Why is There So Much Evil in The World Today?

Take God out of public schools, children no longer are taught, right vs wrong, good vs evil, but 50 shades of grey.

Take God out of public places where no one can learn about immorality and what it does to man.

Back 2000 years ago, Rome was the greatest power of its age, but when the immorality of its denizens increased to the point civilization was no longer followed, Rome ended up decaying into nothingness. We are watching the next great country, following in the same footsteps of Rome, and little do the liberals realize that once the freedoms are gone, there is nothing left to protect them...the radicals will rule with an iron fist... That is how stupid the left is...

View attachment 159263
Democrats want to turn our kids into a bunch of self-centered assholes that don't respect authority.
Best way I know of to destroy any society is remove any respect for our leaders.
Just wait till Black Friday, that shows how the Hordes act towards each other....
Rather ironic that only in the USA a day after being thankful for what you have, you have to push, shove and fight you way to buying more...
Only for those who are barbaric...anyone else will wait till the following Monday and not have to push, shove and fight like they do in liberal cities...Tis the season, oh yeah, Happy Holidays, instead of Merry Christmas....Go figure..

I don't do Xmas it's a pagan holiday...

Why are you still here, you can go to Cuba, live your Socialist Utopian Dream there, where Xmas isn't honored? Why do you keep torturing yourself by staying here, where people want to be happy and live their lives in peace and honor Christ and his birthday?
Democrats want to turn our kids into a bunch of self-centered assholes that don't respect authority.
Best way I know of to destroy any society is remove any respect for our leaders.
Just wait till Black Friday, that shows how the Hordes act towards each other....
Rather ironic that only in the USA a day after being thankful for what you have, you have to push, shove and fight you way to buying more...
Only for those who are barbaric...anyone else will wait till the following Monday and not have to push, shove and fight like they do in liberal cities...Tis the season, oh yeah, Happy Holidays, instead of Merry Christmas....Go figure..

I don't do Xmas it's a pagan holiday...

Why are you still here, you can go to Cuba, live your Socialist Utopian Dream there, where Xmas isn't honored? Why do you keep torturing yourself by staying here, where people want to be happy and live their lives in peace and honor Christ and his birthday?

Because it's a free nation where I don't have to kneel and bob at your altar....Here's a hint, get someone a pair of knee pads for Xmas...
I see they let you out of the loony barn again. It wasn't the Christians at the Baptist Church who opened fire upon the innocent. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

While insults are surely the 1st choice of the evangelical/baptist religious right, the greater truth is those so-called christian religions have become a source of hate.
Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity."
That might of worked about 30 years ago, but since then, more US citizens know about your EVIL book, and how you fuckers use it. I am a military veteran, and will go into the trenches of filth with you to expose you as the EVIL that you truly are.

Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
You insult me by just you being alive.. Shame your mother didn't use Choice when you were born...
So much anger. So much hatred. So much difficulty in finding the good in others.

One cannot take in the news without being faced with another act of evil. Murder. Rape. Assault. In ones neighborhood and throughout the world.

I thought to check out just what Evil, Morality, and Ethics are before discussing further.



  1. profoundly immoral and malevolent:

    "his evil deeds" ·

  1. synonyms: wicked · bad · wrong · immoral · sinful · foul · vile · dishonorable · corrupt · iniquitous · depraved · reprobate · villainous · nefarious · vicious · malicious · malevolent · sinister · demonic · devilish · diabolical · fiendish · dark · monstrous · shocking · despicable · atrocious · heinous · odious · contemptible · horrible · execrable · lowdown · dirty

  1. profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force:

    "the world is stalked by relentless evil" · "good and evil in eternal opposition"

    synonyms: wickedness · bad · badness · wrongdoing · sin · ill · immorality · vice · iniquity · degeneracy · corruption · depravity · villainy · nefariousness · malevolence · devil · turpitude



  1. principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior.

    synonyms: ethics · rights and wrongs · ethicality · virtue · goodness · good behavior · righteousness · rectitude · uprightness · morals · principles · honesty · integrity · propriety · honor · justice · decency · ethics · standards/principles of behavior · mores · standards
    • a particular system of values and principles of conduct, especially one held by a specified person or society:

      "a bourgeois morality"

    • the extent to which an action is right or wrong:

      "behind all the arguments lies the issue of the morality of the possession of nuclear weapons"



  1. moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior:

    "Judeo-Christian ethics"

    synonyms: moral code · morals · morality · values · rights and wrongs · principles · ideals · standards (of behavior) · value system · virtues · dictates of conscience

  2. the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles. ADJECTIVE

  3. profoundly immoral and malevolent:

    "his evil deeds" ·

  1. synonyms: wicked · bad · wrong · immoral · sinful · foul · vile · dishonorable · corrupt · iniquitous · depraved · reprobate · villainous · nefarious · vicious · malicious · malevolent · sinister · demonic · devilish · diabolical · fiendish · dark · monstrous · shocking · despicable · atrocious · heinous · odious · contemptible · horrible · execrable · lowdown · dirty

  2. profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force:

    "the world is stalked by relentless evil" · "good and evil in eternal opposition"

    synonyms: wickedness · bad · badness · wrongdoing · sin · ill · immorality · vice · iniquity · degeneracy · corruption · depravity · villainy · nefariousness · malevolence · devil · turpitude

Words. All trying to explain what we are seeing and experiencing. Many try to explain it by claiming it’s due to mental instability – a nice word for insanity. But, what is the foundation for it?

This is just my personal opinion. We are seeing today the result of parenting – or the lack thereof. We learn and become who we are as we see our parents doing. No matter where we are in the world or the society in which we are raised, our view of the world comes from what we saw our parents and their adult associated showed us.

Are you short of temper? Perhaps one or both of your adult mentors was.

Are you racist or bigoted? Again, did you learn it from your parents?

And there is one other factor – just the fact that we find ourselves surrounded more often by evil. It fills the air and assaults our senses.

What can we do about it? Is it even possible to reduce its presence? And, what, if anything, can we do to protect ourselves from it?

So many questions and I have so few answers.

When the Court Took on Prayer and the Bible in Public Schools

Draw a line from 1962 to today and see the increased carnage of mass murder.
So much anger. So much hatred. So much difficulty in finding the good in others.

One cannot take in the news without being faced with another act of evil. Murder. Rape. Assault. In ones neighborhood and throughout the world.

I thought to check out just what Evil, Morality, and Ethics are before discussing further.



  1. profoundly immoral and malevolent:

    "his evil deeds" ·

  1. synonyms: wicked · bad · wrong · immoral · sinful · foul · vile · dishonorable · corrupt · iniquitous · depraved · reprobate · villainous · nefarious · vicious · malicious · malevolent · sinister · demonic · devilish · diabolical · fiendish · dark · monstrous · shocking · despicable · atrocious · heinous · odious · contemptible · horrible · execrable · lowdown · dirty

  1. profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force:

    "the world is stalked by relentless evil" · "good and evil in eternal opposition"

    synonyms: wickedness · bad · badness · wrongdoing · sin · ill · immorality · vice · iniquity · degeneracy · corruption · depravity · villainy · nefariousness · malevolence · devil · turpitude



  1. principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior.

    synonyms: ethics · rights and wrongs · ethicality · virtue · goodness · good behavior · righteousness · rectitude · uprightness · morals · principles · honesty · integrity · propriety · honor · justice · decency · ethics · standards/principles of behavior · mores · standards
    • a particular system of values and principles of conduct, especially one held by a specified person or society:

      "a bourgeois morality"

    • the extent to which an action is right or wrong:

      "behind all the arguments lies the issue of the morality of the possession of nuclear weapons"



  1. moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior:

    "Judeo-Christian ethics"

    synonyms: moral code · morals · morality · values · rights and wrongs · principles · ideals · standards (of behavior) · value system · virtues · dictates of conscience

  2. the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles. ADJECTIVE

  3. profoundly immoral and malevolent:

    "his evil deeds" ·

  1. synonyms: wicked · bad · wrong · immoral · sinful · foul · vile · dishonorable · corrupt · iniquitous · depraved · reprobate · villainous · nefarious · vicious · malicious · malevolent · sinister · demonic · devilish · diabolical · fiendish · dark · monstrous · shocking · despicable · atrocious · heinous · odious · contemptible · horrible · execrable · lowdown · dirty

  2. profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force:

    "the world is stalked by relentless evil" · "good and evil in eternal opposition"

    synonyms: wickedness · bad · badness · wrongdoing · sin · ill · immorality · vice · iniquity · degeneracy · corruption · depravity · villainy · nefariousness · malevolence · devil · turpitude

Words. All trying to explain what we are seeing and experiencing. Many try to explain it by claiming it’s due to mental instability – a nice word for insanity. But, what is the foundation for it?

This is just my personal opinion. We are seeing today the result of parenting – or the lack thereof. We learn and become who we are as we see our parents doing. No matter where we are in the world or the society in which we are raised, our view of the world comes from what we saw our parents and their adult associated showed us.

Are you short of temper? Perhaps one or both of your adult mentors was.

Are you racist or bigoted? Again, did you learn it from your parents?

And there is one other factor – just the fact that we find ourselves surrounded more often by evil. It fills the air and assaults our senses.

What can we do about it? Is it even possible to reduce its presence? And, what, if anything, can we do to protect ourselves from it?

So many questions and I have so few answers.

the world is any more violent now than it ever has been.

we just hear about it more often.

isolated incidences are made national, and the media feeds off bad new, the worse the better.
. Evil has a tendency to creep if allowed, and in so many ways that is just what has been allowed to happen.
So much anger. So much hatred. So much difficulty in finding the good in others.

One cannot take in the news without being faced with another act of evil. Murder. Rape. Assault. In ones neighborhood and throughout the world.

I thought to check out just what Evil, Morality, and Ethics are before discussing further.



  1. profoundly immoral and malevolent:

    "his evil deeds" ·

  1. synonyms: wicked · bad · wrong · immoral · sinful · foul · vile · dishonorable · corrupt · iniquitous · depraved · reprobate · villainous · nefarious · vicious · malicious · malevolent · sinister · demonic · devilish · diabolical · fiendish · dark · monstrous · shocking · despicable · atrocious · heinous · odious · contemptible · horrible · execrable · lowdown · dirty

  1. profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force:

    "the world is stalked by relentless evil" · "good and evil in eternal opposition"

    synonyms: wickedness · bad · badness · wrongdoing · sin · ill · immorality · vice · iniquity · degeneracy · corruption · depravity · villainy · nefariousness · malevolence · devil · turpitude



  1. principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior.

    synonyms: ethics · rights and wrongs · ethicality · virtue · goodness · good behavior · righteousness · rectitude · uprightness · morals · principles · honesty · integrity · propriety · honor · justice · decency · ethics · standards/principles of behavior · mores · standards
    • a particular system of values and principles of conduct, especially one held by a specified person or society:

      "a bourgeois morality"

    • the extent to which an action is right or wrong:

      "behind all the arguments lies the issue of the morality of the possession of nuclear weapons"



  1. moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior:

    "Judeo-Christian ethics"

    synonyms: moral code · morals · morality · values · rights and wrongs · principles · ideals · standards (of behavior) · value system · virtues · dictates of conscience

  2. the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles. ADJECTIVE

  3. profoundly immoral and malevolent:

    "his evil deeds" ·

  1. synonyms: wicked · bad · wrong · immoral · sinful · foul · vile · dishonorable · corrupt · iniquitous · depraved · reprobate · villainous · nefarious · vicious · malicious · malevolent · sinister · demonic · devilish · diabolical · fiendish · dark · monstrous · shocking · despicable · atrocious · heinous · odious · contemptible · horrible · execrable · lowdown · dirty

  2. profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force:

    "the world is stalked by relentless evil" · "good and evil in eternal opposition"

    synonyms: wickedness · bad · badness · wrongdoing · sin · ill · immorality · vice · iniquity · degeneracy · corruption · depravity · villainy · nefariousness · malevolence · devil · turpitude

Words. All trying to explain what we are seeing and experiencing. Many try to explain it by claiming it’s due to mental instability – a nice word for insanity. But, what is the foundation for it?

This is just my personal opinion. We are seeing today the result of parenting – or the lack thereof. We learn and become who we are as we see our parents doing. No matter where we are in the world or the society in which we are raised, our view of the world comes from what we saw our parents and their adult associated showed us.

Are you short of temper? Perhaps one or both of your adult mentors was.

Are you racist or bigoted? Again, did you learn it from your parents?

And there is one other factor – just the fact that we find ourselves surrounded more often by evil. It fills the air and assaults our senses.

What can we do about it? Is it even possible to reduce its presence? And, what, if anything, can we do to protect ourselves from it?

So many questions and I have so few answers.


I have an even better question.

What is the difference between evil, stupidity, and insanity?

I personally think that the word evil is used if the person seems to gain materially from it in some way, stupidity is when they tried to gain from it but were stopped, and insanity is when they had nothing to gain from it.
So much anger. So much hatred. So much difficulty in finding the good in others.

One cannot take in the news without being faced with another act of evil. Murder. Rape. Assault. In ones neighborhood and throughout the world.

I thought to check out just what Evil, Morality, and Ethics are before discussing further.



  1. profoundly immoral and malevolent:

    "his evil deeds" ·

  1. synonyms: wicked · bad · wrong · immoral · sinful · foul · vile · dishonorable · corrupt · iniquitous · depraved · reprobate · villainous · nefarious · vicious · malicious · malevolent · sinister · demonic · devilish · diabolical · fiendish · dark · monstrous · shocking · despicable · atrocious · heinous · odious · contemptible · horrible · execrable · lowdown · dirty

  1. profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force:

    "the world is stalked by relentless evil" · "good and evil in eternal opposition"

    synonyms: wickedness · bad · badness · wrongdoing · sin · ill · immorality · vice · iniquity · degeneracy · corruption · depravity · villainy · nefariousness · malevolence · devil · turpitude



  1. principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior.

    synonyms: ethics · rights and wrongs · ethicality · virtue · goodness · good behavior · righteousness · rectitude · uprightness · morals · principles · honesty · integrity · propriety · honor · justice · decency · ethics · standards/principles of behavior · mores · standards
    • a particular system of values and principles of conduct, especially one held by a specified person or society:

      "a bourgeois morality"

    • the extent to which an action is right or wrong:

      "behind all the arguments lies the issue of the morality of the possession of nuclear weapons"



  1. moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior:

    "Judeo-Christian ethics"

    synonyms: moral code · morals · morality · values · rights and wrongs · principles · ideals · standards (of behavior) · value system · virtues · dictates of conscience

  2. the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles. ADJECTIVE

  3. profoundly immoral and malevolent:

    "his evil deeds" ·

  1. synonyms: wicked · bad · wrong · immoral · sinful · foul · vile · dishonorable · corrupt · iniquitous · depraved · reprobate · villainous · nefarious · vicious · malicious · malevolent · sinister · demonic · devilish · diabolical · fiendish · dark · monstrous · shocking · despicable · atrocious · heinous · odious · contemptible · horrible · execrable · lowdown · dirty

  2. profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force:

    "the world is stalked by relentless evil" · "good and evil in eternal opposition"

    synonyms: wickedness · bad · badness · wrongdoing · sin · ill · immorality · vice · iniquity · degeneracy · corruption · depravity · villainy · nefariousness · malevolence · devil · turpitude

Words. All trying to explain what we are seeing and experiencing. Many try to explain it by claiming it’s due to mental instability – a nice word for insanity. But, what is the foundation for it?

This is just my personal opinion. We are seeing today the result of parenting – or the lack thereof. We learn and become who we are as we see our parents doing. No matter where we are in the world or the society in which we are raised, our view of the world comes from what we saw our parents and their adult associated showed us.

Are you short of temper? Perhaps one or both of your adult mentors was.

Are you racist or bigoted? Again, did you learn it from your parents?

And there is one other factor – just the fact that we find ourselves surrounded more often by evil. It fills the air and assaults our senses.

What can we do about it? Is it even possible to reduce its presence? And, what, if anything, can we do to protect ourselves from it?

So many questions and I have so few answers.


I have an even better question.

What is the difference between evil, stupidity, and insanity?

I personally think that the word evil is used if the person seems to gain materially from it in some way, stupidity is when they tried to gain from it but were stopped, and insanity is when they had nothing to gain from it.

I do not know what to call myself. I was raised a Mormon, attended many Catholic Masses, went to a Lutheran school, and love European church architecture. I have extensively studied and written about California history and the Franciscan friars and their missions.

But I no longer consider myself a member of any organized religion.
I have studied many religions, my favorite those of American Indians which, believe it or not, have some myths quite similar to biblical tales. These myths were from before the arrival of Europeans and cross many tribes.

Thus, I avoided direct references to any established religion in my OP. It is, to me, that evil exists across all strata of society. And it exists for the simple reason that some fail to imbibe moral or ethical standards upon their children that leave doors wide open to evil.

We seek reasons for acts of evil based upon everything but the simplest of reasons. Take the Texas shooter, for example. Has anyone gone back to his earliest years and his family situation? Did he have abusive parents? Was he placed in a foster home system? What led him to enter the military? To get away from the life he had? What brought him to be abusive to him partner and her child?

There was evil and lack of morality in all such stages and that evil continued when he sought revenge for what he felt to be a personal attack from someone who saw and tried to fight that evil.

So. What as a society can we do to deal with such evil? Is it even possible to do so?

One thing I've found in the tenets of most religions is a story about the End of Days. A time when good fights evil before the ending of existence as we know it. Have we reached that point?
So much anger. So much hatred. So much difficulty in finding the good in others.

One cannot take in the news without being faced with another act of evil. Murder. Rape. Assault. In ones neighborhood and throughout the world.

I thought to check out just what Evil, Morality, and Ethics are before discussing further.



  1. profoundly immoral and malevolent:

    "his evil deeds" ·

  1. synonyms: wicked · bad · wrong · immoral · sinful · foul · vile · dishonorable · corrupt · iniquitous · depraved · reprobate · villainous · nefarious · vicious · malicious · malevolent · sinister · demonic · devilish · diabolical · fiendish · dark · monstrous · shocking · despicable · atrocious · heinous · odious · contemptible · horrible · execrable · lowdown · dirty

  1. profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force:

    "the world is stalked by relentless evil" · "good and evil in eternal opposition"

    synonyms: wickedness · bad · badness · wrongdoing · sin · ill · immorality · vice · iniquity · degeneracy · corruption · depravity · villainy · nefariousness · malevolence · devil · turpitude



  1. principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior.

    synonyms: ethics · rights and wrongs · ethicality · virtue · goodness · good behavior · righteousness · rectitude · uprightness · morals · principles · honesty · integrity · propriety · honor · justice · decency · ethics · standards/principles of behavior · mores · standards
    • a particular system of values and principles of conduct, especially one held by a specified person or society:

      "a bourgeois morality"

    • the extent to which an action is right or wrong:

      "behind all the arguments lies the issue of the morality of the possession of nuclear weapons"



  1. moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior:

    "Judeo-Christian ethics"

    synonyms: moral code · morals · morality · values · rights and wrongs · principles · ideals · standards (of behavior) · value system · virtues · dictates of conscience

  2. the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles. ADJECTIVE

  3. profoundly immoral and malevolent:

    "his evil deeds" ·

  1. synonyms: wicked · bad · wrong · immoral · sinful · foul · vile · dishonorable · corrupt · iniquitous · depraved · reprobate · villainous · nefarious · vicious · malicious · malevolent · sinister · demonic · devilish · diabolical · fiendish · dark · monstrous · shocking · despicable · atrocious · heinous · odious · contemptible · horrible · execrable · lowdown · dirty

  2. profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force:

    "the world is stalked by relentless evil" · "good and evil in eternal opposition"

    synonyms: wickedness · bad · badness · wrongdoing · sin · ill · immorality · vice · iniquity · degeneracy · corruption · depravity · villainy · nefariousness · malevolence · devil · turpitude

Words. All trying to explain what we are seeing and experiencing. Many try to explain it by claiming it’s due to mental instability – a nice word for insanity. But, what is the foundation for it?

This is just my personal opinion. We are seeing today the result of parenting – or the lack thereof. We learn and become who we are as we see our parents doing. No matter where we are in the world or the society in which we are raised, our view of the world comes from what we saw our parents and their adult associated showed us.

Are you short of temper? Perhaps one or both of your adult mentors was.

Are you racist or bigoted? Again, did you learn it from your parents?

And there is one other factor – just the fact that we find ourselves surrounded more often by evil. It fills the air and assaults our senses.

What can we do about it? Is it even possible to reduce its presence? And, what, if anything, can we do to protect ourselves from it?

So many questions and I have so few answers.

Take God out of public schools, children no longer are taught, right vs wrong, good vs evil, but 50 shades of grey.

Take God out of public places where no one can learn about immorality and what it does to man.

Back 2000 years ago, Rome was the greatest power of its age, but when the immorality of its denizens increased to the point civilization was no longer followed, Rome ended up decaying into nothingness. We are watching the next great country, following in the same footsteps of Rome, and little do the liberals realize that once the freedoms are gone, there is nothing left to protect them...the radicals will rule with an iron fist... That is how stupid the left is...

View attachment 159263
Democrats want to turn our kids into a bunch of apathetic self-centered assholes that don't respect authority.
Best way I know of to destroy any society is remove any respect for our leaders.

You mean like you tried to do with Obama?
So much anger. So much hatred. So much difficulty in finding the good in others.

One cannot take in the news without being faced with another act of evil. Murder. Rape. Assault. In ones neighborhood and throughout the world.

I thought to check out just what Evil, Morality, and Ethics are before discussing further.



  1. profoundly immoral and malevolent:

    "his evil deeds" ·

  1. synonyms: wicked · bad · wrong · immoral · sinful · foul · vile · dishonorable · corrupt · iniquitous · depraved · reprobate · villainous · nefarious · vicious · malicious · malevolent · sinister · demonic · devilish · diabolical · fiendish · dark · monstrous · shocking · despicable · atrocious · heinous · odious · contemptible · horrible · execrable · lowdown · dirty

  1. profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force:

    "the world is stalked by relentless evil" · "good and evil in eternal opposition"

    synonyms: wickedness · bad · badness · wrongdoing · sin · ill · immorality · vice · iniquity · degeneracy · corruption · depravity · villainy · nefariousness · malevolence · devil · turpitude



  1. principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior.

    synonyms: ethics · rights and wrongs · ethicality · virtue · goodness · good behavior · righteousness · rectitude · uprightness · morals · principles · honesty · integrity · propriety · honor · justice · decency · ethics · standards/principles of behavior · mores · standards
    • a particular system of values and principles of conduct, especially one held by a specified person or society:

      "a bourgeois morality"

    • the extent to which an action is right or wrong:

      "behind all the arguments lies the issue of the morality of the possession of nuclear weapons"



  1. moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior:

    "Judeo-Christian ethics"

    synonyms: moral code · morals · morality · values · rights and wrongs · principles · ideals · standards (of behavior) · value system · virtues · dictates of conscience

  2. the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles. ADJECTIVE

  3. profoundly immoral and malevolent:

    "his evil deeds" ·

  1. synonyms: wicked · bad · wrong · immoral · sinful · foul · vile · dishonorable · corrupt · iniquitous · depraved · reprobate · villainous · nefarious · vicious · malicious · malevolent · sinister · demonic · devilish · diabolical · fiendish · dark · monstrous · shocking · despicable · atrocious · heinous · odious · contemptible · horrible · execrable · lowdown · dirty

  2. profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force:

    "the world is stalked by relentless evil" · "good and evil in eternal opposition"

    synonyms: wickedness · bad · badness · wrongdoing · sin · ill · immorality · vice · iniquity · degeneracy · corruption · depravity · villainy · nefariousness · malevolence · devil · turpitude

Words. All trying to explain what we are seeing and experiencing. Many try to explain it by claiming it’s due to mental instability – a nice word for insanity. But, what is the foundation for it?

This is just my personal opinion. We are seeing today the result of parenting – or the lack thereof. We learn and become who we are as we see our parents doing. No matter where we are in the world or the society in which we are raised, our view of the world comes from what we saw our parents and their adult associated showed us.

Are you short of temper? Perhaps one or both of your adult mentors was.

Are you racist or bigoted? Again, did you learn it from your parents?

And there is one other factor – just the fact that we find ourselves surrounded more often by evil. It fills the air and assaults our senses.

What can we do about it? Is it even possible to reduce its presence? And, what, if anything, can we do to protect ourselves from it?

So many questions and I have so few answers.

Take God out of public schools, children no longer are taught, right vs wrong, good vs evil, but 50 shades of grey.

Take God out of public places where no one can learn about immorality and what it does to man.

Back 2000 years ago, Rome was the greatest power of its age, but when the immorality of its denizens increased to the point civilization was no longer followed, Rome ended up decaying into nothingness. We are watching the next great country, following in the same footsteps of Rome, and little do the liberals realize that once the freedoms are gone, there is nothing left to protect them...the radicals will rule with an iron fist... That is how stupid the left is...

View attachment 159263
Democrats want to turn our kids into a bunch of apathetic self-centered assholes that don't respect authority.
Best way I know of to destroy any society is remove any respect for our leaders.

You mean like you tried to do with Obama?
. Obama deserved all the disrespect he got, because he was a radical who didn't choose to be a uniter, but instead chose to be a divider. His racism and vengefulness for the woes of this nation we're easy to see, and his actions proved it to be so in every choice he made. His policy making to his handling of many issues reeked of his anger, and his wife's anger over this country. We don't need leaders to use this country as their personal anger or mental anguish experiment, and us as the dam guinea pig. Never again.
So much anger. So much hatred. So much difficulty in finding the good in others.

One cannot take in the news without being faced with another act of evil. Murder. Rape. Assault. In ones neighborhood and throughout the world.

I thought to check out just what Evil, Morality, and Ethics are before discussing further.



  1. profoundly immoral and malevolent:

    "his evil deeds" ·

  1. synonyms: wicked · bad · wrong · immoral · sinful · foul · vile · dishonorable · corrupt · iniquitous · depraved · reprobate · villainous · nefarious · vicious · malicious · malevolent · sinister · demonic · devilish · diabolical · fiendish · dark · monstrous · shocking · despicable · atrocious · heinous · odious · contemptible · horrible · execrable · lowdown · dirty

  1. profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force:

    "the world is stalked by relentless evil" · "good and evil in eternal opposition"

    synonyms: wickedness · bad · badness · wrongdoing · sin · ill · immorality · vice · iniquity · degeneracy · corruption · depravity · villainy · nefariousness · malevolence · devil · turpitude



  1. principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior.

    synonyms: ethics · rights and wrongs · ethicality · virtue · goodness · good behavior · righteousness · rectitude · uprightness · morals · principles · honesty · integrity · propriety · honor · justice · decency · ethics · standards/principles of behavior · mores · standards
    • a particular system of values and principles of conduct, especially one held by a specified person or society:

      "a bourgeois morality"

    • the extent to which an action is right or wrong:

      "behind all the arguments lies the issue of the morality of the possession of nuclear weapons"



  1. moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior:

    "Judeo-Christian ethics"

    synonyms: moral code · morals · morality · values · rights and wrongs · principles · ideals · standards (of behavior) · value system · virtues · dictates of conscience

  2. the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles. ADJECTIVE

  3. profoundly immoral and malevolent:

    "his evil deeds" ·

  1. synonyms: wicked · bad · wrong · immoral · sinful · foul · vile · dishonorable · corrupt · iniquitous · depraved · reprobate · villainous · nefarious · vicious · malicious · malevolent · sinister · demonic · devilish · diabolical · fiendish · dark · monstrous · shocking · despicable · atrocious · heinous · odious · contemptible · horrible · execrable · lowdown · dirty

  2. profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force:

    "the world is stalked by relentless evil" · "good and evil in eternal opposition"

    synonyms: wickedness · bad · badness · wrongdoing · sin · ill · immorality · vice · iniquity · degeneracy · corruption · depravity · villainy · nefariousness · malevolence · devil · turpitude

Words. All trying to explain what we are seeing and experiencing. Many try to explain it by claiming it’s due to mental instability – a nice word for insanity. But, what is the foundation for it?

This is just my personal opinion. We are seeing today the result of parenting – or the lack thereof. We learn and become who we are as we see our parents doing. No matter where we are in the world or the society in which we are raised, our view of the world comes from what we saw our parents and their adult associated showed us.

Are you short of temper? Perhaps one or both of your adult mentors was.

Are you racist or bigoted? Again, did you learn it from your parents?

And there is one other factor – just the fact that we find ourselves surrounded more often by evil. It fills the air and assaults our senses.

What can we do about it? Is it even possible to reduce its presence? And, what, if anything, can we do to protect ourselves from it?

So many questions and I have so few answers.

Take God out of public schools, children no longer are taught, right vs wrong, good vs evil, but 50 shades of grey.

Take God out of public places where no one can learn about immorality and what it does to man.

Back 2000 years ago, Rome was the greatest power of its age, but when the immorality of its denizens increased to the point civilization was no longer followed, Rome ended up decaying into nothingness. We are watching the next great country, following in the same footsteps of Rome, and little do the liberals realize that once the freedoms are gone, there is nothing left to protect them...the radicals will rule with an iron fist... That is how stupid the left is...

View attachment 159263
Democrats want to turn our kids into a bunch of apathetic self-centered assholes that don't respect authority.
Best way I know of to destroy any society is remove any respect for our leaders.

You mean like you tried to do with Obama?
. Obama deserved all the disrespect he got, because he was a radical who didn't choose to be a uniter, but instead chose to be a divider. His racism and vengefulness for the woes of this nation we're easy to see, and his actions proved it to be so in every choice he made. His policy making to his handling of many issues reeked of his anger, and his wife's anger over this country. We don't need leaders to use this country as their personal anger or mental anguish experiment, and us as the dam guinea pig. Never again.

IMPOSSIBLE to be a uniter when the GOP meeting, the day of his inauguration, decided they would not cooperate with him in any way for any reason. Didn't matter if it helped or hurt the country. If you want to discuss dividers, you need go no further than the GOP.
So much anger. So much hatred. So much difficulty in finding the good in others.

One cannot take in the news without being faced with another act of evil. Murder. Rape. Assault. In ones neighborhood and throughout the world.

I thought to check out just what Evil, Morality, and Ethics are before discussing further.



  1. profoundly immoral and malevolent:

    "his evil deeds" ·

  1. synonyms: wicked · bad · wrong · immoral · sinful · foul · vile · dishonorable · corrupt · iniquitous · depraved · reprobate · villainous · nefarious · vicious · malicious · malevolent · sinister · demonic · devilish · diabolical · fiendish · dark · monstrous · shocking · despicable · atrocious · heinous · odious · contemptible · horrible · execrable · lowdown · dirty

  1. profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force:

    "the world is stalked by relentless evil" · "good and evil in eternal opposition"

    synonyms: wickedness · bad · badness · wrongdoing · sin · ill · immorality · vice · iniquity · degeneracy · corruption · depravity · villainy · nefariousness · malevolence · devil · turpitude



  1. principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior.

    synonyms: ethics · rights and wrongs · ethicality · virtue · goodness · good behavior · righteousness · rectitude · uprightness · morals · principles · honesty · integrity · propriety · honor · justice · decency · ethics · standards/principles of behavior · mores · standards
    • a particular system of values and principles of conduct, especially one held by a specified person or society:

      "a bourgeois morality"

    • the extent to which an action is right or wrong:

      "behind all the arguments lies the issue of the morality of the possession of nuclear weapons"



  1. moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior:

    "Judeo-Christian ethics"

    synonyms: moral code · morals · morality · values · rights and wrongs · principles · ideals · standards (of behavior) · value system · virtues · dictates of conscience

  2. the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles. ADJECTIVE

  3. profoundly immoral and malevolent:

    "his evil deeds" ·

  1. synonyms: wicked · bad · wrong · immoral · sinful · foul · vile · dishonorable · corrupt · iniquitous · depraved · reprobate · villainous · nefarious · vicious · malicious · malevolent · sinister · demonic · devilish · diabolical · fiendish · dark · monstrous · shocking · despicable · atrocious · heinous · odious · contemptible · horrible · execrable · lowdown · dirty

  2. profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force:

    "the world is stalked by relentless evil" · "good and evil in eternal opposition"

    synonyms: wickedness · bad · badness · wrongdoing · sin · ill · immorality · vice · iniquity · degeneracy · corruption · depravity · villainy · nefariousness · malevolence · devil · turpitude

Words. All trying to explain what we are seeing and experiencing. Many try to explain it by claiming it’s due to mental instability – a nice word for insanity. But, what is the foundation for it?

This is just my personal opinion. We are seeing today the result of parenting – or the lack thereof. We learn and become who we are as we see our parents doing. No matter where we are in the world or the society in which we are raised, our view of the world comes from what we saw our parents and their adult associated showed us.

Are you short of temper? Perhaps one or both of your adult mentors was.

Are you racist or bigoted? Again, did you learn it from your parents?

And there is one other factor – just the fact that we find ourselves surrounded more often by evil. It fills the air and assaults our senses.

What can we do about it? Is it even possible to reduce its presence? And, what, if anything, can we do to protect ourselves from it?

So many questions and I have so few answers.

Take God out of public schools, children no longer are taught, right vs wrong, good vs evil, but 50 shades of grey.

Take God out of public places where no one can learn about immorality and what it does to man.

Back 2000 years ago, Rome was the greatest power of its age, but when the immorality of its denizens increased to the point civilization was no longer followed, Rome ended up decaying into nothingness. We are watching the next great country, following in the same footsteps of Rome, and little do the liberals realize that once the freedoms are gone, there is nothing left to protect them...the radicals will rule with an iron fist... That is how stupid the left is...

View attachment 159263
Democrats want to turn our kids into a bunch of apathetic self-centered assholes that don't respect authority.
Best way I know of to destroy any society is remove any respect for our leaders.

You mean like you tried to do with Obama?
. Obama deserved all the disrespect he got, because he was a radical who didn't choose to be a uniter, but instead chose to be a divider. His racism and vengefulness for the woes of this nation we're easy to see, and his actions proved it to be so in every choice he made. His policy making to his handling of many issues reeked of his anger, and his wife's anger over this country. We don't need leaders to use this country as their personal anger or mental anguish experiment, and us as the dam guinea pig. Never again.

IMPOSSIBLE to be a uniter when the GOP meeting, the day of his inauguration, decided they would not cooperate with him in any way for any reason. Didn't matter if it helped or hurt the country. If you want to discuss dividers, you need go no further than the GOP.
Yep....TRUMP is leading the RESISTANCE.....not Hillary and Obama.
Take God out of public schools, children no longer are taught, right vs wrong, good vs evil, but 50 shades of grey.

Take God out of public places where no one can learn about immorality and what it does to man.

Back 2000 years ago, Rome was the greatest power of its age, but when the immorality of its denizens increased to the point civilization was no longer followed, Rome ended up decaying into nothingness. We are watching the next great country, following in the same footsteps of Rome, and little do the liberals realize that once the freedoms are gone, there is nothing left to protect them...the radicals will rule with an iron fist... That is how stupid the left is...

View attachment 159263
Democrats want to turn our kids into a bunch of apathetic self-centered assholes that don't respect authority.
Best way I know of to destroy any society is remove any respect for our leaders.

You mean like you tried to do with Obama?
. Obama deserved all the disrespect he got, because he was a radical who didn't choose to be a uniter, but instead chose to be a divider. His racism and vengefulness for the woes of this nation we're easy to see, and his actions proved it to be so in every choice he made. His policy making to his handling of many issues reeked of his anger, and his wife's anger over this country. We don't need leaders to use this country as their personal anger or mental anguish experiment, and us as the dam guinea pig. Never again.

IMPOSSIBLE to be a uniter when the GOP meeting, the day of his inauguration, decided they would not cooperate with him in any way for any reason. Didn't matter if it helped or hurt the country. If you want to discuss dividers, you need go no further than the GOP.
Yep....TRUMP is leading the RESISTANCE.....not Hillary and Obama.

No silly. Trump is playing golf.
So much anger. So much hatred. So much difficulty in finding the good in others.

One cannot take in the news without being faced with another act of evil. Murder. Rape. Assault. In ones neighborhood and throughout the world.

I thought to check out just what Evil, Morality, and Ethics are before discussing further.



  1. profoundly immoral and malevolent:

    "his evil deeds" ·

  1. synonyms: wicked · bad · wrong · immoral · sinful · foul · vile · dishonorable · corrupt · iniquitous · depraved · reprobate · villainous · nefarious · vicious · malicious · malevolent · sinister · demonic · devilish · diabolical · fiendish · dark · monstrous · shocking · despicable · atrocious · heinous · odious · contemptible · horrible · execrable · lowdown · dirty

  1. profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force:

    "the world is stalked by relentless evil" · "good and evil in eternal opposition"

    synonyms: wickedness · bad · badness · wrongdoing · sin · ill · immorality · vice · iniquity · degeneracy · corruption · depravity · villainy · nefariousness · malevolence · devil · turpitude



  1. principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior.

    synonyms: ethics · rights and wrongs · ethicality · virtue · goodness · good behavior · righteousness · rectitude · uprightness · morals · principles · honesty · integrity · propriety · honor · justice · decency · ethics · standards/principles of behavior · mores · standards
    • a particular system of values and principles of conduct, especially one held by a specified person or society:

      "a bourgeois morality"

    • the extent to which an action is right or wrong:

      "behind all the arguments lies the issue of the morality of the possession of nuclear weapons"



  1. moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior:

    "Judeo-Christian ethics"

    synonyms: moral code · morals · morality · values · rights and wrongs · principles · ideals · standards (of behavior) · value system · virtues · dictates of conscience

  2. the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles. ADJECTIVE

  3. profoundly immoral and malevolent:

    "his evil deeds" ·

  1. synonyms: wicked · bad · wrong · immoral · sinful · foul · vile · dishonorable · corrupt · iniquitous · depraved · reprobate · villainous · nefarious · vicious · malicious · malevolent · sinister · demonic · devilish · diabolical · fiendish · dark · monstrous · shocking · despicable · atrocious · heinous · odious · contemptible · horrible · execrable · lowdown · dirty

  2. profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force:

    "the world is stalked by relentless evil" · "good and evil in eternal opposition"

    synonyms: wickedness · bad · badness · wrongdoing · sin · ill · immorality · vice · iniquity · degeneracy · corruption · depravity · villainy · nefariousness · malevolence · devil · turpitude

Words. All trying to explain what we are seeing and experiencing. Many try to explain it by claiming it’s due to mental instability – a nice word for insanity. But, what is the foundation for it?

This is just my personal opinion. We are seeing today the result of parenting – or the lack thereof. We learn and become who we are as we see our parents doing. No matter where we are in the world or the society in which we are raised, our view of the world comes from what we saw our parents and their adult associated showed us.

Are you short of temper? Perhaps one or both of your adult mentors was.

Are you racist or bigoted? Again, did you learn it from your parents?

And there is one other factor – just the fact that we find ourselves surrounded more often by evil. It fills the air and assaults our senses.

What can we do about it? Is it even possible to reduce its presence? And, what, if anything, can we do to protect ourselves from it?

So many questions and I have so few answers.

Take God out of public schools, children no longer are taught, right vs wrong, good vs evil, but 50 shades of grey.

Take God out of public places where no one can learn about immorality and what it does to man.

Back 2000 years ago, Rome was the greatest power of its age, but when the immorality of its denizens increased to the point civilization was no longer followed, Rome ended up decaying into nothingness. We are watching the next great country, following in the same footsteps of Rome, and little do the liberals realize that once the freedoms are gone, there is nothing left to protect them...the radicals will rule with an iron fist... That is how stupid the left is...

View attachment 159263
Democrats want to turn our kids into a bunch of apathetic self-centered assholes that don't respect authority.
Best way I know of to destroy any society is remove any respect for our leaders.

You mean like you tried to do with Obama?
. Obama deserved all the disrespect he got, because he was a radical who didn't choose to be a uniter, but instead chose to be a divider. His racism and vengefulness for the woes of this nation we're easy to see, and his actions proved it to be so in every choice he made. His policy making to his handling of many issues reeked of his anger, and his wife's anger over this country. We don't need leaders to use this country as their personal anger or mental anguish experiment, and us as the dam guinea pig. Never again.

IMPOSSIBLE to be a uniter when the GOP meeting, the day of his inauguration, decided they would not cooperate with him in any way for any reason. Didn't matter if it helped or hurt the country. If you want to discuss dividers, you need go no further than the GOP.
. The GOP were right not to cooperate with him, and he went on to prove them right.
Take God out of public schools, children no longer are taught, right vs wrong, good vs evil, but 50 shades of grey.

Take God out of public places where no one can learn about immorality and what it does to man.

Back 2000 years ago, Rome was the greatest power of its age, but when the immorality of its denizens increased to the point civilization was no longer followed, Rome ended up decaying into nothingness. We are watching the next great country, following in the same footsteps of Rome, and little do the liberals realize that once the freedoms are gone, there is nothing left to protect them...the radicals will rule with an iron fist... That is how stupid the left is...

View attachment 159263
Democrats want to turn our kids into a bunch of apathetic self-centered assholes that don't respect authority.
Best way I know of to destroy any society is remove any respect for our leaders.

You mean like you tried to do with Obama?
. Obama deserved all the disrespect he got, because he was a radical who didn't choose to be a uniter, but instead chose to be a divider. His racism and vengefulness for the woes of this nation we're easy to see, and his actions proved it to be so in every choice he made. His policy making to his handling of many issues reeked of his anger, and his wife's anger over this country. We don't need leaders to use this country as their personal anger or mental anguish experiment, and us as the dam guinea pig. Never again.

IMPOSSIBLE to be a uniter when the GOP meeting, the day of his inauguration, decided they would not cooperate with him in any way for any reason. Didn't matter if it helped or hurt the country. If you want to discuss dividers, you need go no further than the GOP.
. The GOP were right not to cooperate with him, and he went on to prove them right.


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