Why is the gay community afraid of "conversion therapy"?

GOD'S WORD GIVES A STRONG WARNING ON THE SICK ABOMINATION OF SEXUAL PERVERSION===The Lord can rescue you and me from the temptations that surround us, and continue to punish the ungodly until the day of final judgment comes. 10 He is especially hard on those who follow their own evil, lustful thoughts. 2 PETER 2:9-10==God let go of them and let them do all these evil things, so that even their women turned against God’s natural plan for them and indulged in sex sin with each other. 27 And the men, instead of having normal sex relationships with women, burned with lust for each other, men doing shameful things with other men and, as a result, getting paid within their own souls with the penalty they so richly deserved.

32 They were fully aware of God’s death penalty for these crimes, yet they went right ahead and did them anyway and encouraged others to do them, too.
Romans 1:26-32== Don’t you know that those doing such things have no share in the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who live immoral lives, who are idol worshipers, adulterers or homosexuals—will have no share in his Kingdom.
1 corinthians 6:9

So how many gay people has God commanded you to kill?

THOSE LIVING IN THE ABOMINATION OF SEXUAL PERVERSION GET paid within their own souls with the penalty they so richly deserved.Those who live immoral lives, who are idol worshipers, adulterers or homosexuals—will have no share in his Kingdom.
1 corinthians 6:9
GOD'S WORD GIVES A STRONG WARNING ON THE SICK ABOMINATION OF SEXUAL PERVERSION===The Lord can rescue you and me from the temptations that surround us, and continue to punish the ungodly until the day of final judgment comes. 10 He is especially hard on those who follow their own evil, lustful thoughts. 2 PETER 2:9-10==God let go of them and let them do all these evil things, so that even their women turned against God’s natural plan for them and indulged in sex sin with each other. 27 And the men, instead of having normal sex relationships with women, burned with lust for each other, men doing shameful things with other men and, as a result, getting paid within their own souls with the penalty they so richly deserved.

32 They were fully aware of God’s death penalty for these crimes, yet they went right ahead and did them anyway and encouraged others to do them, too.
Romans 1:26-32== Don’t you know that those doing such things have no share in the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who live immoral lives, who are idol worshipers, adulterers or homosexuals—will have no share in his Kingdom.
1 corinthians 6:9

So how many gay people has God commanded you to kill?
it has been my experience that bible beaters aren't capableof independent thought. They only repeat what the hive mind tells them to.
GOD'S WORD GIVES A STRONG WARNING ON THE SICK ABOMINATION OF SEXUAL PERVERSION===The Lord can rescue you and me from the temptations that surround us, and continue to punish the ungodly until the day of final judgment comes. 10 He is especially hard on those who follow their own evil, lustful thoughts. 2 PETER 2:9-10==God let go of them and let them do all these evil things, so that even their women turned against God’s natural plan for them and indulged in sex sin with each other. 27 And the men, instead of having normal sex relationships with women, burned with lust for each other, men doing shameful things with other men and, as a result, getting paid within their own souls with the penalty they so richly deserved.

32 They were fully aware of God’s death penalty for these crimes, yet they went right ahead and did them anyway and encouraged others to do them, too.
Romans 1:26-32== Don’t you know that those doing such things have no share in the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who live immoral lives, who are idol worshipers, adulterers or homosexuals—will have no share in his Kingdom.
1 corinthians 6:9

So how many gay people has God commanded you to kill?

Interesting and vast leap of illogic there. Am I to assume that because you disagree with people who don't support homosexuality that you are commanded to kill them as well?
Conversion therapy (also known as reparative therapy) is a range of treatments that aim to change sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual. Such treatments have been criticized for being pseudo-scientific.
Conversion therapy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The major premise of conversion therapy advocates is that majority of homosexuals are NOT genetically pre-disposed but a learned behavior.

So if the gay community believes so strongly that there is a "I gotta be me" genetic coding that pre-disposes a person to homosexuality why are they so afraid?

So afraid that "conversion therapy aimed at turning gay kids straight will soon be illegal in California, with the state's governor declaring he hopes a new law will relegate such efforts "to the dustbin of quackery."
This bill bans non-scientific 'therapies' that have driven young people to depression and suicide," Brown tweeted. "These practices have no basis in science or medicine."
California governor OKs ban on gay conversion therapy, calling it 'quackery' - CNN.com

Why is there such angst about something that a gay MUST be?

I have NO doubt some "suicides" but HOW MANY ? Where are the facts Mr. Brown?

People are gay for two reasons:
1) they truly were born with a genetic pre-disposition to homosexuality
2) The behavior is learned.

Those are the ONLY two ways that a homosexual IS a homosexual.

I would like anyone to refute that.

Who says they're "afraid"?

I think you are confused about what that feeling is.

Conversion " therapy" is like trying to force a left handed to be right handed. Handedness is just some fundamental charcteristic that isn't modifiable. You are one or the other. Then, you learn how to do things given your handedness.

Attempting to force a left handed child to be right handed causes severe phsychological problems. It is abusive.

Sexual orientation is a fundamental characteristic. Conversion "therapy" shouldn't be called a therapy. It is nothing less than abuse under the guise of being a treatment.

The real illness is the obsessive compulsion that some people have with regard to other people sexual orientation. If you are not in an intimate relationship with another person, it is simply none of your business what their intimate life is.

Inevitable: I had to prune the worthless garbage from your post

GreenBean: Okay , so then why are you still here ?

etcetra etcetra ecetra ....

GreenBean: I generally address the content of an article - but will also point out the unreliability of the source if that is the case.

Inevitable: Okay, here you go.

Answers to Your Questions For a Better Understanding of Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality

APA Resolution on "Reparative Therapy"

Homosexuality and Mental Health


Link # 1 - Fromn the APA [LMAO]

16 Pages long ...I sincerely doubt your read it - and right now Im not willing to invest that amount of time from someone who is not making sense - what portion of the article would you like to discuss ? what quotes or content from said article would you care to use to defend your positions ?

Link # 2 Okay - so we all know the APA is oppossed to Reperative Therapy , what exactly are you attempting to prove by posting the resolution ? I'm not trying to be snide or nasty -I'm just curious as to what your point is ?

Link # 3 UC Davis , another pro-gay website . The article you posted has been adressed a number of times - it basically links religous history with anti-gay activities through History . The first five paragraphs are simply a history lesson , by the end of the 5th they discuss the theories of an early 20th Century researcher Havelock Ellis and attempt to link his theories re: your dementia with those of Freud - Ellis was a rogue researcher who was not very respected - but he believed Homosexuality was not a dementia - he provided some logical hypothesis - which is still used by Gay activists today - over a hundred years later - but was largely discredited - do you have an opinion re: Ellis research and theories that you would like to defend ?

By the tenth paragraph they delve into scientific objectivity and make some valid points re: some early studies that examined and used somewhat tainted data
....only examined homosexuals who were already under psychiatric care – in other words, homosexuals who were seeking treatment or therapy.

Which is a very valid reason to question the studies findings - and puts into Question the validity of research, some of which was used to label your dementia as an illness They are right in this claim that the early 20th Century studies they cited were not objective , in that their test and control groups were tainted , and not random - the results are not considered accurate or reliable under those conditions .


They entirely destroy their own argument and shoot themselves in the foot by the eleventh paragraph when they defend he studies of Alfred Kinsey - which have proven to have been falsified , and even more tainted than the earlier studies they chastised . They engage in Blatant Hypocrisy and proove themselves to be biased propagandists and not respectable scholars.

...the majority — feel desperately besieged on all sides by this "new morality" being promoted by the small but powerful minority of artistic, intellectual, academic, and scientific elite.

One of the important areas where I think my research has made a very significant contribution is in uncovering the legal subversion that Kinsey is greatly responsible for. Very few Americans have any knowledge or appreciation for the enormity of his influence in this important realm. One indicator of this is the fact that Kinsey is the most cited sex scientist by far in Westlaw and the other legal indices. In my latest book I give several pages listing hundreds of law journal citations. His bogus science has been cited in case after case to overturn laws, for instance, that protect society against sex offenders.


they continue with their hypocrisy by using the Evelyn Hooker Study which a travesty and an insult to the intelligemce of any serious scientist.

Hookers Studies however were the product of a deliberate campaign by Gay activists to bring forward particular, pre-arranged outcomes, an approach that ignores scientific objectivity. Objectivity is a basic philosophical concept, related to reality and truth. Objectivity means the state or quality of being true even outside of a subject's individual biases, interpretations, feelings, and imaginings. Scientific Objectivity is a value that informs how scientific studies are conducted and how scientific truths are arrived at. It is the idea that scientists, in attempting to uncover truths about the natural world, must aspire to eliminate personal biases, emotional involvement, etc ... Hookers Studies failed the most basic of Litmus tests regarding Objectivity. Hooker was an associate of the Mattachine Society and was lobbied and eventually convinced to conduct a research study of homosexuality for the sole purpose of advancing their Agenda.

The study, "The adjustment of the male overt homosexual", Hooker administered several standardized personality tests to two sets of men, the first group of 30 was homosexual and heavily screened by the Mattachine Society and the other heterosexual. The whole purpose of the study was to examine the instances of mental instability in homosexuals, However, individuals who showed the slightest signs of mental instability were excluded , it was not a random test and was designed to arrive at predetermined results.

The studies subjects were not randomly selected. on the contrary they were chosen and screened entirely by the Mattachine Society, an organization that Hooker herself admitted in the report had as its stated purpose " the development of a homosexual ethic in order to better integrate the homosexual into society." The heterosexual subjects were obtained from "community organizations" which she refused to divulge. The inadequacy of her methodology was even acknowledged by the Journal that published it.

Hooker concluded her report by offering a set of "admissions" about the limitations of her study. In this section she concedes the possibility that homosexuals are indeed pathological, a point conveniently overlooked by the Gay Activists, but proven out by later and more reliable studies. So even though Dr. Hooker prostituted herself to the Mattachine Society, some element of the scientist had to shine through.

Scientific method describes a method for conducting an objective investigation. The scientific method involves making observations and conducting an experiment to test a hypothesis. An experiment or Study must be reproducible, which is important in science! If you have trouble duplicating results from one experiment to another then there is a flaw in your results. Dr. Hookers study failed to remain within the parameters which are dictated by "Good Science" she did however remain within the parameters of "Good Propaganda' and served her sponsor well. The following studies are ones which remained within the parameters of Good Science.

Evelyn Hooker Study Flawed

They then go into the removal of Homosexuality from the DSM - a motion authored by Dr.Nicholas Cummings -the man you call a Quack -because he longer agrees with your side .

So what portion of the articles you cited [and probably never read] would you care to defend or discuss ?
Last edited:
Conversion therapy (also known as reparative therapy) is a range of treatments that aim to change sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual. Such treatments have been criticized for being pseudo-scientific.
Conversion therapy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The major premise of conversion therapy advocates is that majority of homosexuals are NOT genetically pre-disposed but a learned behavior.

So if the gay community believes so strongly that there is a "I gotta be me" genetic coding that pre-disposes a person to homosexuality why are they so afraid?

So afraid that "conversion therapy aimed at turning gay kids straight will soon be illegal in California, with the state's governor declaring he hopes a new law will relegate such efforts "to the dustbin of quackery."
This bill bans non-scientific 'therapies' that have driven young people to depression and suicide," Brown tweeted. "These practices have no basis in science or medicine."
California governor OKs ban on gay conversion therapy, calling it 'quackery' - CNN.com

Why is there such angst about something that a gay MUST be?

I have NO doubt some "suicides" but HOW MANY ? Where are the facts Mr. Brown?

People are gay for two reasons:
1) they truly were born with a genetic pre-disposition to homosexuality
2) The behavior is learned.

Those are the ONLY two ways that a homosexual IS a homosexual.

I would like anyone to refute that.

You covered both sides of the argument brillaintly

People are gay for two reasons:
1) they truly were born with a genetic pre-disposition to homosexuality
2) The behavior is learned.

Why is there such angst about something that a gay MUST be?

I have NO doubt some "suicides" but HOW MANY ? Where are the facts Mr. Brown?

I really don't think it's about how many ACTUAL suicides as it about how many votes he can buy -

Should Brown fail to embrace and bow down to the cult of LGBT especially in their capital California - you can add one suicide to that list BROWNS and it would be a political suicide
Greenbean needs to keep seeing his lie about shigella.

He has not responded to it yet, because he can't.

shigellosis - definition of shigellosis in the Medical dictionary - by the Free Online Medical Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Description Shigellosis is a well-known cause of traveler's diarrhea and illness throughout the world. Shigella are extremely infectious bacteria, and ingestion of just 10 organisms is enough to cause severe diarrhea and dehydration. Shigella accounts for 10-20% of all cases of diarrhea worldwide, and in any given year infects over 140 million persons and kills 600,000, mostly children and the elderly. The most serious form of the disease is called dysentery, which is characterized by severe watery (and often blood- and mucous-streaked) diarrhea, abdominal cramping, rectal pain, and fever. Shigella is only one of several organisms that can cause dysentery, but the term bacillary dysentery is usually another name for shigellosis.

Most deaths are in less-developed or developing countries, but even in the United States, shigellosis can be a dangerous and potentially deadly disease. Poor hygiene, overcrowding, and improper storage of food are leading causes of infection. The following statistics show the marked difference in the frequency of cases between developed and less-developed countries; in the United States, about 30,000 individuals are hit by the disease each year or about 10 cases/100,000 population. On the other hand, infection in some areas of South America is 1,000 times more frequent. Shigellosis is most common in children below age five, and occurs less often in adults over 20.

Shigella infection spreads through food or water contaminated by human waste. Sources of transmission are:

•contaminated milk, ice cream, vegetables and other foods which often cause epidemics
•household contacts (40% of adults and 20% of children will develop infection from such a source)
•poor hygiene and overcrowded living conditions
•day care centers
•sexual practices which lead to oral-anal contact, directly or indirectly

Nothing about homosexuals, but I imagine the last cause is overwhelmingly heterosexual.

Jake , coming from you I find that post an incredible improvement over your usual drive by nonsensical tripe

You finally gave me something other than your opinion.

You were still wrong in ascribing it to homosexuality when the contacts are overwhelmingly heterosexual.

Keep this up, and I will keep correcting you, and you will grow more aware of how unaware you are.

Now Greenbean Snow, you know something: that you know almost nothing.
GreenBean - you detract from your own content with constant ad hominems.

Inevitable - libel comes from the written word; slander comes from the spoken word. The term you wish to use is "libelous".

Carry on carrying on!

Regards from Rosie

Sorry Rosie , being insulting and arrogant to degenerates aand half wits just seems to come naturally. But you're not the first to state that - so ya think I should play nice ? :eusa_angel:

Greenbean is indeed a mental half wit and a moral degenerate.

No need to play nice with him.
The APA finding stands without any blows from Greenbean.

He is entitled to (1) his opinion, and (2) being corrected every time he tells falsehoods, which has been the entirety of this thread.
Conversion therapy (also known as reparative therapy) is a range of treatments that aim to change sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual. Such treatments have been criticized for being pseudo-scientific.
Conversion therapy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The major premise of conversion therapy advocates is that majority of homosexuals are NOT genetically pre-disposed but a learned behavior.

So if the gay community believes so strongly that there is a "I gotta be me" genetic coding that pre-disposes a person to homosexuality why are they so afraid?

So afraid that "conversion therapy aimed at turning gay kids straight will soon be illegal in California, with the state's governor declaring he hopes a new law will relegate such efforts "to the dustbin of quackery."
This bill bans non-scientific 'therapies' that have driven young people to depression and suicide," Brown tweeted. "These practices have no basis in science or medicine."
California governor OKs ban on gay conversion therapy, calling it 'quackery' - CNN.com

Why is there such angst about something that a gay MUST be?

I have NO doubt some "suicides" but HOW MANY ? Where are the facts Mr. Brown?

People are gay for two reasons:
1) they truly were born with a genetic pre-disposition to homosexuality
2) The behavior is learned.

Those are the ONLY two ways that a homosexual IS a homosexual.

I would like anyone to refute that.

You covered both sides of the argument brillaintly

People are gay for two reasons:
1) they truly were born with a genetic pre-disposition to homosexuality
2) The behavior is learned.

Why is there such angst about something that a gay MUST be?

I have NO doubt some "suicides" but HOW MANY ? Where are the facts Mr. Brown?

I really don't think it's about how many ACTUAL suicides as it about how many votes he can buy -

Should Brown fail to embrace and bow down to the cult of LGBT especially in their capital California - you can add one suicide to that list BROWNS and it would be a political suicide

No he didn't.

If homosexuality it a learned behavior, then how is it learned when the child is raised in a heterosexual home?
Link # 1 - Fromn the APA [LMAO]
Loony bird isn't a credible link.

16 Pages long ...I sincerely doubt your read it - and right now Im not willing to invest that amount of time from someone who is not making sense - what portion of the article would you like to discuss ? what quotes or content from said article would you care to use to defend your positions ?
Don't be lazy it's a paragraph or two tops on every page. But it basically states the cause of homosexuality is unknown.

Link # 2 Okay - so we all know the APA is oppossed to Reperative Therapy , what exactly are you attempting to prove by posting the resolution ? I'm not trying to be snide or nasty -I'm just curious as to what your point is?
They are a reputable source for information. All reputable associations oppose it. Info from a gag website like loony bird who's title line in discrediting the APA is this paranoid delusional crap, "Some homosexuals have gone beyond the plane of defensiveness and
now argue that deviancy is a noble preferable way of life."
Don't hold a candle to the real thing.

Link # 3 UC Davis , another pro-gay website.
Your opinions about their motives doesn't discredit them.
The article you posted has been adressed a number of times - it basically links religous history with anti-gay activities through History . The first five paragraphs are simply a history lesson
True history and important none the less., by
the end of the 5th they discuss the theories of an early 20th Century researcher Havelock Ellis and attempt to link his theories re: your dementia with those of Freud - Ellis was a rogue researcher who was not very respected - but he believed Homosexuality was not a dementia - he provided some logical hypothesis - which is still used by Gay activists today - over a hundred years later - but was largely discredited
Discredited by whom? What difference does that make if his research was sound?-

By the tenth paragraph they delve into scientific objectivity and make some valid points re: some early studies that examined and used somewhat tainted data
....only examined homosexuals who were already under psychiatric care – in other words, homosexuals who were seeking treatment or therapy.

Which is a very valid reason to question the studies findings - and puts into Question the validity of research, some of which was used to label your dementia as an illness They are right in this claim that the early 20th Century studies they cited were not objective , in that their test and control groups were tainted , and not random - the results are not considered accurate or reliable under those conditions .


They entirely destroy their own argument and shoot themselves in the foot by the eleventh paragraph when they defend he studies of Alfred Kinsey - which have proven to have been falsified , and even more tainted than the earlier studies they chastised . They engage in Blatant Hypocrisy and proove themselves to be biased propagandists and not respectable scholars.

...the majority — feel desperately besieged on all sides by this "new morality" being promoted by the small but powerful minority of artistic, intellectual, academic, and scientific elite.

One of the important areas where I think my research has made a very significant contribution is in uncovering the legal subversion that Kinsey is greatly responsible for. Very few Americans have any knowledge or appreciation for the enormity of his influence in this important realm. One indicator of this is the fact that Kinsey is the most cited sex scientist by far in Westlaw and the other legal indices. In my latest book I give several pages listing hundreds of law journal citations. His bogus science has been cited in case after case to overturn laws, for instance, that protect society against sex offenders.

Fighting the Kinsey Fraud: Interview with Dr. Judith Reisman
Right where you said "However" you went off on an irrelevant tangent. Even if Dr. Reisman thinks she has debunked Kinsey (I am not so sure that she did) itthat (iffy) fact wouldn't negate the biased confirmation.

they continue with their hypocrisy by using the Evelyn Hooker Study which a travesty and an insult to the intelligemce of any serious scientist.

Hookers Studies however were the product of a deliberate campaign by Gay activists to bring forward particular, pre-arranged outcomes, an approach that ignores scientific objectivity. Objectivity is a basic philosophical concept, related to reality and truth. Objectivity means the state or quality of being true even outside of a subject's individual biases, interpretations, feelings, and imaginings. Scientific Objectivity is a value that informs how scientific studies are conducted and how scientific truths are arrived at. It is the idea that scientists, in attempting to uncover truths about the natural world, must aspire to eliminate personal biases, emotional involvement, etc ... Hookers Studies failed the most basic of Litmus tests regarding Objectivity. Hooker was an associate of the Mattachine Society and was lobbied and eventually convinced to conduct a research study of homosexuality for the sole purpose of advancing their Agenda.

The study, "The adjustment of the male overt homosexual", Hooker administered several standardized personality tests to two sets of men, the first group of 30 was homosexual and heavily screened by the Mattachine Society and the other heterosexual. The whole purpose of the study was to examine the instances of mental instability in homosexuals, However, individuals who showed the slightest signs of mental instability were excluded , it was not a random test and was designed to arrive at predetermined results.

The studies subjects were not randomly selected. on the contrary they were chosen and screened entirely by the Mattachine Society, an organization that Hooker herself admitted in the report had as its stated purpose " the development of a homosexual ethic in order to better integrate the homosexual into society." The heterosexual subjects were obtained from "community organizations" which she refused to divulge. The inadequacy of her methodology was even acknowledged by the Journal that published it.

Hooker concluded her report by offering a set of "admissions" about the limitations of her study. In this section she concedes the possibility that homosexuals are indeed pathological, a point conveniently overlooked by the Gay Activists, but proven out by later and more reliable studies. So even though Dr. Hooker prostituted herself to the Mattachine Society, some element of the scientist had to shine through.

Scientific method describes a method for conducting an objective investigation. The scientific method involves making observations and conducting an experiment to test a hypothesis. An experiment or Study must be reproducible, which is important in science! If you have trouble duplicating results from one experiment to another then there is a flaw in your results. Dr. Hookers study failed to remain within the parameters which are dictated by "Good Science" she did however remain within the parameters of "Good Propaganda' and served her sponsor well. The following studies are ones which remained within the parameters of Good Science.

Evelyn Hooker Study Flawed
This still doesn't debunk earlier studies, or explain why it was admitted into theDSM IN the first place. And loony bird is a blog of paranoid delusions. So anything on that sight will come under heavy scrutiny.

They then go into the removal of Homosexuality from the DSM - a motion authored by Dr.Nicholas Cummings -the man you call a Quack -because he longer agrees with your side.
Enough with your delusions, I never called him a quack andI don't have a side. If all you can do is produce ridiculous strawman arguments and pretend like this isa basketball game than I assume you can't defend your position.

So what portion of the articles you cited [and probably never read] would you care to defend or discuss ?
They need no defense, they are published by UCDAVIS. You tried to debunk them with loony bird and Dr reisman's opinion. Sorry, bringsomething to the table besides this conspiracy theory. You mentioned "the gay agenda" and things being "pro gay" as a way to discredit them. Sorry, your paranoid delusions, no matter what PhD shares them simply isn't enough.

Don't post crap from what other people think, people disagree all the time nomatter how many letters they have behind their name. Post facts.

Such as:
What is the Psychosis?
Studies that weren't tainted.

That would be a good start.

Discredit the APA with facts, nit opinions of disagreeable doctors.
Greenbean needs to keep seeing his lie about shigella.

He has not responded to it yet, because he can't.

shigellosis - definition of shigellosis in the Medical dictionary - by the Free Online Medical Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Description Shigellosis is a well-known cause of traveler's diarrhea and illness throughout the world. Shigella are extremely infectious bacteria, and ingestion of just 10 organisms is enough to cause severe diarrhea and dehydration. Shigella accounts for 10-20% of all cases of diarrhea worldwide, and in any given year infects over 140 million persons and kills 600,000, mostly children and the elderly. The most serious form of the disease is called dysentery, which is characterized by severe watery (and often blood- and mucous-streaked) diarrhea, abdominal cramping, rectal pain, and fever. Shigella is only one of several organisms that can cause dysentery, but the term bacillary dysentery is usually another name for shigellosis.

Most deaths are in less-developed or developing countries, but even in the United States, shigellosis can be a dangerous and potentially deadly disease. Poor hygiene, overcrowding, and improper storage of food are leading causes of infection. The following statistics show the marked difference in the frequency of cases between developed and less-developed countries; in the United States, about 30,000 individuals are hit by the disease each year or about 10 cases/100,000 population. On the other hand, infection in some areas of South America is 1,000 times more frequent. Shigellosis is most common in children below age five, and occurs less often in adults over 20.

Shigella infection spreads through food or water contaminated by human waste. Sources of transmission are:

•contaminated milk, ice cream, vegetables and other foods which often cause epidemics
•household contacts (40% of adults and 20% of children will develop infection from such a source)
•poor hygiene and overcrowded living conditions
•day care centers
•sexual practices which lead to oral-anal contact, directly or indirectly

Nothing about homosexuals, but I imagine the last cause is overwhelmingly heterosexual.

Jake , coming from you I find that post an incredible improvement over your usual drive by nonsensical tripe

You finally gave me something other than your opinion.

You were still wrong in ascribing it to homosexuality when the contacts are overwhelmingly heterosexual.

Keep this up, and I will keep correcting you, and you will grow more aware of how unaware you are.

Now Greenbean Snow, you know something: that you know almost nothing.

Wellwell well FakeMalarkey - I see you conveniently left out the bulk of the post how convenient :lol:

I really must commend you for your efforts, especially given the fact that are working such limited intellectual capacity

The copy and paste job you just perpetrated outlines the conventional modes by which shigelosis has been known to be contracted. It is not an STD - so the fact that as you stated " the last cause is overwhelming heterosexual" is somewhat irrelevant - but I'll address it anyway , because youre a somewhat irrelevant person ....

Were it a disease that could be conracted equally by all persons, than you would expect it to be dispersed equally at a per capita percentage [Please let me know if you understand per capita or not - I doubt they covered it when they were handing out coloring books and crayons at your educational institution]. It is not dispersed equally - it is contracted by homosexuals at aprox. 5X the rate that sane people [heterosexual] contract it.

It is contracted commonly by gays because they suck each others shit coated organs while they salivatiouslly sodomize one another . [Now I'm sure our modern educational institutions , despite having some of the lowest test scores on the planet, are very keen at educating the milk and cookie crowds that you frolic with into the "Joys of queer sex" - so I think you probably understand some of what I just said.

Inevitable :Loony bird isn't a credible link.

GreenBean: Proove it

Inevitable : Don't be lazy it's a paragraph or two tops on every page. But it basically states the cause of homosexuality is unknown.

GreenBean: And this is correct - the cause of Homosexuality is unknown , although the bulk of the data seems to indicate it is not something you are born with - there is minimal evidence o indicate - that in some cases , and only some case it may well be a genetic defect. However , both sides of he argument are both theories - - do you understand the difference between theory and fact ?

Inevitable :They are a reputable source for information. All reputable associations oppose it. Info from a gag website like loony bird who's title line in discrediting the APA is this paranoid delusional crap, "Some homosexuals have gone beyond the plane of defensiveness and
now argue that deviancy is a noble preferable way of life." Don't hold a candle to the real thing.

GreenBean: Uhhh ... no ...sorry pal, hurt to burst your bubble , but the APA is the laughing stock of the scientific community - they become less and less credible each passing day.

GreenBean: Link # 3 UC Davis , another pro-gay website.

Inevitable :Your opinions about their motives doesn't discredit them.

GreenBean: No, not my opinion itself, but the facts I presented m and others have also presented most certainly does. They have not sunken to the depths of ridicule that the APA has brought upon itself [yet] - but as I pointed out - the hypocrisy of their article is blatant for any who are knowledgeable and objective on the topic

Inevitable :Right where you said "However" you went off on an irrelevant tangent. Even if Dr. Reisman thinks she has debunked Kinsey (I am not so sure that she did) itthat (iffy) fact wouldn't negate the biased confirmation.

GreenBean: The topic on Kinsey is not even worth discussing, and your stance betrays your lack of knowledge . Reisman is only one of a many many many scholars who have successfully debunked him - to attempt to defend his crap is just plain silly .

Inevitable :This still doesn't debunk earlier studies

GreenBean: Such As ? .....

Inevitable : And loony bird is a blog of paranoid delusions. So anything on that sight will come under heavy scrutiny.

GreenBean: I'm sure it has - but it comes down of a case of adress the content not a sites bizarre name.

GreenBean: So what portion of the articles you cited [and probably never read] would you care to defend or discuss ?

Inevitable : They need no defense, they are published by UCDAVIS.

GreenBean: That's a cop out - question everything [University of California, Davis | UC Davis] is not a privileged God like organization that is unquestionable and has absolute and infinite knowledge - I chalk that statement you just made up to laziness - and leave it at that.

Inevitable : Don't post crap from what other people think, people disagree all the time nomatter how many letters they have behind their name. Post facts.

Such as:
What is the Psychosis?

GreenBean: Sexual Dysphoria

From Cambridge - "The risk of psychotic symptoms is two to three times greater among homosexual ..."

Most mental illnesses [ Psychosis ] is accompanied by related psychotic disorders and symptoms thereof- homoseuxality is no exception

“Homosexual study participants ... experienced a period during which they had psychotic perceptions or thoughts” says Mr Gevonden, leading author of the paper. “... depressive thoughts, or excessive drinking, or as in this case psychotic symptoms....hallucinations, .. hearing voices, or delusions, such as the idea that one is constantly being followed. Even if they are not serious and no help is sought, psychotic symptoms have predictive value for the onset of a psychotic disorder such as schizophrenia. Such disorders often result in the need for long-term care and are demanding to both the patient and his environment." http://blog.journals.cambridge.org/2013/05/sexual-minorities-vulnerable-to-psychosis/

Inevitable : ...Studies that weren't tainted.

GreenBean: Okay ....
1.} Netherlands Mental Health Survey and Incidence Studies Sexual minority status and psychotic symptoms Jan. 2014

The aim of this study was to examine whether sexual minorities are at increased risk for psychotic symptoms and to explore mediating pathways. The study concluded that homosexual orientation is most definitely associated with psychotic symptoms and further states that the study adds to the growing body of literature linking minority status with psychosis and other mental health problems. In an effort to remain politically correct the paper presented goes on to suggest that their findings are possibly due to experiences of discrimination and social exclusion.

The risk of psychotic symptoms is two to three times greater among homosexual participants in the study than among heterosexual participants. The researchers found this result using data from the Netherlands Mental Health and Incidence Studies (NEMESIS-1 and NEMESIS-2), two large-scale epidemiological studies which aim to investigate how often mental health problems occur in the general population. Sexual minority status and psychotic symptoms

2.} Dr. Apu Chakraborty of University College London, UK.

This Study explored the rates of mental disorder among 7,403 adults living in the UK, whose details were obtained from the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2007. Rates of depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobia, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and alcohol and drug dependence were significantly higher in homosexual respondents. Hookers "study" only used two groups of 30 men each, and the homosexual respondents were hand picked, where as in the University College Study they were not. Higher Risk of Mental Health Problems for Homosexuals

Elevated levels of psychiatric problems in nonheterosexual people are "very worrying and call not only for a response by professionals in primary care and mental health services but also efforts at prevention," Apu Chakraborty, PhD, MSc, MRCPsych, of the Department of Mental Health Sciences, University College London, United Kingdom, and colleagues conclude. Medscape.com

Inevitable : Discredit the APA with facts, nit opinions of disagreeable doctors.

Here's another informed source for you -Jeffrey Santinover

Santinover has been called as an expert witness in court cases, much to the dismay of the Gay lobby. He has been asked to assess briefs being submitted to state and the U.S. Supreme Courts, Satinover has had the chance to tear apart hundreds of research papers offered as evidence by gay agenda activists who had been invited to represent the views of the major mental-health associations. Among Dr. Santinover other works are Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth , and The Quantum Brain: The Search for Freedom and the Next Generation of Man .

And lets have Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons chime in - Fitzgibbons has stated said that the American Psychiatric Association (APA) has continuously ignored evidence that homosexuality is a manifestation of a psychiatric disorder....Fitzgibbons, co-author of a Helping Clients Forgive, , said the .... It is being increasingly proven that children have a dire psychological need for a stable family with a mother and father, something the gay lifestyle simply can not accommodate. Fitzgibbons presented a list of psychological difficulties endured by homosexuals. Which includes, but is certainly not limited to major depression, suicidal tendencies, sever anxiety disorders, addiction and substance abuse, lowered self-esteem ,inability to maintain committed relationships.
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Proove it, I'm sure it has - but it comes down of a case of adress the content not a sites bizarre name.
Loony bird title line on the page attempting to debunk the APA: "Some homosexuals have gone beyond the plane of defensiveness and now argue that deviancy is a noble preferable way of life." It's a conspiracy theory.

Uhhh ... no ...sorry pal, hurt to burst your bubble , but the APA is the laughing stock of the scientific community - they become less and less credible each passing day.
I don't care for your opinions of the APA, only facts.

No, not my opinion itself, but the facts I presented m and others have also presented most certainly does.
Yes it is your opinion and you presentedno facts on it.

Such As ? .....
See below.

Sexual Dysphoria
Sexual disphoria is disphoria with your sex. This doesn't effect homosexuals, it's something linked to transgender people.

From Cambridge - "The risk of psychotic symptoms is two to three times greater among homosexual ..."

Most mental illnesses [ Psychosis ] is accompanied by related psychotic disorders and symptoms thereof- homoseuxality is no exception

“Homosexual study participants ... experienced a period during which they had psychotic perceptions or thoughts” says Mr Gevonden, leading author of the paper. “... depressive thoughts, or excessive drinking, or as in this case psychotic symptoms....hallucinations, .. hearing voices, or delusions, such as the idea that one is constantly being followed. Even if they are not serious and no help is sought, psychotic symptoms have predictive value for the onset of a psychotic disorder such as schizophrenia. Such disorders often result in the need for long-term care and are demanding to both the patient and his environment." Sexual minorities vulnerable to psychosis? « Medicine « Cambridge Journals Blog

(Copied from your link)
"possibly this is due to experiences of discrimination and social*exclusion."-Rivierduinen, Maastricht University

They seem to support that social negativity may create this psychosis and not homosexualityin and of itself

1.} Netherlands Mental Health Survey and Incidence Studies Sexual minority status and psychotic symptoms Jan. 2014

The aim of this study was to examine whether sexual minorities are at increased risk for psychotic symptoms and to explore mediating pathways. The study concluded that homosexual orientation is most definitely associated with psychotic symptoms and further states that the study adds to the growing body of literature linking minority status with psychosis and other mental health problems. In an effort to remain politically correct the paper presented goes on to suggest that their findings are possibly due to experiences of discrimination and social exclusion.

The risk of psychotic symptoms is two to three times greater among homosexual participants in the study than among heterosexual participants. The researchers found this result using data from the Netherlands Mental Health and Incidence Studies (NEMESIS-1 and NEMESIS-2), two large-scale epidemiological studies which aim to investigate how often mental health problems occur in the general population. Sexual minority status and psychotic symptoms
(Copied from your link)
"Childhood trauma, bullying and experience of discrimination partly mediated the association."-NEMESIS

Partly mediated the association? How much?

2.} Dr. Apu Chakraborty of University College London, UK.

This Study explored the rates of mental disorder among 7,403 adults living in the UK, whose details were obtained from the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2007. Rates of depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobia, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and alcohol and drug dependence were significantly higher in homosexual respondents. Hookers "study" only used two groups of 30 men each, and the homosexual respondents were hand picked, where as in the University College Study they were not. Higher Risk of Mental Health Problems for Homosexuals

Elevated levels of psychiatric problems in nonheterosexual people are "very worrying and call not only for a response by professionals in primary care and mental health services but also efforts at prevention," Apu Chakraborty, PhD, MSc, MRCPsych, of the Department of Mental Health Sciences, University College London, United Kingdom, and colleagues conclude. Medscape.com
(Copied from your link)
"This lends support to the idea that people who feel discriminated against experience social stressors, which in turn increases their risk of experiencing mental health problems,” -Dr. Chakraborty

So the increase in psychosis might not be linked directly to homosexuality at all.

Here's another informed source for you -Jeffrey Santinover

Santinover has been called as an expert witness in court cases, much to the dismay of the Gay lobby. He has been asked to assess briefs being submitted to state and the U.S. Supreme Courts, Satinover has had the chance to tear apart hundreds of research papers offered as evidence by gay agenda activists who had been invited to represent the views of the major mental-health associations. Among Dr. Santinover other works are Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth , and The Quantum Brain: The Search for Freedom and the Next Generation of Man .

And lets have Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons chime in - Fitzgibbons has stated said that the American Psychiatric Association (APA) has continuously ignored evidence that homosexuality is a manifestation of a psychiatric disorder....Fitzgibbons, co-author of a Helping Clients Forgive, , said the .... It is being increasingly proven that children have a dire psychological need for a stable family with a mother and father, something the gay lifestyle simply can not accommodate. Fitzgibbons presented a list of psychological difficulties endured by homosexuals. Which includes, but is certainly not limited to major depression, suicidal tendencies, sever anxiety disorders, addiction and substance abuse, lowered self-esteem ,inability to maintain committed relationships.

The studies above seem to point out that these psychological issues aren't directly linked to homosexuality.

Inevitable : Loony bird title line on the page attempting to debunk the APA: "Some homosexuals have gone beyond the plane of defensiveness and now argue that deviancy is a noble preferable way of life." It's a conspiracy theory.

GreenBean: I see it was way too advanced for you , so you copped out by resorting to your standard refusal to address content that you either can not comprehend or that flies in the face of your opinions - and just when I was starting to think that there might be hope for you tsk tsk tsk....

GreenBean: Uhhh ... no ...sorry pal, hurt to burst your bubble , but the APA is the laughing stock of the scientific community - they become less and less credible each passing day.

Inevitable : I don't care for your opinions of the APA, only facts.

GreenBean: The fact is you really don't care for my facts only your opinions --- Now you are using the circle jerk - somewhat similar to Muhammed Alis "rope a dope" - sorry pal - but that's how we got to where we are in this discusiion = you were unable to refute previosly posted factual evidence - scroll back - and get back to me when you have something of substance .

GreenBean: No, not my opinion itself, but the facts I presented m and others have also presented most certainly does. -- you are using the circle jerk - somewhat similar to Muhammed Alis "rope a dope" - sorry pal - but that's how we got to where we are in this discusiion = you were unable to refute previosly posted factual evidence - scroll back - and get back to me when you have something of substance .

Inevitable : Yes it is your opinion and you presentedno facts on it.

GreenBean: The fact is you really don't care for my facts only your opinions you deflect and "circle jerk" any facts presented that fly in the face of your opinions.

Inevitable : Sexual disphoria is disphoria with your sex. This doesn't effect homosexuals, it's something linked to transgender people.

GreenBean: It is also relevant to transgender queers - but in that case it is called gender dysphoria. Sexual Dysphoria more correctly refers to homosexuals - I previously gave you the definition of the word dysphoria - you chose to ignore because in your warped little mind - your opinions even outweigh the english language - you need help little fella .

From Cambridge - "The risk of psychotic symptoms is two to three times greater among homosexual ..."

Most mental illnesses [ Psychosis ] is accompanied by related psychotic disorders and symptoms thereof- homoseuxality is no exception

“Homosexual study participants ... experienced a period during which they had psychotic perceptions or thoughts” says Mr Gevonden, leading author of the paper. “... depressive thoughts, or excessive drinking, or as in this case psychotic symptoms....hallucinations, .. hearing voices, or delusions, such as the idea that one is constantly being followed. Even if they are not serious and no help is sought, psychotic symptoms have predictive value for the onset of a psychotic disorder such as schizophrenia. Such disorders often result in the need for long-term care and are demanding to both the patient and his environment." Sexual minorities vulnerable to psychosis? « Medicine « Cambridge Journals Blog

Inevitable : (Copied from your link)
"possibly this is due to experiences of discrimination and social*exclusion."-Rivierduinen, Maastricht University

They seem to support that social negativity may create this psychosis and not homosexualityin and of itself

GreenBean: Thats a valid opinion , but only an opinion and the key word is possibly - the pre-requisites of the Doctors academic survival required that he pay homage to the Lords of politiocal correctness - but you NEVER will see him stating such as a fact . It reminds of the Seinfeld show - whenever queers were mentioned they would insert the line "Not that there's anything wronmg with that "


Inevitable : The studies above seem to point out that these psychological issues aren't directly linked to homosexuality.

GreenBean: Okay , so that's a good start ... but finish what you wanted to say - back up your opinions [Oh I forgot it's Inevitable ]
address content
I addressed content. Repeatedlyloony bird references some gay agenda bogeyman.

The fact is you really don't care for my facts only your opinions.
You STILL have presented no facts.
No, not my opinion itself, but the facts I presented
Just because you keep insisting your opinions. are facts doesn'tmake it so.

The fact is you really don't care for my facts
You presentedno facts.
Sexual Dysphoria more correctly refers to homosexuals
No it does not. It refersto people dysphoric with their sex.
I previously gave you the definition of the word dysphoria
Yet you still refuse to understand the meaning. -

Thats a valid opinion , but only an opinion and the key word is possibly - the pre-requisites of the Doctors academic survival required that he pay homage to the Lords of politiocal correctness - but you NEVER will see him stating such as a fact
That crank conspiracy theory sure it's handy. Anytime doctorssay something that doesn't support your prejudice, it mustbe that darned omnipresent political agenda pulling imaginary levers behind the scenes.
Conversion therapy (also known as reparative therapy) is a range of treatments that aim to change sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual. Such treatments have been criticized for being pseudo-scientific.
Conversion therapy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The major premise of conversion therapy advocates is that majority of homosexuals are NOT genetically pre-disposed but a learned behavior.

So if the gay community believes so strongly that there is a "I gotta be me" genetic coding that pre-disposes a person to homosexuality why are they so afraid?

So afraid that "conversion therapy aimed at turning gay kids straight will soon be illegal in California, with the state's governor declaring he hopes a new law will relegate such efforts "to the dustbin of quackery."
This bill bans non-scientific 'therapies' that have driven young people to depression and suicide," Brown tweeted. "These practices have no basis in science or medicine."
California governor OKs ban on gay conversion therapy, calling it 'quackery' - CNN.com

Why is there such angst about something that a gay MUST be?

I have NO doubt some "suicides" but HOW MANY ? Where are the facts Mr. Brown?

People are gay for two reasons:
1) they truly were born with a genetic pre-disposition to homosexuality
2) The behavior is learned.

Those are the ONLY two ways that a homosexual IS a homosexual.

I would like anyone to refute that.

Because of the ABUSES and FRAUDS in the guise of conversion and reparative therapy, this has twisted and turned the public away from natural spiritual healing which is effective and voluntary.

Complaints of Frauds and Abuses that have shut down corrupt organizations:

Ex-Gay Conversion Therapy Group Rebrands Stresses Rights of Clients Mother Jones

Ex-Gay Activists Demand Apology From Exodus International Right Wing Watch

Here is the approach to effective healing ministries that get sidelined and censored:
How To Defeat Homosexual Activists 101 A Real Education Page 4 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
(because of the fear that "all such therapy is fraud" which only applies to the abusive malpractice)

More testimonies of people who have changed:
People Can Change - An alternative healing response to unwanted homosexual desires.
De Blasio s wife Chirlane McCray talks about lesbian past - NY Daily News

How Exodus International Should Apologize to the Ex-Gay Community Voice of the Voiceless

Dear Ex-Gay Community,

We are sorry that the leadership of Exodus International didn’t seek out professional psychotherapy to understand the roots of our homosexual feelings. Instead, we merely repressed our urges and hoped that God would take them away if we prayed hard enough.

We also deeply regret that we didn’t pursue advanced degrees in counseling or psychology so we could truly help others who were struggling with unwanted SSA resolve their issues and experience real change.

Now that we look back at our leadership, relying on clichés, slogans, and simplistic answers to complex sexual orientation issues was not the way to go. Rather than embrace cutting-edge therapeutic techniques that were developed to help individuals heal the wounds that lead to SSA, we are deeply saddened that we attacked our allies in the psychological community, most of who are also people of faith. Out of fear and ignorance, we failed to embrace solutions that could bring about real and lasting change.

We would like to ask for forgiveness for making statements, pronouncement, and judgments on behalf of dozens of Exodus member-ministries across the USA, instead of seeking their feedback and making decisions based on a consensus. In essence, our Board of Directors behaved as an oligarchy instead of a democracy. When the members we ruled over didn’t like our direction, instead of humbly listening to them, we promptly dismissed them, arrogantly condemned them, and swiftly exiled them.

Finally, we are sorry that once we realized we were unable to effectively lead, we did not appoint more qualified individuals to take over Exodus International. Instead, our narcissism allowed us to mistakenly believe that if we couldn’t help individuals who experience SSA pursue heterosexuality, than no one could or should.

How foolish of us to believe that our member ministries would stand aside and allow us to destroy their work and reputations. We are sorry that our bad leadership has fragmented the ex-gay community and caused over half of our member ministries to leave and form the Restored Hope Network. We also regret that this has created a great financial difficulty for our organization and caused many of us unemployment.

Yours truly,

Exodus International Board of Directors

PS: Please forgive Alan Chambers for leaking confidential e-mails of our former colleagues to a homosexual activist website who used it against them. That was really bad!
In summary, because the ex-gay community will never receive this apology from the leadership of Exodus International, I will summarize as to what you can expect from them moving forward.

They will continue to struggle with their own homosexual feelings. They will continue to walk in blindness over the causes and meaning of their SSA, and therefore, lead others into similar confusion. Lastly, they will continue to (try to) be buddies with homosexual activists while rejecting the truth that ex-gay ministries offer. How very sad that the largest and most influential ex-gay ministry has resorted to a popularity club for their narcissistic leaders.

Christopher Doyle is the President and Co-Founder of Voice of the Voiceless, the only anti-defamation league for former homosexuals, individuals with unwanted same-sex attractions, and their families. For more information,visit: www.VoiceoftheVoiceless.info

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I wonder if there is a conversion therapy for willfully ignorant people. A better question is why do you care who other people sleep with?
Why do the same sex couples care what I write unless they are afraid of the truth.
What consenting individuals do in the bedroom is their business alone.
I agree... so why do the LBGT community care what I write or think? It is my business.,,not theirs unless they are repression
conversion therapy....
I wonder if there is a conversion therapy for willfully ignorant people. A better question is why do you care who other people sleep with?
Why do the same sex couples care what I write unless they are afraid of the truth.

They are afraid of change. Same as the Christians who find out that even after people go through spiritual healing, some may remain homosexual. Or Atheist. Or come out transgender AFTER healing. So that goes against their theory that all such people can change. Some can, some cannot. Both sides are going to have to stretch to understand and include the cases that don't find their mindset. Both sides resist change and find it easier to blame the other for faults when both are biased.

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