Why is there support for Russia on the far right?

Bullshit. Russia invading Ukraine is no different than the US invading Iraq. We killed thousands of civilians, most with precision targeted munitions. The very definition of targeting civilians. So you can stuff that nonsense. Oddly Russia and China said nothing. That won't happen again thanks to Biden and idiots like you.

The difference is, I don't hold Russia to a different standard than the US. Hypocrites like you, do.

Actually Russia was justified in invading the Ukraine, because the Ukraine was stealing oil, murdering 14k ethnic Russians, violating treaties, and trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border.

In contrast, the countries the US invade are totally innocent, like Panama, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc.
Democrats and Republicans both targeted civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria, etc.
Remember the Highway of Death where we murdered 10,000 civilians under a white flag retreat to Iraq?
But with Shock and Awe, we murdered almost half a million Iraqi civilians.
That even beats the civilians we murdered at Nagasaki or Hirshima.
But it does not beat the 3 million innocent Vietnamese we murdered.
None of those claims are remotely true and cannot be shown to be by any credible source.
Actually Russia was justified in invading the Ukraine, because the Ukraine was stealing oil, murdering 14k ethnic Russians, violating treaties, and trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border.

In contrast, the countries the US invade are totally innocent, like Panama, Grenada, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc.
If the facts were on you rise you'd not need to like constantly as in the above.
Well thats' bullshit.
Well, this is naïve.

The illiberal, anti-democratic right has been fawning over Putin for years – Trump was their version of Putin; and Trump is enamored and envious of Putin because Putin is at liberty to be an authoritarian tyrant.

And we’ve seen conservatives attack both President Obama and President Biden with lies that either are ‘weak’ compared to Putin.
Well, this is naïve.

The illiberal, anti-democratic right has been fawning over Putin for years – Trump was their version of Putin; and Trump is enamored and envious of Putin because Putin is at liberty to be an authoritarian tyrant.

And we’ve seen conservatives attack both President Obama and President Biden with lies that either are ‘weak’ compared to Putin.
The same BS we've heard for decades which has no more truth or fact behind it today than it did a decade ago when you were all peddling the same BS.
Your claims are all false. THe US is not an empire and never has been.

We don't seize the territory of other countries, we don't enslave their populations, we don't steal their natural resources nor do we conscript their military age males to serve in the US military.

We don't control other countries either.

It's all bullshit.

The US has ALWAYS been an imperial colonialist.
Starting with Manifest Destiny and violations of treaties with natives, going back to around 1800.
But the Monroe Doctrine, the fake Spanish American War, the massacres of Moros by the US in the Philippines around 1911, the take over of Vietnam by paying Diem to stage a military coup in 1955, we paid General Pinochet millions to murder thousands of Chileans, we lied about WMD so we could invade Iraq and steal their oil, etc.
The US is the single worst colonial imperialist in the whole history of the world.
Why is there a constant drone of false dichotomy coming from the left. Just because we don't want to launch nukes does not mean we support Russia. Just because we see that Ukraine is a cesspool and had been forever does not mean we are Putin fans. Just because we observe that Ukraine has been genociding Russian nationals in Donbas and Luhansk for a decade does not mean that we approve of the death of Ukranians civilians. Also just because I am answering your retarded question does not mean you are a valid poster.

But I do support Putin in how tolerant he has been with the Ukraine stealing oil, violating treaties, trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, etc.
Putin has been telling the truth and the Ukraine and western media have been the liars.
It's a shield now, so it's member can act with impunity. It has no purpose. It's little more than a welfare sponge sucking at the teat of American taxpayers.
Why do you feel the need to fabricate such BS?

If your arguments had any merit at all you would not have to lie to promote them.

If a member nation starts a shooting war with another nation the other member nations are under no obligation whatsoever to come to their aid.
It is a lie about biolabs in the Ukraine. You do realize it is Russian propaganda, don't you? I think you do but because you are a Putin strumpet, you don't care.
Oh there definitely are quite a few biolabs in Ukraine. That doesn't however equate to bioweapons research or production.

Every state in the US has at least one or more biolabs no more than a handful of which have anything at all to do with bioweapons research and we have those for our own defense in the event bioweapons are used against us or our allies.

There's no way to prepare a defense without live samples to experiment on.
Democracy Dies in Darkness

Why Americans keep falling for Russian propaganda​

During the Cold War, Americans easily spotted Soviet propaganda. What changed?​

Image without a caption

By Patryk Babiracki
Patryk Babiracki is associate professor of history at the University of Texas at Arlington and author of “Soviet Soft Power in Poland: Culture and the Making of Stalin's New Empire, 1943-1957.”
September 13, 2017

'The Soviets lost the Cold War partly because of their crude propaganda. But the Kremlin learned its historical lesson.

Disinformation has long been a Russian strategy to manipulate its own citizens and to undermine U.S. democracy. During the Cold War, the U.S. government took concrete measures to identify and combat propaganda filled with Marxist rhetoric and improbable claims, and Americans’ ability to recognize such propaganda became central to the country’s defeat of the Soviet Union.
Yet President Vladimir Putin has found considerable success by waging a new version of the old propaganda war with the West. Russia’s global messaging today is nimbler, subtler and better funded, giving the Kremlin an edge in advancing its expansionist goals. But without the familiar ideological cues and division lines from the “first” Cold War, many Americans appear to have lowered their guard, accepting more nuanced, more pervasive Russian lies as just another point of view.'
What changed is the internet.
I think the answer is clear, many on the right agree with Putin on an ideological level. This is why it's always hilarious when they call anyone who is on the left a communist or nazi. Notice that Putin also does the very same thing.
Putin has studied the US for at least four decades and paid particular attention to what works.

Democrats have been calling everyone to the right of the far left Nazis, White Nationalists, White Supremacists and on and on for decades and he's smart enough to know it works to keep us divided and weakened.
The US has ALWAYS been an imperial colonialist.
Starting with Manifest Destiny and violations of treaties with natives, going back to around 1800.
But the Monroe Doctrine, the fake Spanish American War, the massacres of Moros by the US in the Philippines around 1911, the take over of Vietnam by paying Diem to stage a military coup in 1955, we paid General Pinochet millions to murder thousands of Chileans, we lied about WMD so we could invade Iraq and steal their oil, etc.
The US is the single worst colonial imperialist in the whole history of the world.
The Spanish American war was a very real war. The US gained possession of the Philippines as a result of that war.

The Moros are radical Jihadist Muslims that rebelled against any and all foreign rule and were solely responsible for the deaths that occurred during the Moro Uprising.

We did not "take over" Vietnam period.

There was no lie about WMD's, they were all inventoried and catalogued at the end of the gulf war by UNSCOM. Some we know went to Syria in the days leading up to the invasion the only remaining question is how many total there were and where they all ended up.

The US never took one drop of Iraq's oil, why do you feel such a need to lie?
Why do you feel the need to fabricate such BS?

If your arguments had any merit at all you would not have to lie to promote them.

If a member nation starts a shooting war with another nation the other member nations are under no obligation whatsoever to come to their aid.
Who said shooting war. You think overthrowing governments isn't an act of war? You think covert ops aren't acts of war? If a country responded overtly you'd see Article 5 in a heartbeat. That's the impunity that is offered.
Why is there support for Russia on the far right?

Those remaining true to the GOP establishment remember Putin as a vicious and sadistic thug working for the Soviet government and realize he hasn't changed.

However, the 74 million+ cultists idolize their leader, trump, and he idolizes Putin (and Kim Jong un). The trump cultists have no choice but to worship Putin as they worship trump.

Some here would consider me on the right. But I could care less about Russia or Ukraine. It doesn't matter to me which on wins or which one takes over the other.

Why would it? Because the media or some left/right wingers told me I should?
There are the Putin bots.

There are other propagandists who are all too happy to condemn all of Ukraine and ignore what Putin is doing to the Ukrainian victims because some small fragment of the Ukrainian defense forces have a connection to Nazi-ism.

There are some folks who see both sides (Ukraine and Russia) as bad (even if they concede that Putin is an evil cocksucker) and who oppose our involvement in a dispute “over there” (especially given the possible escalation to nukes and WWIII).

There are many who just flat-out detest the evil perpetrated by Putin and see anything less than support of Ukraine to be irresponsible.

Out of all of this, I still maintain that one can be both anti-Putin and yet opposed to supporting Ukraine. I am not in that group, but I find it stupid to claim opposing involvement somehow means that they “support” Putin. That’s just hysterical bullshit.
You mean aside from not being able to tell fact from Kremlin fiction?
As opposed to Ukrainian and Western fiction? It blows me away how easily Americans lapped up the government and media propaganda to support the corrupt regime in Ukraine without any background. All that was required was screaming RUSSIA BAD often and loudly. It was pathetic to watch.

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