Why is there no reported maneuvering by the dems to be Harris's VP choice?

It really doesn't make any difference. And one wonders if some of the prominent names have quietly told the Harris Posse, "No, thanks." Why would a successful and popular governor put himself in that position?
No real "short list", no reported hopefuls that seem the least bit interested.

I heard squeaking noises about Mark Kelly but that has since faded.

The list of dems that have said "no thanks" seems longer to me.

I guess nobody wants to hitch their wagon to that nag.

Hey, I know, maybe they can talk RFK Jr. into it. ;)

It has been all over the news.

It must just be OANN that is not talking about it
Harris should be given kudos how she is handling this. Keep the nation in suspense and the media attention on her while at the same time showcasing Democratic unity. Quite the feat,
Harris should be given kudos how she is handling this. Keep the nation in suspense and the media attention on her while at the same time showcasing Democratic unity. Quite the feat,

No real "short list", no reported hopefuls that seem the least bit interested.

I heard squeaking noises about Mark Kelly but that has since faded.

The list of dems that have said "no thanks" seems longer to me.

I guess nobody wants to hitch their wagon to that nag.

Hey, I know, maybe they can talk RFK Jr. into it. ;)

It's a losing proposition and likely a political career ender.
Harris should be given kudos how she is handling this. Keep the nation in suspense and the media attention on her while at the same time showcasing Democratic unity. Quite the feat,
Nation in suspense...hahahahahahahaha
Democrat unity...hahahahahahahahaha
A lot of great choices out there for Kamala. Cori Booker, AOC, Pocahontas, Rachel Levine, Chelsea Manning, Mayor Petey, Fetterman.

Sorting through all those tremendous choices that check off the appropriate boxes takes time.

Why is there no reported maneuvering by the dems to be Harris's VP choice?​

First, it ain't even been a week.

Second, she's not officially the candidate yet.

Third, these are democrats we're talking about here. Not a slobbering pack of "pick me" republicans so desperate for power they will do or say anything to get it.

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