Why is there support for Russia on the far right?


Don Putin and Meyer Zelensky ... in talks.
I hate to admit but some on the right have been confused by Russian Propaganda and as I said before some have let their hatred of Biden confuse them aka since biden is supporting Ukraine then they go the opposite way.

Also too many do not understand the russian people are against the war....this is Putins war but unfortunately Putin and the oligarchs have control of Russia.

All Americans should be supporting Ukraine .....that is the best way to get rid of Putin....if Ukraine wins then Putins chances of surviving are minimal.
hell leftists were for Russia before they were against it and this is all biden
Putin literally has members of the Russian mob (one of the largest, most powerful crime syndicates in the world, who have their hands in everything from human trafficking and forced labor to gun/drug smuggling) as advisers on his staff.

And Tucker Carlson is a prime example of a far right hack spporting Russia over America.
The Russian Mafia and the Khazarian Mafia are blood brothers.
Democracy Dies in Darkness

Why Americans keep falling for Russian propaganda​

During the Cold War, Americans easily spotted Soviet propaganda. What changed?​

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By Patryk Babiracki
Patryk Babiracki is associate professor of history at the University of Texas at Arlington and author of “Soviet Soft Power in Poland: Culture and the Making of Stalin's New Empire, 1943-1957.”
September 13, 2017

'The Soviets lost the Cold War partly because of their crude propaganda. But the Kremlin learned its historical lesson.

Disinformation has long been a Russian strategy to manipulate its own citizens and to undermine U.S. democracy. During the Cold War, the U.S. government took concrete measures to identify and combat propaganda filled with Marxist rhetoric and improbable claims, and Americans’ ability to recognize such propaganda became central to the country’s defeat of the Soviet Union.
Yet President Vladimir Putin has found considerable success by waging a new version of the old propaganda war with the West. Russia’s global messaging today is nimbler, subtler and better funded, giving the Kremlin an edge in advancing its expansionist goals. But without the familiar ideological cues and division lines from the “first” Cold War, many Americans appear to have lowered their guard, accepting more nuanced, more pervasive Russian lies as just another point of view.'
Why is there support for Russia on the far right?

Those remaining true to the GOP establishment remember Putin as a vicious and sadistic thug working for the Soviet government and realize he hasn't changed.

However, the 74 million+ cultists idolize their leader, trump, and he idolizes Putin (and Kim Jong un). The trump cultists have no choice but to worship Putin as they worship trump.


I think the answer is clear, many on the right agree with Putin on an ideological level. This is why it's always hilarious when they call anyone who is on the left a communist or nazi. Notice that Putin also does the very same thing.
I think the answer is clear, many on the right agree with Putin on an ideological level. This is why it's always hilarious when they call anyone who is on the left a communist or nazi. Notice that Putin also does the very same thing.
To equate Putin with Russia is incorrect.....many Republicans do admire Russia as in the Russian People do not hate America and in fact love America.....there is no legitimate reason for Russia and America to be an enemy of one another.

Trump realized this and thus his attempt to try and form an alliance of sorts with Russia for which our propaganda machine the alphabet media attacked Trump as well as Russia attempting to make the Russian People an enemy of America.....the democratic party went along with this and thus Trump's efforts to get some kind of alliance with Russia was stymied which was most unfortunate as in we need Russia to help contain China.

China is the real enemy but the democrats have never understood that and still do not and in fact Pedo Joe does everything he can for China.

Putin even when Trump was President had a desire to regain control of Ukraine....but Trump said no and Putin understood that Trump meant it and hence Putin did not dare do anything as long as Trump was in power....then along comes the weakest, dumbest President in our entire history and Putin makes his tragic move.

Unfortunately some Republicans have let their hatred of Pedo Joe cloud the issue of defending Ukraine....sort of similar to the infamous TDS that led democrats into great confusion which motivated them into opposing anything Trump tried to do and this opposition was based on nothing but an irrational hatred of Trump.

It is quite clear that the democratic party has long sought to make an enemy of
Russia and the media helped them in that effort as much as they possibly could.

Thus.....Why it’s hard to take Democrats seriously on Russia​

Democrats lack self-awareness as to their record regarding Russia...... This helps explain why conservatives have so much trouble taking liberal outrage about Russia seriously: Most of the people lecturing them for being “Putin’s pawns” spent the better part of eight years blindly supporting a Democratic president, Barack Obama, whose default mode with Moscow was fecklessness.

To Republicans, these latter-day Democratic Cold Warriors sound like partisan hysterics.
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To equate Putin with Russia is incorrect.....many Republicans do admire Russia as in the Russian People do not hate America and in fact love America.....there is no legitimate reason for Russia and America to be an enemy of one another.

Trump realized this and thus his attempt to try and form an alliance of sorts with Russia for which our propaganda machine the alphabet media attacked Trump as well as Russia attempting to make the Russian People an enemy of America.....the democratic party went along with this and thus Trump's efforts to get some kind of alliance with Russia was stymied which was most unfortunate as in we need Russia to help contain China.

China is the real enemy but the democrats have never understood that and still do not and in fact Pedo Joe does everything he can for China.

Putin even when Trump was President had a desire to regain control of Ukraine....but Trump said no and Putin understood that Trump meant it and hence Putin did not dare do anything as long as Trump was in power....then along comes the weakest, dumbest President in our entire history and Putin makes his tragic move.

Unfortunately some Republicans have let their hatred of Pedo Joe cloud the issue of defending Ukraine....sort of similar to the infamous TDS that led democrats into great confusion which motivated them into opposing anything Trump tried to do and this opposition was based on nothing but an irrational hatred of Trump.

It is quite clear that the democratic party has long sought to make an enemy of
Russia and the media helped them in that effort as much as they possibly could.

Thus.....Why it’s hard to take Democrats seriously on Russia​

Democrats lack self-awareness as to their record regarding Russia...... This helps explain why conservatives have so much trouble taking liberal outrage about Russia seriously: Most of the people lecturing them for being “Putin’s pawns” spent the better part of eight years blindly supporting a Democratic president, Barack Obama, whose default mode with Moscow was fecklessness.

To Republicans, these latter-day Democratic Cold Warriors sound like partisan hysterics.
Well put.

Of the last 3 Presidents only one was willing to help fortify Ukraine against invasion and that was Trump.

Democrats fought it tooth and nail with the "Nazi" schtick right up until Biden's popularity numbers hit rock bottom in concert with the start of the invasion.

The polls overwhelmingly showed strong American Support to aid them any way possible short of boots on the ground so he suddenly caved and became the great defender of Ukrainians.

Crass, callous, dishonest, and too little too late but at least he did the right thing if only for his own selfish purposes.
Why is there support for Russia on the far right?

Those remaining true to the GOP establishment remember Putin as a vicious and sadistic thug working for the Soviet government and realize he hasn't changed.

However, the 74 million+ cultists idolize their leader, trump, and he idolizes Putin (and Kim Jong un). The trump cultists have no choice but to worship Putin as they worship trump.

Why is there a constant drone of false dichotomy coming from the left. Just because we don't want to launch nukes does not mean we support Russia. Just because we see that Ukraine is a cesspool and had been forever does not mean we are Putin fans. Just because we observe that Ukraine has been genociding Russian nationals in Donbas and Luhansk for a decade does not mean that we approve of the death of Ukranians civilians. Also just because I am answering your retarded question does not mean you are a valid poster.
Well put.

Of the last 3 Presidents only one was willing to help fortify Ukraine against invasion and that was Trump.

Democrats fought it tooth and nail with the "Nazi" schtick right up until Biden's popularity numbers hit rock bottom in concert with the start of the invasion.

The polls overwhelmingly showed strong American Support to aid them any way possible short of boots on the ground so he suddenly caved and became the great defender of Ukrainians.

Crass, callous, dishonest, and too little too late but at least he did the right thing if only for his own selfish purposes.
Ukraine does not necessarily deserve a seat at the civilized table either. Yes they are being attacked but much of what is happening now is self inflicted.

There is no clear white hat<>black hat distinction here.

Ukraine does not necessarily deserve a seat at the civilized table either. Yes they are being attacked but much of what is happening now is self inflicted.

There is no clear white hat<>black hat distinction here.

Not buying it. Ukraine is a country that was taken over by Russian and Russian backed Oligarch's after the collapse of the Soviet Union become for all intents and purposes a Kelptocracy.

It's taken time but they've been doing a good job of slowly cleaning up the corruption once and for all which is the primary reason for the timing of the Russian invasion.

This has always been a battle for Ukraines natural resources and nothing else and the Russian Propaganda Machine has unfortunately been successful and smearing everyone in Ukraine as a criminal and/or Nazi.

Only one man is responsible for this invasion and the horrors it has wrought, and that's Putin.
Why is there a constant drone of false dichotomy coming from the left. Just because we don't want to launch nukes does not mean we support Russia. Just because we see that Ukraine is a cesspool and had been forever does not mean we are Putin fans. Just because we observe that Ukraine has been genociding Russian nationals in Donbas and Luhansk for a decade does not mean that we approve of the death of Ukranians civilians. Also just because I am answering your retarded question does not mean you are a valid poster.
Nobody is going to launch nukes in or over Ukraine so relax and get behind the Freedom for Ukraine Movement.
Just because we observe that Ukraine has been genociding Russian nationals in Donbas and Luhansk for a decade does not mean that we approve of the death of Ukranians civilians.
There is of course no actual evidence of this "genocide" other than baseless claims coming from the Kremlin and their had picked leaders of the separatists.
Why is there support for Russia on the far right?
It’s not just the ‘far’ right – support for Russia and Putin is common among mainstream conservatives.

One reason is that the authoritarian right is attracted to anti-democratic, illiberal dictators like Putin.

Conservatives also use their support for Russia and Putin as a means to attack President Biden.
It’s not just the ‘far’ right – support for Russia and Putin is common among mainstream conservatives.

One reason is that the authoritarian right is attracted to anti-democratic, illiberal dictators like Putin.

Conservatives also use their support for Russia and Putin as a means to attack President Biden.
Well thats' bullshit.
Why is there support for Russia on the far right?

Those remaining true to the GOP establishment remember Putin as a vicious and sadistic thug working for the Soviet government and realize he hasn't changed.

However, the 74 million+ cultists idolize their leader, trump, and he idolizes Putin (and Kim Jong un). The trump cultists have no choice but to worship Putin as they worship trump.


That is silly and untrue.
Putin has been more honest and less greedy or criminal than the last US presidents.
Putin is not invading or controlling countries all over the globe, in order to steal their resources, like the US has done to the Philippines, South American, Central America, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria, etc.
That is silly and untrue.
Putin has been more honest and less greedy or criminal than the last US presidents.
Putin is not invading or controlling countries all over the globe, in order to steal their resources, like the US has done to the Philippines, South American, Central America, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria, etc.
You fabricate bullshit faster than a 100,000 head feedlot.
When democrats start purposely targeting civilians with grid square artillery barrages, cluster bombs, and Thermobaric weapons in Red States you might be able to make that argument and not sound like a complete nut.

Democrats and Republicans both targeted civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria, etc.
Remember the Highway of Death where we murdered 10,000 civilians under a white flag retreat to Iraq?
But with Shock and Awe, we murdered almost half a million Iraqi civilians.
That even beats the civilians we murdered at Nagasaki or Hirshima.
But it does not beat the 3 million innocent Vietnamese we murdered.
Care to try to prove anything I wrote being wrong?
Your claims are all false. THe US is not an empire and never has been.

We don't seize the territory of other countries, we don't enslave their populations, we don't steal their natural resources nor do we conscript their military age males to serve in the US military.

We don't control other countries either.

It's all bullshit.

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