Why is There So Much Evil in The World Today?

It's nothing new.

In Biblical times people watched Christian's get devoured by lions for fun and frivolity.
So much anger. So much hatred. So much difficulty in finding the good in others.
We just haven't evolved enough as a species yet. We're still too controlled by our emotions - anger, greed, jealousy, pride, hate - and not enough by reason.

The only question is whether we'll give ourselves time to evolve or whether we'll destroy ourselves in the process.

We won't see big changes in our lifetimes. It is what it is. So we just keep going.
I read in 'The little red book of facts' that in all of recorded history, about 10k years, there has been world peace for 2% of that time.

The only difference between us way back when and now is that we are WAY better at killing each other.
Better at killing each other, but .... doing it more, or less - have you researched?
I would say it's about the same.

we probably kill more people, there's more of us to kill. But more wars? probably not
So you're absolutely alright with everyone talking about how we kill more or less people today, and then continue the conversation about why we are so "bad" as we are......without ever establishing fact 1?

This is why messageboarders are weird to me. Just want something to bitch, complain and argue about.

Let's see data, if we're going to talk about a problem let's establish that there's a problem 1st.
So much anger. So much hatred. So much difficulty in finding the good in others.
We just haven't evolved enough as a species yet. We're still too controlled by our emotions - anger, greed, jealousy, pride, hate - and not enough by reason.

The only question is whether we'll give ourselves time to evolve or whether we'll destroy ourselves in the process.

We won't see big changes in our lifetimes. It is what it is. So we just keep going.
I read in 'The little red book of facts' that in all of recorded history, about 10k years, there has been world peace for 2% of that time.

The only difference between us way back when and now is that we are WAY better at killing each other.
Better at killing each other, but .... doing it more, or less - have you researched?
It was much worse in 1941....
ww 2 holds the record for total deaths, however the Civil war leads in American deaths
Holy shit - bad news for the drama - - - - - homicide rate in the World per capita is drastically lower today, than just about ever.

So, why isn't the OP question, "why is there so much LESS evil in the world today?"

And part II: "Why can't I separate empirical fact, from a 24/7 news cycle of bad news, mentally?"
So much anger. So much hatred. So much difficulty in finding the good in others.
We just haven't evolved enough as a species yet. We're still too controlled by our emotions - anger, greed, jealousy, pride, hate - and not enough by reason.

The only question is whether we'll give ourselves time to evolve or whether we'll destroy ourselves in the process.

We won't see big changes in our lifetimes. It is what it is. So we just keep going.
Why over the past 40 years have humanity gone recessively towards tribalism instead of continuing on towards civility? Why over the past 8 years have the United States become so divisive, since the Civil War?
My guess is the proliferation of media and the internet, which have allowed us to pick the "facts" we like and avoid those we don't. Instantly. Daily. Constantly.

Nothing can create and exacerbate tribalism faster than that.

But we've chosen to do this, no one has forced us, so this is our own fault.
Yep...it's either the Republican's fault, or if you can't sell that BS, then it's all our faults.

It's never, ever, the Democrap's fault.
So much anger. So much hatred. So much difficulty in finding the good in others.
We just haven't evolved enough as a species yet. We're still too controlled by our emotions - anger, greed, jealousy, pride, hate - and not enough by reason.

The only question is whether we'll give ourselves time to evolve or whether we'll destroy ourselves in the process.

We won't see big changes in our lifetimes. It is what it is. So we just keep going.
Why over the past 40 years have humanity gone recessively towards tribalism instead of continuing on towards civility? Why over the past 8 years have the United States become so divisive, since the Civil War?
My guess is the proliferation of media and the internet, which have allowed us to pick the "facts" we like and avoid those we don't. Instantly. Daily. Constantly.

Nothing can create and exacerbate tribalism faster than that.

But we've chosen to do this, no one has forced us, so this is our own fault.
Yep...it's either the Republican's fault, or if you can't sell that BS, then it's all our faults.

It's never, ever, the Democrap's fault.
How in the world did you get that out of what I said?

Holy crap.
So much anger. So much hatred. So much difficulty in finding the good in others.

One cannot take in the news without being faced with another act of evil. Murder. Rape. Assault. In ones neighborhood and throughout the world.

I thought to check out just what Evil, Morality, and Ethics are before discussing further.



  1. profoundly immoral and malevolent:

    "his evil deeds" ·

  1. synonyms: wicked · bad · wrong · immoral · sinful · foul · vile · dishonorable · corrupt · iniquitous · depraved · reprobate · villainous · nefarious · vicious · malicious · malevolent · sinister · demonic · devilish · diabolical · fiendish · dark · monstrous · shocking · despicable · atrocious · heinous · odious · contemptible · horrible · execrable · lowdown · dirty

  1. profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force:

    "the world is stalked by relentless evil" · "good and evil in eternal opposition"

    synonyms: wickedness · bad · badness · wrongdoing · sin · ill · immorality · vice · iniquity · degeneracy · corruption · depravity · villainy · nefariousness · malevolence · devil · turpitude



  1. principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior.

    synonyms: ethics · rights and wrongs · ethicality · virtue · goodness · good behavior · righteousness · rectitude · uprightness · morals · principles · honesty · integrity · propriety · honor · justice · decency · ethics · standards/principles of behavior · mores · standards
    • a particular system of values and principles of conduct, especially one held by a specified person or society:

      "a bourgeois morality"

    • the extent to which an action is right or wrong:

      "behind all the arguments lies the issue of the morality of the possession of nuclear weapons"



  1. moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior:

    "Judeo-Christian ethics"

    synonyms: moral code · morals · morality · values · rights and wrongs · principles · ideals · standards (of behavior) · value system · virtues · dictates of conscience

  2. the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles. ADJECTIVE

  3. profoundly immoral and malevolent:

    "his evil deeds" ·

  1. synonyms: wicked · bad · wrong · immoral · sinful · foul · vile · dishonorable · corrupt · iniquitous · depraved · reprobate · villainous · nefarious · vicious · malicious · malevolent · sinister · demonic · devilish · diabolical · fiendish · dark · monstrous · shocking · despicable · atrocious · heinous · odious · contemptible · horrible · execrable · lowdown · dirty

  2. profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force:

    "the world is stalked by relentless evil" · "good and evil in eternal opposition"

    synonyms: wickedness · bad · badness · wrongdoing · sin · ill · immorality · vice · iniquity · degeneracy · corruption · depravity · villainy · nefariousness · malevolence · devil · turpitude

Words. All trying to explain what we are seeing and experiencing. Many try to explain it by claiming it’s due to mental instability – a nice word for insanity. But, what is the foundation for it?

This is just my personal opinion. We are seeing today the result of parenting – or the lack thereof. We learn and become who we are as we see our parents doing. No matter where we are in the world or the society in which we are raised, our view of the world comes from what we saw our parents and their adult associated showed us.

Are you short of temper? Perhaps one or both of your adult mentors was.

Are you racist or bigoted? Again, did you learn it from your parents?

And there is one other factor – just the fact that we find ourselves surrounded more often by evil. It fills the air and assaults our senses.

What can we do about it? Is it even possible to reduce its presence? And, what, if anything, can we do to protect ourselves from it?

So many questions and I have so few answers.

Take God out of public schools, children no longer are taught, right vs wrong, good vs evil, but 50 shades of grey.

Take God out of public places where no one can learn about immorality and what it does to man.

Back 2000 years ago, Rome was the greatest power of its age, but when the immorality of its denizens increased to the point civilization was no longer followed, Rome ended up decaying into nothingness. We are watching the next great country, following in the same footsteps of Rome, and little do the liberals realize that once the freedoms are gone, there is nothing left to protect them...the radicals will rule with an iron fist... That is how stupid the left is...

View attachment 159263
Democrats want to turn our kids into a bunch of self-centered assholes that don't respect authority.
Best way I know of to destroy any society is remove any respect for our leaders.
Just wait till Black Friday, that shows how the Hordes act towards each other....
Rather ironic that only in the USA a day after being thankful for what you have, you have to push, shove and fight you way to buying more...
So much anger. So much hatred. So much difficulty in finding the good in others.
We just haven't evolved enough as a species yet. We're still too controlled by our emotions - anger, greed, jealousy, pride, hate - and not enough by reason.

The only question is whether we'll give ourselves time to evolve or whether we'll destroy ourselves in the process.

We won't see big changes in our lifetimes. It is what it is. So we just keep going.
Why over the past 40 years have humanity gone recessively towards tribalism instead of continuing on towards civility? Why over the past 8 years have the United States become so divisive, since the Civil War?
My guess is the proliferation of media and the internet, which have allowed us to pick the "facts" we like and avoid those we don't. Instantly. Daily. Constantly.

Nothing can create and exacerbate tribalism faster than that.

But we've chosen to do this, no one has forced us, so this is our own fault.
Yep...it's either the Republican's fault, or if you can't sell that BS, then it's all our faults.

It's never, ever, the Democrap's fault.
How in the world did you get that out of what I said?

Holy crap.
It's pretty damned clear where I got that from.'
You're a fence-sitter.
You feel that both sides are to blame.
You totally ignore that we who choose to defend ourselves from the left's constant attacks aren't as much to blame as the leftist radicals that are attacking us.
So much anger. So much hatred. So much difficulty in finding the good in others.

One cannot take in the news without being faced with another act of evil. Murder. Rape. Assault. In ones neighborhood and throughout the world.

I thought to check out just what Evil, Morality, and Ethics are before discussing further.



  1. profoundly immoral and malevolent:

    "his evil deeds" ·

  1. synonyms: wicked · bad · wrong · immoral · sinful · foul · vile · dishonorable · corrupt · iniquitous · depraved · reprobate · villainous · nefarious · vicious · malicious · malevolent · sinister · demonic · devilish · diabolical · fiendish · dark · monstrous · shocking · despicable · atrocious · heinous · odious · contemptible · horrible · execrable · lowdown · dirty

  1. profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force:

    "the world is stalked by relentless evil" · "good and evil in eternal opposition"

    synonyms: wickedness · bad · badness · wrongdoing · sin · ill · immorality · vice · iniquity · degeneracy · corruption · depravity · villainy · nefariousness · malevolence · devil · turpitude



  1. principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior.

    synonyms: ethics · rights and wrongs · ethicality · virtue · goodness · good behavior · righteousness · rectitude · uprightness · morals · principles · honesty · integrity · propriety · honor · justice · decency · ethics · standards/principles of behavior · mores · standards
    • a particular system of values and principles of conduct, especially one held by a specified person or society:

      "a bourgeois morality"

    • the extent to which an action is right or wrong:

      "behind all the arguments lies the issue of the morality of the possession of nuclear weapons"



  1. moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior:

    "Judeo-Christian ethics"

    synonyms: moral code · morals · morality · values · rights and wrongs · principles · ideals · standards (of behavior) · value system · virtues · dictates of conscience

  2. the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles. ADJECTIVE

  3. profoundly immoral and malevolent:

    "his evil deeds" ·

  1. synonyms: wicked · bad · wrong · immoral · sinful · foul · vile · dishonorable · corrupt · iniquitous · depraved · reprobate · villainous · nefarious · vicious · malicious · malevolent · sinister · demonic · devilish · diabolical · fiendish · dark · monstrous · shocking · despicable · atrocious · heinous · odious · contemptible · horrible · execrable · lowdown · dirty

  2. profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force:

    "the world is stalked by relentless evil" · "good and evil in eternal opposition"

    synonyms: wickedness · bad · badness · wrongdoing · sin · ill · immorality · vice · iniquity · degeneracy · corruption · depravity · villainy · nefariousness · malevolence · devil · turpitude

Words. All trying to explain what we are seeing and experiencing. Many try to explain it by claiming it’s due to mental instability – a nice word for insanity. But, what is the foundation for it?

This is just my personal opinion. We are seeing today the result of parenting – or the lack thereof. We learn and become who we are as we see our parents doing. No matter where we are in the world or the society in which we are raised, our view of the world comes from what we saw our parents and their adult associated showed us.

Are you short of temper? Perhaps one or both of your adult mentors was.

Are you racist or bigoted? Again, did you learn it from your parents?

And there is one other factor – just the fact that we find ourselves surrounded more often by evil. It fills the air and assaults our senses.

What can we do about it? Is it even possible to reduce its presence? And, what, if anything, can we do to protect ourselves from it?

So many questions and I have so few answers.

Take God out of public schools, children no longer are taught, right vs wrong, good vs evil, but 50 shades of grey.

Take God out of public places where no one can learn about immorality and what it does to man.

Back 2000 years ago, Rome was the greatest power of its age, but when the immorality of its denizens increased to the point civilization was no longer followed, Rome ended up decaying into nothingness. We are watching the next great country, following in the same footsteps of Rome, and little do the liberals realize that once the freedoms are gone, there is nothing left to protect them...the radicals will rule with an iron fist... That is how stupid the left is...

View attachment 159263
Democrats want to turn our kids into a bunch of self-centered assholes that don't respect authority.
Best way I know of to destroy any society is remove any respect for our leaders.
Just wait till Black Friday, that shows how the Hordes act towards each other....
Rather ironic that only in the USA a day after being thankful for what you have, you have to push, shove and fight you way to buying more...
Amazon solves all of that.
We just haven't evolved enough as a species yet. We're still too controlled by our emotions - anger, greed, jealousy, pride, hate - and not enough by reason.

The only question is whether we'll give ourselves time to evolve or whether we'll destroy ourselves in the process.

We won't see big changes in our lifetimes. It is what it is. So we just keep going.
Why over the past 40 years have humanity gone recessively towards tribalism instead of continuing on towards civility? Why over the past 8 years have the United States become so divisive, since the Civil War?
My guess is the proliferation of media and the internet, which have allowed us to pick the "facts" we like and avoid those we don't. Instantly. Daily. Constantly.

Nothing can create and exacerbate tribalism faster than that.

But we've chosen to do this, no one has forced us, so this is our own fault.
Yep...it's either the Republican's fault, or if you can't sell that BS, then it's all our faults.

It's never, ever, the Democrap's fault.
How in the world did you get that out of what I said?

Holy crap.
It's pretty damned clear where I got that from.'
You're a fence-sitter.
You feel that both sides are to blame.
You totally ignore that we who choose to defend ourselves from the left's constant attacks aren't as much to blame as the leftist radicals that are attacking us.
And you're a right winger. Your perceptions are distorted by your ideology, and you're mired in an us vs. them, all-or-nothing, binary approach.

And I don't sit on the fence with regards to actual issues, as I point out clearly in the second line of my sig. In detail. I think wingers are the problem.
Why over the past 40 years have humanity gone recessively towards tribalism instead of continuing on towards civility? Why over the past 8 years have the United States become so divisive, since the Civil War?
My guess is the proliferation of media and the internet, which have allowed us to pick the "facts" we like and avoid those we don't. Instantly. Daily. Constantly.

Nothing can create and exacerbate tribalism faster than that.

But we've chosen to do this, no one has forced us, so this is our own fault.
Yep...it's either the Republican's fault, or if you can't sell that BS, then it's all our faults.

It's never, ever, the Democrap's fault.
How in the world did you get that out of what I said?

Holy crap.
It's pretty damned clear where I got that from.'
You're a fence-sitter.
You feel that both sides are to blame.
You totally ignore that we who choose to defend ourselves from the left's constant attacks aren't as much to blame as the leftist radicals that are attacking us.
And you're a right winger. Your perceptions are distorted by your ideology, and you're mired in an us vs. them, all-or-nothing, binary approach.

And I don't sit on the fence with regards to actual issues, as I point out clearly in the second line of my sig. In detail. I think wingers are the problem.
Sorry, but a true right-winger is a Muslim. That's as far right as you can go.
I'm basically moderately right of center.
The problem with being just right of center is there isn't often enough opportunities to show support for the good qualities of people who are more to the left.
And why is that?
Because the left is becoming so radical that the political spectrum has shifted out whack. Leftists are becoming totally anti-American, and frankly, a bit insane.
So much anger. So much hatred. So much difficulty in finding the good in others.

So many questions and I have so few answers.


No answers, just thoughts.

We must first find the good in ourselves...and live it.

In times of trouble, like unanswerable questions, I find peace in the Bible. Whether one believes the Bible is a divine revelation, a history book, or fiction - it is full of wisdom about life.

One group of verses that are especially poignant in our time comes from Ephesians, Chapter 6, verses 12 - 17.

12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

14 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;

These words as applicable to the non-Christian as the Christian. To defend against 'the rulers of the darkness of this age'...take a stand. Honor the value of truth, morality, the gospel of peace, shield of faith...yes, those things will have religious meaning to Christians - but truth, morality, desiring peace and faith in the power of good - are timeless, free for the taking to achieve within ourselves. Not physical weapons of war...virtual weapons of defense, so to speak. Secularize away, as far as I'm concerned - good people of all faiths, or no faiths can stand together, and help one another.

Can we destroy the evil in the world? - nope, only that which resides on our own hearts.

So much anger. So much hatred. So much difficulty in finding the good in others.

One cannot take in the news without being faced with another act of evil. Murder. Rape. Assault. In ones neighborhood and throughout the world.

I thought to check out just what Evil, Morality, and Ethics are before discussing further.



  1. profoundly immoral and malevolent:

    "his evil deeds" ·

  1. synonyms: wicked · bad · wrong · immoral · sinful · foul · vile · dishonorable · corrupt · iniquitous · depraved · reprobate · villainous · nefarious · vicious · malicious · malevolent · sinister · demonic · devilish · diabolical · fiendish · dark · monstrous · shocking · despicable · atrocious · heinous · odious · contemptible · horrible · execrable · lowdown · dirty

  1. profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force:

    "the world is stalked by relentless evil" · "good and evil in eternal opposition"

    synonyms: wickedness · bad · badness · wrongdoing · sin · ill · immorality · vice · iniquity · degeneracy · corruption · depravity · villainy · nefariousness · malevolence · devil · turpitude



  1. principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior.

    synonyms: ethics · rights and wrongs · ethicality · virtue · goodness · good behavior · righteousness · rectitude · uprightness · morals · principles · honesty · integrity · propriety · honor · justice · decency · ethics · standards/principles of behavior · mores · standards
    • a particular system of values and principles of conduct, especially one held by a specified person or society:

      "a bourgeois morality"

    • the extent to which an action is right or wrong:

      "behind all the arguments lies the issue of the morality of the possession of nuclear weapons"



  1. moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior:

    "Judeo-Christian ethics"

    synonyms: moral code · morals · morality · values · rights and wrongs · principles · ideals · standards (of behavior) · value system · virtues · dictates of conscience

  2. the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles. ADJECTIVE

  3. profoundly immoral and malevolent:

    "his evil deeds" ·

  1. synonyms: wicked · bad · wrong · immoral · sinful · foul · vile · dishonorable · corrupt · iniquitous · depraved · reprobate · villainous · nefarious · vicious · malicious · malevolent · sinister · demonic · devilish · diabolical · fiendish · dark · monstrous · shocking · despicable · atrocious · heinous · odious · contemptible · horrible · execrable · lowdown · dirty

  2. profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force:

    "the world is stalked by relentless evil" · "good and evil in eternal opposition"

    synonyms: wickedness · bad · badness · wrongdoing · sin · ill · immorality · vice · iniquity · degeneracy · corruption · depravity · villainy · nefariousness · malevolence · devil · turpitude

Words. All trying to explain what we are seeing and experiencing. Many try to explain it by claiming it’s due to mental instability – a nice word for insanity. But, what is the foundation for it?

This is just my personal opinion. We are seeing today the result of parenting – or the lack thereof. We learn and become who we are as we see our parents doing. No matter where we are in the world or the society in which we are raised, our view of the world comes from what we saw our parents and their adult associated showed us.

Are you short of temper? Perhaps one or both of your adult mentors was.

Are you racist or bigoted? Again, did you learn it from your parents?

And there is one other factor – just the fact that we find ourselves surrounded more often by evil. It fills the air and assaults our senses.

What can we do about it? Is it even possible to reduce its presence? And, what, if anything, can we do to protect ourselves from it?

So many questions and I have so few answers.

Take God out of public schools, children no longer are taught, right vs wrong, good vs evil, but 50 shades of grey.

Take God out of public places where no one can learn about immorality and what it does to man.

Back 2000 years ago, Rome was the greatest power of its age, but when the immorality of its denizens increased to the point civilization was no longer followed, Rome ended up decaying into nothingness. We are watching the next great country, following in the same footsteps of Rome, and little do the liberals realize that once the freedoms are gone, there is nothing left to protect them...the radicals will rule with an iron fist... That is how stupid the left is...

View attachment 159263
Democrats want to turn our kids into a bunch of self-centered assholes that don't respect authority.
Best way I know of to destroy any society is remove any respect for our leaders.
Just wait till Black Friday, that shows how the Hordes act towards each other....
Rather ironic that only in the USA a day after being thankful for what you have, you have to push, shove and fight you way to buying more...
Only for those who are barbaric...anyone else will wait till the following Monday and not have to push, shove and fight like they do in liberal cities...Tis the season, oh yeah, Happy Holidays, instead of Merry Christmas....Go figure..

My guess is the proliferation of media and the internet, which have allowed us to pick the "facts" we like and avoid those we don't. Instantly. Daily. Constantly.

Nothing can create and exacerbate tribalism faster than that.

But we've chosen to do this, no one has forced us, so this is our own fault.
Yep...it's either the Republican's fault, or if you can't sell that BS, then it's all our faults.

It's never, ever, the Democrap's fault.
How in the world did you get that out of what I said?

Holy crap.
It's pretty damned clear where I got that from.'
You're a fence-sitter.
You feel that both sides are to blame.
You totally ignore that we who choose to defend ourselves from the left's constant attacks aren't as much to blame as the leftist radicals that are attacking us.
And you're a right winger. Your perceptions are distorted by your ideology, and you're mired in an us vs. them, all-or-nothing, binary approach.

And I don't sit on the fence with regards to actual issues, as I point out clearly in the second line of my sig. In detail. I think wingers are the problem.
Sorry, but a true right-winger is a Muslim. That's as far right as you can go.
I'm basically moderately right of center.
The problem with being just right of center is there isn't often enough opportunities to show support for the good qualities of people who are more to the left.
And why is that?
Because the left is becoming so radical that the political spectrum has shifted out whack. Leftists are becoming totally anti-American, and frankly, a bit insane.
Leftists are becoming totally anti-American, and frankly, a bit insane
Just a bit?

68 years and my life has been great though with irritation and concern as to where the USA is headed in the future .
I see they let you out of the loony barn again. It wasn't the Christians at the Baptist Church who opened fire upon the innocent. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

While insults are surely the 1st choice of the evangelical/baptist religious right, the greater truth is those so-called christian religions have become a source of hate.
So much anger. So much hatred. So much difficulty in finding the good in others.

One cannot take in the news without being faced with another act of evil. Murder. Rape. Assault. In ones neighborhood and throughout the world.

I thought to check out just what Evil, Morality, and Ethics are before discussing further.



  1. profoundly immoral and malevolent:

    "his evil deeds" ·

  1. synonyms: wicked · bad · wrong · immoral · sinful · foul · vile · dishonorable · corrupt · iniquitous · depraved · reprobate · villainous · nefarious · vicious · malicious · malevolent · sinister · demonic · devilish · diabolical · fiendish · dark · monstrous · shocking · despicable · atrocious · heinous · odious · contemptible · horrible · execrable · lowdown · dirty

  1. profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force:

    "the world is stalked by relentless evil" · "good and evil in eternal opposition"

    synonyms: wickedness · bad · badness · wrongdoing · sin · ill · immorality · vice · iniquity · degeneracy · corruption · depravity · villainy · nefariousness · malevolence · devil · turpitude



  1. principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior.

    synonyms: ethics · rights and wrongs · ethicality · virtue · goodness · good behavior · righteousness · rectitude · uprightness · morals · principles · honesty · integrity · propriety · honor · justice · decency · ethics · standards/principles of behavior · mores · standards
    • a particular system of values and principles of conduct, especially one held by a specified person or society:

      "a bourgeois morality"

    • the extent to which an action is right or wrong:

      "behind all the arguments lies the issue of the morality of the possession of nuclear weapons"



  1. moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior:

    "Judeo-Christian ethics"

    synonyms: moral code · morals · morality · values · rights and wrongs · principles · ideals · standards (of behavior) · value system · virtues · dictates of conscience

  2. the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles. ADJECTIVE

  3. profoundly immoral and malevolent:

    "his evil deeds" ·

  1. synonyms: wicked · bad · wrong · immoral · sinful · foul · vile · dishonorable · corrupt · iniquitous · depraved · reprobate · villainous · nefarious · vicious · malicious · malevolent · sinister · demonic · devilish · diabolical · fiendish · dark · monstrous · shocking · despicable · atrocious · heinous · odious · contemptible · horrible · execrable · lowdown · dirty

  2. profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force:

    "the world is stalked by relentless evil" · "good and evil in eternal opposition"

    synonyms: wickedness · bad · badness · wrongdoing · sin · ill · immorality · vice · iniquity · degeneracy · corruption · depravity · villainy · nefariousness · malevolence · devil · turpitude

Words. All trying to explain what we are seeing and experiencing. Many try to explain it by claiming it’s due to mental instability – a nice word for insanity. But, what is the foundation for it?

This is just my personal opinion. We are seeing today the result of parenting – or the lack thereof. We learn and become who we are as we see our parents doing. No matter where we are in the world or the society in which we are raised, our view of the world comes from what we saw our parents and their adult associated showed us.

Are you short of temper? Perhaps one or both of your adult mentors was.

Are you racist or bigoted? Again, did you learn it from your parents?

And there is one other factor – just the fact that we find ourselves surrounded more often by evil. It fills the air and assaults our senses.

What can we do about it? Is it even possible to reduce its presence? And, what, if anything, can we do to protect ourselves from it?

So many questions and I have so few answers.

Take God out of public schools, children no longer are taught, right vs wrong, good vs evil, but 50 shades of grey.

Take God out of public places where no one can learn about immorality and what it does to man.

Back 2000 years ago, Rome was the greatest power of its age, but when the immorality of its denizens increased to the point civilization was no longer followed, Rome ended up decaying into nothingness. We are watching the next great country, following in the same footsteps of Rome, and little do the liberals realize that once the freedoms are gone, there is nothing left to protect them...the radicals will rule with an iron fist... That is how stupid the left is...

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Democrats want to turn our kids into a bunch of self-centered assholes that don't respect authority.
Best way I know of to destroy any society is remove any respect for our leaders.
Just wait till Black Friday, that shows how the Hordes act towards each other....
Rather ironic that only in the USA a day after being thankful for what you have, you have to push, shove and fight you way to buying more...
Only for those who are barbaric...anyone else will wait till the following Monday and not have to push, shove and fight like they do in liberal cities...Tis the season, oh yeah, Happy Holidays, instead of Merry Christmas....Go figure..

I don't do Xmas it's a pagan holiday...

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