Why is there support for Russia on the far right?

Well when you support nearly every political idea that is destructive to America and our rights, then yes it is easy to label you those things, because they accurately describe you.

You keep making this claim that we are in a “cult”. Cult following who? The GOP? We attack well over half the GOP for the RINOs that they are. President Trump? Why didn’t we all go get vaccinated like he said?

Your accusations don’t add up.
I hate to admit it but there's some truth in that.

I've been called everything but a white boy endlessly by Trump Cultists for dong such terrible things as pointing out he made mistakes and left the party and country more divided than he found it and for admitting I didn't vote for him.

It's a much a cult as Obama's "Cult of Personality" or the followers of any other cult leader, it's just political instead of religious but with equal fervor and a lack of intellectual honesty.

Trump has by that crowd been elevated to the right hand of god and those who dare question or criticize him for his failures and personal issues are considered apostates and traitors.
Well when you support nearly every political idea that is destructive to America and our rights, then yes it is easy to label you those things, because they accurately describe you.
Why do you pin me into this group?
Obvious answer is.....Yes, I despise the POS trump. FACT. I despise trump.
Does that FACT make me a commie, Nazi, traitor, anti-American, BS you promote.

I understand the HATE you have, or maybe I don't.
Maybe you don't HATE, but posting History suggests you do ACTUALLY hate.
ISIS started in Syria, their founders started in Iraq. Totally different things.

Russia was acting by proxy in Iran, as we have all over the world. Iran has their own weapons development and production. Much of it was aided by Russia and China.

After WWII Germany was hit with reparations, not sanctions. Different things. Most recognized sanctions began in the UN, in which case China and Russia agreed or abstained. US sanctions or NATO sanctions have been against weak countries with no ability to counter them.

There isn't a leader in the West that can get Putin to fold right now. Putin knows the West is weak, he'd use nukes, because Europe and Biden would fold.

If NATO cared about Ukraine they would have put boots on the ground in early February. They didn't. Instead they tried sanctions and failed.
We didn't create ISIS Al Baghdadi did when AQ threw he and his followers out. They then moved into Syria and began building their Caliphate.

Caring and putting troops on the ground in a nation that's not a member of NATO are two completely different things.

Under NATO's charter that would be a violation and no member state would then be required to contribute to the force.

Sanctions were never going to prevent the invasion, the only thing that could have prevented it would have been to continue with the "Trump Doctrine" providing them the ability to fortify the country against invasion.

No, Putin is not going to use nukes over Ukraine he knows that ends him and his country.

Trump and Putin have several things in common, one of which is "self preservation" and a desire to build a legacy in history.

The first use of a nuke by Putin instead of making him a "Russian Hero" makes him responsible for it's destruction and that's not a legacy he's willing to have.

Putin is easy to read if you just look at his history. When confronted by a competent force he always folds, when he isn't, he keeps going.
Well when you support nearly every political idea that is destructive to America
Please describe those 'political ideas' that I support that are destructive to America.

You can't, because what you suggest is just a Right Wing News Talking Point.

I'm guessing you suggest I support Pedo's, Rapists, Nazi's, Commies,

For Fucks Sakes Dude,
Please accept that those that despise the Con Man POS trump can still be Real Americans.
Why do you pin me into this group?
Obvious answer is.....Yes, I despise the POS trump. FACT. I despise trump.
Does that FACT make me a commie, Nazi, traitor, anti-American, BS you promote.

I understand the HATE you have, or maybe I don't.
Maybe you don't HATE, but posting History suggests you do ACTUALLY hate.
If you despise President Trump’s policies then it can only be because you hate America, or you are at best a clueless normie that believes everything the television tells you.

Yes, I admit we admire President Trump more than any other man who has sat in the office, or any other politician. It’s not because he’s a billionaire, or because he has a hot wife. It’s because he calls out the left’s bullshit and lies. Plus, his policies are a welcomed change to the GOP I have been waiting for, for well over thirty years.

The GOP lost its way by blindly following Nixon’s stupid “open China” policy, and pushed “free trade” for decades. As we can plainly see today, it has not caused a revolution in China to overthrow the CCP government. Instead it’s exported their communist ways into our culture. That’s why you see corporations kissing China’s ass, and censoring Americans. They also got in way too deep with the defense contract industry and never ending wars. Of course Dems supported these things as well, but on other issues at least the GOP had it right.

Then came Donald Trump, who started saying things like we need to put tariffs on China and bring back manufacturing jobs to this country. To stop the endless wars, and stop being dependent on middle eastern oil. He was a true outsider willing to change everything for the better. So the media demonized him, and their cult of followers attacked him nonstop. He exposed the lies and corruption of the establishment government, and their lapdog media.
We didn't create ISIS Al Baghdadi did when AQ threw he and his followers out. They then moved into Syria and began building their Caliphate.

Caring and putting troops on the ground in a nation that's not a member of NATO are two completely different things.

Under NATO's charter that would be a violation and no member state would then be required to contribute to the force.

Sanctions were never going to prevent the invasion, the only thing that could have prevented it would have been to continue with the "Trump Doctrine" providing them the ability to fortify the country against invasion.

No, Putin is not going to use nukes over Ukraine he knows that ends him and his country.

Trump and Putin have several things in common, one of which is "self preservation" and a desire to build a legacy in history.

The first use of a nuke by Putin instead of making him a "Russian Hero" makes him responsible for it's destruction and that's not a legacy he's willing to have.

Putin is easy to read if you just look at his history. When confronted by a competent force he always folds, when he isn't, he keeps going.
NATO had proven it's charter no longer has meaning. It's purpose died with the USSR. It is little more than a bully shield for it's unscrupulous members to hide behind when their plots and schemes fail. This Ukraine squabble proves that.

The sanctions were meant to create a ceasefire, that failed. NATO blew it's wad and got nothing for the trouble.

Looks like you can't read Putin any better than our so-called leaders.
Then came Donald Trump, who started saying things like we need to put tariffs on China and bring back manufacturing jobs to this country. To stop the endless wars, and stop being dependent on middle eastern oil. He was a true outsider willing to change everything for the better. So the media demonized him, and their cult of followers attacked him nonstop. He exposed the lies and corruption of the establishment government, and their lapdog media.
The tariffs just cost AMERICAN consumers more money. IE> a regular item imported from China that cost $1, with a 20% tariff, NOW costs the American Consumer $1.20.
This may discourage Imports from China, but in fact those Imports (with the tariff) actually cost the American consumer MORE MONEY.

Oh, and Ivanka received MULTIPLE deals from China and trump himself still has his products manufactured in China.
Show me the PROOF that trump brought back manufacturing jobs from China or ANY other Country.
NATO had proven it's charter no longer has meaning. It's purpose died with the USSR. It is little more than a bully shield for it's unscrupulous members to hide behind when their plots and schemes fail. This Ukraine squabble proves that.

The sanctions were meant to create a ceasefire, that failed. NATO blew it's wad and got nothing for the trouble.

Looks like you can't read Putin any better than our so-called leaders.
You're just continuing to make things up now.

NATO didn't impose any sanctions the EU, US etc did.

No NATO member state has been invaded, therefore there is no mutual defense obligation to impose or be met.

Sanctions alone don't accomplish anything and really never have, they are more of a punitive point of negotiation than anything.

What does, has, and will continue to really matter is the fact that the Russian Army is getting it's ass kicked by a pip squeak nation the size of my home state and a military budget about the same as ours is for the state and national guards.

The effect of the sanctions combined with Ukrianian resistance is to make Russia poorer and more reviled by the day internationally and making his continuation of hostilities economically untenable.

He only had the resources for a maximum effort lasting about 30 days just as I've always stated and we've seen that proven true. His forces are literally decimated, under fed, under supplied, under supported in every way with unit cohesion and morale at levels not seen since 1980 when their disastrous adventure in Afghanistan withdrew in retreat.

Even better, until there's a satisfactory resolution he will be unable to rebuild his armed forces because Russia is effectively broke.
The tariffs just cost AMERICAN consumers more money. IE> a regular item imported from China that cost $1, with a 20% tariff, NOW costs the American Consumer $1.20.
This may discourage Imports from China, but in fact those Imports (with the tariff) actually cost the American consumer MORE MONEY.

Oh, and Ivanka received MULTIPLE deals from China and trump himself still has his products manufactured in China.
Show me the PROOF that trump brought back manufacturing jobs from China or ANY other Country.
No, those tarriffs forced China to drop existing tarrifs on US goods and allow more US goods to be marketed in China.

It was a negotiation tool, not permanent policy.

Once China capitulated those tariffs either went away or went back to pre tariff war levels.

Countries don't like it when the US pushes back against their own unfair trade practices but for the most part they know we can live without their goods at all if we chose to.

We could start moving all critical manufacturing back to the US tomorrow from China but our lawmakers are under too much pressure from their big donors who are beholding to the Chinese for them to take any serous actions to that end.

I guess we need yet another national disaster like Covid to prove to them once and for all that being so dependent on China poses an extreme risk to both our economic and national security.
Oh, and Ivanka received MULTIPLE deals from China and trump himself still has his products manufactured in China.
She got essentially patent rights for her name brand products her company produces, so what?

Yes like pretty much everyone else some of DT's cheap name products are made in China since they could certainly not be produced profitably in the US under current economic and regulatory policies.

Again, so what?
No, those tarriffs forced China to drop existing tarrifs on US goods and allow more US goods to be marketed in China.
Did that Happen?
Provide the Link?
Provide the proof?

You spin the fact that the trump tarrif cost the American consumer more money.
Unless you can actually prove that China lowered the price because of the trump tariff.

Is that your stance?
You're just continuing to make things up now.

NATO didn't impose any sanctions the EU, US etc did.

No NATO member state has been invaded, therefore there is no mutual defense obligation to impose or be met.

Sanctions alone don't accomplish anything and really never have, they are more of a punitive point of negotiation than anything.

What does, has, and will continue to really matter is the fact that the Russian Army is getting it's ass kicked by a pip squeak nation the size of my home state and a military budget about the same as ours is for the state and national guards.

The effect of the sanctions combined with Ukrianian resistance is to make Russia poorer and more reviled by the day internationally and making his continuation of hostilities economically untenable.

He only had the resources for a maximum effort lasting about 30 days just as I've always stated and we've seen that proven true. His forces are literally decimated, under fed, under supplied, under supported in every way with unit cohesion and morale at levels not seen since 1980 when their disastrous adventure in Afghanistan withdrew in retreat.

Even better, until there's a satisfactory resolution he will be unable to rebuild his armed forces because Russia is effectively broke.
NATO is it's members, pretending it is otherwise is silly.

I see you fall for the propaganda. Russia was already supposed to out of ammo, that proved false. Ukrainian information has never been accurate from day one. Western information has proven equally unreliable. It's little more than wild propaganda that doesn't reflect the reality we can see.
She got essentially patent rights for her name brand products her company produces, so what?
Where is MAGA in your defense of China manufactured products instead of American manufactured products?

Ivanka sold out to China.
To make money.
Is that Capitalism in your view?
Why is there support for Russia on the far right?

Those remaining true to the GOP establishment remember Putin as a vicious and sadistic thug working for the Soviet government and realize he hasn't changed.

However, the 74 million+ cultists idolize their leader, trump, and he idolizes Putin (and Kim Jong un). The trump cultists have no choice but to worship Putin as they worship trump.

You'd think the "antiwar" Left would be apoplectic over using the US military to secure the Ukrainian fortunes of the Biden, Pelosi, Romney and Kerry families
Why is there support for Russia on the far right?

Those remaining true to the GOP establishment remember Putin as a vicious and sadistic thug working for the Soviet government and realize he hasn't changed.

However, the 74 million+ cultists idolize their leader, trump, and he idolizes Putin (and Kim Jong un). The trump cultists have no choice but to worship Putin as they worship trump.

Answer: BIDEN

If Biden was for Pootin they would be against Putin, and seeing Biden is against Pootin then they have to be for Pootin!
yeah, that is what they said upto a week before Putin invaded Ukraine. How'd that work out?
They who exactly? It was a given he'd invade at some point once he moved his troops into position along the borders with Belarus and Russia.

This was the outcome we all knew we'd see after the disastrous pullout and abandonment of tens of thousands of Americans and US Visa holders in Afghanistan.

The only question was as to whether he'd do the smart thing and move before or after the Olympics while the ground was still frozen.

Caving into Xi on that point cost him the ability to take the country.

What he's not going to do is destroy his own country and himself over Ukraine and that's exactly the end game with nukes.
You'd think the "antiwar" Left would be apoplectic over using the US military to secure the Ukrainian fortunes of the Biden, Pelosi, Romney and Kerry families
Well that's all actually blowing up backwards for them since those companies and banks were all Russian operations and subsidiaries financed through Russian Banks.

The oligarchs in Ukraine were nothing but Russian Puppets.

Follow the money back through Rosneft and Gazprom and you'll find a Russian behind every door.

That's why Ukraine has had such a problem with corruption for going on 3 decades now.
All msm reporting on the ground in Ukraine is fake.

Russia in mop up stages all across Ukraine except for western regions. It's a rout.
We have no right to be doing dick with respect to this war.
Fortify NATO borders...that's it.

The administration wants this war to go on in perpetuity....dOy. And most Americans have no clue about the levels of corruption and evil of the Ukraine govt. They bomb their own people.

Only intellectual cripples are falling for the anit-Putin propaganda....the suckers. :coffee:
Well that's all actually blowing up backwards for them since those companies and banks were all Russian operations and subsidiaries financed through Russian Banks.

The oligarchs in Ukraine were nothing but Russian Puppets.

Follow the money back through Rosneft and Gazprom and you'll find a Russian behind every door.

That's why Ukraine has had such a problem with corruption for going on 3 decades now.

Lol....the Wikipedia take:iyfyus.jpg:

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