Why is there support for Russia on the far right?

As opposed to Ukrainian and Western fiction? As opposed to Ukrainian and Western fiction? It blows me away how easily Americans lapped up the government and media propaganda to support the corrupt regime in Ukraine without any background. All that was required was screaming RUSSIA BAD often and loudly. It was pathetic to watch.

Yep, just look at this dupe eating up propaganda from a country where you get up to 15 years in jail just for calling this war a war.

It's a match made in heaven.
Yep, just look at this dupe eating up propaganda from a country where you get up to 15 years in jail just for calling this war a war.

It's a match made in heaven.
I don't care about either side. I don't support the US diminishing itself for a corrupt regime. We have problems enough. Why is there no outrage that reporters are murdered in Mexico? No outrage at mass graves found there. Not a peep about atrocities like beheadings or initiation cannibalism. Forget the literal tons of drugs that ruin millions of lives or kill over 100,000 Americans. Last I checked Putin didn't kill 100,000 Americans, Mexican drug cartels did.

Yet to simpleton like you it's only about supporting the corrupt monkey in Kiev or being pro-Putin. Such childish notions are pathetic.
Putin has studied the US for at least four decades and paid particular attention to what works.

Democrats have been calling everyone to the right of the far left Nazis, White Nationalists, White Supremacists and on and on for decades and he's smart enough to know it works to keep us divided and weakened.

"Why is there support for Russia on the far right"?

I don't know, maybe they want the US to be like Russia/China/N. Korea.......etc.
Trump and his cult sure fawn over them and have had many unusual interactions with Russians.
Their dear leader taking and defending Russia is another reason.
I don't care about either side. I don't support the US diminishing itself for a corrupt regime. We have problems enough. Why is there no outrage that reporters are murdered in Mexico?

Diminishing ourself is withdrawing from the world and global affairs. We've done that before and it failed spectacularly.

Diminishing ourself is looking the other way while Russia is invading it's young democracy neighbor.

We are respected in the world because WE LEAD IT, because we have principles to stand for and defend.

Ukraine is trying hard to get out from Russian boot on it's neck and through Maidan revolution and election of Zelensky who ran on anti-corruption platform, they committed Ukraine to clean up their governing and have a more transparent society that they one day can join the EU.

Why the fuck do you think Putin is in Ukraine and working overtime to lie to his populace about it?? Because he knows that Ukraine's successful integration and economic growth will be the downfall of his autocrat regime and a place in history for him as regressive fuck who held up Russian development back for decades.
There are the Putin bots.

There are other propagandists who are all too happy to condemn all of Ukraine and ignore what Putin is doing to the Ukrainian victims because some small fragment of the Ukrainian defense forces have a connection to Nazi-ism.

There are some folks who see both sides (Ukraine and Russia) as bad (even if they concede that Putin is an evil cocksucker) and who oppose our involvement in a dispute “over there” (especially given the possible escalation to nukes and WWIII).

There are many who just flat-out detest the evil perpetrated by Putin and see anything less than support of Ukraine to be irresponsible.

Out of all of this, I still maintain that one can be both anti-Putin and yet opposed to supporting Ukraine. I am not in that group, but I find it stupid to claim opposing involvement somehow means that they “support” Putin. That’s just hysterical bullshit.
The ner result is that if anyone is opposed to helping Ukraine they are helping Putin...perhaps in a round about way but that is what it is.
Some here would consider me on the right. But I could care less about Russia or Ukraine. It doesn't matter to me which on wins or which one takes over the other.

Why would it? Because the media or some left/right wingers told me I should?

In a nutshell that is the thought of an isolationist....unfortunately we cannot afford to be isolationist.
Why is there support for Russia on the far right?

Those remaining true to the GOP establishment remember Putin as a vicious and sadistic thug working for the Soviet government and realize he hasn't changed.

However, the 74 million+ cultists idolize their leader, trump, and he idolizes Putin (and Kim Jong un). The trump cultists have no choice but to worship Putin as they worship trump.

The primary motivation for the GOP quislings is obvious. It festers among the RINOs of Trumpery:

Screen Shot 2022-04-08 at 7.52.30 AM.png

Putin being a fellow traveler in that sordid endeavor, coupled with Zelenskyy's refusal to contrive fake criminal charges against Biden when pressured by Trump to do so, determines their allegiance to Russia and enmity towrad Ukraine.

Six Republicans on Wednesday opposed a bill directing the government to collect evidence “related to war crimes and other atrocities committed during the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine.” Every other member of the House present voted yes.
The six Republicans who voted “no” were Reps. Andy Biggs (Ariz.), Warren Davidson (Ohio), Marjorie Taylor Greene (Ga.), Paul Gosar (Ariz.). Thomas Massie (Ky.) and Scott Perry (Pa.).
The bill was considered days after images of civilians dead in the streets of towns and suburbs surrounding Kyiv emerged as Russian troops left those areas and the Ukrainian military moved in.
Meanwhile, the Cry Baby Loser brazenly persists in his personal vendettas, calling upon his "savvy genius" to take a moment from his carnage to help him once more:

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. Just because we observe that Ukraine has been genociding Russian nationals in Donbas and Luhansk for a decade
"Genociding Russian nationals in Donbas"??
Really, poster justoffal? I didn't know that?
Can you prove it?
What would Russian nationals be doing in the Donbas?
Did they use their passports to enter?
Were they doing anything illegal inside Ukraine's eastern provinces?

Remember the Highway of Death where we murdered 10,000 civilians under a white flag retreat to Iraq?
Funny, poster Rigby5, but your memory seems somewhat crosswise with other's memories.
10,000 dead civilians.....on Highway 80? Can you prove it?
Show the forum some authoritative credible sourcing on your claim.

I ask because just a quick nano-search shows us this (for two Highways...#80 and #8).

"Iraqi forces including the elite Iraqi Republican Guard's 1st Armored Division Hammurabi were trying to either redeploy or escape on and near Highway 8, the continuation of Highway 80 in Iraq.[7] Hundreds of predominantly military Iraqi vehicles grouped in defensive formations of approximately a dozen vehicles were then systematically destroyed along a 50-mile stretch of the highway and nearby desert.

PDA estimated the number killed there to be in the range of 300–400 or more, bringing the likely total number of fatalities along both highways to at least 800 or 1,000.[9]

Batter up, poster Rigby. Show the board you are a poster with credibility and gravitas.

Actually Russia was justified in invading the Ukraine, because the Ukraine was stealing oil, murdering 14k ethnic Russians, violating treaties, and trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border.
Can you vet any of these claims?
"Nukes"? Make your case.
"Murdering 14,000 ethnic Russians"?........are they rebels in the Donbas? Prove your numbers.
"Stealing Oil"? ...... and for that, in whatever amount there was.....Russia gets to bomb your hospitals? Your schools?
Paint me skeptical.

The US is the single worst colonial imperialist in the whole history of the world.
Well, what Stalin did:
in the Ukraine (the Holdomor = 3.9 million starved to death)
brutal takeovers of Hungary, Czechoslovakia, the 'stans', and so on and so on.


After reading several of your posts on this thread, poster Rigby, my own avatar has become very skeptical of your motives and your ability to back up your claims.
Prove us wrong. Show us that you are more than what you so far have shown the forum.

"Why is there support for Russia on the far right"?
Well, I personally think a good portion of it is because of Don Trump's long support of Vladimir Putin ('savvy genius'; invading Ukrain = 'wonderful').
Plus the Trump Duped&Snookered-world reacting to the collusion charges stemming from Russia's help in Trump's election in 2016.
Plus, supporting Russia is their way to 'stick-it-to-Biden'.
Not really what one would think a loyal American patriot would do. But then, we've got self-described 'American patriots' clubbing down Capitol police and then smearing poo on the walls of our Capitol. "American Patriots"....ain't what they used to be.
Well, I personally think a good portion of it is because of Don Trump's long support of Vladimir Putin ('savvy genius'; invading Ukrain = 'wonderful').
Plus the Trump Duped&Snookered-world reacting to the collusion charges stemming from Russia's help in Trump's election in 2016.
Plus, supporting Russia is their way to 'stick-it-to-Biden'.
Not really what one would think a loyal American patriot would do. But then, we've got self-described 'American patriots' clubbing down Capitol police and then smearing poo on the walls of our Capitol. "American Patriots"....ain't what they used to be.
Another dullard hack who wouldn't recognize sarcasm were he/she/it was punched in the face with it.
"Another dullard hack who wouldn't recognize...."

Et tu, Oddball?
You too, Oddball, another Putin-ista?

Do this, mein freund, send money to Steve Bannon and earmark it for buying weapons (or rather, gas) for those poor empty Russian tanks.

Steve Bannon has a charity he can route your donation through.....and he'll send you a deductible receipt.

Go for it, Oddball.
The ner result is that if anyone is opposed to helping Ukraine they are helping Putin...perhaps in a round about way but that is what it is.
I understand your point. But the possible outcome may very well be unconnected to any desire to assist Putin. This is as true as noting that opposition to assisting Ukraine (which makes their job of defending themselves harder) also leads to more Ukrainians being slaughtered by Putin’s military. And it does not follow there, either, that there is any desire for Ukrainian deaths.
Et tu, Oddball?
You too, Oddball, another Putin-ista?

Do this, mein freund, send money to Steve Bannon and earmark it for buying weapons (or rather, gas) for those poor empty Russian tanks.

Steve Bannon has a charity he can route your donation through.....and he'll send you a deductible receipt.

Go for it, Oddball.
A Republican operative's assessment:
Stuart Stevens, who knows Republican politics from the inside. He was a top Republican political operative who worked on five presidential campaigns, including the campaigns of Mitt Romney in 2012 and George W. Bush in 2000 and 2004.
“I think that there is a large element of the conservative movement that has become a pro-Putin autocratic movement. … Donald Trump did not change the Republican Party. He revealed it. And for those of us who worked in the Republican Party for a long time, it’s a devastating conclusion. But I think it’s the only honest one,” Stevens told The Vermont Conversation.
“We have an autocratic movement in America that is threatening democracy itself,” Stevens said. “They’ll be for democracy when they win and they won’t be for it when they lose. That means you’re not a democracy. And if we don’t wake up and face this, we’re going to lose democracy.”
The ner result is that if anyone is opposed to helping Ukraine they are helping Putin...perhaps in a round about way but that is what it is.
Simpleton nonsense. May as well say if you support Biden you support fentanyl deaths due to open border policies. In around about way it is what it is.
I'm not saying we cut off all trade with other countries. Isolationism has no place in my point.
I think you have an inadequate idea of what isolationism is.

'Isolationism is a political philosophy advocating a national foreign policy that opposes involvement in the political affairs, and especially the wars, of other countries. Thus, isolationism fundamentally advocates neutrality and opposes entanglement in military alliances and mutual defense pacts.'

In our era of 'isolationism' we still traded with numerous countries.

I don't care about either side. I don't support the US diminishing itself for a corrupt regime. We have problems enough. Why is there no outrage that reporters are murdered in Mexico? No outrage at mass graves found there. Not a peep about atrocities like beheadings or initiation cannibalism. Forget the literal tons of drugs that ruin millions of lives or kill over 100,000 Americans. Last I checked Putin didn't kill 100,000 Americans, Mexican drug cartels did.

Yet to simpleton like you it's only about supporting the corrupt monkey in Kiev or being pro-Putin. Such childish notions are pathetic.
We are not the least bit diminished by supporting the Ukrainian people in this war.

We've been talking about the drug war raging in Mexico for over 30 years, obviously you heard of it from some source as well so you really don't have a point at all on that one.

That's between 75,000-100,000 per year.

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