Why is the public not told about their ACA options?


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
I've discovered that NO ONE wants to talk about the OPTIONS to the ObamaCare exchanges. Why? Because they are either scared to death of IRS audits and harrassment or they are complicit in the fraud.

How many of you believe that if you've lost your insurance --- the best and only option is to wait until the Gov gets it's act and website together? Have you heard any media report on the alternatives? Have you seen advertising from Insurance brokers who STILL EXIST and have DECADES of experience in the biz? No --- you haven't..

The dirty little secret that everyone is AFRAID to discuss is that --- if you dont believe you QUALIFY FOR A SUBSIDY --- your best bet is to find a skilled BROKER to get you into a policy that NOT in the ObamaCare subsidized pool.

Yup --- you can do that.

However --- there is a CALCULATED AND DEVIOUS effort to herd folks like cattle into the poorly organized and staffed ObamaCare exchanges..

1) Would you do biz with a realtor who was UNLICENSED and who only specializes in Section 8 (govt subsidized) housing?

2) If you go DIRECTLY to the insurance companies, they are CONSCIOUSLY DIRECTING folks to the exchanges and NOT suggesting alternatives. WHY? Because they are SCARED of mentioning options to consumers. Because their corporate life is now in the governments hands... And they could be SNUFFED if the exchanges fail..

3) Do folks know that in GENERAL, Licensed brokers in most states have access to MORE INSURERS and MORE PLANS than are offered on the exchanges? NO. WHY? Because the MEDIA IS SCARED of reporting this. OR -- they are IGNORANT (or both). Equally plausible excuses. They have been DANGEROUSLY USELESS in covering this CRISIS.

4) Did you know that every Professional Group in this nation had their Group Insurance plans made illegal by ObamaCare.. ALL are now cancelled.. My prof. group got cancelled. Half the self-employed Veterinarians in this country were grouped thru their Prof Org and are now cancelled, ...... and so it goes. WHY? Because it was a calculated to DRIVE folks with money (like docs, vets, lawyers, engineers, scientists, etc ) to the public exchanges.
We're NOT that stupid.. Those plans WERE NOT Deficient by any means. The membership was not being SCREWED because there was a lifetime cap on their policies.

Herded like cattle to IRRESPONSIBLE, un-vetted navigators into a brokerage with limited options and ex-felons answering the phones. And nobody knows that BETTER OPTIONS are available? Because they are SCARED to talk about it?

I've talked to both a couple brokers, a couple insurance companies and members of the media. I don't even recognize my country any more.. How does this happen?
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We are gonna lose this country if it's THAT EASY to mislead and herd the public AND get away with it.
You may see ole FlaCalTenn fighting the IRS and getting his computers confiscated soon..

I really really don't respond well to intimidation.. Nothing is more important to me than living in a free country WITHOUT
coercion and fear..
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No -- MANY should do MORE than hope.. It's time to ask WHY ALL our institutions are failing to inform the public. And its time for folks to start to re-take their life choices into their own hands and cut from the herd.

Congrats if you were referring to the "Hope and Change" motto.. But I'm not in the mood to be amused.
I've discovered that NO ONE wants to talk about the OPTIONS to the ObamaCare exchanges. Why? Because they are either scared to death of IRS audits and harrassment or they are complicit in the fraud


Really? Conspiracy?

Government advertising spelling out Healthcare options is severely limited because funding is blocked

Guess who?
I've discovered that NO ONE wants to talk about the OPTIONS to the ObamaCare exchanges. Why? Because they are either scared to death of IRS audits and harrassment or they are complicit in the fraud


Really? Conspiracy?

Government advertising spelling out Healthcare options is severely limited because funding is blocked

Guess who?

Besides being bullshit -- cause I've suffered thru $MILL of dollars of ACA ads and seen some of the outrageous Print Ads that are running for 20 somethings ---

There is NOT A CHANCE IN HELL -- that the mental midgets who launched this bomb are gonna disclose that you have any other option than to go to healthcare.gov.

I have not heard even ONE talking head or cable news anchor or EVEN RIGHT WING radio talk show host tell the public that there are 1000s of skilled brokers who will hook you up OUTSIDE of the exchanges. The left wing press doesn't want folks to know because they are part of the cattle drive to make the SUBSIDIZED exchanges work. (wont happen) and the right wing press won't mention it because then they couldn't beat up on the failed attempts of the Dems to launch the program.. NEITHER side wants the public to know that brokers have MORE choices of insurers and plans that qualify for ACA..

And the 2 brokers I talked with are SCARED TO DEATH of speaking out or taking a side. They both told me they didn't need attention from the IRS or further "govt help".. The insurance companies won't tell you that either. They are sending individuals right to the healthcare.gov site. Don't KNOW whether their problem is fear --- or whether they're PAID in some fashion to drive people there.

If ANYONE EVER hears a mention of this ON ANY source.. Please tell me. Because it literally drives me nuts that so much time is being spent on sob stories about the exchanges not working --- and NOT A SINGLE WORD --- about other consumer options..

We now live in a completely manipulated society.. Where the interests of all the parties involved are motivated by fear or quest for power..

That's NOT a conspiracy. It's a FACT JACK.
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This isn't directly related to the ACA but show how Obumbler is screwing things up for everybody.

Tricare is the system for active and retired military personnel and their spouses. Active duty pay a premium to include their families. Retired personnel pay for themselves and their families until they are eligible for Medicare. When the retiree enters Tricare for Life, he still pays for his dependents.

In years past, I paid about $150 a year for my wife - who makes maybe 3 appointments per year.

This time, I received a notice that Tricare no longer accepts checks or money orders, only direct transfer from my bank account either through a debit/credit card or an allotment. The cost for each THREE MONTHS is now $65 and change or MORE THAN TWICE what I paid before! And there was no notice about the increase that I can remember.

The only good thing is that after 4 years with a company for auto insurance, I got tires of their not lowering my premium and went to another company. They gave me better coverage and included renters insurance - saving me $600 per year!
I am bumping this thread and will continue to bump this thread DAILY --- because it was removed from the now EMPTY "ObamaCare Forum".. And is contains VITAL information on options for those who have lost their lost their policies to this insanity.

If this isn't "useful tips on ObamaCare" --- I don't know why we would need an "ObamaCare Forum".

If you LIKE THE OP and it is USEFUL to you ---- feel free to bump it for me..
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I've discovered that NO ONE wants to talk about the OPTIONS to the ObamaCare exchanges. Why? Because they are either scared to death of IRS audits and harrassment or they are complicit in the fraud.

How many of you believe that if you've lost your insurance --- the best and only option is to wait until the Gov gets it's act and website together? Have you heard any media report on the alternatives? Have you seen advertising from Insurance brokers who STILL EXIST and have DECADES of experience in the biz? No --- you haven't..

The dirty little secret that everyone is AFRAID to discuss is that --- if you dont believe you QUALIFY FOR A SUBSIDY --- your best bet is to find a skilled BROKER to get you into a policy that NOT in the ObamaCare subsidized pool.

Yup --- you can do that.

However --- there is a CALCULATED AND DEVIOUS effort to herd folks like cattle into the poorly organized and staffed ObamaCare exchanges..

1) Would you do biz with a realtor who was UNLICENSED and who only specializes in Section 8 (govt subsidized) housing?

2) If you go DIRECTLY to the insurance companies, they are CONSCIOUSLY DIRECTING folks to the exchanges and NOT suggesting alternatives. WHY? Because they are SCARED of mentioning options to consumers. Because their corporate life is now in the governments hands... And they could be SNUFFED if the exchanges fail..

3) Do folks know that in GENERAL, Licensed brokers in most states have access to MORE INSURERS and MORE PLANS than are offered on the exchanges? NO. WHY? Because the MEDIA IS SCARED of reporting this. OR -- they are IGNORANT (or both). Equally plausible excuses. They have been DANGEROUSLY USELESS in covering this CRISIS.

4) Did you know that every Professional Group in this nation had their Group Insurance plans made illegal by ObamaCare.. ALL are now cancelled.. My prof. group got cancelled. Half the self-employed Veterinarians in this country were grouped thru their Prof Org and are now cancelled, ...... and so it goes. WHY? Because it was a calculated to DRIVE folks with money (like docs, vets, lawyers, engineers, scientists, etc ) to the public exchanges.
We're NOT that stupid.. Those plans WERE NOT Deficient by any means. The membership was not being SCREWED because there was a lifetime cap on their policies.

Herded like cattle to IRRESPONSIBLE, un-vetted navigators into a brokerage with limited options and ex-felons answering the phones. And nobody knows that BETTER OPTIONS are available? Because they are SCARED to talk about it?

I've talked to both a couple brokers, a couple insurance companies and members of the media. I don't even recognize my country any more.. How does this happen?

Have you seen advertising from Insurance brokers who STILL EXIST and have DECADES of experience in the biz? No --- you haven't..

Brokers rarely advertise.

your best bet is to find a skilled BROKER to get you into a policy that NOT in the ObamaCare subsidized pool

Ummmm, the same plans are offered off Exchange as are on the Exchange....

If you go DIRECTLY to the insurance companies, they are CONSCIOUSLY DIRECTING folks to the exchanges and NOT suggesting alternatives. WHY? Because they are SCARED of mentioning options to consumers. Because their corporate life is now in the governments hands... And they could be SNUFFED if the exchanges fail..

I write policies off exchange every day.....

Do folks know that in GENERAL, Licensed brokers in most states have access to MORE INSURERS and MORE PLANS than are offered on the exchanges? NO. WHY? Because the MEDIA IS SCARED of reporting this. OR -- they are IGNORANT (or both). Equally plausible excuses. They have been DANGEROUSLY USELESS in covering this CRISIS.

Show us?

Did you know that every Professional Group in this nation had their Group Insurance plans made illegal by ObamaCare.. ALL are now cancelled.. My prof. group got cancelled. Half the self-employed Veterinarians in this country were grouped thru their Prof Org and are now cancelled, ...... and so it goes. WHY? Because it was a calculated to DRIVE folks with money (like docs, vets, lawyers, engineers, scientists, etc ) to the public exchanges.
We're NOT that stupid.. Those plans WERE NOT Deficient by any means. The membership was not being SCREWED because there was a lifetime cap on their policies.

Uh...not yet but it will happen next year.

I work for Blue Cross Blue Shield...you really don't know what you are talking about.
I've discovered that NO ONE wants to talk about the OPTIONS to the ObamaCare exchanges. Why? Because they are either scared to death of IRS audits and harrassment or they are complicit in the fraud.

How many of you believe that if you've lost your insurance --- the best and only option is to wait until the Gov gets it's act and website together? Have you heard any media report on the alternatives? Have you seen advertising from Insurance brokers who STILL EXIST and have DECADES of experience in the biz? No --- you haven't..

The dirty little secret that everyone is AFRAID to discuss is that --- if you dont believe you QUALIFY FOR A SUBSIDY --- your best bet is to find a skilled BROKER to get you into a policy that NOT in the ObamaCare subsidized pool.

Yup --- you can do that.

However --- there is a CALCULATED AND DEVIOUS effort to herd folks like cattle into the poorly organized and staffed ObamaCare exchanges..

1) Would you do biz with a realtor who was UNLICENSED and who only specializes in Section 8 (govt subsidized) housing?

2) If you go DIRECTLY to the insurance companies, they are CONSCIOUSLY DIRECTING folks to the exchanges and NOT suggesting alternatives. WHY? Because they are SCARED of mentioning options to consumers. Because their corporate life is now in the governments hands... And they could be SNUFFED if the exchanges fail..

3) Do folks know that in GENERAL, Licensed brokers in most states have access to MORE INSURERS and MORE PLANS than are offered on the exchanges? NO. WHY? Because the MEDIA IS SCARED of reporting this. OR -- they are IGNORANT (or both). Equally plausible excuses. They have been DANGEROUSLY USELESS in covering this CRISIS.

4) Did you know that every Professional Group in this nation had their Group Insurance plans made illegal by ObamaCare.. ALL are now cancelled.. My prof. group got cancelled. Half the self-employed Veterinarians in this country were grouped thru their Prof Org and are now cancelled, ...... and so it goes. WHY? Because it was a calculated to DRIVE folks with money (like docs, vets, lawyers, engineers, scientists, etc ) to the public exchanges.
We're NOT that stupid.. Those plans WERE NOT Deficient by any means. The membership was not being SCREWED because there was a lifetime cap on their policies.

Herded like cattle to IRRESPONSIBLE, un-vetted navigators into a brokerage with limited options and ex-felons answering the phones. And nobody knows that BETTER OPTIONS are available? Because they are SCARED to talk about it?

I've talked to both a couple brokers, a couple insurance companies and members of the media. I don't even recognize my country any more.. How does this happen?

Have you seen advertising from Insurance brokers who STILL EXIST and have DECADES of experience in the biz? No --- you haven't..

Brokers rarely advertise.

your best bet is to find a skilled BROKER to get you into a policy that NOT in the ObamaCare subsidized pool

Ummmm, the same plans are offered off Exchange as are on the Exchange....

If you go DIRECTLY to the insurance companies, they are CONSCIOUSLY DIRECTING folks to the exchanges and NOT suggesting alternatives. WHY? Because they are SCARED of mentioning options to consumers. Because their corporate life is now in the governments hands... And they could be SNUFFED if the exchanges fail..

I write policies off exchange every day.....

Do folks know that in GENERAL, Licensed brokers in most states have access to MORE INSURERS and MORE PLANS than are offered on the exchanges? NO. WHY? Because the MEDIA IS SCARED of reporting this. OR -- they are IGNORANT (or both). Equally plausible excuses. They have been DANGEROUSLY USELESS in covering this CRISIS.

Show us?

Did you know that every Professional Group in this nation had their Group Insurance plans made illegal by ObamaCare.. ALL are now cancelled.. My prof. group got cancelled. Half the self-employed Veterinarians in this country were grouped thru their Prof Org and are now cancelled, ...... and so it goes. WHY? Because it was a calculated to DRIVE folks with money (like docs, vets, lawyers, engineers, scientists, etc ) to the public exchanges.
We're NOT that stupid.. Those plans WERE NOT Deficient by any means. The membership was not being SCREWED because there was a lifetime cap on their policies.

Uh...not yet but it will happen next year.

I work for Blue Cross Blue Shield...you really don't know what you are talking about.

From your little cubicle at BCBS -- I'm sure that's what you've told.
I've lost my Prof. Plan, the American Veterinary Assoc has lost their plan and dozens of other National Prof Groups have already been dissolved.

You are part of this herding. And I know that for a fact, because BCBS told my panicked wife that for individuals, "her only option to get BCBS coverage was to go thru the exchanges".. They lied.

Brokerages advertise all the time.. Ads are run on my local radio.. But they are too scared to ADVERTISE that they have access to ACA that are NOT "exchange qualified" but off ACA compliance.

In fact, I have an appointment tomorrow morning to go sign up thru a local broker.
You are just one more data point at how devious this cattle drive really is..
I've discovered that NO ONE wants to talk about the OPTIONS to the ObamaCare exchanges. Why? Because they are either scared to death of IRS audits and harrassment or they are complicit in the fraud.

How many of you believe that if you've lost your insurance --- the best and only option is to wait until the Gov gets it's act and website together? Have you heard any media report on the alternatives? Have you seen advertising from Insurance brokers who STILL EXIST and have DECADES of experience in the biz? No --- you haven't..

The dirty little secret that everyone is AFRAID to discuss is that --- if you dont believe you QUALIFY FOR A SUBSIDY --- your best bet is to find a skilled BROKER to get you into a policy that NOT in the ObamaCare subsidized pool.

Yup --- you can do that.

However --- there is a CALCULATED AND DEVIOUS effort to herd folks like cattle into the poorly organized and staffed ObamaCare exchanges..

1) Would you do biz with a realtor who was UNLICENSED and who only specializes in Section 8 (govt subsidized) housing?

2) If you go DIRECTLY to the insurance companies, they are CONSCIOUSLY DIRECTING folks to the exchanges and NOT suggesting alternatives. WHY? Because they are SCARED of mentioning options to consumers. Because their corporate life is now in the governments hands... And they could be SNUFFED if the exchanges fail..

3) Do folks know that in GENERAL, Licensed brokers in most states have access to MORE INSURERS and MORE PLANS than are offered on the exchanges? NO. WHY? Because the MEDIA IS SCARED of reporting this. OR -- they are IGNORANT (or both). Equally plausible excuses. They have been DANGEROUSLY USELESS in covering this CRISIS.

4) Did you know that every Professional Group in this nation had their Group Insurance plans made illegal by ObamaCare.. ALL are now cancelled.. My prof. group got cancelled. Half the self-employed Veterinarians in this country were grouped thru their Prof Org and are now cancelled, ...... and so it goes. WHY? Because it was a calculated to DRIVE folks with money (like docs, vets, lawyers, engineers, scientists, etc ) to the public exchanges.
We're NOT that stupid.. Those plans WERE NOT Deficient by any means. The membership was not being SCREWED because there was a lifetime cap on their policies.

Herded like cattle to IRRESPONSIBLE, un-vetted navigators into a brokerage with limited options and ex-felons answering the phones. And nobody knows that BETTER OPTIONS are available? Because they are SCARED to talk about it?

I've talked to both a couple brokers, a couple insurance companies and members of the media. I don't even recognize my country any more.. How does this happen?

Have you seen advertising from Insurance brokers who STILL EXIST and have DECADES of experience in the biz? No --- you haven't..

Brokers rarely advertise.

your best bet is to find a skilled BROKER to get you into a policy that NOT in the ObamaCare subsidized pool

Ummmm, the same plans are offered off Exchange as are on the Exchange....

If you go DIRECTLY to the insurance companies, they are CONSCIOUSLY DIRECTING folks to the exchanges and NOT suggesting alternatives. WHY? Because they are SCARED of mentioning options to consumers. Because their corporate life is now in the governments hands... And they could be SNUFFED if the exchanges fail..

I write policies off exchange every day.....

Do folks know that in GENERAL, Licensed brokers in most states have access to MORE INSURERS and MORE PLANS than are offered on the exchanges? NO. WHY? Because the MEDIA IS SCARED of reporting this. OR -- they are IGNORANT (or both). Equally plausible excuses. They have been DANGEROUSLY USELESS in covering this CRISIS.

Show us?

Did you know that every Professional Group in this nation had their Group Insurance plans made illegal by ObamaCare.. ALL are now cancelled.. My prof. group got cancelled. Half the self-employed Veterinarians in this country were grouped thru their Prof Org and are now cancelled, ...... and so it goes. WHY? Because it was a calculated to DRIVE folks with money (like docs, vets, lawyers, engineers, scientists, etc ) to the public exchanges.
We're NOT that stupid.. Those plans WERE NOT Deficient by any means. The membership was not being SCREWED because there was a lifetime cap on their policies.

Uh...not yet but it will happen next year.

I work for Blue Cross Blue Shield...you really don't know what you are talking about.

From your little cubicle at BCBS -- I'm sure that's what you've told.
I've lost my Prof. Plan, the American Veterinary Assoc has lost their plan and dozens of other National Prof Groups have already been dissolved.

You are part of this herding. And I know that for a fact, because BCBS told my panicked wife that for individuals, "her only option to get BCBS coverage was to go thru the exchanges".. They lied.

Brokerages advertise all the time.. Ads are run on my local radio.. But they are too scared to ADVERTISE that they have access to ACA that are NOT "exchange qualified" but off ACA compliance.

In fact, I have an appointment tomorrow morning to go sign up thru a local broker.
You are just one more data point at how devious this cattle drive really is..

From your little cubicle at BCBS -- I'm sure that's what you've told.
I've lost my Prof. Plan, the American Veterinary Assoc has lost their plan and dozens of other National Prof Groups have already been dissolved.

;) In anticipation of what will happen next year....sorry.

You are part of this herding. And I know that for a fact, because BCBS told my panicked wife that for individuals, "her only option to get BCBS coverage was to go thru the exchanges".. They lied.

You don't know anything for a "fact", I write Policies off Exchange every day, sorry kid.

Brokerages advertise all the time.. Ads are run on my local radio.. But they are too scared to ADVERTISE that they have access to ACA that are NOT "exchange qualified" but off ACA compliance.

Show us, I've invited you to do this twice now....so fare you just lie. Prove it.

In fact, I have an appointment tomorrow morning to go sign up thru a local broker.
You are just one more data point at how devious this cattle drive really is..

LOL, you are an idiot.
The ONLY reason to go through the Exchange is if youwant/qualify for a subsidy, there is no other way to get the subsidy.

I write 5-10 plans a day both on and off the Exchange...and no matter how loud you bleat it does not change the fact that you don't know what you are talking about.
Both groups will be affected by the new Obamacare rules. Starting next year, nearly all individual plans -- both in and out of the exchanges -- will be required to cover an array of "essential" services, including medication, maternity and mental health care. Many plans don't currently offer those benefits.

Most individual health insurance isn't good enough for Obamacare - Apr. 3, 2013

The plans that don't meet the minimums (temp plans) will get you fined....sorry dude.
FWIW I believe both of you are saying the same thing.

[MENTION=40954]Antares[/MENTION] is using correct business terminology while [MENTION=30473]flacaltenn[/MENTION] is using average shlub terms which merely validates his OP. (no offense to shlubs intended ;) )


Have you seen advertising from Insurance brokers who STILL EXIST and have DECADES of experience in the biz? No --- you haven't..

Brokers rarely advertise.

your best bet is to find a skilled BROKER to get you into a policy that NOT in the ObamaCare subsidized pool

Ummmm, the same plans are offered off Exchange as are on the Exchange....

If you go DIRECTLY to the insurance companies, they are CONSCIOUSLY DIRECTING folks to the exchanges and NOT suggesting alternatives. WHY? Because they are SCARED of mentioning options to consumers. Because their corporate life is now in the governments hands... And they could be SNUFFED if the exchanges fail..

I write policies off exchange every day.....

Do folks know that in GENERAL, Licensed brokers in most states have access to MORE INSURERS and MORE PLANS than are offered on the exchanges? NO. WHY? Because the MEDIA IS SCARED of reporting this. OR -- they are IGNORANT (or both). Equally plausible excuses. They have been DANGEROUSLY USELESS in covering this CRISIS.

Show us?

Did you know that every Professional Group in this nation had their Group Insurance plans made illegal by ObamaCare.. ALL are now cancelled.. My prof. group got cancelled. Half the self-employed Veterinarians in this country were grouped thru their Prof Org and are now cancelled, ...... and so it goes. WHY? Because it was a calculated to DRIVE folks with money (like docs, vets, lawyers, engineers, scientists, etc ) to the public exchanges.
We're NOT that stupid.. Those plans WERE NOT Deficient by any means. The membership was not being SCREWED because there was a lifetime cap on their policies.

Uh...not yet but it will happen next year.

I work for Blue Cross Blue Shield...you really don't know what you are talking about.

From your little cubicle at BCBS -- I'm sure that's what you've told.
I've lost my Prof. Plan, the American Veterinary Assoc has lost their plan and dozens of other National Prof Groups have already been dissolved.

You are part of this herding. And I know that for a fact, because BCBS told my panicked wife that for individuals, "her only option to get BCBS coverage was to go thru the exchanges".. They lied.

Brokerages advertise all the time.. Ads are run on my local radio.. But they are too scared to ADVERTISE that they have access to ACA that are NOT "exchange qualified" but off ACA compliance.

In fact, I have an appointment tomorrow morning to go sign up thru a local broker.
You are just one more data point at how devious this cattle drive really is..

From your little cubicle at BCBS -- I'm sure that's what you've told.
I've lost my Prof. Plan, the American Veterinary Assoc has lost their plan and dozens of other National Prof Groups have already been dissolved.

;) In anticipation of what will happen next year....sorry.

You are part of this herding. And I know that for a fact, because BCBS told my panicked wife that for individuals, "her only option to get BCBS coverage was to go thru the exchanges".. They lied.

You don't know anything for a "fact", I write Policies off Exchange every day, sorry kid.

Brokerages advertise all the time.. Ads are run on my local radio.. But they are too scared to ADVERTISE that they have access to ACA that are NOT "exchange qualified" but off ACA compliance.

Show us, I've invited you to do this twice now....so fare you just lie. Prove it.

In fact, I have an appointment tomorrow morning to go sign up thru a local broker.
You are just one more data point at how devious this cattle drive really is..

LOL, you are an idiot.
The ONLY reason to go through the Exchange is if youwant/qualify for a subsidy, there is no other way to get the subsidy.

I write 5-10 plans a day both on and off the Exchange...and no matter how loud you bleat it does not change the fact that you don't know what you are talking about.
Sorry Antares.. That's why I'm using a LICENSED BROKER with decades of experience instead of an ObamaNavigator with 10 hrs of training...

Those professional orgs are cancelled NOW (as of New Years Eve) --- I will get you the link..

Brokers offer MORE CHOICES than the exchanges.. In fact, many of them are now certified to sell both ON AND OFF the exchange..

Tomorrow -- when you go to work in your cubicle, take this NPR report and pass it to your crew.. THEY need to know how the insurance biz works under ObamaCare..

As Health Insurance Choices Multiply, Buyers Face Challenges : Shots - Health News : NPR

The state health insurance marketplaces that opened Oct. 1 give consumers who are looking for coverage on the individual market a whole new way to shop for health plans. At the same time, health insurance brokers and insurers will also continue to sell plans directly to customers. Sorting out who's selling what can be a challenge.

What's more, some brokers and insurers will not just sell policies that are outside the marketplaces, also called exchanges. They may also offer marketplace plans and their customers may be eligible for subsidies for those marketplace plans. While shoppers can find good coverage going any of these routes, the plans and services offered may differ in important ways.

Some brokers and insurers will sell both exchange-approved plans that qualify for subsidies and standard, non-subsidized individual market plans.

Brokers help consumers drill down for detailed plan information about participating providers and covered benefits, among other things, says Susan Rider, an independent insurance broker with Gregory & Appel Insurance in Indianapolis.
"Just because a plan covers autism benefits, it might not cover the specific benefits I need," she says. "A consumer may not know to ask, but that's where brokers come in."
Still, consumer advocates say they're concerned that brokers or insurers may not direct consumers first to all the exchange plans for which they could receive a subsidy to reduce their costs.

Many brokers CERTIFIED to sell Exchange Policies can handle BOTH the subsidy and the enrollment. But they also have access to ACA qualified plans that insurers are offering even tho they decided NOT to participate in the subsidized exchanges. Thus more choices.

Is NPR lying? Nawwww...
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Sorry Antares.. That's why I'm using a LICENSED BROKER with decades of experience instead of an ObamaNavigator with 10 hrs of training...

Those professional orgs are cancelled NOW (as of New Years Eve) --- I will get you the link..

Brokers offer MORE CHOICES than the exchanges.. In fact, many of them are now certified to sell both ON AND OFF the exchange..

Tomorrow -- when you go to work in your cubicle, take this NPR report and pass it to your crew.. THEY need to know how the insurance biz works under ObamaCare..

As Health Insurance Choices Multiply, Buyers Face Challenges : Shots - Health News : NPR

The state health insurance marketplaces that opened Oct. 1 give consumers who are looking for coverage on the individual market a whole new way to shop for health plans. At the same time, health insurance brokers and insurers will also continue to sell plans directly to customers. Sorting out who's selling what can be a challenge.

What's more, some brokers and insurers will not just sell policies that are outside the marketplaces, also called exchanges. They may also offer marketplace plans and their customers may be eligible for subsidies for those marketplace plans. While shoppers can find good coverage going any of these routes, the plans and services offered may differ in important ways.

Some brokers and insurers will sell both exchange-approved plans that qualify for subsidies and standard, non-subsidized individual market plans.

Brokers help consumers drill down for detailed plan information about participating providers and covered benefits, among other things, says Susan Rider, an independent insurance broker with Gregory & Appel Insurance in Indianapolis.
"Just because a plan covers autism benefits, it might not cover the specific benefits I need," she says. "A consumer may not know to ask, but that's where brokers come in."
Still, consumer advocates say they're concerned that brokers or insurers may not direct consumers first to all the exchange plans for which they could receive a subsidy to reduce their costs.

LMAO, you really are quite dense.

NOBODY is forced to use the Exchanges unless they want the ubsidy kid, NOBOBY.

Plans bought off exchange are STILL compliant plans....son the ONLY non compliant plans you can buy will get you fined...you just don't know what you are talking about...Brokers seel the very same plans I do....
At the same time, health insurance brokers and insurers will also continue to sell plans directly to customers. Sorting out who's selling what can be a challenge.

What's more, some brokers and insurers will not just sell policies that are outside the marketplaces, also called exchanges. They may also offer marketplace plans and their customers may be eligible for subsidies for those marketplace plans. While shoppers can find good coverage going any of these routes, the plans and services offered may differ in important ways.

Psssst, I sell directly to the public....."plans" don't qualify for subsidies, people do....it is the household demographics that determine qualification.

ALL plans can be sold OFF or ON the Exchanges....they are the same plans...the ONLY eason to use the Exchange is to GET the subsidy...please try and keep up.
You CAN'T get the subsidy UNLESS you go through the Exchange, sorry...you just don't have a clue :(
Sorry Antares.. That's why I'm using a LICENSED BROKER with decades of experience instead of an ObamaNavigator with 10 hrs of training...

Those professional orgs are cancelled NOW (as of New Years Eve) --- I will get you the link..

Brokers offer MORE CHOICES than the exchanges.. In fact, many of them are now certified to sell both ON AND OFF the exchange..

Tomorrow -- when you go to work in your cubicle, take this NPR report and pass it to your crew.. THEY need to know how the insurance biz works under ObamaCare..

As Health Insurance Choices Multiply, Buyers Face Challenges : Shots - Health News : NPR

The state health insurance marketplaces that opened Oct. 1 give consumers who are looking for coverage on the individual market a whole new way to shop for health plans. At the same time, health insurance brokers and insurers will also continue to sell plans directly to customers. Sorting out who's selling what can be a challenge.

What's more, some brokers and insurers will not just sell policies that are outside the marketplaces, also called exchanges. They may also offer marketplace plans and their customers may be eligible for subsidies for those marketplace plans. While shoppers can find good coverage going any of these routes, the plans and services offered may differ in important ways.

Some brokers and insurers will sell both exchange-approved plans that qualify for subsidies and standard, non-subsidized individual market plans.

Brokers help consumers drill down for detailed plan information about participating providers and covered benefits, among other things, says Susan Rider, an independent insurance broker with Gregory & Appel Insurance in Indianapolis.
"Just because a plan covers autism benefits, it might not cover the specific benefits I need," she says. "A consumer may not know to ask, but that's where brokers come in."
Still, consumer advocates say they're concerned that brokers or insurers may not direct consumers first to all the exchange plans for which they could receive a subsidy to reduce their costs.

LMAO, you really are quite dense.

NOBODY is forced to use the Exchanges unless they want the ubsidy kid, NOBOBY.

Plans bought off exchange are STILL compliant plans....son the ONLY non compliant plans you can buy will get you fined...you just don't know what you are talking about...Brokers seel the very same plans I do....

Well then I was correct in saying that if you don't expect a subsidy --- you would be better to go thru a broker because (as I posted in the NPR article and have been SHOWN by 2 brokers) --- they not only have access to the exchange policies (if they are certified), but they have access to other ACA qualified plans that are NOT offered on the exchange. I was shown 18 ACA compliant policies at my broker.

I will NOT GET fined. Because if I do -- that broker will lose their license. Just try getting even with an ObamaCare navigator who feeds you bad info..

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