Why Is The President Constantly In The Dark?

The issue I have is that the President is either

A) Completely disengaged and doesn't have a clue what his people are doing
B) Controlled by someone else and spoonfed information as needed
C) Just lying to the American people

I mean, when membes of the MSM are at the point they are asking "why doesn't the president know about yet another thing his subordinates are doing" and the best the press secretary can do is stammer out a non-answer and then shrug his shoulders, there is a problem. Why aren't the Democrat voters pushing for an answer instead of playing party politics?

Is this intentional, is the president just incompetent, or is he just lying to the American people?

all of the above.
I think you are being too hard on the man. It's not his fault that Valerie doesn''t share the day to day goings on with him. If something comes up that she thinks he should know about, she just may tell him. In the mean time, leave him alone and let him enjoy his vacations, er, campaigning, er what is he calling this five week trip?
He's the Campaigner in Chief...not the Commander. to him the words are more important than the deeds.....just say whatever is most expedient at the moment and hope it works out....

There are two possibilities:
1) Obama has no idea what people in his administration are doing and he commands no respect from people under him. This is a real possibility.
2) He is lying his black ass off. This is also a possibility.

Both of them are deeply disturbing for the man who is supposed to President of the United States.

I have to agree:

1. The man has zero leadership skills or style...

2. He's big fat lair.
I never would of imagined that Americans would have to live 8 years of their lives having to deal with a white house run with the equivalent of the casts of the Muppets and Sesame Street.
At a presser, a reporter flat out asks Jim Carney why the president is always learning about big events via the news. Of course Carney has no answer, but it begs the bigger question of why doesn't the President know what his subordinates are doing until it hits the front page? Is he deliberately being kept in the dark and if so by whom? Or is he keeping himself from knowing anything by not reading reports and going to briefings, or is Obama just lying?

Also, at the 36 second mark, the guy in purple picks his nose and eats it.

CNN's Jim Acosta To W.H.: Why Was Obama In The Dark On ObamaCare, NSA, And IRS? - YouTube

He wants to be two words say it all plausible deniability.

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