Why is there support for Russia on the far right?

No one on the far right is supporting Russia. We don't support Communists. At the same time we don't support the Khazarian Mafia that runs Ukraine who are more evil than Putin.

Putin literally has members of the Russian mob (one of the largest, most powerful crime syndicates in the world, who have their hands in everything from human trafficking and forced labor to gun/drug smuggling) as advisers on his staff.

And Tucker Carlson is a prime example of a far right hack spporting Russia over America.
The only ignorance here being displayed is your own as I just demonstrated.

You make ridiculous claims, it's up to you to provide the evidence to back them up, that's how debates work.
Check out Al Jazeera, it's more balanced than Western sites, or stay ignorant. Try TASS, it's Russian, but unless you are a complete moron, comparing data from East to West gives a different picture, the truth is in the middle. It's most certainly not from anything coming out of Ukraine.
No Dipshit, NATO is an organization created by a Treaty Signed by member nations.

It's not Nation, it's not even an army, in fact it has no army to speak of at all.

It's a mutual defense pact of member nations, period, that's it.

Best to stop calling folks ignorant while so proudly and repeatedly displaying your own.
It's a shield now, so it's member can act with impunity. It has no purpose. It's little more than a welfare sponge sucking at the teat of American taxpayers.
Why is there support for Russia on the far right?

Those remaining true to the GOP establishment remember Putin as a vicious and sadistic thug working for the Soviet government and realize he hasn't changed.

However, the 74 million+ cultists idolize their leader, trump, and he idolizes Putin (and Kim Jong un). The trump cultists have no choice but to worship Putin as they worship trump.


You see what you want to see and you'll find whatever "proof" you want to find.

That's the long and short of it. It's evidenced by you aren't unbiased or impartial because you use slurs and insults to describe them, and not even original ones as you just repeat the same ones a million others do over and over and over again like trump cultists. You hate them before you even posted the thread.

This isn't a legit question, you just posed a statement "Republicans and trump suck" and phrased it as a question when you obviously have no interest in a real answer or discussion.
Why is there support for Russia on the far right?

Those remaining true to the GOP establishment remember Putin as a vicious and sadistic thug working for the Soviet government and realize he hasn't changed.

However, the 74 million+ cultists idolize their leader, trump, and he idolizes Putin (and Kim Jong un). The trump cultists have no choice but to worship Putin as they worship trump.

^^^ Only an arrogant liberal would call nearly HALF of all voters a member of a cult because they wouldn’t vote for liberal policies.

And what makes it worse is that they make this demeaning claim while the president THEY voted for is encouraging a mass surge of illegals, pushing for more inflation-causing giveaway policies, is so weak and fearful that Putin decided it was a good time to invade, and can’t speak without a teleprompter or written script.
That is most likely russian propaganda.....lots of russian propaganda and sadly some republicans have bought into it....many simply because biden is supporting ukraine.

I do not like biden and in fact detest the senile old fraud who has been a pathological liar from the gitgo.....yet I will not let that stop me from supportring a freedom lovig people willing to lay down their lives for their country.

I will take the mafia anyday over the communists.

the best way to help get rid of putin is to help Ukraine to win the war....such a victory most likely would result in biden being taken down by the oligarchs.
Biden is in no danger, when the truth comes out the Russian people will kill Putin themselves and all the oligarchs they can get their hands on. Russia like North Korea are two of the biggest lies in this world. Most governments including our own have corruption but it is at acceptable levels. You don't hear about Italy trying to take down their Mafia, you do hear about the US fighting crime but not the crime bosses. Every nation has their problems but few Nations attack their neighbors in such a barbaric way. These are definitely war crimes, in one way or another they will be addressed.
The tariffs just cost AMERICAN consumers more money. IE> a regular item imported from China that cost $1, with a 20% tariff, NOW costs the American Consumer $1.20.
This may discourage Imports from China, but in fact those Imports (with the tariff) actually cost the American consumer MORE MONEY.

Oh, and Ivanka received MULTIPLE deals from China and trump himself still has his products manufactured in China.
Show me the PROOF that trump brought back manufacturing jobs from China or ANY other Country.
Jesus, you’re so fucking stupid.

Yea, it raises the cost to Americans, and makes it less profitable for companies to use Chinese slave labor. The point is it makes it more competitive for US based manufacturing. Every other country on the planet uses it. The EU uses them. China uses them. It helps protect their manufacturing industries. Allowing Chinese slave labor made products to flood our country puts our businesses out of business. And for the thousandth time, we know Trump companies have used made in China products just like 99% of every US company because they had to, that’s the rules Washington built that they play by. We also aren’t saying that absolutely nothing can be made in China. Non-essential things like neck ties and handbags I could care less about. But what about computer chips, electronics, machinery, medical supplies, etc? Is it too much to ask that we aren’t dependent on the CCP to have those things?

The proof was in the pudding. President Trump brought back half a million manufacturing jobs. So stop playing dumb.
In a twisted way, the invasion of Ukraine might turn out to be a very beneficial thing. It exposed the bioweapons labs that American democrats built. It is unlikely that even Ukrainians knew what death was brewing on Russia's very doorstep. Putin should drag shitstain obama to the Hague and force him to disclose the location of all such bioweapons labs.
It is a lie about biolabs in the Ukraine. You do realize it is Russian propaganda, don't you? I think you do but because you are a Putin strumpet, you don't care.
So when the State Department acknowledged their existence, they were lying? Why?
Biolabs in the Ukraine have been shown to be Kremlin disinformation.

I just simply dont give a shit. I want to stay out of it. That corrupt shithole of a country has gotten enough from USA.
Somehow, that translates to putin support.
Because people are fucking idiots.
Biolabs in the Ukraine have been shown to be Kremlin disinformation.

victoria nuland admitted it, FFS.
Please stop spreading lies and propaganda.
victoria nuland admitted it, FFS.
Please stop spreading lies and propaganda.
That has been debunked

'On March 8, 2022, the US Senate held hearings on the response to russia’s aggression against Ukraine. During them, Senator Marco Rubio asked Victoria Nuland whether Ukraine has biological or chemical weapons. The Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs did not claim that Ukraine had such weapons. Instead, she only said that there are laboratories in Ukraine whose materials could become dangerous in the hands of the russian aggressor. She also did not say that the laboratories belonged to the United States.

Rubio’s second question was about russian propaganda: he said russia was constantly trying to accuse Ukraine of developing weapons of mass destruction. The senator then asked Nuland if she was 100% sure that any use of biological or chemical weapons in Ukraine would be linked to russian provocations. The Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs replied that only russia could use such weapons.

“Secret US Biolaboratories in Ukraine” is a myth of Russian propaganda. There is no evidence that there are American laboratories in Ukraine. However, there is cooperation between Ukrainian and American institutions.

Since 2005, the United States has been helping to modernize Ukrainian laboratories, conduct research, and improve safety culture to prevent outbreaks of dangerous infectious diseases through the Biological Threat Reduction Program. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, these laboratories were involved in monitoring the situation with the new coronavirus. During the entire period of cooperation, the United States has invested about $200 million for the development of 46 laboratories and medical institutions in Ukraine"


It is a lie that the US and Ukraine are developing biological or chemical weapons. That is Kremlin disinformation.
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Biolabs in the Ukraine have been shown to be Kremlin disinformation.

The US State Department isn't some cheesy blog. You really need to keep up.
Why is there support for Russia on the far right?

Those remaining true to the GOP establishment remember Putin as a vicious and sadistic thug working for the Soviet government and realize he hasn't changed.

However, the 74 million+ cultists idolize their leader, trump, and he idolizes Putin (and Kim Jong un). The trump cultists have no choice but to worship Putin as they worship trump.

Why do leftists project so much?
Biden is in no danger, when the truth comes out the Russian people will kill Putin themselves and all the oligarchs they can get their hands on. Russia like North Korea are two of the biggest lies in this world. Most governments including our own have corruption but it is at acceptable levels. You don't hear about Italy trying to take down their Mafia, you do hear about the US fighting crime but not the crime bosses. Every nation has their problems but few Nations attack their neighbors in such a barbaric way. These are definitely war crimes, in one way or another they will be addressed.
In my above post I meant to say Putin but instead typed biden. What I meant to say was that if Ukraine wins then Putin will most likely be deposed.
Why do leftists project so much?
I hate to admit but some on the right have been confused by Russian Propaganda and as I said before some have let their hatred of Biden confuse them aka since biden is supporting Ukraine then they go the opposite way.

Also too many do not understand the russian people are against the war....this is Putins war but unfortunately Putin and the oligarchs have control of Russia.

All Americans should be supporting Ukraine .....that is the best way to get rid of Putin....if Ukraine wins then Putins chances of surviving are minimal.

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