Why Is The GOP Senate So Afraid To Call Witnesses??

Triggered. Didn’t take long. Typical Leftist.

Pointing out your failures is triggered??

You’re the one with ad Hominems.
So? Ad hominem in itself might be triggered but I pepper ad hominem in my points. That one, for example, was pointing out how utterly off the mark your analogy was.
Opinions vary. Ad hominem was not necessary.
So? A lot of things are not necessary but are fun just the same. Still, you posted a stupid analogy that was not applicable and got called on it. Stop whining and grow a pair.
You mean winning. All I do is win in our debates. You resort to ad Hominems like a loser
Why wouldn't you send Giuliani? He has a long background fighting organized crime and corruption. He's not a "faux" Elliott Ness...he's actually as close to the real thing as you can get. Giuliani cut his teeth going after the Mafia in New York City.

Giuliani is part of the corruption, are you telling us he is better at fighting organized crime and corruption than the FBI and the DOJ. Come to think of it what is Giuliani's official title and who is paying him?

I'd be hard pressed to think of anyone in the FBI or the DOJ with a better record at fighting organized crime than Rudy Giuliani! His record at that is what got him elected in politics to higher things.

More smoke blowing, the FBI and DOJ were around long before Guiliani was ever heard of and they will be around long after he is gone and if he is so SHARP why didn't Trump make him the AG? I'll tell you why, because then he couldn't use him as a operative because his actions would have to be above board if he was the DOJ. Also he isn't fighting any crime or corruption he is running around trying to find dirt on Trump's political opponents.

The FBI and DOJ were around before Giuliani and will be after he's gone. That doesn't change the fact that Rudy Giuliani led the task force that crippled the Mafia more than any other prosecutor in US history! He put heads of the 5 families in prison with sentences of 100 years. Your claim that he's somehow not qualified to look into corruption is quite frankly LAUGHABLE!

What is more laughable is that bullshit you are spewing that he was looking into corruption. He is part of the corruption you claim that he fought for years, he is in Ukraine looking for anything he think Trump can use to defeat Joe Biden.
Giuliani is a part of corruption? Really? In what way? Because he supports Trump?
Did you want to take a crack at telling us all what economic policies of Barack Obama's it was that caused unemployment to go down?
You've been shown, lying con tool. Keep in mind, you call claim the Impeached Trump lowered the unemployment rate even before he became president and before he passed any policies.

Actually he did. The positive vibes that Trump created throughout the business world after his vanquishing of Hillary, helped the economy immensely even before inauguration.

The business community realized that the large dark night of Obamunism was over and it was dawn in America.

In other words I can't point to nothing specifically, it's just Trump the Messiah that has made all wholesome and good in America.


Getting rid of burdensome regulations and passing tax cuts stimulated the economy. Business responds when they see opportunity. They pull back when they see an Administration that's erecting barriers to growth.
Lying con tool, the economy was already stimulated when Impeach Trump became president.

It was already stimulated! Not by Barry but the Private Sector generally felt more confident as soon as your progressives no longer had the power to pass legislation that could harm them. With Trump coming in that confidence was taken to a whole new level. I know it burns your ass that Trump's policies haven't resulted in the recession that liberal shills like Paul Krugman were promising would happen if Trump were elected. If you think it's bad now, Faun? Wait until Trump works a deal with China. The economy will take off like a rocket!
Did you want to take a crack at telling us all what economic policies of Barack Obama's it was that caused unemployment to go down?
You've been shown, lying con tool. Keep in mind, you call claim the Impeached Trump lowered the unemployment rate even before he became president and before he passed any policies.

Trump actually DID lower the unemployment rate before he became President, Faun! Businesses knew what they were getting with him. As soon as he was elected...even before he was sworn in...businesses knew that they'd be working with an Administration that saw the Private Sector as a good thing rather than the outgoing President who saw the Private Sector as a problem.
That was the point I have been trying to make but Fawn cannot grasp that.

Oh, believe me...Faun grasps it...he's just unable to admit the truth because it's embarrassing. Barack Obama was terrible with the economy. Take out the numbers from the energy boom and his record would have been historically abysmal! The fact is...progressives don't know how to create jobs because they think that profit is antisocial and anyone who's making a profit is in some way ripping the public off! You can't create jobs when you're THAT clueless!

This is what, "Obama was terrible with the economy," looks like to lying con tools...

View attachment 296931

And this is what reality looks like...

You keep showing those two stupid graphs, Faun...and I keep pointing out that Barry had little to nothing to do with creating jobs or growing the economy! Our economy improved despite his awful economic policies and the mountains of additional government regulations that his administration burdened us with.
The Stimulus cost US taxpayers a trillion dollars. Unemployment went up after the Stimulus was employed. It didn't start to come down until the Democrats lost the House and could no longer implement their progressive agenda. Only THEN was it safe for private capital to come out of hiding and start investing again!
Unemployment was on the way up/. That is why we needed the stimulus you stupid shit.

Without it, unemployment could have surpassed 11% & the recession lasted a lot longer.

The CBO said the stimulus did was was intended.

The Obama Administration said that if the stimulus wasn't granted that unemployment would rise above 8% but if it were granted that unemployment would go to 6%. They got the stimulus money but utilized it so poorly that unemployment rose above 10%! Only a progressive would claim that the stimulus worked as intended!
The unemployment rate was already about 8% when the stimulus was passed.

Obama's economic advisors promised that if given the stimulus that rate would drop to 6%...instead it rose to over 10%.
Again, the unemployment rate was higher than the ARRA predicted (December, 2008), than when ARRA was passed (February, 2009). And they predicted it would drop to 6% in 2012 and that happened in 2014.

That's five years later, Faun! ARRA didn't make the unemployment rate drop to 6% five years after it was passed! Those unemployment numbers were driven by things like the energy boom...things that Barry not only didn't DO but actively opposed!
You and faun the little yellow coward can both go fuck yourselves. YOU are the racist you projecting Obamanzee. You continue to show your ignorance. Thus earning the title Obamanzee. Your lack of knowledge, continual kissing of the ass of Obozo, and general stupidity make you eminently qualified. I’d tell you to say your shit to my face, but cowards like you two would run away when looked at sideways. Prove it’s a slur or STFU moron.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^

So you have no response. Typical of a racist little yellow coward like you. Keep projecting. You don’t even qualify for beta. More like delta or lower. You keep screaming and cry8ng because you’re a failure. You are a retard of the first order. Insecure and a coward. You are dismissed. Failure.

Aww, poor widdle snowfwake ... that was my response.


And what a pity you're not man enough to dismiss me.

No you have no response you no balled wonder. And I am more than man enough to dismiss a little yellow coward like you. But a coward like you would run away upon somebody looking at you. By the way fuckwad, STILL NOT IMPEACHED! Asshole. You are dismissed you feckless little coward. :fu:

Poor, triggered PussyBitch, I'm still not dismissed. I'm still here. :mm:

Pointing out your failures is triggered??

You’re the one with ad Hominems.
So? Ad hominem in itself might be triggered but I pepper ad hominem in my points. That one, for example, was pointing out how utterly off the mark your analogy was.
Opinions vary. Ad hominem was not necessary.
So? A lot of things are not necessary but are fun just the same. Still, you posted a stupid analogy that was not applicable and got called on it. Stop whining and grow a pair.
You mean winning. All I do is win in our debates. You resort to ad Hominems like a loser
You've been shown, lying con tool. Keep in mind, you call claim the Impeached Trump lowered the unemployment rate even before he became president and before he passed any policies.

Actually he did. The positive vibes that Trump created throughout the business world after his vanquishing of Hillary, helped the economy immensely even before inauguration.

The business community realized that the large dark night of Obamunism was over and it was dawn in America.

In other words I can't point to nothing specifically, it's just Trump the Messiah that has made all wholesome and good in America.


Getting rid of burdensome regulations and passing tax cuts stimulated the economy. Business responds when they see opportunity. They pull back when they see an Administration that's erecting barriers to growth.
Lying con tool, the economy was already stimulated when Impeach Trump became president.

It was already stimulated! Not by Barry but the Private Sector generally felt more confident as soon as your progressives no longer had the power to pass legislation that could harm them. With Trump coming in that confidence was taken to a whole new level. I know it burns your ass that Trump's policies haven't resulted in the recession that liberal shills like Paul Krugman were promising would happen if Trump were elected. If you think it's bad now, Faun? Wait until Trump works a deal with China. The economy will take off like a rocket!
Slobbers a lying con tool.

And by the way, lying con tool, I never said Trump's policies would cause a recession nor do I want them to.
You've been shown, lying con tool. Keep in mind, you call claim the Impeached Trump lowered the unemployment rate even before he became president and before he passed any policies.

Trump actually DID lower the unemployment rate before he became President, Faun! Businesses knew what they were getting with him. As soon as he was elected...even before he was sworn in...businesses knew that they'd be working with an Administration that saw the Private Sector as a good thing rather than the outgoing President who saw the Private Sector as a problem.
That was the point I have been trying to make but Fawn cannot grasp that.

Oh, believe me...Faun grasps it...he's just unable to admit the truth because it's embarrassing. Barack Obama was terrible with the economy. Take out the numbers from the energy boom and his record would have been historically abysmal! The fact is...progressives don't know how to create jobs because they think that profit is antisocial and anyone who's making a profit is in some way ripping the public off! You can't create jobs when you're THAT clueless!

This is what, "Obama was terrible with the economy," looks like to lying con tools...

View attachment 296931

And this is what reality looks like...

You keep showing those two stupid graphs, Faun...and I keep pointing out that Barry had little to nothing to do with creating jobs or growing the economy! Our economy improved despite his awful economic policies and the mountains of additional government regulations that his administration burdened us with.
Your empty denials are noted and laughed at, lying con tool.
Unemployment was on the way up/. That is why we needed the stimulus you stupid shit.

Without it, unemployment could have surpassed 11% & the recession lasted a lot longer.

The CBO said the stimulus did was was intended.

The Obama Administration said that if the stimulus wasn't granted that unemployment would rise above 8% but if it were granted that unemployment would go to 6%. They got the stimulus money but utilized it so poorly that unemployment rose above 10%! Only a progressive would claim that the stimulus worked as intended!
The unemployment rate was already about 8% when the stimulus was passed.

Obama's economic advisors promised that if given the stimulus that rate would drop to 6%...instead it rose to over 10%.
Again, the unemployment rate was higher than the ARRA predicted (December, 2008), than when ARRA was passed (February, 2009). And they predicted it would drop to 6% in 2012 and that happened in 2014.

That's five years later, Faun! ARRA didn't make the unemployment rate drop to 6% five years after it was passed! Those unemployment numbers were driven by things like the energy boom...things that Barry not only didn't DO but actively opposed!
Lying con tool, you were the one to point out ARRA predicted a return to 6% unemployment. I was the one to point out it predicted that would happen in 2012 and that unemployment due to Bush's Great Recession turned out to be greater than the ARRA expected, resulting in it taking 2 extra years to get back down to 6%.
Actually he did. The positive vibes that Trump created throughout the business world after his vanquishing of Hillary, helped the economy immensely even before inauguration.

The business community realized that the large dark night of Obamunism was over and it was dawn in America.

In other words I can't point to nothing specifically, it's just Trump the Messiah that has made all wholesome and good in America.


Getting rid of burdensome regulations and passing tax cuts stimulated the economy. Business responds when they see opportunity. They pull back when they see an Administration that's erecting barriers to growth.
Lying con tool, the economy was already stimulated when Impeach Trump became president.

It was already stimulated! Not by Barry but the Private Sector generally felt more confident as soon as your progressives no longer had the power to pass legislation that could harm them. With Trump coming in that confidence was taken to a whole new level. I know it burns your ass that Trump's policies haven't resulted in the recession that liberal shills like Paul Krugman were promising would happen if Trump were elected. If you think it's bad now, Faun? Wait until Trump works a deal with China. The economy will take off like a rocket!
Slobbers a lying con tool.

And by the way, lying con tool, I never said Trump's policies would cause a recession nor do I want them to.

Maybe you didn't. But Paul Krugman, the Great Economic Guru of the left, predicted exactly that on Election Night.
In other words I can't point to nothing specifically, it's just Trump the Messiah that has made all wholesome and good in America.


Getting rid of burdensome regulations and passing tax cuts stimulated the economy. Business responds when they see opportunity. They pull back when they see an Administration that's erecting barriers to growth.
Lying con tool, the economy was already stimulated when Impeach Trump became president.

It was already stimulated! Not by Barry but the Private Sector generally felt more confident as soon as your progressives no longer had the power to pass legislation that could harm them. With Trump coming in that confidence was taken to a whole new level. I know it burns your ass that Trump's policies haven't resulted in the recession that liberal shills like Paul Krugman were promising would happen if Trump were elected. If you think it's bad now, Faun? Wait until Trump works a deal with China. The economy will take off like a rocket!
Slobbers a lying con tool.

And by the way, lying con tool, I never said Trump's policies would cause a recession nor do I want them to.

Maybe you didn't. But Paul Krugman, the Great Economic Guru of the left, predicted exactly that on Election Night.
So what? Do you not recall some on the right predicting Obama would lead us into a double dip recession? They proved to be as wrong as Krugman. There are always some folks on both sides making such predictions about the other side.
Trump actually DID lower the unemployment rate before he became President, Faun! Businesses knew what they were getting with him. As soon as he was elected...even before he was sworn in...businesses knew that they'd be working with an Administration that saw the Private Sector as a good thing rather than the outgoing President who saw the Private Sector as a problem.
That was the point I have been trying to make but Fawn cannot grasp that.

Oh, believe me...Faun grasps it...he's just unable to admit the truth because it's embarrassing. Barack Obama was terrible with the economy. Take out the numbers from the energy boom and his record would have been historically abysmal! The fact is...progressives don't know how to create jobs because they think that profit is antisocial and anyone who's making a profit is in some way ripping the public off! You can't create jobs when you're THAT clueless!

This is what, "Obama was terrible with the economy," looks like to lying con tools...

View attachment 296931

And this is what reality looks like...

You keep showing those two stupid graphs, Faun...and I keep pointing out that Barry had little to nothing to do with creating jobs or growing the economy! Our economy improved despite his awful economic policies and the mountains of additional government regulations that his administration burdened us with.
Your empty denials are noted and laughed at, lying con tool.
Denials of what?
That was the point I have been trying to make but Fawn cannot grasp that.

Oh, believe me...Faun grasps it...he's just unable to admit the truth because it's embarrassing. Barack Obama was terrible with the economy. Take out the numbers from the energy boom and his record would have been historically abysmal! The fact is...progressives don't know how to create jobs because they think that profit is antisocial and anyone who's making a profit is in some way ripping the public off! You can't create jobs when you're THAT clueless!

This is what, "Obama was terrible with the economy," looks like to lying con tools...

View attachment 296931

And this is what reality looks like...

You keep showing those two stupid graphs, Faun...and I keep pointing out that Barry had little to nothing to do with creating jobs or growing the economy! Our economy improved despite his awful economic policies and the mountains of additional government regulations that his administration burdened us with.
Your empty denials are noted and laughed at, lying con tool.
Denials of what?
Read better.
Oh, believe me...Faun grasps it...he's just unable to admit the truth because it's embarrassing. Barack Obama was terrible with the economy. Take out the numbers from the energy boom and his record would have been historically abysmal! The fact is...progressives don't know how to create jobs because they think that profit is antisocial and anyone who's making a profit is in some way ripping the public off! You can't create jobs when you're THAT clueless!

This is what, "Obama was terrible with the economy," looks like to lying con tools...

View attachment 296931

And this is what reality looks like...

You keep showing those two stupid graphs, Faun...and I keep pointing out that Barry had little to nothing to do with creating jobs or growing the economy! Our economy improved despite his awful economic policies and the mountains of additional government regulations that his administration burdened us with.
Your empty denials are noted and laughed at, lying con tool.
Denials of what?
Read better.
Read what?
You and faun the little yellow coward can both go fuck yourselves. YOU are the racist you projecting Obamanzee. You continue to show your ignorance. Thus earning the title Obamanzee. Your lack of knowledge, continual kissing of the ass of Obozo, and general stupidity make you eminently qualified. I’d tell you to say your shit to my face, but cowards like you two would run away when looked at sideways. Prove it’s a slur or STFU moron.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^

So you have no response. Typical of a racist little yellow coward like you. Keep projecting. You don’t even qualify for beta. More like delta or lower. You keep screaming and cry8ng because you’re a failure. You are a retard of the first order. Insecure and a coward. You are dismissed. Failure.

Aww, poor widdle snowfwake ... that was my response.


And what a pity you're not man enough to dismiss me.

No you have no response you no balled wonder. And I am more than man enough to dismiss a little yellow coward like you. But a coward like you would run away upon somebody looking at you. By the way fuckwad, STILL NOT IMPEACHED! Asshole. You are dismissed you feckless little coward. :fu:

Poor, triggered PussyBitch, I'm still not dismissed. I'm still here. :mm:

Hey fuckwad, you ran in and responded tp a post not even directed at you. YOU are the :asshole:triggered fat, little yellow coward, uneducated, illiterate, DISMISSED BITCH! You must enjoy being made a foo, of on a daily basis. Still NOT impeached you crying, lying bitch. You are dismissed. Referees declare you unable to defend yourself.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^

So you have no response. Typical of a racist little yellow coward like you. Keep projecting. You don’t even qualify for beta. More like delta or lower. You keep screaming and cry8ng because you’re a failure. You are a retard of the first order. Insecure and a coward. You are dismissed. Failure.

Aww, poor widdle snowfwake ... that was my response.


And what a pity you're not man enough to dismiss me.

No you have no response you no balled wonder. And I am more than man enough to dismiss a little yellow coward like you. But a coward like you would run away upon somebody looking at you. By the way fuckwad, STILL NOT IMPEACHED! Asshole. You are dismissed you feckless little coward. :fu:

Poor, triggered PussyBitch, I'm still not dismissed. I'm still here. :mm:

Hey fuckwad, you ran in and responded tp a post not even directed at you. YOU are the :asshole:triggered fat, little yellow coward, uneducated, illiterate, DISMISSED BITCH! You must enjoy being made a foo, of on a daily basis. Still NOT impeached you crying, lying bitch. You are dismissed. Referees declare you unable to defend yourself.

Still not dismissed, putz. :funnyface:

And Impeached Trump is still impeached.

The Obama Administration said that if the stimulus wasn't granted that unemployment would rise above 8% but if it were granted that unemployment would go to 6%. They got the stimulus money but utilized it so poorly that unemployment rose above 10%! Only a progressive would claim that the stimulus worked as intended!
The unemployment rate was already about 8% when the stimulus was passed.

Obama's economic advisors promised that if given the stimulus that rate would drop to 6%...instead it rose to over 10%.
Again, the unemployment rate was higher than the ARRA predicted (December, 2008), than when ARRA was passed (February, 2009). And they predicted it would drop to 6% in 2012 and that happened in 2014.

That's five years later, Faun! ARRA didn't make the unemployment rate drop to 6% five years after it was passed! Those unemployment numbers were driven by things like the energy boom...things that Barry not only didn't DO but actively opposed!
Lying con tool, you were the one to point out ARRA predicted a return to 6% unemployment. I was the one to point out it predicted that would happen in 2012 and that unemployment due to Bush's Great Recession turned out to be greater than the ARRA expected, resulting in it taking 2 extra years to get back down to 6%.

Once again...you clueless partisan hack! :))) Obama and Pelosi assured us that the unemployment rate would rise above 8% if the ARRA wasn't approved but if it WAS then the unemployment rate would go down to 6% and do so quickly because of all the "shovel ready" jobs they were going to create!

So they got their money...did their stimulus package...and what happened? The unemployment rate went to over 10% and the whole "shovel ready" job thing never happened! That's what you progressives do to an economy when you're running things.
The unemployment rate was already about 8% when the stimulus was passed.

Obama's economic advisors promised that if given the stimulus that rate would drop to 6%...instead it rose to over 10%.
Again, the unemployment rate was higher than the ARRA predicted (December, 2008), than when ARRA was passed (February, 2009). And they predicted it would drop to 6% in 2012 and that happened in 2014.

That's five years later, Faun! ARRA didn't make the unemployment rate drop to 6% five years after it was passed! Those unemployment numbers were driven by things like the energy boom...things that Barry not only didn't DO but actively opposed!
Lying con tool, you were the one to point out ARRA predicted a return to 6% unemployment. I was the one to point out it predicted that would happen in 2012 and that unemployment due to Bush's Great Recession turned out to be greater than the ARRA expected, resulting in it taking 2 extra years to get back down to 6%.

Once again...you clueless partisan hack! :))) Obama and Pelosi assured us that the unemployment rate would rise above 8% if the ARRA wasn't approved but if it WAS then the unemployment rate would go down to 6% and do so quickly because of all the "shovel ready" jobs they were going to create!

So they got their money...did their stimulus package...and what happened? The unemployment rate went to over 10% and the whole "shovel ready" job thing never happened! That's what you progressives do to an economy when you're running things.
Again, lying con tool... the unemployment rate was already about 8% when the ARRA was passed. :cuckoo:

That earlier prediction was already out the window.
Obama's economic advisors promised that if given the stimulus that rate would drop to 6%...instead it rose to over 10%.
Again, the unemployment rate was higher than the ARRA predicted (December, 2008), than when ARRA was passed (February, 2009). And they predicted it would drop to 6% in 2012 and that happened in 2014.

That's five years later, Faun! ARRA didn't make the unemployment rate drop to 6% five years after it was passed! Those unemployment numbers were driven by things like the energy boom...things that Barry not only didn't DO but actively opposed!
Lying con tool, you were the one to point out ARRA predicted a return to 6% unemployment. I was the one to point out it predicted that would happen in 2012 and that unemployment due to Bush's Great Recession turned out to be greater than the ARRA expected, resulting in it taking 2 extra years to get back down to 6%.

Once again...you clueless partisan hack! :))) Obama and Pelosi assured us that the unemployment rate would rise above 8% if the ARRA wasn't approved but if it WAS then the unemployment rate would go down to 6% and do so quickly because of all the "shovel ready" jobs they were going to create!

So they got their money...did their stimulus package...and what happened? The unemployment rate went to over 10% and the whole "shovel ready" job thing never happened! That's what you progressives do to an economy when you're running things.
Again, lying con tool... the unemployment rate was already about 8% when the ARRA was passed. :cuckoo:

That earlier prediction was already out the window.

That earlier prediction was so clueless that it WAS already out the window when the ARRA was passed...just like the claims about "shovel ready" jobs was out the window by the end of the summer! Face it, Faun...you progressives just plain SUCK at creating jobs! It's just not your thing. You're good at buying votes. You need to give things to people to get them to support you.

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