Why Is The GOP Senate So Afraid To Call Witnesses??

That was the point I have been trying to make but Fawn cannot grasp that.
Great, then let's you you explain the post above this one...
It is self explanatory. Do you need me to dumb it down for you?
So, "no," you can't explain it. Thanks for meeting my expectations.
I said it was self explanatory. That to you means “ I cannot”? LOL
If you could have, ya would have. Who do you think you fooled with that sad excuse for why you couldn't?
It would be like you asking me to explain what number Tom Brady is. It is 12. Self explanatory. What about his post confuses you exactly?

This is what terrible for the economy looks like to lying on tools...

Increasing an NFL win total from 4 games to 8 games is 100%. 8 wins to 12 wins is only 50% but much harder to achieve than going from 4 to 8. If you knew six sigma, which you don’t you would see that there are several data points and other circumstances to consider.

What a stupid analogy. Unlike football which has a limited number of games, our population continues to grow.
You missed the point of my post entirely. Amazing. My point was that numbers and %s don’t always tell the full story.
Imbecile, I understand the point you were trying to make. You simply failed miserably by using a stupid analogy.
Triggered. Didn’t take long. Typical Leftist.

Pointing out your failures is triggered??

Great, then let's you you explain the post above this one...
It is self explanatory. Do you need me to dumb it down for you?
So, "no," you can't explain it. Thanks for meeting my expectations.
I said it was self explanatory. That to you means “ I cannot”? LOL
If you could have, ya would have. Who do you think you fooled with that sad excuse for why you couldn't?
It would be like you asking me to explain what number Tom Brady is. It is 12. Self explanatory. What about his post confuses you exactly?

Uh, not, it would not be like that.
Increasing an NFL win total from 4 games to 8 games is 100%. 8 wins to 12 wins is only 50% but much harder to achieve than going from 4 to 8. If you knew six sigma, which you don’t you would see that there are several data points and other circumstances to consider.

What a stupid analogy. Unlike football which has a limited number of games, our population continues to grow.
You missed the point of my post entirely. Amazing. My point was that numbers and %s don’t always tell the full story.
Imbecile, I understand the point you were trying to make. You simply failed miserably by using a stupid analogy.
Triggered. Didn’t take long. Typical Leftist.

Pointing out your failures is triggered??

You’re the one with ad Hominems.
It is self explanatory. Do you need me to dumb it down for you?
So, "no," you can't explain it. Thanks for meeting my expectations.
I said it was self explanatory. That to you means “ I cannot”? LOL
If you could have, ya would have. Who do you think you fooled with that sad excuse for why you couldn't?
It would be like you asking me to explain what number Tom Brady is. It is 12. Self explanatory. What about his post confuses you exactly?

Uh, not, it would not be like that.
Again what about his post confuses you? Be specific and I will gladly explain it.

What a stupid analogy. Unlike football which has a limited number of games, our population continues to grow.
You missed the point of my post entirely. Amazing. My point was that numbers and %s don’t always tell the full story.
Imbecile, I understand the point you were trying to make. You simply failed miserably by using a stupid analogy.
Triggered. Didn’t take long. Typical Leftist.

Pointing out your failures is triggered??

You’re the one with ad Hominems.
So? Ad hominem in itself might be triggered but I pepper ad hominem in my points. That one, for example, was pointing out how utterly off the mark your analogy was.
So, "no," you can't explain it. Thanks for meeting my expectations.
I said it was self explanatory. That to you means “ I cannot”? LOL
If you could have, ya would have. Who do you think you fooled with that sad excuse for why you couldn't?
It would be like you asking me to explain what number Tom Brady is. It is 12. Self explanatory. What about his post confuses you exactly?

Uh, not, it would not be like that.
Again what about his post confuses you? Be specific and I will gladly explain it.
WTF? Who do you mean by, "his?" I was posting to you.
You missed the point of my post entirely. Amazing. My point was that numbers and %s don’t always tell the full story.
Imbecile, I understand the point you were trying to make. You simply failed miserably by using a stupid analogy.
Triggered. Didn’t take long. Typical Leftist.

Pointing out your failures is triggered??

You’re the one with ad Hominems.
So? Ad hominem in itself might be triggered but I pepper ad hominem in my points. That one, for example, was pointing out how utterly off the mark your analogy was.
Opinions vary. Ad hominem was not necessary.
When you can answer why Chucky is asking for more witnesses in the same speech that he said "the house has a very strong case against the president." If it's so strong, why continue with more witnesses? And since when does the jury call witnesses? That's the houses job. They failed to let the POTUS defend himself so fuck 'em. The senate belongs to the republicans and now the liberals are whining like little babies when they can't get their way yet accused republicans of doing the same during the scam impeachment hearings.

If liberals weren't hypocritical shithead assholes, they wouldn't be anything at all.

Why were they in such a fucking hurry to vote for impeachment and then sit on the articles? What a bunch of fucking losers.

You people are going to get shellacked in November.
Here is what you dic suckers were saying during the House proceedings.....anytime a witness that was relevant to the Ukrainian call and the extortion efforts associated with it -- all we heard was "but but, they didn't have DIRECT KNOWLEDGE, waah waah waah"

So I assume that if the witnesses with this DIRECT KNOWLEDGE were to testify, that would matter more to you right?? Or were you just whining just to be whining....

And who were these witnesses that had this DIRECT KNOWLEDGE?? Mike Pompeo, John Bolton, Mick Mulvaney, Rudy Giulani.....so now you are saying that hearing from witnesses with DIRECT KNOWLEDGE will be a bad thing for Trump...why??

Well idiot, see if you can understand this. When the prosecution has NO case, there is no need for a defense. You have to prove a crime. You can’t because there isn’t one. So now you cry like a little bitch because you can’t just get your way when the other side is in charge.
The prosecution has not presented their case to the jury yet, in the trial... witnesses will need to be called, in order to present their case......

They have their case. They should not have voted to impeach if their case was incomplete.

You will see a motion to dismiss on Day One, and it will likely pass.
Bull crap. No prosecutor is limited to only witnesses they had to indict.

If this case is dismissed by McConnell, it would just show how CORRUPT the Gop and Trump are.... the FIX WAS IN... to exonerate their CROOK.
Got the excuses all ready to go.
I see it for what it is. With Clinton it was the same deal. You knew the House would impeach and the Senate didn’t have the votes to convict. Gabbard had the right idea, censure him and put an end to the posturing. The longer this plays out the worse it is for America and if the holds the articles for long, them Democrats will look worse to independents. I’m voting Gabbard, she is at least sane. Trump and the rest of the Democrats are nothing but grandstanders and ego stokers. They are supposed to serve the American people, they only serve themselves.
Oh, so you support her Medicare For All plan...cool...
  • Tulsi strongly supports the Medicare for All Act and serves on the Medicare for All Caucus
  • Tulsi believes that our present healthcare system is organized by and for the benefit of big insurance and pharmaceutical companies and not the American people, which must be changed
  • We pay far more in this country on healthcare costs than any other country in the world and get worse results. Far too many Americans in this country are sick and unable to get the care they need.
  • Tulsi supports Medicare for all to make sure that every American gets quality healthcare - we must also focus on reducing the cost of healthcare overall, preventive health, bring down cost of prescription drugs by allowing Medicare to negotiate those prices down, and ensure transparency so people know exactly what the cost is and what they’re paying for.
  • Tulsi believes that the Affordable Care act was a step in the right direction, but points out that issues remain with the number of uninsured and high costs related to deductibles, copayments for medical services, and prescription drugs

Medicare for All

She supports bringing America together. She is not going to be abrasive, like Trump and Warren, she is not going to be senile and forgetful like Biden or Sanders. I can see her reaching across the aisle unlike the others. She is willing to compromise, she is willing to work for America. I don't see any other candidate that will work for America.
I named policies, you talked about your feelings...

This is why folks like you are so easily conned and are politically all over the place with who you claim to support....because its all about your feelings and then you project them onto the candidate....

Why do you think reaching across the aisle is important when on one side of the aisle is a party who consistently caters and appeases the worst segment of America?? Republicans are the problem....

Obama tried that "reach across the aisle" -- Obama ditched the public option and settled for a healthcare plan that was a republican idea until the black guy was for it...

Obama tried that "reach across the aisle" bullshit when he appointed republicans to his cabinet -- what did that get him??

Obama was even willing to cut social security and medicare in order to "reach across the aisle" -- what did that get him??

I care about policies, period.....reaching across the aisle doesn't mean shit if you can't talk policies

Hating Republicans is a feeling. Liking Democrats is a feeling. Those are two facts. I didn’t vote for either major candidate and unless the Democrats put a moderate candidate, I will vote third party again. Gabbard is an option for me. Every Democratic candidate is for government run healthcare, so if I follow your stupid logic, if I vote for any Democrat I would be supporting government mandated and controlled insurance, so I should vote for someone else. I like her isolationist policy, I like her standing up to the establishment Democrats. Sanders is to old for me to vote for him and he is a hypocrite. Warren is a self serving politician trying to play that she is for the common people. I could go on but I’ll vote Gabbard if you put her up, the rest of the field I am not interested in them as they all sound alike.

My preference is a Democratic President and a Republican Congress, that seem the best fiscally, which is my biggest concern.
Still waiting for you to talk about policies...……

As much as it may make you feel warm inside -- her standing up to establishment democrats doesn't mean shit without policies...so if she stands up to them by pushing to get money out of politics, then talk to me...if she stands up to them by not giving away billions of taxpayer money to subsidize oil companies, then talk to me...but her standing up to them because you like sound bites isn't a policy.....that is like saying Trump stood up to the Republican establishment, yet he passes every republican policy they put in front of him....

Sanders being old and being a hypocrite again, isn't a policy...and as for Gabbard being hypocritical, there is a long list...as is with most politicians...so something tells me hypocrisy doesn't bother you much....like I said, talk policies.....

As usual, the rightwing props up some Democrat candidate as if she is someone they would see themselves supporting and the minute she is the nominee, they will attack her with the same script they would attack any other Dem candidate...because they are hacks...

Which why they will never tell you what policies of hers they support, just how she makes them feel...which is also a lie....

I don't care for Sanders or his policies because there is no trust in Sanders, why would I vote for someone I don't trust. That was one of the reasons I didn't vote for Trump or Clinton. If I voted strictly policy, I'd vote for Trump because the less government I have seen in my industry is helping. His stance on healthcare aligns with mine. His stricter immigration align with me, however I don't find him honest, I don't like his spending and I don't like the way he handles issues, so I wouldn't vote for him.

Gabbard wants to work to overturn Citizens United, I agree. I support her view of citizens privacy being upheld and rid us of unConstitutional wiretapping. I am with her on legalizing marijuana. I am for her policy on staying out of other countries regime changes and policies. I am for her ideas for treating veterans for burn pit injuries. Her stance on impeachment was a stand I liked, which isn't a policy but a common sense solution for America and the Democrats would have looked a lot better for it.

A lot of policies I don't care for, healthcare being one of them but name me a Democrat who isn't for government interference in healthcare. I don't care for many of her environmental ideas.

So in my state she will get my primary vote and you can kick scream and make emotional responses with no facts, I really don't care because you haven't made a case for any Democrat, other than they aren't Trump, who I wouldn't vote for anyway.
Oh, so you support her Medicare For All plan...cool...
  • Tulsi strongly supports the Medicare for All Act and serves on the Medicare for All Caucus
  • Tulsi believes that our present healthcare system is organized by and for the benefit of big insurance and pharmaceutical companies and not the American people, which must be changed
  • We pay far more in this country on healthcare costs than any other country in the world and get worse results. Far too many Americans in this country are sick and unable to get the care they need.
  • Tulsi supports Medicare for all to make sure that every American gets quality healthcare - we must also focus on reducing the cost of healthcare overall, preventive health, bring down cost of prescription drugs by allowing Medicare to negotiate those prices down, and ensure transparency so people know exactly what the cost is and what they’re paying for.
  • Tulsi believes that the Affordable Care act was a step in the right direction, but points out that issues remain with the number of uninsured and high costs related to deductibles, copayments for medical services, and prescription drugs

Medicare for All

She supports bringing America together. She is not going to be abrasive, like Trump and Warren, she is not going to be senile and forgetful like Biden or Sanders. I can see her reaching across the aisle unlike the others. She is willing to compromise, she is willing to work for America. I don't see any other candidate that will work for America.
I named policies, you talked about your feelings...

This is why folks like you are so easily conned and are politically all over the place with who you claim to support....because its all about your feelings and then you project them onto the candidate....

Why do you think reaching across the aisle is important when on one side of the aisle is a party who consistently caters and appeases the worst segment of America?? Republicans are the problem....

Obama tried that "reach across the aisle" -- Obama ditched the public option and settled for a healthcare plan that was a republican idea until the black guy was for it...

Obama tried that "reach across the aisle" bullshit when he appointed republicans to his cabinet -- what did that get him??

Obama was even willing to cut social security and medicare in order to "reach across the aisle" -- what did that get him??

I care about policies, period.....reaching across the aisle doesn't mean shit if you can't talk policies

Hating Republicans is a feeling. Liking Democrats is a feeling. Those are two facts. I didn’t vote for either major candidate and unless the Democrats put a moderate candidate, I will vote third party again. Gabbard is an option for me. Every Democratic candidate is for government run healthcare, so if I follow your stupid logic, if I vote for any Democrat I would be supporting government mandated and controlled insurance, so I should vote for someone else. I like her isolationist policy, I like her standing up to the establishment Democrats. Sanders is to old for me to vote for him and he is a hypocrite. Warren is a self serving politician trying to play that she is for the common people. I could go on but I’ll vote Gabbard if you put her up, the rest of the field I am not interested in them as they all sound alike.

My preference is a Democratic President and a Republican Congress, that seem the best fiscally, which is my biggest concern.
Still waiting for you to talk about policies...……

As much as it may make you feel warm inside -- her standing up to establishment democrats doesn't mean shit without policies...so if she stands up to them by pushing to get money out of politics, then talk to me...if she stands up to them by not giving away billions of taxpayer money to subsidize oil companies, then talk to me...but her standing up to them because you like sound bites isn't a policy.....that is like saying Trump stood up to the Republican establishment, yet he passes every republican policy they put in front of him....

Sanders being old and being a hypocrite again, isn't a policy...and as for Gabbard being hypocritical, there is a long list...as is with most politicians...so something tells me hypocrisy doesn't bother you much....like I said, talk policies.....

As usual, the rightwing props up some Democrat candidate as if she is someone they would see themselves supporting and the minute she is the nominee, they will attack her with the same script they would attack any other Dem candidate...because they are hacks...

Which why they will never tell you what policies of hers they support, just how she makes them feel...which is also a lie....

I don't care for Sanders or his policies because there is no trust in Sanders, why would I vote for someone I don't trust. That was one of the reasons I didn't vote for Trump or Clinton. If I voted strictly policy, I'd vote for Trump because the less government I have seen in my industry is helping. His stance on healthcare aligns with mine. His stricter immigration align with me, however I don't find him honest, I don't like his spending and I don't like the way he handles issues, so I wouldn't vote for him.

Gabbard wants to work to overturn Citizens United, I agree. I support her view of citizens privacy being upheld and rid us of unConstitutional wiretapping. I am with her on legalizing marijuana. I am for her policy on staying out of other countries regime changes and policies. I am for her ideas for treating veterans for burn pit injuries. Her stance on impeachment was a stand I liked, which isn't a policy but a common sense solution for America and the Democrats would have looked a lot better for it.

A lot of policies I don't care for, healthcare being one of them but name me a Democrat who isn't for government interference in healthcare. I don't care for many of her environmental ideas.

So in my state she will get my primary vote and you can kick scream and make emotional responses with no facts, I really don't care because you haven't made a case for any Democrat, other than they aren't Trump, who I wouldn't vote for anyway.
Yes, you would and have voted for Trump...

Trump has no stance on healthcare -- which is why you can't point to any healthcare policies of his -- other than making healthcare LESS ACCESIBLE to people....

Citizens United? Lol.....care to tell me where Trump and the republicans stand on Citizens United?? Let me know what Tulsi has done to try to do away with Citizens United at a legislative level -- which is the only way you will do away with it

I know Bernie has a long consistent history against it and money in politics in general...He is the one I know who actually put a plan out addressing the very issue you pretend to support Tulsi for....

“When we win the Democratic nomination and defeat Donald Trump, we will transform our political system by rejecting the influence of big corporate money,” Sanders said in a statement. “Our grassroots-funded campaign is proving every single day that you don’t need billionaires and private fundraisers to run for president.”

Bernie Sanders takes aim at the DNC with his new anti-corruption plan

Now as for Tulsi, I will give her a pass on accepting campaign donations from Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, Boeing and BAE Systems -- as I am sure you will too...

Or did you not know she accepted donations from the very defense contractors who are anything but against military intervention?? But hey, hypocrisy in politics is nothing hew right?

As far as me making emotional responses with no facts -- I am the only one here who has posted Gabbard's policy on healthcare -- THAT YOU NEVER READ

And I am the only who continues to back up everything I say by posting facts....you on the other hand can only tell me about what you feel she stands for...and haven't told me one policy yet....
She supports bringing America together. She is not going to be abrasive, like Trump and Warren, she is not going to be senile and forgetful like Biden or Sanders. I can see her reaching across the aisle unlike the others. She is willing to compromise, she is willing to work for America. I don't see any other candidate that will work for America.
I named policies, you talked about your feelings...

This is why folks like you are so easily conned and are politically all over the place with who you claim to support....because its all about your feelings and then you project them onto the candidate....

Why do you think reaching across the aisle is important when on one side of the aisle is a party who consistently caters and appeases the worst segment of America?? Republicans are the problem....

Obama tried that "reach across the aisle" -- Obama ditched the public option and settled for a healthcare plan that was a republican idea until the black guy was for it...

Obama tried that "reach across the aisle" bullshit when he appointed republicans to his cabinet -- what did that get him??

Obama was even willing to cut social security and medicare in order to "reach across the aisle" -- what did that get him??

I care about policies, period.....reaching across the aisle doesn't mean shit if you can't talk policies

Hating Republicans is a feeling. Liking Democrats is a feeling. Those are two facts. I didn’t vote for either major candidate and unless the Democrats put a moderate candidate, I will vote third party again. Gabbard is an option for me. Every Democratic candidate is for government run healthcare, so if I follow your stupid logic, if I vote for any Democrat I would be supporting government mandated and controlled insurance, so I should vote for someone else. I like her isolationist policy, I like her standing up to the establishment Democrats. Sanders is to old for me to vote for him and he is a hypocrite. Warren is a self serving politician trying to play that she is for the common people. I could go on but I’ll vote Gabbard if you put her up, the rest of the field I am not interested in them as they all sound alike.

My preference is a Democratic President and a Republican Congress, that seem the best fiscally, which is my biggest concern.
Still waiting for you to talk about policies...……

As much as it may make you feel warm inside -- her standing up to establishment democrats doesn't mean shit without policies...so if she stands up to them by pushing to get money out of politics, then talk to me...if she stands up to them by not giving away billions of taxpayer money to subsidize oil companies, then talk to me...but her standing up to them because you like sound bites isn't a policy.....that is like saying Trump stood up to the Republican establishment, yet he passes every republican policy they put in front of him....

Sanders being old and being a hypocrite again, isn't a policy...and as for Gabbard being hypocritical, there is a long list...as is with most politicians...so something tells me hypocrisy doesn't bother you much....like I said, talk policies.....

As usual, the rightwing props up some Democrat candidate as if she is someone they would see themselves supporting and the minute she is the nominee, they will attack her with the same script they would attack any other Dem candidate...because they are hacks...

Which why they will never tell you what policies of hers they support, just how she makes them feel...which is also a lie....

I don't care for Sanders or his policies because there is no trust in Sanders, why would I vote for someone I don't trust. That was one of the reasons I didn't vote for Trump or Clinton. If I voted strictly policy, I'd vote for Trump because the less government I have seen in my industry is helping. His stance on healthcare aligns with mine. His stricter immigration align with me, however I don't find him honest, I don't like his spending and I don't like the way he handles issues, so I wouldn't vote for him.

Gabbard wants to work to overturn Citizens United, I agree. I support her view of citizens privacy being upheld and rid us of unConstitutional wiretapping. I am with her on legalizing marijuana. I am for her policy on staying out of other countries regime changes and policies. I am for her ideas for treating veterans for burn pit injuries. Her stance on impeachment was a stand I liked, which isn't a policy but a common sense solution for America and the Democrats would have looked a lot better for it.

A lot of policies I don't care for, healthcare being one of them but name me a Democrat who isn't for government interference in healthcare. I don't care for many of her environmental ideas.

So in my state she will get my primary vote and you can kick scream and make emotional responses with no facts, I really don't care because you haven't made a case for any Democrat, other than they aren't Trump, who I wouldn't vote for anyway.
Yes, you would and have voted for Trump...

Trump has no stance on healthcare -- which is why you can't point to any healthcare policies of his -- other than making healthcare LESS ACCESIBLE to people....

Citizens United? Lol.....care to tell me where Trump and the republicans stand on Citizens United?? Let me know what Tulsi has done to try to do away with Citizens United at a legislative level -- which is the only way you will do away with it

I know Bernie has a long consistent history against it and money in politics in general...He is the one I know who actually put a plan out addressing the very issue you pretend to support Tulsi for....

“When we win the Democratic nomination and defeat Donald Trump, we will transform our political system by rejecting the influence of big corporate money,” Sanders said in a statement. “Our grassroots-funded campaign is proving every single day that you don’t need billionaires and private fundraisers to run for president.”

Bernie Sanders takes aim at the DNC with his new anti-corruption plan

Now as for Tulsi, I will give her a pass on accepting campaign donations from Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, Boeing and BAE Systems -- as I am sure you will too...

Or did you not know she accepted donations from the very defense contractors who are anything but against military intervention?? But hey, hypocrisy in politics is nothing hew right?

As far as me making emotional responses with no facts -- I am the only one here who has posted Gabbard's policy on healthcare -- THAT YOU NEVER READ

And I am the only who continues to back up everything I say by posting facts....you on the other hand can only tell me about what you feel she stands for...and haven't told me one policy yet....

I would have voted for Trump? No I wouldn't, when I was on this board during the primaries I stated I'd go third party if Trump was nominated, so again you are talking without knowledge. What legislative action has Sanders taken on Citizens United? Care to tell me?

Why does it matter what Trump and the Republicans stand on Citizens United, I want it overturned. You can have Sanders, I won't vote for him.
Imbecile, I understand the point you were trying to make. You simply failed miserably by using a stupid analogy.
Triggered. Didn’t take long. Typical Leftist.

Pointing out your failures is triggered??

You’re the one with ad Hominems.
So? Ad hominem in itself might be triggered but I pepper ad hominem in my points. That one, for example, was pointing out how utterly off the mark your analogy was.
Opinions vary. Ad hominem was not necessary.
So? A lot of things are not necessary but are fun just the same. Still, you posted a stupid analogy that was not applicable and got called on it. Stop whining and grow a pair.
I named policies, you talked about your feelings...

This is why folks like you are so easily conned and are politically all over the place with who you claim to support....because its all about your feelings and then you project them onto the candidate....

Why do you think reaching across the aisle is important when on one side of the aisle is a party who consistently caters and appeases the worst segment of America?? Republicans are the problem....

Obama tried that "reach across the aisle" -- Obama ditched the public option and settled for a healthcare plan that was a republican idea until the black guy was for it...

Obama tried that "reach across the aisle" bullshit when he appointed republicans to his cabinet -- what did that get him??

Obama was even willing to cut social security and medicare in order to "reach across the aisle" -- what did that get him??

I care about policies, period.....reaching across the aisle doesn't mean shit if you can't talk policies

Hating Republicans is a feeling. Liking Democrats is a feeling. Those are two facts. I didn’t vote for either major candidate and unless the Democrats put a moderate candidate, I will vote third party again. Gabbard is an option for me. Every Democratic candidate is for government run healthcare, so if I follow your stupid logic, if I vote for any Democrat I would be supporting government mandated and controlled insurance, so I should vote for someone else. I like her isolationist policy, I like her standing up to the establishment Democrats. Sanders is to old for me to vote for him and he is a hypocrite. Warren is a self serving politician trying to play that she is for the common people. I could go on but I’ll vote Gabbard if you put her up, the rest of the field I am not interested in them as they all sound alike.

My preference is a Democratic President and a Republican Congress, that seem the best fiscally, which is my biggest concern.
Still waiting for you to talk about policies...……

As much as it may make you feel warm inside -- her standing up to establishment democrats doesn't mean shit without policies...so if she stands up to them by pushing to get money out of politics, then talk to me...if she stands up to them by not giving away billions of taxpayer money to subsidize oil companies, then talk to me...but her standing up to them because you like sound bites isn't a policy.....that is like saying Trump stood up to the Republican establishment, yet he passes every republican policy they put in front of him....

Sanders being old and being a hypocrite again, isn't a policy...and as for Gabbard being hypocritical, there is a long list...as is with most politicians...so something tells me hypocrisy doesn't bother you much....like I said, talk policies.....

As usual, the rightwing props up some Democrat candidate as if she is someone they would see themselves supporting and the minute she is the nominee, they will attack her with the same script they would attack any other Dem candidate...because they are hacks...

Which why they will never tell you what policies of hers they support, just how she makes them feel...which is also a lie....

I don't care for Sanders or his policies because there is no trust in Sanders, why would I vote for someone I don't trust. That was one of the reasons I didn't vote for Trump or Clinton. If I voted strictly policy, I'd vote for Trump because the less government I have seen in my industry is helping. His stance on healthcare aligns with mine. His stricter immigration align with me, however I don't find him honest, I don't like his spending and I don't like the way he handles issues, so I wouldn't vote for him.

Gabbard wants to work to overturn Citizens United, I agree. I support her view of citizens privacy being upheld and rid us of unConstitutional wiretapping. I am with her on legalizing marijuana. I am for her policy on staying out of other countries regime changes and policies. I am for her ideas for treating veterans for burn pit injuries. Her stance on impeachment was a stand I liked, which isn't a policy but a common sense solution for America and the Democrats would have looked a lot better for it.

A lot of policies I don't care for, healthcare being one of them but name me a Democrat who isn't for government interference in healthcare. I don't care for many of her environmental ideas.

So in my state she will get my primary vote and you can kick scream and make emotional responses with no facts, I really don't care because you haven't made a case for any Democrat, other than they aren't Trump, who I wouldn't vote for anyway.
Yes, you would and have voted for Trump...

Trump has no stance on healthcare -- which is why you can't point to any healthcare policies of his -- other than making healthcare LESS ACCESIBLE to people....

Citizens United? Lol.....care to tell me where Trump and the republicans stand on Citizens United?? Let me know what Tulsi has done to try to do away with Citizens United at a legislative level -- which is the only way you will do away with it

I know Bernie has a long consistent history against it and money in politics in general...He is the one I know who actually put a plan out addressing the very issue you pretend to support Tulsi for....

“When we win the Democratic nomination and defeat Donald Trump, we will transform our political system by rejecting the influence of big corporate money,” Sanders said in a statement. “Our grassroots-funded campaign is proving every single day that you don’t need billionaires and private fundraisers to run for president.”

Bernie Sanders takes aim at the DNC with his new anti-corruption plan

Now as for Tulsi, I will give her a pass on accepting campaign donations from Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, Boeing and BAE Systems -- as I am sure you will too...

Or did you not know she accepted donations from the very defense contractors who are anything but against military intervention?? But hey, hypocrisy in politics is nothing hew right?

As far as me making emotional responses with no facts -- I am the only one here who has posted Gabbard's policy on healthcare -- THAT YOU NEVER READ

And I am the only who continues to back up everything I say by posting facts....you on the other hand can only tell me about what you feel she stands for...and haven't told me one policy yet....

I would have voted for Trump? No I wouldn't, when I was on this board during the primaries I stated I'd go third party if Trump was nominated, so again you are talking without knowledge. What legislative action has Sanders taken on Citizens United? Care to tell me?

Why does it matter what Trump and the Republicans stand on Citizens United, I want it overturned. You can have Sanders, I won't vote for him.
It matters because it will be the republicans who will be opposed to doing away with Citizens United....and I trust Sanders messaging more on overturning CU than I do Gabbard --

I trust the person who ACTUALLY HAD THE DEMOCRATIC ESTABLISHMENT work to sink his campaign than a person who just talks about opposing the establishment....

I trust Sanders to be the one who can push and fight for the policies he stands for to the extent he forces republicans to bend to his will....

When you as a candidate can use your platform to sway the public to your side of the argument -- others will bend the knee -- including republicans....which is why so many people are now campaigning on Medicare For All -- which was considered unthinkable a few years ago...

Gabbard has not shown the ability to launch that type of a movement -- but you keep believing....maybe she will run 3rd party and you can vote for her -- and Trump will pat you on the head for your help...
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She supports bringing America together. She is not going to be abrasive, like Trump and Warren, she is not going to be senile and forgetful like Biden or Sanders. I can see her reaching across the aisle unlike the others. She is willing to compromise, she is willing to work for America. I don't see any other candidate that will work for America.
I named policies, you talked about your feelings...

This is why folks like you are so easily conned and are politically all over the place with who you claim to support....because its all about your feelings and then you project them onto the candidate....

Why do you think reaching across the aisle is important when on one side of the aisle is a party who consistently caters and appeases the worst segment of America?? Republicans are the problem....

Obama tried that "reach across the aisle" -- Obama ditched the public option and settled for a healthcare plan that was a republican idea until the black guy was for it...

Obama tried that "reach across the aisle" bullshit when he appointed republicans to his cabinet -- what did that get him??

Obama was even willing to cut social security and medicare in order to "reach across the aisle" -- what did that get him??

I care about policies, period.....reaching across the aisle doesn't mean shit if you can't talk policies

Hating Republicans is a feeling. Liking Democrats is a feeling. Those are two facts. I didn’t vote for either major candidate and unless the Democrats put a moderate candidate, I will vote third party again. Gabbard is an option for me. Every Democratic candidate is for government run healthcare, so if I follow your stupid logic, if I vote for any Democrat I would be supporting government mandated and controlled insurance, so I should vote for someone else. I like her isolationist policy, I like her standing up to the establishment Democrats. Sanders is to old for me to vote for him and he is a hypocrite. Warren is a self serving politician trying to play that she is for the common people. I could go on but I’ll vote Gabbard if you put her up, the rest of the field I am not interested in them as they all sound alike.

My preference is a Democratic President and a Republican Congress, that seem the best fiscally, which is my biggest concern.
Still waiting for you to talk about policies...……

As much as it may make you feel warm inside -- her standing up to establishment democrats doesn't mean shit without policies...so if she stands up to them by pushing to get money out of politics, then talk to me...if she stands up to them by not giving away billions of taxpayer money to subsidize oil companies, then talk to me...but her standing up to them because you like sound bites isn't a policy.....that is like saying Trump stood up to the Republican establishment, yet he passes every republican policy they put in front of him....

Sanders being old and being a hypocrite again, isn't a policy...and as for Gabbard being hypocritical, there is a long list...as is with most politicians...so something tells me hypocrisy doesn't bother you much....like I said, talk policies.....

As usual, the rightwing props up some Democrat candidate as if she is someone they would see themselves supporting and the minute she is the nominee, they will attack her with the same script they would attack any other Dem candidate...because they are hacks...

Which why they will never tell you what policies of hers they support, just how she makes them feel...which is also a lie....

I don't care for Sanders or his policies because there is no trust in Sanders, why would I vote for someone I don't trust. That was one of the reasons I didn't vote for Trump or Clinton. If I voted strictly policy, I'd vote for Trump because the less government I have seen in my industry is helping. His stance on healthcare aligns with mine. His stricter immigration align with me, however I don't find him honest, I don't like his spending and I don't like the way he handles issues, so I wouldn't vote for him.

Gabbard wants to work to overturn Citizens United, I agree. I support her view of citizens privacy being upheld and rid us of unConstitutional wiretapping. I am with her on legalizing marijuana. I am for her policy on staying out of other countries regime changes and policies. I am for her ideas for treating veterans for burn pit injuries. Her stance on impeachment was a stand I liked, which isn't a policy but a common sense solution for America and the Democrats would have looked a lot better for it.

A lot of policies I don't care for, healthcare being one of them but name me a Democrat who isn't for government interference in healthcare. I don't care for many of her environmental ideas.

So in my state she will get my primary vote and you can kick scream and make emotional responses with no facts, I really don't care because you haven't made a case for any Democrat, other than they aren't Trump, who I wouldn't vote for anyway.
Yes, you would and have voted for Trump...

Trump has no stance on healthcare -- which is why you can't point to any healthcare policies of his -- other than making healthcare LESS ACCESIBLE to people....

Citizens United? Lol.....care to tell me where Trump and the republicans stand on Citizens United?? Let me know what Tulsi has done to try to do away with Citizens United at a legislative level -- which is the only way you will do away with it

I know Bernie has a long consistent history against it and money in politics in general...He is the one I know who actually put a plan out addressing the very issue you pretend to support Tulsi for....

“When we win the Democratic nomination and defeat Donald Trump, we will transform our political system by rejecting the influence of big corporate money,” Sanders said in a statement. “Our grassroots-funded campaign is proving every single day that you don’t need billionaires and private fundraisers to run for president.”

Bernie Sanders takes aim at the DNC with his new anti-corruption plan

Now as for Tulsi, I will give her a pass on accepting campaign donations from Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, Boeing and BAE Systems -- as I am sure you will too...

Or did you not know she accepted donations from the very defense contractors who are anything but against military intervention?? But hey, hypocrisy in politics is nothing hew right?

As far as me making emotional responses with no facts -- I am the only one here who has posted Gabbard's policy on healthcare -- THAT YOU NEVER READ

And I am the only who continues to back up everything I say by posting facts....you on the other hand can only tell me about what you feel she stands for...and haven't told me one policy yet....
You will get your healthcare agenda at some point. When it gets here they may be a lot of strings in it or added as time goes by. You may not like it then.
Hating Republicans is a feeling. Liking Democrats is a feeling. Those are two facts. I didn’t vote for either major candidate and unless the Democrats put a moderate candidate, I will vote third party again. Gabbard is an option for me. Every Democratic candidate is for government run healthcare, so if I follow your stupid logic, if I vote for any Democrat I would be supporting government mandated and controlled insurance, so I should vote for someone else. I like her isolationist policy, I like her standing up to the establishment Democrats. Sanders is to old for me to vote for him and he is a hypocrite. Warren is a self serving politician trying to play that she is for the common people. I could go on but I’ll vote Gabbard if you put her up, the rest of the field I am not interested in them as they all sound alike.

My preference is a Democratic President and a Republican Congress, that seem the best fiscally, which is my biggest concern.
Still waiting for you to talk about policies...……

As much as it may make you feel warm inside -- her standing up to establishment democrats doesn't mean shit without policies...so if she stands up to them by pushing to get money out of politics, then talk to me...if she stands up to them by not giving away billions of taxpayer money to subsidize oil companies, then talk to me...but her standing up to them because you like sound bites isn't a policy.....that is like saying Trump stood up to the Republican establishment, yet he passes every republican policy they put in front of him....

Sanders being old and being a hypocrite again, isn't a policy...and as for Gabbard being hypocritical, there is a long list...as is with most politicians...so something tells me hypocrisy doesn't bother you much....like I said, talk policies.....

As usual, the rightwing props up some Democrat candidate as if she is someone they would see themselves supporting and the minute she is the nominee, they will attack her with the same script they would attack any other Dem candidate...because they are hacks...

Which why they will never tell you what policies of hers they support, just how she makes them feel...which is also a lie....

I don't care for Sanders or his policies because there is no trust in Sanders, why would I vote for someone I don't trust. That was one of the reasons I didn't vote for Trump or Clinton. If I voted strictly policy, I'd vote for Trump because the less government I have seen in my industry is helping. His stance on healthcare aligns with mine. His stricter immigration align with me, however I don't find him honest, I don't like his spending and I don't like the way he handles issues, so I wouldn't vote for him.

Gabbard wants to work to overturn Citizens United, I agree. I support her view of citizens privacy being upheld and rid us of unConstitutional wiretapping. I am with her on legalizing marijuana. I am for her policy on staying out of other countries regime changes and policies. I am for her ideas for treating veterans for burn pit injuries. Her stance on impeachment was a stand I liked, which isn't a policy but a common sense solution for America and the Democrats would have looked a lot better for it.

A lot of policies I don't care for, healthcare being one of them but name me a Democrat who isn't for government interference in healthcare. I don't care for many of her environmental ideas.

So in my state she will get my primary vote and you can kick scream and make emotional responses with no facts, I really don't care because you haven't made a case for any Democrat, other than they aren't Trump, who I wouldn't vote for anyway.
Yes, you would and have voted for Trump...

Trump has no stance on healthcare -- which is why you can't point to any healthcare policies of his -- other than making healthcare LESS ACCESIBLE to people....

Citizens United? Lol.....care to tell me where Trump and the republicans stand on Citizens United?? Let me know what Tulsi has done to try to do away with Citizens United at a legislative level -- which is the only way you will do away with it

I know Bernie has a long consistent history against it and money in politics in general...He is the one I know who actually put a plan out addressing the very issue you pretend to support Tulsi for....

“When we win the Democratic nomination and defeat Donald Trump, we will transform our political system by rejecting the influence of big corporate money,” Sanders said in a statement. “Our grassroots-funded campaign is proving every single day that you don’t need billionaires and private fundraisers to run for president.”

Bernie Sanders takes aim at the DNC with his new anti-corruption plan

Now as for Tulsi, I will give her a pass on accepting campaign donations from Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, Boeing and BAE Systems -- as I am sure you will too...

Or did you not know she accepted donations from the very defense contractors who are anything but against military intervention?? But hey, hypocrisy in politics is nothing hew right?

As far as me making emotional responses with no facts -- I am the only one here who has posted Gabbard's policy on healthcare -- THAT YOU NEVER READ

And I am the only who continues to back up everything I say by posting facts....you on the other hand can only tell me about what you feel she stands for...and haven't told me one policy yet....

I would have voted for Trump? No I wouldn't, when I was on this board during the primaries I stated I'd go third party if Trump was nominated, so again you are talking without knowledge. What legislative action has Sanders taken on Citizens United? Care to tell me?

Why does it matter what Trump and the Republicans stand on Citizens United, I want it overturned. You can have Sanders, I won't vote for him.
It matters because it will be the republicans who will be opposed to doing away with Citizens United....and I trust Sanders messaging more on overturning CU than I do Gabbard --

I trust the person who ACTUALLY HAD THE DEMOCRATIC ESTABLISHMENT work to sink his campaign than a person who just talks about opposing the establishment....

I trust Sanders to be the one who can push and fight for the policies he stands for to the extent he forces republicans to bend to his will....

When you as a candidate can use your platform to sway the public to your side of the argument -- others will bend the knee -- including republicans....which is why so many people are now campaigning on Medicare For All -- which was considered unthinkable a few years ago...

Gabbard has not shown the ability to launch that type of a movement -- but you keep believing....maybe she will run 3rd party and you can vote for her -- and Trump will pat you on the head for your help...

Yes, and the Democrats will pat me on the head for helping them. Both sides tell me the same thing. It seems to piss both sides off. The solution put up better candidates.
You and faun the little yellow coward can both go fuck yourselves. YOU are the racist you projecting Obamanzee. You continue to show your ignorance. Thus earning the title Obamanzee. Your lack of knowledge, continual kissing of the ass of Obozo, and general stupidity make you eminently qualified. I’d tell you to say your shit to my face, but cowards like you two would run away when looked at sideways. Prove it’s a slur or STFU moron.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^

So you have no response. Typical of a racist little yellow coward like you. Keep projecting. You don’t even qualify for beta. More like delta or lower. You keep screaming and cry8ng because you’re a failure. You are a retard of the first order. Insecure and a coward. You are dismissed. Failure.
You and faun the little yellow coward can both go fuck yourselves. YOU are the racist you projecting Obamanzee. You continue to show your ignorance. Thus earning the title Obamanzee. Your lack of knowledge, continual kissing of the ass of Obozo, and general stupidity make you eminently qualified. I’d tell you to say your shit to my face, but cowards like you two would run away when looked at sideways. Prove it’s a slur or STFU moron.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^

So you have no response. Typical of a racist little yellow coward like you. Keep projecting. You don’t even qualify for beta. More like delta or lower. You keep screaming and cry8ng because you’re a failure. You are a retard of the first order. Insecure and a coward. You are dismissed. Failure.

Aww, poor widdle snowfwake ... that was my response.


And what a pity you're not man enough to dismiss me.
You and faun the little yellow coward can both go fuck yourselves. YOU are the racist you projecting Obamanzee. You continue to show your ignorance. Thus earning the title Obamanzee. Your lack of knowledge, continual kissing of the ass of Obozo, and general stupidity make you eminently qualified. I’d tell you to say your shit to my face, but cowards like you two would run away when looked at sideways. Prove it’s a slur or STFU moron.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^

So you have no response. Typical of a racist little yellow coward like you. Keep projecting. You don’t even qualify for beta. More like delta or lower. You keep screaming and cry8ng because you’re a failure. You are a retard of the first order. Insecure and a coward. You are dismissed. Failure.

Aww, poor widdle snowfwake ... that was my response.


And what a pity you're not man enough to dismiss me.

No you have no response you no balled wonder. And I am more than man enough to dismiss a little yellow coward like you. But a coward like you would run away upon somebody looking at you. By the way fuckwad, STILL NOT IMPEACHED! Asshole. You are dismissed you feckless little coward. :fu:

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