Why is there support for Russia on the far right?

We don't fight on our soil, so how we treat the Russians is how we will be treated in our next war. Expect our President, whoever it is to be declared a war criminal, expect our forces to be demonized by nations across the world, expect our enemies to be armed to the teeth by Russia and China. All thanks to the emotionally driven need for instant gratification due to flimsy propaganda.
Welcome to the 20th century. Russia and China have been arming our enemies to the teeth and supporting them with their own troops since 1947.

Who the hell do you think we were fighting in Korea, Vietnam, and every proxy war since?
Not propaganda. The Khazarian Mafia is one of the most evil and depraved organizations in the world. They work hand in hand with the Cabal and Illuminati, George Soros and the Rothchilds.
Ooook, that clears that up nicely for us! :oops:

Let me guess, it's the evil dirty Jews who are really behind it all, right?
How many Ukrainian thugs and Oligarchs can anyone list compared to Russian ones?

Why do Russian oligarchs have dual Israeli citizenship?

Not something I've studied on but worth looking at before getting to set on who is hating on who. Has Ukraine declared war/special actions against another country?

The evil oligarchs in Ukraine were all Russian puppets, hell just follow the money back to Rosneft and Gazprom and the banks that finance them.

If you have Jewish blood you're pretty well guranteed Israeli citizenship and it's damned hard to extradite anyone out of Israel.
Because it puts Biden into a difficult situation. Blob supporters can't see past anything but the next election.
As usual, you Lefties have no political subtlety at all. You've been schooled into paranoia by your media sources and you lose any ability to think for yourselves, apparently. I'm a Trump supporter and have no love for or trust OF Putin at all. I never have. I know of no Rs who trust or respect the little mafia thug with nukes.

OTOH, I see quite a few Ds who use this kind of rhetoric, I assume to continue carrying out their mission to destroy anything related to Trump or his supporters and it gets pretty damned disturbing as we've progressed. I'm curious... does your concern about Putin's atrocities in Ukraine cause you to be willing to risk nuclear war? The only people I see demanding a no-fly zone or NATO involvement are RINO- neocons or Democrats whose hate for Trump has made them crazy.
"Right Wing supports Putin" is largely imaginary. I see almost no support for Putin anywhere. What we DON'T do is immediately pick White Hat-Black Hat like the Left has done, idiotically replacing their "Wear a Mask" profiles for "Support Ukraine".

Haha. Some of you have clearly missed a handful of posters here who actually do support him and think he's a good guy. And yes, even on the 'right' there are a few who look at it in a white hat/ black hat sort of way, unfortunately.

I really wish some here would stop speaking for an entire group.
When democrats start purposely targeting civilians with grid square artillery barrages, cluster bombs, and Thermobaric weapons in Red States you might be able to make that argument and not sound like a complete nut.
If the Union had those weapons they would have undoubtably used them on the south.
Ooook, that clears that up nicely for us! :oops:

Let me guess, it's the evil dirty Jews who are really behind it all, right?
Not real Jews. They selected the Jewish religion to cover their evil. The people on this forum should google the History Of The Khazarian Mafia before they start spouting "facts."
As usual, you Lefties have no political subtlety at all. You've been schooled into paranoia by your media sources and you lose any ability to think for yourselves, apparently. I'm a Trump supporter and have no love for or trust OF Putin at all. I never have. I know of no Rs who trust or respect the little mafia thug with nukes.

OTOH, I see quite a few Ds who use this kind of rhetoric, I assume to continue carrying out their mission to destroy anything related to Trump or his supporters and it gets pretty damned disturbing as we've progressed. I'm curious... does your concern about Putin's atrocities in Ukraine cause you to be willing to risk nuclear war? The only people I see demanding a no-fly zone or NATO involvement are RINO- neocons or Democrats whose hate for Trump has made them crazy.
We're not risking nuclear war, Putin is neither stupid nor crazy and knows it would mean his own and the destruction of his nation.

It's time we quit cowering like little girls and start standing up to Putin.

Trump proved you can smack Putin right in the face and kick him in the balls and tell him to go back to his corner without starting a nuclear war.

I'd like to think that as bad as things are getting we're a nation of men not scared little girls cowering every time the bully shakes his fist.

I could be wrong on that last point however but I'm still hopeful.
Not real Jews. They selected the Jewish religion to cover their evil. The people on this forum should google the History Of The Khazarian Mafia before they start spouting "facts."
No, they really shouldn't, it causes brain lesions.
Haha. Some of you have clearly missed a handful of posters here who actually do support him and think he's a good guy. And yes, even on the 'right' there are a few who look at it in a white hat/ black hat sort of way, unfortunately.

I really wish some here would stop speaking for an entire group.

I'll look out for it. I already clap back at folks who are blatantly racist jerks
That is most likely russian propaganda.....lots of russian propaganda and sadly some republicans have bought into it....many simply because biden is supporting ukraine.
Yes, I'm sure that years of high-octane media hate being blasted at the outsider HAS caused some on the Right to get into a contrarian mode. The idea that they'd support pushing Putin's back to the wall and risking NUCLEAR WAR as a means of saving an eastern European nation who isn't even an ally of the U.S., is insane. ANYONE who is supporting taking Putin down with U.S. or NATO forces is either extremely ignorant of the realities or they're insane.
Why is there support for Russia on the far right?

Those remaining true to the GOP establishment remember Putin as a vicious and sadistic thug working for the Soviet government and realize he hasn't changed.

However, the 74 million+ cultists idolize their leader, trump, and he idolizes Putin (and Kim Jong un). The trump cultists have no choice but to worship Putin as they worship trump.

Your desperation is duly noted.
And the south would have used the same weapons on the north given the opportunity.

That's not the world they lived in and it's not the world we live in today.
Obviously, plainly it is. Especially if you believe those weapons were actually used. Our medoa has a very very poor reputation for truthfulness.
SweetSue92 take a look at this thread, for starters.
Add to it the fact that the support for Mara-lard-ass is at an all time high and that he is the same guy who heaps praise on Putin everytime he finds a microphone and someone that will listen to him.
You'd figure that at some point, if the right wing posters here REALLY didn't support Russia's murderous efforts in Ukraine..they would say something about their blob supporting Russia's murderous efforts in Ukraine.
Obviously, plainly it is. Especially if you believe those weapons were actually used. Our medoa has a very very poor reputation for truthfulness.
We know those weapons were used, it's not even contestable.

Our radars can track every projectile that even reaches a 100' hight and are integrated with their ground based AA systems.

Those weapons all leave explicitly clear signatures when used and we have live video of the impacts.

You can't cook that kind of conspiracy up when you have literally tens of thousands of people running around with cameras documenting it live and documenting the aftermath.

In 1867 there was no such thing as "war crimes" there were no international agreements or treaties governing the conduct of nations in general nor during wartime.

All those things are products of the 20th century and came about due to the advancements in military tech and particularly explosives and rapid fire weaponry.
Putin isn't going to take us into WWIII over Ukraine, he knows that would cost him everything and would be the end of his nation.
No? He has bet everything on retaking Ukraine. He has gone all-in and he has been badly counseled by his generals and defense professionals. We've been hearing for 10 years or so that Russia has reinvested in modernizing her military, including creating a professional troop cadre to enhance their force of conscripts.

NOW the world sees how inept that force is and IF Russians are as paranoid as they are regularly assumed to be, why wouldn't he be willing to risk it all, betting the west has no stomach for retaliating to a Russian nuke strike on the battleground? We have over-expanded the guarantees of NATO by accepting too many eastern European nations that were formerly in his orbit. Ukraine isn't one of those. Thank GOD for that. Imagine he were invading Poland, Czechia, or Lithuania. At THAT point, America has to choose to fight Russia or leave Europe to fend for itself.

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