Why is the public not told about their ACA options?

You CAN'T get the subsidy UNLESS you go through the Exchange, sorry...you just don't have a clue :(

I qualified this whole deal with the statement "if you don't expect a subsidy".. But EVEN IF YOU DO --- some brokers CAN enroll you WITH subsidies in an Exchange plan. They have been CERTIFIED by HHS to do that. They act in the capacity of a "navigator"..

((Do do that --- they need to forget everything they've learned for decades and pretend that they were selling weed on the street last Tuesday))
Sorry Antares.. That's why I'm using a LICENSED BROKER with decades of experience instead of an ObamaNavigator with 10 hrs of training...

Those professional orgs are cancelled NOW (as of New Years Eve) --- I will get you the link..

Brokers offer MORE CHOICES than the exchanges.. In fact, many of them are now certified to sell both ON AND OFF the exchange..

Tomorrow -- when you go to work in your cubicle, take this NPR report and pass it to your crew.. THEY need to know how the insurance biz works under ObamaCare..

LMAO, you really are quite dense.

NOBODY is forced to use the Exchanges unless they want the ubsidy kid, NOBOBY.

Plans bought off exchange are STILL compliant plans....son the ONLY non compliant plans you can buy will get you fined...you just don't know what you are talking about...Brokers seel the very same plans I do....

Well then I was correct in saying that if you don't expect a subsidy --- you would be better to go thru a broker because (as I posted in the NPR article and have been SHOWN by 2 brokers) --- they not only have access to the exchange policies (if they are certified), but they have access to other ACA qualified plans that are NOT offered on the exchange. I was shown 18 ACA compliant policies at my broker.

I will NOT GET fined. Because if I do -- that broker will lose their license. Just try getting even with an ObamaCare navigator who feeds you bad info..

Well then I was correct in saying that if you don't expect a subsidy --- you would be better to go thru a broker

Yes you were, going through a broker, or direct through an insurance gives the client a point of contact to help them if something goes wrong.

they not only have access to the exchange policies (if they are certified), but they have access to other ACA qualified plans that are NOT offered on the exchange. I was shown 18 ACA compliant policies at my broker

ALL compliant plans are offered and off exchange, ALL of them...Temp plans are the only non-compliant plans that can be sold...and they will get you fined.

Amelia was right, we are talking about the same things from different angles.
You CAN'T get the subsidy UNLESS you go through the Exchange, sorry...you just don't have a clue :(

I qualified this whole deal with the statement "if you don't expect a subsidy".. But EVEN IF YOU DO --- some brokers CAN enroll you WITH subsidies in an Exchange plan. They have been CERTIFIED by HHS to do that. They act in the capacity of a "navigator"..

((Do do that --- they need to forget everything they've learned for decades and pretend that they were selling weed on the street last Tuesday))

ALL Brokers and Agents can enroll clients through the Exchanges, but they have to do it ON the Exchange....there is no other way.

I am doing it two ways, with paper subsidy apps and when I can on the website itself...I know exactly what I am talking about because I do it every day...sorry.
FWIW I believe both of you are saying the same thing.

[MENTION=40954]Antares[/MENTION] is using correct business terminology while [MENTION=30473]flacaltenn[/MENTION] is using average shlub terms which merely validates his OP. (no offense to shlubs intended ;) )


Cant be JUST the terminology when he's telling me that I didn't See 18 choices of qualified ACA plans at a broker that are NOT OFFERED ON my state exchange.

Or telling me that I'm gonna fined....

Or telling me that my insurance wasn't cancelled because Obama OUTLAWED national group professional plans (ALL of them except the waivers for his buds) as of Dec 31st..

So what "lingo" explains this posters confusion???
FWIW I believe both of you are saying the same thing.

[MENTION=40954]Antares[/MENTION] is using correct business terminology while [MENTION=30473]flacaltenn[/MENTION] is using average shlub terms which merely validates his OP. (no offense to shlubs intended ;) )


Cant be JUST the terminology when he's telling me that I didn't See 18 choices of qualified ACA plans at a broker that are NOT OFFERED ON my state exchange.

Or telling me that I'm gonna fined....

Or telling me that my insurance wasn't cancelled because Obama OUTLAWED national group professional plans (ALL of them except the waivers for his buds) as of Dec 31st..

So what "lingo" explains this posters confusion???

Cant be JUST the terminology when he's telling me that I didn't See 18 choices of qualified ACA plans at a broker that are NOT OFFERED ON my state exchange

A plan is either "qualified" or it isn't...if it isn't you WILL get fined....(but the only plans that can be sold are "qualified" except for Temp plans)

Or telling me that my insurance wasn't cancelled because Obama OUTLAWED national group professional plans (ALL of them except the waivers for his buds) as of Dec 31st..

The only plans that HAD to be cancelled this Dec 31st are Individual plans,

group professional plans

You do know that these are individual plans don't you?

Like some 22 million other Americans, I’m a self-employed small-business owner who buys health insurance for my family directly on the individual market. We have a high-deductible PPO plan that allows us to choose from a wide range of doctors.

Our cancellation letter says Anthem is “not going to be selling new individual PPO plans.” When we asked whether we could keep our children’s doctors, an agent for Anthem told my husband and me she didn’t know.
I've discovered that NO ONE wants to talk about the OPTIONS to the ObamaCare exchanges. Why? Because they are either scared to death of IRS audits and harrassment or they are complicit in the fraud.

How many of you believe that if you've lost your insurance --- the best and only option is to wait until the Gov gets it's act and website together? Have you heard any media report on the alternatives? Have you seen advertising from Insurance brokers who STILL EXIST and have DECADES of experience in the biz? No --- you haven't..

The dirty little secret that everyone is AFRAID to discuss is that --- if you dont believe you QUALIFY FOR A SUBSIDY --- your best bet is to find a skilled BROKER to get you into a policy that NOT in the ObamaCare subsidized pool.

Yup --- you can do that.

However --- there is a CALCULATED AND DEVIOUS effort to herd folks like cattle into the poorly organized and staffed ObamaCare exchanges..

1) Would you do biz with a realtor who was UNLICENSED and who only specializes in Section 8 (govt subsidized) housing?

2) If you go DIRECTLY to the insurance companies, they are CONSCIOUSLY DIRECTING folks to the exchanges and NOT suggesting alternatives. WHY? Because they are SCARED of mentioning options to consumers. Because their corporate life is now in the governments hands... And they could be SNUFFED if the exchanges fail..

3) Do folks know that in GENERAL, Licensed brokers in most states have access to MORE INSURERS and MORE PLANS than are offered on the exchanges? NO. WHY? Because the MEDIA IS SCARED of reporting this. OR -- they are IGNORANT (or both). Equally plausible excuses. They have been DANGEROUSLY USELESS in covering this CRISIS.

4) Did you know that every Professional Group in this nation had their Group Insurance plans made illegal by ObamaCare.. ALL are now cancelled.. My prof. group got cancelled. Half the self-employed Veterinarians in this country were grouped thru their Prof Org and are now cancelled, ...... and so it goes. WHY? Because it was a calculated to DRIVE folks with money (like docs, vets, lawyers, engineers, scientists, etc ) to the public exchanges.
We're NOT that stupid.. Those plans WERE NOT Deficient by any means. The membership was not being SCREWED because there was a lifetime cap on their policies.

Herded like cattle to IRRESPONSIBLE, un-vetted navigators into a brokerage with limited options and ex-felons answering the phones. And nobody knows that BETTER OPTIONS are available? Because they are SCARED to talk about it?

I've talked to both a couple brokers, a couple insurance companies and members of the media. I don't even recognize my country any more.. How does this happen?

That's just amazing.

I wasn't aware of it
LMAO, you really are quite dense.

NOBODY is forced to use the Exchanges unless they want the ubsidy kid, NOBOBY.

Plans bought off exchange are STILL compliant plans....son the ONLY non compliant plans you can buy will get you fined...you just don't know what you are talking about...Brokers seel the very same plans I do....

Well then I was correct in saying that if you don't expect a subsidy --- you would be better to go thru a broker because (as I posted in the NPR article and have been SHOWN by 2 brokers) --- they not only have access to the exchange policies (if they are certified), but they have access to other ACA qualified plans that are NOT offered on the exchange. I was shown 18 ACA compliant policies at my broker.

I will NOT GET fined. Because if I do -- that broker will lose their license. Just try getting even with an ObamaCare navigator who feeds you bad info..

Well then I was correct in saying that if you don't expect a subsidy --- you would be better to go thru a broker

Yes you were, going through a broker, or direct through an insurance gives the client a point of contact to help them if something goes wrong.

they not only have access to the exchange policies (if they are certified), but they have access to other ACA qualified plans that are NOT offered on the exchange. I was shown 18 ACA compliant policies at my broker

ALL compliant plans are offered and off exchange, ALL of them...Temp plans are the only non-compliant plans that can be sold...and they will get you fined.

Amelia was right, we are talking about the same things from different angles.

Almost there with but with one exception...

ALL compliant plans are offered and off exchange, ALL of them...Temp plans are the only non-compliant plans that can be sold...and they will get you fined.

The 2 brokers advice and the NPR article that I posted are at odds with that statement.
Surely you know that choice of providers is EXTREMELY limited in many of the govt exchanges because MOST companies chose not to participate in the govt subsidized exchanges. They CAN however still write policies in those states even if they do not offer them on the exchanges. And I have solid assurances that those ADDITIONAL CHOICES are fully ACA compliant --- not just from the brokers --- but from the providers as well..

I will NOT get fined, they are not any more "temporary" than the policies you write thru BCBS, and in many respects, they represent more consumer choice.

You're also uninformed about the outlawing of National GROUP plans offered by Professional Organizations.

The only plans that HAD to be cancelled this Dec 31st are Individual plans,

YES these are individuals that CHOSE to be covered under geniune GROUP RATED plans offered thru their prof. orgs. I had mine for 25 yrs before Obama cancelled it. FINE INSURANCE. The cancellation notice I recieved said that my ORG could no longer offer "GROUP" insurance because that is outlawed by ACA. They MIGHT be able to write INDIVIDUAL PLANS to replace the group but chose not to do so..

Half of America's self-employed veterinarians were in the same boat. In that case -- the AMVA decided to hire an outside agency to create a new PRIVATE EXCHANGE that would write ACA individual plans for any members desiring to do so.. The membership of my ORG and the AVMA are still pissed that these Groups were outlawed and the public was told that only "inferior insurance" was largely the plans that got cancelled. Had NOTHING TO DO with the quality of the plan.. But EVERYTHING to do with the attempt to herd folks with money to the govt exchanges..

PS.. It's not Amelia -- It's [MENTION=31178]MeBelle60[/MENTION].. and she KNOWS "im a schlub", but im an intelligient schlub that wont be herded and HATES to be lied to.
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FWIW I believe both of you are saying the same thing.

[MENTION=40954]Antares[/MENTION] is using correct business terminology while [MENTION=30473]flacaltenn[/MENTION] is using average shlub terms which merely validates his OP. (no offense to shlubs intended ;) )


Cant be JUST the terminology when he's telling me that I didn't See 18 choices of qualified ACA plans at a broker that are NOT OFFERED ON my state exchange.

Or telling me that I'm gonna fined....

Or telling me that my insurance wasn't cancelled because Obama OUTLAWED national group professional plans (ALL of them except the waivers for his buds) as of Dec 31st..

So what "lingo" explains this posters confusion???

To start with, licensed broker can be interchanged with licensed agent...unintentional confusion.

You will get fined if you don't purchase.

He agreed with the insurance cancellation.

I didn't See 18 choices of qualified ACA plans at a broker that are NOT OFFERED ON my state exchange
Do you qualify for a subsidy? If you don't qualify, that's why you didn't see all the choices on the exchange.

Don't make me come after you, Shlub! :lol:
Well then I was correct in saying that if you don't expect a subsidy --- you would be better to go thru a broker because (as I posted in the NPR article and have been SHOWN by 2 brokers) --- they not only have access to the exchange policies (if they are certified), but they have access to other ACA qualified plans that are NOT offered on the exchange. I was shown 18 ACA compliant policies at my broker.

I will NOT GET fined. Because if I do -- that broker will lose their license. Just try getting even with an ObamaCare navigator who feeds you bad info..

Well then I was correct in saying that if you don't expect a subsidy --- you would be better to go thru a broker

Yes you were, going through a broker, or direct through an insurance gives the client a point of contact to help them if something goes wrong.

they not only have access to the exchange policies (if they are certified), but they have access to other ACA qualified plans that are NOT offered on the exchange. I was shown 18 ACA compliant policies at my broker

ALL compliant plans are offered and off exchange, ALL of them...Temp plans are the only non-compliant plans that can be sold...and they will get you fined.

Amelia was right, we are talking about the same things from different angles.

Almost there with but with one exception...

ALL compliant plans are offered and off exchange, ALL of them...Temp plans are the only non-compliant plans that can be sold...and they will get you fined.

The 2 brokers advice and the NPR article that I posted are at odds with that statement.
Surely you know that choice of providers is EXTREMELY limited in many of the govt exchanges because MOST companies chose not to participate in the govt subsidized exchanges. They CAN however still write policies in those states even if they do not offer them on the exchanges. And I have solid assurances that those ADDITIONAL CHOICES are fully ACA compliant --- not just from the brokers --- but from the providers as well..

I will NOT get fined, they are not any more "temporary" than the policies you write thru BCBS, and in many respects, they represent more consumer choice.

PS.. It's not Amelia -- It's [MENTION=31178]MeBelle60[/MENTION].. and she KNOWS "im a schlub", but im an intelligient schlub that wont be herded and HATES to be lied to.

The 2 brokers advice and the NPR article that I posted are at odds with that statement.
Surely you know that choice of providers is EXTREMELY limited in many of the govt exchanges because MOST companies chose not to participate in the govt subsidized exchanges. They CAN however still write policies in those states even if they do not offer them on the exchanges. And I have solid assurances that those ADDITIONAL CHOICES are fully ACA compliant --- not just from the brokers --- but from the providers as well..

(smile) QUALIFIED plans ARE "Compliant" plans....and you cannot purchase a "non qualified plan" that isn't "temporary"....and ALL "non qualified" plans will get you fined.

Maye you should stick to sticking your fingers in a dog's ass and let the Insurance Professionals do their job.

The ONLY reason to go on the Exchanges is to get the subsidy..I write on and off exchange plans every day...I am sorry that this is beyond you....
FWIW I believe both of you are saying the same thing.

[MENTION=40954]Antares[/MENTION] is using correct business terminology while [MENTION=30473]flacaltenn[/MENTION] is using average shlub terms which merely validates his OP. (no offense to shlubs intended ;) )


Cant be JUST the terminology when he's telling me that I didn't See 18 choices of qualified ACA plans at a broker that are NOT OFFERED ON my state exchange.

Or telling me that I'm gonna fined....

Or telling me that my insurance wasn't cancelled because Obama OUTLAWED national group professional plans (ALL of them except the waivers for his buds) as of Dec 31st..

So what "lingo" explains this posters confusion???

To start with, licensed broker can be interchanged with licensed agent...unintentional confusion.

You will get fined if you don't purchase.

He agreed with the insurance cancellation.

I didn't See 18 choices of qualified ACA plans at a broker that are NOT OFFERED ON my state exchange
Do you qualify for a subsidy? If you don't qualify, that's why you didn't see all the choices on the exchange.

Don't make me come after you, Shlub! :lol:

Hey.. Don't be cute with me.. :eusa_angel:

Right now folks don't see JACK DUMP on healthcare.gov. Neither do the brokers. They may know what's GONNA be there. But I'm not going NEAR that broken ass piece of shit..

2 brokers tell me that they have policies that are NOT OFFERED on my state exchange (subsidy or no subsidy) and that they are all ACA qualified. I'VE SEEN THEM.... Tell me I haven't and the brokers are lying..
Cant be JUST the terminology when he's telling me that I didn't See 18 choices of qualified ACA plans at a broker that are NOT OFFERED ON my state exchange.

Or telling me that I'm gonna fined....

Or telling me that my insurance wasn't cancelled because Obama OUTLAWED national group professional plans (ALL of them except the waivers for his buds) as of Dec 31st..

So what "lingo" explains this posters confusion???

To start with, licensed broker can be interchanged with licensed agent...unintentional confusion.

You will get fined if you don't purchase.

He agreed with the insurance cancellation.

I didn't See 18 choices of qualified ACA plans at a broker that are NOT OFFERED ON my state exchange
Do you qualify for a subsidy? If you don't qualify, that's why you didn't see all the choices on the exchange.

Don't make me come after you, Shlub! :lol:

Hey.. Don't be cute with me.. :eusa_angel:

Right now folks don't see JACK DUMP on healthcare.gov. Neither do the brokers. They may know what's GONNA be there. But I'm not going NEAR that broken ass piece of shit..

2 brokers tell me that they have policies that are NOT OFFERED on my state exchange (subsidy or no subsidy) and that they are all ACA qualified. I'VE SEEN THEM.... Tell me I haven't and the brokers are lying..

LOL, I keep typing "qualified" and "compliant" and you keep pretending you don't see it ;)

The ONLY reason to go through the Exchange is for Subsidy qualification, you can't get the subsidy unless you do.

Do you even know what a "qualified" plan is?
Qualified Health Plan.

Under the Affordable Care Act, starting in 2014, an insurance plan that is certified by the Health Insurance Marketplace, provides essential health benefits, follows established limits on cost-sharing (like deductibles, copayments, and out-of-pocket maximum amounts), and meets other requirements. A qualified health plan will have a certification by each Marketplace in which it is sold

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LOL, I keep typing "qualified" and "compliant" and you keep pretending you don't see it ;)

The ONLY reason to go through the Exchange is for Subsidy qualification, you can't get the subsidy unless you do.

Do you even know what a "qualified" plan is?

Don't make me come after you either!

Seriously, both of you are so tied up emotionally in this thread that neither of you are actually reading what each other is saying.

I'll bbl... :eusa_angel:

It would help if y'all stopped being defensive and insulting each other.
This is not the way to get things accomplished!

Gawd, why do I feel like a Mom right now???? :eek:
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LOL, I keep typing "qualified" and "compliant" and you keep pretending you don't see it ;)

The ONLY reason to go through the Exchange is for Subsidy qualification, you can't get the subsidy unless you do.

Do you even know what a "qualified" plan is?

Don't make me come after you either!

Seriously, both of you are so tied up emotionally in this thread that neither of you are actually reading what each other is saying.

I'll bbl... :eusa_angel:

It would help if y'all stopped being defensive and insulting each other.
This is not the way to get things accomplished!

Gawd, why do I feel like a Mom right now???? :eek:

Here is a universal truth, men can ONLY be reasonable when we are shown breasts...I'm jus sayin.
LOL, I keep typing "qualified" and "compliant" and you keep pretending you don't see it ;)

The ONLY reason to go through the Exchange is for Subsidy qualification, you can't get the subsidy unless you do.

Do you even know what a "qualified" plan is?

Don't make me come after you either!

Seriously, both of you are so tied up emotionally in this thread that neither of you are actually reading what each other is saying.

I'll bbl... :eusa_angel:

It would help if y'all stopped being defensive and insulting each other.
This is not the way to get things accomplished!

Gawd, why do I feel like a Mom right now???? :eek:

OK -- so I didn't know the terminology.. If "qualified" for ACA means it's a "give-me" subsidy plan --- I get that now.. But a compliant plan does not neccessarily mean that I will be fined. Or that the "temporary" status means anything essentially different than a 1 yr renewal clause in most issued policies..

Pretty sure that Forbes gets this right... And THIS is why the media and govt are deathly afraid of the public learning that there are other options to healthcare.gov.

Obamacare Faces A 'Death Spiral' -- But It Turns On The Declining Participation Of Health Plans, Not Just Rising Premiums - Forbes

Over time, conforming and non-conforming insurance policies sold entirely outside the exchanges could look increasingly attractive to consumers; even accounting for the subsidies many people would get for staying inside the exchanges.

Health plans would be encouraged to drop out of the exchanges, or in the case of national insurers like Aetna [NYSE:AET] and United Healthcare [NYSE:UNH] and Cigna [NYSE:CI] (who have largely stayed out of these schemes) decide not to get in. For these insurers, their decision to stay out of the exchanges is looking smart.

Under the law, insurers who offer policies inside the Obamacare exchanges are required to treat their enrollees inside and outside the exchange as a single risk pool. Among other things, this provision was meant to reduce the chance that insurers would steer healthier patients into plans sold outside the exchanges.

But the law doesn’t prevent insurers from offering plans exclusively outside the exchange. If they are entirely outside the exchange, they get to create their own risk pool, and aren’t subject to the same pricing that burdens plans inside the exchange. (See this Commonwealth Fund Brief for a fuller explanation)

While consumers wouldn’t have the benefit of subsidies outside the exchange, it’s possible that for younger individuals, the plans sold entirely outside the costlier exchange-based risk pools could be more attractive than plans sold inside these markets. Even for those who make less than 400% of the federal poverty level (about $40,000 for a single person) and benefit from the subsidies, the risk pools completely outside the exchange could offer comparable, if not cheaper options.

Read more of the Forbes article.. NOTHING in there states that conforming plans outside the exchanges are subject to the fines that are now officially taxes, nor does it say anything about these plans being "temporary". ANY plan will be temporary and subject to rewrite periodically.
I've discovered that NO ONE wants to talk about the OPTIONS to the ObamaCare exchanges. Why? Because they are either scared to death of IRS audits and harrassment or they are complicit in the fraud.

How many of you believe that if you've lost your insurance --- the best and only option is to wait until the Gov gets it's act and website together? Have you heard any media report on the alternatives? Have you seen advertising from Insurance brokers who STILL EXIST and have DECADES of experience in the biz? No --- you haven't..

The dirty little secret that everyone is AFRAID to discuss is that --- if you dont believe you QUALIFY FOR A SUBSIDY --- your best bet is to find a skilled BROKER to get you into a policy that NOT in the ObamaCare subsidized pool.

Yup --- you can do that.

However --- there is a CALCULATED AND DEVIOUS effort to herd folks like cattle into the poorly organized and staffed ObamaCare exchanges..

1) Would you do biz with a realtor who was UNLICENSED and who only specializes in Section 8 (govt subsidized) housing?

2) If you go DIRECTLY to the insurance companies, they are CONSCIOUSLY DIRECTING folks to the exchanges and NOT suggesting alternatives. WHY? Because they are SCARED of mentioning options to consumers. Because their corporate life is now in the governments hands... And they could be SNUFFED if the exchanges fail..

3) Do folks know that in GENERAL, Licensed brokers in most states have access to MORE INSURERS and MORE PLANS than are offered on the exchanges? NO. WHY? Because the MEDIA IS SCARED of reporting this. OR -- they are IGNORANT (or both). Equally plausible excuses. They have been DANGEROUSLY USELESS in covering this CRISIS.

4) Did you know that every Professional Group in this nation had their Group Insurance plans made illegal by ObamaCare.. ALL are now cancelled.. My prof. group got cancelled. Half the self-employed Veterinarians in this country were grouped thru their Prof Org and are now cancelled, ...... and so it goes. WHY? Because it was a calculated to DRIVE folks with money (like docs, vets, lawyers, engineers, scientists, etc ) to the public exchanges.
We're NOT that stupid.. Those plans WERE NOT Deficient by any means. The membership was not being SCREWED because there was a lifetime cap on their policies.

Herded like cattle to IRRESPONSIBLE, un-vetted navigators into a brokerage with limited options and ex-felons answering the phones. And nobody knows that BETTER OPTIONS are available? Because they are SCARED to talk about it?

I've talked to both a couple brokers, a couple insurance companies and members of the media. I don't even recognize my country any more.. How does this happen?

There are NO OPTIONS on Obamacare--except you can choose higher deductibles and co-pays. Basically EVERYONE pays for pre-natal care--everyone pays for mental health care--everyone pays for drug abuse treatment--everyone pays for eye glasses., and a lot of stuff in there that people don't want--will never use or don't need. Basically Obamacare is a nationwide GROUP insurance policy.

That's the problem there are no options--and that's why it's so expensive and we have only 27,000 Americans that have signed up for the pay for it yourself Obamacare--while 500,000 signed up for Medicade which is free health insurance.

Americans are finding out quickly that the cough-cough "Affordable Health Care Act" is not affordable.

Don't believe me--here is the Colorado Obamacare exchange which is working just fine. If you can find something in there that looks affordable to you--then sign up and shut up.
Connect for Health Colorado | Colorado's Health Insurance Marketplace

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FCT, contact a concierge care service with both an urgent care unit and an extended care unit then let them talk you through this.

hospitals are required to have ERs

The hospital subsidies that kept ERs open ended Oct. 1.

Compliant plans are useless if they refer to medical facilities that are going to disappear before Obama leaves office.

The end of hospitals will be very slow at first and then will pick up speed. (All I've heard about so far are some rural GA hospitals and 1 in CA.) Do not expect this trend to make the national news for at least a year and maybe more.
I've discovered that NO ONE wants to talk about the OPTIONS to the ObamaCare exchanges. Why? Because they are either scared to death of IRS audits and harrassment or they are complicit in the fraud.

How many of you believe that if you've lost your insurance --- the best and only option is to wait until the Gov gets it's act and website together? Have you heard any media report on the alternatives? Have you seen advertising from Insurance brokers who STILL EXIST and have DECADES of experience in the biz? No --- you haven't..

The dirty little secret that everyone is AFRAID to discuss is that --- if you dont believe you QUALIFY FOR A SUBSIDY --- your best bet is to find a skilled BROKER to get you into a policy that NOT in the ObamaCare subsidized pool.

Yup --- you can do that.

However --- there is a CALCULATED AND DEVIOUS effort to herd folks like cattle into the poorly organized and staffed ObamaCare exchanges..

1) Would you do biz with a realtor who was UNLICENSED and who only specializes in Section 8 (govt subsidized) housing?

2) If you go DIRECTLY to the insurance companies, they are CONSCIOUSLY DIRECTING folks to the exchanges and NOT suggesting alternatives. WHY? Because they are SCARED of mentioning options to consumers. Because their corporate life is now in the governments hands... And they could be SNUFFED if the exchanges fail..

3) Do folks know that in GENERAL, Licensed brokers in most states have access to MORE INSURERS and MORE PLANS than are offered on the exchanges? NO. WHY? Because the MEDIA IS SCARED of reporting this. OR -- they are IGNORANT (or both). Equally plausible excuses. They have been DANGEROUSLY USELESS in covering this CRISIS.

4) Did you know that every Professional Group in this nation had their Group Insurance plans made illegal by ObamaCare.. ALL are now cancelled.. My prof. group got cancelled. Half the self-employed Veterinarians in this country were grouped thru their Prof Org and are now cancelled, ...... and so it goes. WHY? Because it was a calculated to DRIVE folks with money (like docs, vets, lawyers, engineers, scientists, etc ) to the public exchanges.
We're NOT that stupid.. Those plans WERE NOT Deficient by any means. The membership was not being SCREWED because there was a lifetime cap on their policies.

Herded like cattle to IRRESPONSIBLE, un-vetted navigators into a brokerage with limited options and ex-felons answering the phones. And nobody knows that BETTER OPTIONS are available? Because they are SCARED to talk about it?

I've talked to both a couple brokers, a couple insurance companies and members of the media. I don't even recognize my country any more.. How does this happen?

There are NO OPTIONS on Obamacare--except you can choose higher deductibles and co-pays. Basically EVERYONE pays for pre-natal care--everyone pays for mental health care--everyone pays for drug abuse treatment--everyone pays for eye glasses., and a lot of stuff in there that people don't want--will never use or don't need. Basically Obamacare is a nationwide GROUP insurance policy.

That's the problem there are no options--and that's why it's so expensive and we have only 27,000 Americans that have signed up for the pay for it yourself Obamacare--while 500,000 signed up for Medicade which is free health insurance.

Americans are finding out quickly that the cough-cough "Affordable Health Care Act" is not affordable.

Don't believe me--here is the Colorado Obamacare exchange which is working just fine. If you can find something in there that looks affordable to you--then sign up and shut up.
Connect for Health Colorado | Colorado's Health Insurance Marketplace

You are very correct that there are no options on what is COVERED by a qualified ACA plan. But HOW it's covered is a different story. Sat with a broker today for 1.5 hours. He validated everything I mentioned in the OP. AND --- we looked thru options that are offered both ON and OFF the exchanges.

SOME of the plans being pushed on the exchanges hinge on being immoral. The cheaper plans have HUGE deductibles, and some only cover 50% of costs after the deductible is met. For a low wage worker -- they are a one way ride to bankruptcy. Well to do folks can save money using self-insurance.. The poor that were supposed to be helped, but are being fed these crummies options will be destroyed if they actually NEED a cut-down "bronze" plan..

So --- we are gonna witness THOUSANDS of sad stories about how choosing the WRONG ObamaCare pkg turned out to be WORSE than pleading poverty and taking MediCaid..
FCT, contact a concierge care service with both an urgent care unit and an extended care unit then let them talk you through this.

hospitals are required to have ERs

The hospital subsidies that kept ERs open ended Oct. 1.

Compliant plans are useless if they refer to medical facilities that are going to disappear before Obama leaves office.

The end of hospitals will be very slow at first and then will pick up speed. (All I've heard about so far are some rural GA hospitals and 1 in CA.) Do not expect this trend to make the national news for at least a year and maybe more.

I sure will eventually when this storm becomes clearer.. Right now, I'm thinking that there will be challenges to plans with direct contracts. Just like the restrictions to contracting direct contracts if you receive MediCare. After all Willie ---- it's NOT FAIR ---- is it?

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