go to the WI Sex Offender Registry and type in his name. Anything pop up? That is a start at trying untangle this complete mess of layered fakery, bogus claims, and incitements for more violence on both sides.

Second. If you claim these three men (2 dead and 1 injured) were rioters, please show it. Acts of rioting, looting and arson are illegal, we all agree on that. Show us that is what THOSE THREE PEOPLE were doing. Are you claiming EVERYONE at the protest was engaged in arson and looting? Then that must include the kid and the armed private militia people right? Or - wait - are you going to make some distinctions? hmmm....how about Right = lawful, Left = unlawful = legitimate....cause that's where you guys are going with this. That's a good starting point for killing people huh? No need to mess around trying to figure out who is engaged in unlawful activity and who is not. Now, if only there is some way to identify them before we kill them and have to make up crap to justify it.

So what happened here?

Here's one news account with no speculation:

Social media footage surfaced surrounding the late-night fatal shooting during unrest. Witness accounts and video indicate the gunman first shot someone at a car lot just before midnight, but details on what sparked that shooting weren't immediately clear.
The alleged gunman then jogged away, fell in the street, and opened fire again as members of the crowd closed in on him, some appearing to kick and grab at his weapon. According to witness accounts and video footage, police apparently let the gunman walk past them and leave the scene with a rifle over his shoulder and his hands in the air as members of the crowd were yelling for him to be arrested because he had shot people.
When asked why the gunman was not arrested in the moment, Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth said he couldn't say for certain, but noted the chaos surrounding officers that night.

Since it's all caught on video, it's pretty damn hard to JUSTIFY but easier to UNDERSTAND the shootings - the fact he was there and (illegally) armed to begin with and the fact he was allowed to simply walk away and return to another state and the fact that in that video there was NO criminal behavior being conducted by any of the dead or injured victims speak for themselves. The rest is speculation, differing accounts, deliberate disinformation, witness statements and armchair quarterbacks directing a brief video.

So here are the questions:

WHY WAS A 17 YEAR OLD THERE????? WITH THAT KIND OF WEAPON???? Regardless of what was going on....no one else got shot. Regardless of how I personally feel about private militias (which, as you know, is pretty negative) - THEY didn't shoot anyone either. The police refused to deputize these citizens...for good reason, but they were and imo it's fine to do so - allowed to guard private property. That is FINE. That is what this kid was supposed to be doing, but he LEFT his spot. If he had stayed there nothing would have happened! He was in over his head and he panicked, understandably, when people in the crowd tried to restrain him and get rid of his weapon. As far as anyone could see - the kid was another mass shooter...like Parkland, or any number of events. How could anyone know otherwise when they witness a man shot in the head and another man trotting away with a rifle? He wasn't law enforcement. No badge. No ID. WE FAILED HIM BY ALLOWING HIM TO BE THERE! He is not a hero. He is not a thug. He's a mixed up kid, who badly wanted to be a policeman, who idolized law enforcement, who carried a MEDIC bag in case any protestors needed help, and damn, I just end up crying for HIM, for this one ruined life, someone who really did not seem to have any malice. The dead are dead, but he will have to live with this. It's so wrong.

WHO SHOULD WE BLAME for the riots? Oh, I know the answer that will come from some - commie lefties. Democrats. Sheesh. Get a new playbook. Responsibility ultimately comes down on the mayor. He, along with the city council are responsible for ensuring the safety of his citizens, and their livelyhoods and their homes. Just like if you are the president - it doesn't really matter what you do or don't do - the buck stops here.

But there is a bit more than that because nothing is really simple unless you are a business that got burned out, or the fiancé, with a 2 yr old daughter, of a man who is now dead and slandered, or a 17 year old kid who will now be facing a life he never envisioned, or the family of a man brutally shot in the back at close range, and you just want justice.

What could have been done differently?

Let's start at the beginning. What sparked the demonstrations that then turned into rioting?

A video.
A video showing police come up to a man, leaning into his car, grabbing him by the shirt, pulling him back and pumping multiple rounds into his back at close range. It was brutal and against the backdrop of so many videos showing (justifiable and unjustifiable) police violence - there should be no surprise at public reaction. I don't care who the man was, there is no way to watch that (if you are a normal person) and not be horrified. This is our new reality - videos. Of EVERYTHING. Harder to sweep things under the rug, easier to spin, misconstrue, take out of context. Easier to inflame "the masses". Easier to see wrong doing.

What preceded that? Attempts at police reform by the Wisconsin governor, stalled by the legislature. Maybe, just maybe, if people see that something is happening and something is being done, and there is transparency the potential for violence is less. The governor is attempting, AGAIN, to pass it

Yet, the mayor himself appears to be tone deaf to his constituency. If he doesn't listen to the other half, and he fails to provide law and order, he's going to deservedly lose re-election. One example - curfews. A good way to tamp down the potential for violence which always seems to escalate at night. There are demonstrations ongoing described as "mostly peaceful". There is supposed to be a curfew. It's NOT BEING ENFORCED. What the hell?

What is your solution? Blame "commies"? Get real. We have a perfect storm with bitter political divisions at EVERY LEVEL, widespread public anger and unrest, a lot of restrictions and confusion with a pandemic, widespread distrust of our leadership, huge unemployment, Congress incapable of doing their job, a hugely divisive and incompetent president, and the worst recession in ages and more internet disinformation than ever before. Take your pick - it all feeds into the unrest.

But I will say this, I was wrong on one thing, I am now agreeing with you that we need law and order more than ever - we need to stop the violence and that means addressing ALL the participants, not politicizing who to go after. But that can't be with private militias, because they become PART of the problem, fed by the same disinformation as the rest of us. Private entities can guard private property but they have no business roaming the streets or public areas and if they kill someone, they face the law on that. The police and our national guard are the ones who need to be doing this. It's their job, it's what they are trained for. Crowd control. Arresting looters and arsonists. Enforcing curfews.

This kid is not a hero. He's a victim. And we are all to blame.

Amazing how each end has 20/20 vision on the misdeeds of the other end, and are completely blind to their own.

The adults in the room had better take control pretty fucking soon. Wherever they are.

Honest to god Mac, my heart goes out to this 17 yr old, who's life is now ruined. The other's are dead. He even carried a medic kit for heaven's sakes. WE FAILED HIM. :( :( :(. They are not charging him him with murder, but reckless homicide and intentional homicide. That is more appropriate. I don't know if he is being charged as an adult...
He should not be charged at all---he only shot to defend himself............he wasnt reckless and nor even intentional.
not reckless. not intentional. how did he manage to shoot three people then? lol
Two nights ago, the Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha, and Guardian of the Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, suppressed an unlawful riot in Kenosha where countless businesses have been burnt down, looted and forced out of business.

The police were no where to be found, unable to act and carry out their function of maintaining Law and Order.

So the citizens of the area took up arms, exercising their Second Amendment right to suppress violent riot, arson and looting and to suppress a communist insurrection.

It's almost as if the far left wants to take our Second Amendment rights so they can abolish the police and then rain chaos upon our communities (problem, reaction...solution?), and then institute their new police force under the flag of communism to restore civilization.
So what he did was legal?

When you start to support vigilantism like this, you are no different than the looters and rioters. This all is coming together in a really bad way and dangerous way for our country.
the one difference here is, you didn't start it. but if you allow looters and rioters to tear shit up - you're a fool if you expect people to sit back and let it happen night after night after night.

It's starting to look like you are following me around from thread to thread.

Can't understand how you can on the one hand condemn rioting (which I agree with that condemnation) and yet support this. It's internally inconsistent.

Vigilantism is lawlessness. No different than rioting. A 17 year old in no way should be out there in a hyper volatile protest with a high powered rifle. IF the facts so far are correct - and the situation if evolving - he shot and KILLED two people and badly injured a third. Self defense is one thing, but in the initial killing, that does NOT appear to be the case.

The picture of him coming out is also disturbing. Funny how a protestor, standing across the street holding up speakers gets shot in the face by a rubber bullet, is vilified as a jobless bum (despite no evidence of actual participation in rioting) but this guy, illegally carrying a high powered rifle (he's 17) is a "hero". MURDER IS NOT HEROIC.

Something is messed up is very messed up right now if this is a "hero". Police are heroes. Undisciplined private paramilitaries are not. They are as dangerous as mobs of rioters. And they are ANTI-LAW. Anyone who believes in taking the law into their own hands and meting out justice is NOT LAWFUL.

What do we know about this kid?

But brief accounts from neighbors and local institutions paint the picture of a high school dropout who viewed law enforcement officers as his personal heroes.
So much so that, when massive protests, looting and fires broke out in Kenosha following the police shooting of Jacob Blake on Sunday, he crossed state lines to offer his support to local policemen – at times, speaking as if their duties were his, too.

Police are heavily trained, and they know the law. These guys don't. They have no business acting like police.

There are WAY TOO MANY armed people at these protests and that includes "the left" - you once said once you bring firearms to a protest it is no longer peaceful. Still believe that?

There are WAY TOO MANY OUTSIDERS at these events - both "protestors" and "counter protestors" - they need to be thrown out of town.

Here is what one person said - is she right?
“Maybe he thought he was doing the right thing, but you don’t kill somebody,” she said. “That’s not your business to kill someone for messing with someone else’s business. That’s for the cops to deal with.”

Hmmm, one of the thugs he killed was a pedo who served 12 years, and the other raped and tortured his girlfriend. Fine upstanding citizens those two were.

The last guy was armed with a pistol and the leader of a communist group who wants to destroy the USA.

I should care about violent felons why?
Just out of morbid curiosity; one of our more prominent posters here did time in prison. If he were shot dead by some guy who just wanted to kill someone, would you care?

First off the dead felons were trying to attack the kid. At that point I simply don't give a shit what happens to them.

They already have shown they don't care about the Rights of others, and they were trying to kill this kid, so no, good riddance to bad rubbish.

Great way to promote senseless killing on top of senseless rioting.

I'm beyond disgusted by what's happening on all sides.

Everyone seems to listen to the same echo chamber here. The so-called claims of "violent rape and assault" and "pedophilia" were deliberately made up to slander them. How low can you go West short of killing someone? Here's an idea for a start - go to the WI Sex Offender Registry and type in his name. Anything pop up? That is a start at trying untangle this complete mess of layered fakery, bogus claims, and incitements for more violence on both sides.

Second. If you claim these three men (2 dead and 1 injured) were rioters, please show it. Acts of rioting, looting and arson are illegal, we all agree on that. Show us that is what THOSE THREE PEOPLE were doing. Are you claiming EVERYONE at the protest was engaged in arson and looting? Then that must include the kid and the armed private militia people right? Or - wait - are you going to make some distinctions? hmmm....how about Right = lawful, Left = unlawful = legitimate....cause that's where you guys are going with this. That's a good starting point for killing people huh? No need to mess around trying to figure out who is engaged in unlawful activity and who is not. Now, if only there is some way to identify them before we kill them and have to make up crap to justify it.

So what happened here?

Here's one news account with no speculation:

Social media footage surfaced surrounding the late-night fatal shooting during unrest. Witness accounts and video indicate the gunman first shot someone at a car lot just before midnight, but details on what sparked that shooting weren't immediately clear.
The alleged gunman then jogged away, fell in the street, and opened fire again as members of the crowd closed in on him, some appearing to kick and grab at his weapon. According to witness accounts and video footage, police apparently let the gunman walk past them and leave the scene with a rifle over his shoulder and his hands in the air as members of the crowd were yelling for him to be arrested because he had shot people.
When asked why the gunman was not arrested in the moment, Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth said he couldn't say for certain, but noted the chaos surrounding officers that night.

Since it's all caught on video, it's pretty damn hard to JUSTIFY but easier to UNDERSTAND the shootings - the fact he was there and (illegally) armed to begin with and the fact he was allowed to simply walk away and return to another state and the fact that in that video there was NO criminal behavior being conducted by any of the dead or injured victims speak for themselves. The rest is speculation, differing accounts, deliberate disinformation, witness statements and armchair quarterbacks directing a brief video.

So here are the questions:

WHY WAS A 17 YEAR OLD THERE????? WITH THAT KIND OF WEAPON???? Regardless of what was going on....no one else got shot. Regardless of how I personally feel about private militias (which, as you know, is pretty negative) - THEY didn't shoot anyone either. The police refused to deputize these citizens...for good reason, but they were and imo it's fine to do so - allowed to guard private property. That is FINE. That is what this kid was supposed to be doing, but he LEFT his spot. If he had stayed there nothing would have happened! He was in over his head and he panicked, understandably, when people in the crowd tried to restrain him and get rid of his weapon. As far as anyone could see - the kid was another mass shooter...like Parkland, or any number of events. How could anyone know otherwise when they witness a man shot in the head and another man trotting away with a rifle? He wasn't law enforcement. No badge. No ID. WE FAILED HIM BY ALLOWING HIM TO BE THERE! He is not a hero. He is not a thug. He's a mixed up kid, who badly wanted to be a policeman, who idolized law enforcement, who carried a MEDIC bag in case any protestors needed help, and damn, I just end up crying for HIM, for this one ruined life, someone who really did not seem to have any malice. The dead are dead, but he will have to live with this. It's so wrong.

WHO SHOULD WE BLAME for the riots? Oh, I know the answer that will come from some - commie lefties. Democrats. Sheesh. Get a new playbook. Responsibility ultimately comes down on the mayor. He, along with the city council are responsible for ensuring the safety of his citizens, and their livelyhoods and their homes. Just like if you are the president - it doesn't really matter what you do or don't do - the buck stops here.

But there is a bit more than that because nothing is really simple unless you are a business that got burned out, or the fiancé, with a 2 yr old daughter, of a man who is now dead and slandered, or a 17 year old kid who will now be facing a life he never envisioned, or the family of a man brutally shot in the back at close range, and you just want justice.

What could have been done differently?

Let's start at the beginning. What sparked the demonstrations that then turned into rioting?

A video.
A video showing police come up to a man, leaning into his car, grabbing him by the shirt, pulling him back and pumping multiple rounds into his back at close range. It was brutal and against the backdrop of so many videos showing (justifiable and unjustifiable) police violence - there should be no surprise at public reaction. I don't care who the man was, there is no way to watch that (if you are a normal person) and not be horrified. This is our new reality - videos. Of EVERYTHING. Harder to sweep things under the rug, easier to spin, misconstrue, take out of context. Easier to inflame "the masses". Easier to see wrong doing.

What preceded that? Attempts at police reform by the Wisconsin governor, stalled by the legislature. Maybe, just maybe, if people see that something is happening and something is being done, and there is transparency the potential for violence is less. The governor is attempting, AGAIN, to pass it

Yet, the mayor himself appears to be tone deaf to his constituency. If he doesn't listen to the other half, and he fails to provide law and order, he's going to deservedly lose re-election. One example - curfews. A good way to tamp down the potential for violence which always seems to escalate at night. There are demonstrations ongoing described as "mostly peaceful". There is supposed to be a curfew. It's NOT BEING ENFORCED. What the hell?

What is your solution? Blame "commies"? Get real. We have a perfect storm with bitter political divisions at EVERY LEVEL, widespread public anger and unrest, a lot of restrictions and confusion with a pandemic, widespread distrust of our leadership, huge unemployment, Congress incapable of doing their job, a hugely divisive and incompetent president, and the worst recession in ages and more internet disinformation than ever before. Take your pick - it all feeds into the unrest.

But I will say this, I was wrong on one thing, I am now agreeing with you that we need law and order more than ever - we need to stop the violence and that means addressing ALL the participants, not politicizing who to go after. But that can't be with private militias, because they become PART of the problem, fed by the same disinformation as the rest of us. Private entities can guard private property but they have no business roaming the streets or public areas and if they kill someone, they face the law on that. The police and our national guard are the ones who need to be doing this. It's their job, it's what they are trained for. Crowd control. Arresting looters and arsonists. Enforcing curfews.

This kid is not a hero. He's a victim. And we are all to blame.

Amazing how each end has 20/20 vision on the misdeeds of the other end, and are completely blind to their own.

The adults in the room had better take control pretty fucking soon. Wherever they are.

Honest to god Mac, my heart goes out to this 17 yr old, who's life is now ruined. The other's are dead. He even carried a medic kit for heaven's sakes. WE FAILED HIM. :( :( :(. They are not charging him him with murder, but reckless homicide and intentional homicide. That is more appropriate. I don't know if he is being charged as an adult...
Yeah, and that's an important point: WE failed him. Our problems are cultural, at least in my estimation, and our culture is so tribal and shallow now that it's easy for young people to end up like this.

What this country is going through now is ENTIRELY a self-inflicted wound.

I don't even know who we can sort it out anymore. Just trying to sort out the truth of the pedo claim on one of the victims took me into murky territory I had no idea existed. The fact that people would go so low as to totally slander a victim of homicide in order to JUSTIFY homicide is unreal. It's on all of us.

Rosenbaum WAS a sex offender. Whether or not it rises to the level of "pedophile" or just a case of statutory rape of a slightly underage girlfriend I don't know because his public records were scrubbed mere hours after his death. I also don't know if it's normal for dead people records to be immediately removed from sex offender registries but it seems suspicious that it was cleaned up so quickly.

AHHHH....so NOW we get to a bit of the truth.

Statuatory rape is considered marginal as a "sex offense". This was in 2002 when he was 18. Official records don't get scrubbed without court orders unless they are juvenile in which case they are not public. He wasn't even dead a day when this rumor launched. There wasn't even an obituary. The fact is he WAS NOT IN THE SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY. What ever he did was so minor it didn't matter. It was not pedophilia. But it kinda sounds like folks will go to ANY length to justify what happened, correct?
Look at the age of the victim...under 15. 18 year old adults don't screw around with jr high girls. Oh my bad-----under age boys either...
Two nights ago, the Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha, and Guardian of the Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, suppressed an unlawful riot in Kenosha where countless businesses have been burnt down, looted and forced out of business.

The police were no where to be found, unable to act and carry out their function of maintaining Law and Order.

So the citizens of the area took up arms, exercising their Second Amendment right to suppress violent riot, arson and looting and to suppress a communist insurrection.

It's almost as if the far left wants to take our Second Amendment rights so they can abolish the police and then rain chaos upon our communities (problem, reaction...solution?), and then institute their new police force under the flag of communism to restore civilization.
So what he did was legal?

Absolutely. He should also be awarded the Medal of Freedom.
If it turns out that what he did was illegal, would you support appropriate jail time?
I think he should have is gun ownership rights taken away....because it's clear he didn't handle himself well.
If it was me...I wouldn't be there in the first place.
But if I had to be there, I guarantee that there would be alot more bodies to clean up.
Didn’t handle himself well? That’s a laugh. He held his fire until he was in deadly danger, only fired at immediate threats, and ceased fire when the immediate threat receded. He even tried to surrender when the cops finally responded. The only thing he did wrong was being in possession of a firearm while under eighteen years of age.
The Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha and Guardian of Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, will be acquitted by a Jury of his Peers, the townsfolk of Kenosha who have suffered immense harm by the hands of Rioters, Rapists, Arsonists, Looters and Thugs.

Two nights ago, the Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha, and Guardian of the Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, suppressed an unlawful riot in Kenosha where countless businesses have been burnt down, looted and forced out of business.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The police were no where to be found, unable to act and carry out their function of maintaining Law and Order.

So the citizens of the area took up arms, exercising their Second Amendment right to suppress violent riot, arson and looting and to suppress a communist insurrection.

It's almost as if the far left wants to take our Second Amendment rights so they can abolish the police and then rain chaos upon our communities (problem, reaction...solution?), and then institute their new police force under the flag of communism to restore civilization.

Is this some sort of a troll joke?

If I go grab my rifle and start shooting up whoever I think are "bad guys" you are going to be cool with that?

there were hundreds of bad guys to shoot at if wanton violence was his goal. But he only shot three, all of whom attacked him.
A crime is a crime. The rioters are all criminals and so is the murderer. We all need to admit this.
he didnt murder anyone,,,it was all self defense,,,

An armed child goes with a war weapon to a riot in a strange region far from home and self defenses some people to death. How plausible is this?
Not far from home. He lives 20 min away. My commune to work everyday is 20 min. He had every right to be there.
He may have had a “ right” but traveling across sTate lines with a loaded weapon and meeting up with a vigilante group And taking part in a mass shooting doesn’t bode well for any self defense plea. Sounds like an organized plan to disrupt a demonstration. He Is the guilty party. He’s not a US Marshall with aut(ority to go from one state to another with an illegal firearm looking for people to shoot. It wasn’t his business to even be there. It’s premeditated homicide. He could and should be in a shit load of trouble.
He went there as a medic with medic gear. And to protect property. Stop making shit up.
Joseph D. Rosenbaum, Gaige P. Grosskreutz, Anthony Huber - Fucked Around, Found Out
Two nights ago, the Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha, and Guardian of the Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, suppressed an unlawful riot in Kenosha where countless businesses have been burnt down, looted and forced out of business.

The police were no where to be found, unable to act and carry out their function of maintaining Law and Order.

So the citizens of the area took up arms, exercising their Second Amendment right to suppress violent riot, arson and looting and to suppress a communist insurrection.

It's almost as if the far left wants to take our Second Amendment rights so they can abolish the police and then rain chaos upon our communities (problem, reaction...solution?), and then institute their new police force under the flag of communism to restore civilization.
Because what he did was murder

No....it likely wasn't..........
He had his mother drive him there from another state to kill people. He was not protecting property or his family. That is murder.

You are a moron............the reporter who was there and the New York Times talked about this guy before the shooting, he wasn't there to shoot anyone......he even talked to the police before the shooting and they knew he had the rifle......he was violently attacked by joe biden voters who burned, looted and violently attacked people in that neighborhood long before this guy showed up....you dumb twit.
You are the stupid one. As usual. He traveled there with a weapon. There was no reason for him to even be there.
who are you to say he had no reason to be there???
this is a free country,,,
He drove into a troubled area from another state. He was there for trouble.
same could be said about the rioters,,,
A crime is a crime. The rioters are all criminals and so is the murderer. We all need to admit this.
he didnt murder anyone,,,it was all self defense,,,

An armed child goes with a war weapon to a riot in a strange region far from home and self defenses some people to death. How plausible is this?
Not far from home. He lives 20 min away. My commune to work everyday is 20 min. He had every right to be there.
He may have had a “ right” but traveling across sTate lines with a loaded weapon and meeting up with a vigilante group And taking part in a mass shooting doesn’t bode well for any self defense plea. Sounds like an organized plan to disrupt a demonstration. He Is the guilty party. He’s not a US Marshall with aut(ority to go from one state to another with an illegal firearm looking for people to shoot. It wasn’t his business to even be there. It’s premeditated homicide. He could and should be in a shit load of trouble.
He went there as a medic with medic gear. And to protect property. Stop making shit up.
He had a fucking assault rifle.
A crime is a crime. The rioters are all criminals and so is the murderer. We all need to admit this.
he didnt murder anyone,,,it was all self defense,,,

An armed child goes with a war weapon to a riot in a strange region far from home and self defenses some people to death. How plausible is this?
Not far from home. He lives 20 min away. My commune to work everyday is 20 min. He had every right to be there.
He may have had a “ right” but traveling across sTate lines with a loaded weapon and meeting up with a vigilante group And taking part in a mass shooting doesn’t bode well for any self defense plea. Sounds like an organized plan to disrupt a demonstration. He Is the guilty party. He’s not a US Marshall with aut(ority to go from one state to another with an illegal firearm looking for people to shoot. It wasn’t his business to even be there. It’s premeditated homicide. He could and should be in a shit load of trouble.
He went there as a medic with medic gear. And to protect property. Stop making shit up.
He had a fucking assault rifle.

Which in a sane world would deter maniacs from chasing him like a horde from a zombie movie
A crime is a crime. The rioters are all criminals and so is the murderer. We all need to admit this.
he didnt murder anyone,,,it was all self defense,,,

An armed child goes with a war weapon to a riot in a strange region far from home and self defenses some people to death. How plausible is this?
Not far from home. He lives 20 min away. My commune to work everyday is 20 min. He had every right to be there.
He may have had a “ right” but traveling across sTate lines with a loaded weapon and meeting up with a vigilante group And taking part in a mass shooting doesn’t bode well for any self defense plea. Sounds like an organized plan to disrupt a demonstration. He Is the guilty party. He’s not a US Marshall with aut(ority to go from one state to another with an illegal firearm looking for people to shoot. It wasn’t his business to even be there. It’s premeditated homicide. He could and should be in a shit load of trouble.
He went there as a medic with medic gear. And to protect property. Stop making shit up.
He had a fucking assault rifle.
And rioters also had guns. Infact they fired first as videos of the incident prove.
A crime is a crime. The rioters are all criminals and so is the murderer. We all need to admit this.
he didnt murder anyone,,,it was all self defense,,,

An armed child goes with a war weapon to a riot in a strange region far from home and self defenses some people to death. How plausible is this?
"Children," as you call them are known to truly know the difference between right and wrong at ages 10 to 12. That 17-year old knows that disrespecting a cop, getting high on mind-altering substances and rioting, burning other peoples' businesses is wrong. Not all is known right now to make a call that is reliably divorced from sentencing the 17-year old man in the press. Last time the imprudent press jumped a righty kid, they are each paying him hundreds of thou$ands in lawsuits the "child" sought reparations for the assination of his character because they thought theycould get away with destroying his honor. Nope! Not any more. <giggle>
From what I understand, if you are referring to Nick Sandman, he received $275 Million. not thousands.....millions

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