Why Is The President Constantly In The Dark?

What is the president's problem? Is his personality so fragile that he isn't informed about problems in the administration because he might fall apart? Does he delegate everything to unnamed subordinates so he can play golf with a clear mind? How are Americans expected to support a president who seems ignorant of domestic and foreign policy?
What is the president's problem? Is his personality so fragile that he isn't informed about problems in the administration because he might fall apart? Does he delegate everything to unnamed subordinates so he can play golf with a clear mind? How are Americans expected to support a president who seems ignorant of domestic and foreign policy?

His problem is that he is a figurehead. Every time he gets involved in solving problems, he makes them worse. His cabinet members largely ignore him, treating him like the retarded kid in class, while they go their own way.
He's pretty good at giving speeches and making appearances. And that's about all he's good for.
The problem is the President knows, and did know, but the press won't ask the hard questions about why the president supposedly doesn't know what his subordinates are up to.
At a presser, a reporter flat out asks Jim Carney why the president is always learning about big events via the news. Of course Carney has no answer, but it begs the bigger question of why doesn't the President know what his subordinates are doing until it hits the front page? Is he deliberately being kept in the dark and if so by whom? Or is he keeping himself from knowing anything by not reading reports and going to briefings, or is Obama just lying?

Also, at the 36 second mark, the guy in purple picks his nose and eats it.

CNN's Jim Acosta To W.H.: Why Was Obama In The Dark On ObamaCare, NSA, And IRS? - YouTube
The larger an organization is the more difficult it is for one man to know everything that is happening in every part of that organization. EVERY president suffers from the same problem.
Consider this quote: "Man with one watch knows what time it is. Man with two watches is never sure." Now make that a couple of million watches. Oh, and by the way, I got that quote from Charlie Chan. (Yes, THAT Charlie Chan!)
Senators always have, and always will make really crappy presidents. At most they run about 20 people. Governors with established executive experience are better. They know how to manage large groups without being left in the dark.

btw, Obama knew exactly what was going on with Obamacare, he designed it. I can give him the benefit of the doubt on Fast and Furious though.
Senators always have, and always will make really crappy presidents. At most they run about 20 people. Governors with established executive experience are better. They know how to manage large groups without being left in the dark.

btw, Obama knew exactly what was going on with Obamacare, he designed it. I can give him the benefit of the doubt on Fast and Furious though.

Good point, percy. Senators make crappy presidents. They make for a crappy Congress, why would we think they would make a good leader?

Thinking Reagan....We need a Governor...Christie?
Senators always have, and always will make really crappy presidents. At most they run about 20 people. Governors with established executive experience are better. They know how to manage large groups without being left in the dark.

btw, Obama knew exactly what was going on with Obamacare, he designed it. I can give him the benefit of the doubt on Fast and Furious though.

Good point, percy. Senators make crappy presidents. They make for a crappy Congress, why would we think they would make a good leader?

Thinking Reagan....We need a Governor...Christie?

Absolutely fucking not. Leave that fat boy in Trenton to chew union ass.
Senators always have, and always will make really crappy presidents. At most they run about 20 people. Governors with established executive experience are better. They know how to manage large groups without being left in the dark.

btw, Obama knew exactly what was going on with Obamacare, he designed it. I can give him the benefit of the doubt on Fast and Furious though.

Senators almost never lead, they are followers........Ted Cruz seems to be breaking that rule.
And where has Uncle Joe been all this time? In the dark too? he seemed to be the one who knew everything all this time! Including instructions on how to shoot down cessna's and rare birds with a shotgun.
At a presser, a reporter flat out asks Jim Carney why the president is always learning about big events via the news. Of course Carney has no answer, but it begs the bigger question of why doesn't the President know what his subordinates are doing until it hits the front page? Is he deliberately being kept in the dark and if so by whom? Or is he keeping himself from knowing anything by not reading reports and going to briefings, or is Obama just lying?

Also, at the 36 second mark, the guy in purple picks his nose and eats it.

CNN's Jim Acosta To W.H.: Why Was Obama In The Dark On ObamaCare, NSA, And IRS? - YouTube

good observation --LOL
Barrack is a fairly stupid man who learned to put on a face of confidence to make up for his feelings of being a little boy no one loved. He really is not very bright and is very ignorant on much, and that ignorance is expressed through hubris and stammering when speaking in public.

I know a guy like him. He doesn't even have to think to lie, it's a natural reaction to any situation that points blame in the mirror. And he has millions of people willing to lap up the swill, laughing like fools when he serves up some snarky little petulance at his perceived enemies. So which is more frightening- a scumbag president, or a zombie populace?

the 2nd one

but this has been coming about

with generations of indoctrination

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