Why is there support for Russia on the far right?

All msm reporting on the ground in Ukraine is fake.

Russia in mop up stages all across Ukraine except for western regions. It's a rout.
We have no right to be doing dick with respect to this war.
Fortify NATO borders...that's it.

The administration wants this war to go on in perpetuity....dOy. And most Americans have no clue about the levels of corruption and evil of the Ukraine govt. They bomb their own people.

Only intellectual cripples are falling for the anit-Putin propaganda....the suckers. :coffee:
Russia ran out of gas, money, weapons, ammo, and ordnance not to mentiaon food and ways to keep their army supplied.

They are losing ground steadily now and have been for a week or so and are pulling back to positions they think are more defensible.

Putin had the same problem Japan had at the onset of WWII, very limited resources that meant he could only maintain an all out offensive for a very limited period, which as predicted proved to be about 4-6 weeks.

Ukraine on the other hand gets stronger ever day and is retaking cities as they push the Russians out and withdraw to more defensible positions, at least they hope they are more defensible.
Why is there support for Russia on the far right?
I think it's essentially two things: First, they've already long since displayed a clear affinity for aggressive, hyper-nationalist, authoritarian strongmen.

Second, they're stuck in the primitive "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" mindset, willing to believe, say or do anything contrarian to "own da libs".

The rage that had been growing on the Right for decades is now out. It has been released. This is what that looks like.
All msm reporting on the ground in Ukraine is fake.

Russia in mop up stages all across Ukraine except for western regions. It's a rout.
We have no right to be doing dick with respect to this war.
Fortify NATO borders...that's it.

The administration wants this war to go on in perpetuity....dOy. And most Americans have no clue about the levels of corruption and evil of the Ukraine govt. They bomb their own people.

Only intellectual cripples are falling for the anit-Putin propaganda....the suckers. :coffee:
One way or another this war will be all but over in the next six weeks at least as anything resembling a conventional war goes.

If he tries to hold onto anything in Ukraine after that the coming insurgency will bleed them to death like they haven't seen since WWII.

He's already lost more than 15% of his Army and can't supply the remaining 85% well enough to keep them in the field.

No matter what else happens, this will be Putin's undoing.

The bad part is the dem's of course will try and give all the credit to the one guy who could have prevented inn the first place by simply continuing the policies of the previous administration to fortify Ukraine to such an extent Putin would see that he would lose more than he could possibly gain in attempting it.
I think it's essentially two things: First, they've already long since displayed a clear affinity for aggressive, hyper-nationalist, authoritarian strongmen.

Second, they're stuck in the primitive "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" mindset, willing to believe, say or do anything contrarian to "own da libs".

The rage that had been growing on the Right for decades is now out. It has been released. This is what that looks like.
I actually wish there was something there to be argued for the sake of discussion but there really isn't.
I think it's essentially two things: First, they've already long since displayed a clear affinity for aggressive, hyper-nationalist, authoritarian strongmen.

Second, they're stuck in the primitive "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" mindset, willing to believe, say or do anything contrarian to "own da libs".

The rage that had been growing on the Right for decades is now out. It has been released. This is what that looks like.
How silly you are.

You nutjobs simply can't accept anyone not licking the corrupt monkey in Kiev's boots. You folks cannot accept people don't have to or want to support either side. They just get labeled Putin lovers. Typical juvenile liberal nonsense.

This lunacy is further exasperated when anyone contradicts the absurd and endlessly proven false propaganda you folks lap up like kool-aid in Jonestown.
How silly you are.

You nutjobs simply can't accept anyone not licking the corrupt monkey in Kiev's boots. You folks cannot accept people don't have to or want to support either side. They just get labeled Putin lovers. Typical juvenile liberal nonsense.

This lunacy is further exasperated when anyone contradicts the absurd and endlessly proven false propaganda you folks lap up like kool-aid in Jonestown.
Well it would be interesting if any of that were true.

As it is you just sound like a wannabe Nazi who's pissed off the little Jew boy is doing an amazing job in the fight against Russia.
ISIS started in Syria, their founders started in Iraq. Totally different things.

Russia was acting by proxy in Iran, as we have all over the world. Iran has their own weapons development and production. Much of it was aided by Russia and China.

After WWII Germany was hit with reparations, not sanctions. Different things. Most recognized sanctions began in the UN, in which case China and Russia agreed or abstained. US sanctions or NATO sanctions have been against weak countries with no ability to counter them.

There isn't a leader in the West that can get Putin to fold right now. Putin knows the West is weak, he'd use nukes, because Europe and Biden would fold.

If NATO cared about Ukraine they would have put boots on the ground in early February. They didn't. Instead they tried sanctions and failed.
Perhaps you did not notice but Ukraine is not a member of NATO. That is a major issue.
Well it would be interesting if any of that were true.

As it is you just sound like a wannabe Nazi who's pissed off the little Jew boy is doing an amazing job in the fight against Russia.
According to who? You? I think not. Even the most ardent propaganda rags can't deny over 90% of Luhansk has been taken. It's just clean up there now. There are daily gains in Donetsk and Mariupol is 90% in Russian hands. Those are the areas with heaviest fighting. The only place with any real resistance left is Mykolaiv. All of this occurring with humanitarian corridors open everywhere but Mariupol. That's the reality on the ground. That doesn't jive with the Western propaganda. Sorry you got suckered.
According to who? You? I think not. Even the most ardent propaganda rags can't deny over 90% of Luhansk has been taken. It's just clean up there now. There are daily gains in Donetsk and Mariupol is 90% in Russian hands. Those are the areas with heaviest fighting. The only place with any real resistance left is Mykolaiv. All of this occurring with humanitarian corridors open everywhere but Mariupol. That's the reality on the ground. That doesn't jive with the Western propaganda. Sorry you got suckered.
You're throwing around numbers with no foundation and no credible source anywhere supporting them.

That's desperation.
Perhaps you did not notice but Ukraine is not a member of NATO. That is a major issue.
And? Everyone keeps saying a show of force would have backed Putin down. That would have been the only way. NATO balked, they expected the sanctions create a ceasefire. Now whatever comes is their's to live with.
And? Everyone keeps saying a show of force would have backed Putin down. That would have been the only way. NATO balked, they expected the sanctions create a ceasefire. Now whatever comes is their's to live with.
NATO didn't balk at anything, Ukraine is and was not a NATO member therefore Article 5 never applied.

NATO only exists to protect it's member states period.
You're throwing around numbers with no foundation and no credible source anywhere supporting them.

That's desperation.
Bullshit. Do some research. Al Jazeera is is a Bloomberg owned source, mostly pro-Western in this case. Start there. It's not on me to fix your obvious ignorance.
NATO didn't balk at anything, Ukraine is and was not a NATO member therefore Article 5 never applied.

NATO only exists to protect it's member states period.
Who said anything about Article 5? Call it a coalition of whatever you want. The West could have and didn't.
Who said anything about Article 5? Call it a coalition of whatever you want. The West could have and didn't.
Well you called it NATO and that's not part of the NATO Charter.

Don't get me wrong the EU and Biden screwed the pooch on this for two months knowing what was coming and dong nothing of any substance to stop it until it was already under way but that doesn't have shit to do with NATO.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

AJ is state owned by Qatari State Media you dim wit.
Their English language is partnered with Bloomberg. Either way they are more neutral than Western sources. Oddly you can get articles from Bloomberg that are otherwise behind a pay wall. My mistake. Still doesn't excuse your utter ignorance on the situation on the ground.
Well you called it NATO and that's not part of the NATO Charter.

Don't get me wrong the EU and Biden screwed the pooch on this for two months knowing what was coming and dong nothing of any substance to stop it until it was already under way but that doesn't have shit to do with NATO.
NATO is it's members. Semantic nonsense is a petty excuse.
Their English language is partnered with Bloomberg. Either way they are more neutral than Western sources. Oddly you can get articles from Bloomberg that are otherwise behind a pay wall. My mistake. Still doesn't excuse your utter ignorance on the situation on the ground.
The only ignorance here being displayed is your own as I just demonstrated.

You make ridiculous claims, it's up to you to provide the evidence to back them up, that's how debates work.
NATO is it's members. Semantic nonsense is a petty excuse.
No Dipshit, NATO is an organization created by a Treaty Signed by member nations.

It's not Nation, it's not even an army, in fact it has no army to speak of at all.

It's a mutual defense pact of member nations, period, that's it.

Best to stop calling folks ignorant while so proudly and repeatedly displaying your own.

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