Why is there support for Russia on the far right?

Simpleton nonsense. May as well say if you support Biden you support fentanyl deaths due to open border policies. In around about way it is what it is.
Well yes, if you support Biden you support his policies as well since they are what he ran on.
No one on the far right is supporting Russia. We don't support Communists. At the same time we don't support the Khazarian Mafia that runs Ukraine who are more evil than Putin.
Russia ceased to be a communist country almost 30 years ago.
It's a shield now, so it's member can act with impunity. It has no purpose. It's little more than a welfare sponge sucking at the teat of American taxpayers.
If you had a valid argument to make you'd not need to lie constantly as above.
"Genociding Russian nationals in Donbas"??
Really, poster justoffal? I didn't know that?
Can you prove it?
What would Russian nationals be doing in the Donbas?
Did they use their passports to enter?
Were they doing anything illegal inside Ukraine's eastern provinces?


Funny, poster Rigby5, but your memory seems somewhat crosswise with other's memories.
10,000 dead civilians.....on Highway 80? Can you prove it?
Show the forum some authoritative credible sourcing on your claim.

I ask because just a quick nano-search shows us this (for two Highways...#80 and #8).

"Iraqi forces including the elite Iraqi Republican Guard's 1st Armored Division Hammurabi were trying to either redeploy or escape on and near Highway 8, the continuation of Highway 80 in Iraq.[7] Hundreds of predominantly military Iraqi vehicles grouped in defensive formations of approximately a dozen vehicles were then systematically destroyed along a 50-mile stretch of the highway and nearby desert.

PDA estimated the number killed there to be in the range of 300–400 or more, bringing the likely total number of fatalities along both highways to at least 800 or 1,000.[9]

Batter up, poster Rigby. Show the board you are a poster with credibility and gravitas.


Can you vet any of these claims?
"Nukes"? Make your case.
"Murdering 14,000 ethnic Russians"?........are they rebels in the Donbas? Prove your numbers.
"Stealing Oil"? ...... and for that, in whatever amount there was.....Russia gets to bomb your hospitals? Your schools?
Paint me skeptical.


Well, what Stalin did:
in the Ukraine (the Holdomor = 3.9 million starved to death)
brutal takeovers of Hungary, Czechoslovakia, the 'stans', and so on and so on.


After reading several of your posts on this thread, poster Rigby, my own avatar has become very skeptical of your motives and your ability to back up your claims.
Prove us wrong. Show us that you are more than what you so far have shown the forum.

Well, I personally think a good portion of it is because of Don Trump's long support of Vladimir Putin ('savvy genius'; invading Ukrain = 'wonderful').
Plus the Trump Duped&Snookered-world reacting to the collusion charges stemming from Russia's help in Trump's election in 2016.
Plus, supporting Russia is their way to 'stick-it-to-Biden'.
Not really what one would think a loyal American patriot would do. But then, we've got self-described 'American patriots' clubbing down Capitol police and then smearing poo on the walls of our Capitol. "American Patriots"....ain't what they used to be.
Trump was looking for a new best friend, for a while, Putin obliged when Trump became president.

Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow – if so, will he become my new best friend?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 19, 2013
Hossfly said:
No one on the far right is supporting Russia. We don't support Communists.

You be the one to break the news to all those billionaire oligarchs having their mega-yachts seized that they are "Communisits!

They could use a good laugh about now.

Extremist turncoat Trumpers include Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Andy Biggs, Thomas Massie, Paul Gosar, Warren Davidson, and Scott Perry.
I think you have an inadequate idea of what isolationism is.

Your idea of inadequate is inadequate. Trade with all willing nations. But do not involve ourselves with their politics.
'Isolationism is a political philosophy advocating a national foreign policy that opposes involvement in the political affairs, and especially the wars, of other countries. Thus, isolationism fundamentally advocates neutrality and opposes entanglement in military alliances and mutual defense pacts.'

In our era of 'isolationism' we still traded with numerous countries.

Isolating ourselves from other countries wars is fine. I'm in favor of that. But that's just their wars. Allowing trade and travel to these countries isn't isolationism. We're just isolating ourselves from one aspect.
So far, it seems that Biden is doing exactly what you're accusing me of. He hasn't sent American troops to fight Russia. I agree with that. Do you?
If you do, then you're as much of an isolationist as you're accusing me of.
Your idea of inadequate is inadequate. Trade with all willing nations. But do not involve ourselves with their politics.

Isolating ourselves from other countries wars is fine. I'm in favor of that. But that's just their wars. Allowing trade and travel to these countries isn't isolationism. We're just isolating ourselves from one aspect.
So far, it seems that Biden is doing exactly what you're accusing me of. He hasn't sent American troops to fight Russia. I agree with that. Do you?
If you do, then you're as much of an isolationist as you're accusing me of.
If Biden had made it clear to Putin that we would not stand idly by if he invaded Ukraine....it would never have happened.....that is why Putin dared not invade whilst we had a strong President....he waited till we had a weakling in office to invade.

The World has gotten much smaller than it was back when we were protected by two oceans.....we must(if we want to survive)analyze every situation and occurence in the world to see how it may impact our National Security and act accordingly.

Our Isolationist Policy in the era before WWII almost allowed the Nazis to dominate the world....we came in at a very late date and managed to win....but if we had been more involved earlier WWII may never have occurred.

Biden is a disaster and many of us predicted he would be aka one train wreck after another.
There is no possibility of Biden lanuching nukes as a first strike. A greater concern is whether or not he'd have to stones to launch nukes even with the enemy first using them.
I doubt if he even has the capability to do so even if he wanted to.

Our problem is that biden allowed putin to bluff his weak ass.

As soon as the biden regime came in --Putin realized he had a green light to invade Ukraine.
I understand your point. But the possible outcome may very well be unconnected to any desire to assist Putin. This is as true as noting that opposition to assisting Ukraine (which makes their job of defending themselves harder) also leads to more Ukrainians being slaughtered by Putin’s military. And it does not follow there, either, that there is any desire for Ukrainian deaths.
You lost me there somewhere....I think you need to re-write that and try and make it clear as to exactly what your point is.

You be the one to break the news to all those billionaire oligarchs having their mega-yachts seized that they are "Communisits!

They could use a good laugh about now.

Extremist turncoat Trumpers include Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Andy Biggs, Thomas Massie, Paul Gosar, Warren Davidson, and Scott Perry.
They all site good reasons for opposing the bill as well. As usual, this was not a stright bill but had a bunch of unrelated party favors added on.
If Biden had made it clear to Putin that we would not stand idly by if he invaded Ukraine....it would never have happened.....that is why Putin dared not invade whilst we had a strong President....he waited till we had a weakling in office to invade.

The World has gotten much smaller than it was back when we were protected by two oceans.....we must(if we want to survive)analyze every situation and occurence in the world to see how it may impact our National Security and act accordingly.

Our Isolationist Policy in the era before WWII almost allowed the Nazis to dominate the world....we came in at a very late date and managed to win....but if we had been more involved earlier WWII may never have occurred.

Biden is a disaster and many of us predicted he would be aka one train wreck after another.

BS bro. When are you party loyalist going to get it through you retarded brains. Trump sucked. Biden sucks. Going to war with Russia is stupid. Going to war with any country for things that do not pertain to us is equally stupid, for like 10,000 reasons.

WW2 is also what costs us a million lives. For what? To save Europe? Who cares about Europe. Who cares if Germany makes up 70% of Europe or 5%?
Does it bother you that we're not able to trade with the Roman empire? It should. Because people took over the Roman empire. And today, we don't even miss them.
Does it bother you that Mexico doesn't own Texas land now? Or that Russia still doesn't own California or Alaska?

You fuckwads act like Trump was sent from God. And Biden is the most powerful nincompoop in the world. He can't even tie his own friggin shoes.

Seriously, you party loyalist need to take a chill pill. 150 years of you morons ruining this country. Millions of our soldiers killed in wars that had nothing to do with our country. Hundreds of trillions spent on the MIC and lobbyist.
Lobbyist run DC and your republicans (and democrats).

Yall are seriously brainwashed. Trump needs to friggin retire. The GOP voters need to learn what a conservative actually is.
BS bro. When are you party loyalist going to get it through you retarded brains. Trump sucked. Biden sucks. Going to war with Russia is stupid. Going to war with any country for things that do not pertain to us is equally stupid, for like 10,000 reasons.

WW2 is also what costs us a million lives. For what? To save Europe? Who cares about Europe. Who cares if Germany makes up 70% of Europe or 5%?
Does it bother you that we're not able to trade with the Roman empire? It should. Because people took over the Roman empire. And today, we don't even miss them.
Does it bother you that Mexico doesn't own Texas land now? Or that Russia still doesn't own California or Alaska?

You fuckwads act like Trump was sent from God. And Biden is the most powerful nincompoop in the world. He can't even tie his own friggin shoes.

Seriously, you party loyalist need to take a chill pill. 150 years of you morons ruining this country. Millions of our soldiers killed in wars that had nothing to do with our country. Hundreds of trillions spent on the MIC and lobbyist.
Lobbyist run DC and your republicans (and democrats).

Yall are seriously brainwashed. Trump needs to friggin retire. The GOP voters need to learn what a conservative actually is.
Don't worry , the draft board won't be coming to get you and we won't be going to war with Russia unless Putin loses his last nut.
Don't worry , the draft board won't be coming to get you and we won't be going to war with Russia unless Putin loses his last nut.

I'm good with that. Losing thousands or tens of thousands of soldiers for Ukraine is retarded.
They all site good reasons for opposing the bill as well.
You can always try to contrive excuses for opposing America's commitment to democracy and refusal to support America's leading NATO and other advanced democracies against a war criminal, of course.

Who would be honest enough to openly admit what they are doing is what they are doing?
If Biden had made it clear to Putin that we would not stand idly by if he invaded Ukraine....it would never have happened.....that is why Putin dared not invade whilst we had a strong President....he waited till we had a weakling in office to invade.

The World has gotten much smaller than it was back when we were protected by two oceans.....we must(if we want to survive)analyze every situation and occurence in the world to see how it may impact our National Security and act accordingly.

Our Isolationist Policy in the era before WWII almost allowed the Nazis to dominate the world....we came in at a very late date and managed to win....but if we had been more involved earlier WWII may never have occurred.

Biden is a disaster and many of us predicted he would be aka one train wreck after another.

What a load of bullshit, Trump NEVER suggested or implied that he would send American troops to defend Ukraine.

You claiming that he would do that, against almost unanimous opposition from everyone in this country is just your badly misinformed fantasy.

WE KNOW what Trump's initial reaction to Putin's invasion was - "oh wow that's pretty smart, we should try that on our border". And you think this Putin bitch be would sticking his neck out for Ukraine? You are seriously dumber than a bag of rocks.
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You can always try to contrive excuses for opposing America's commitment to democracy and refusal to support America's leading NATO and other advanced democracies against a war criminal, of course.

Who would be honest enough to openly admit what they are doing is what they are doing?
What the hell are you prattling on about now? I've been supportive of the US aiding Ukraine to harden itself against outside threats since 2008. It was Obama and Biden that refused them lethal aid until after this invasion had already taken place.

Only when the outcry from both parties and the nation as a whole did Biden decide to do the right thing which was far too late because the invasion had already taken place.

Instead of being a lazy assed partisan hack read what was included in the bill that had nothing to do with helping Ukraine and their reasons for not voting for it.
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What a load of bullshit, Trump NEVER suggested or implied that he would send American troops to defend Ukraine.

You claiming that he would do that, against almost unanimous opposition from everyone in this country is just your badly misinformed fantasy.

WE KNOW what Trump's initial reaction to Putin's invasion was - "oh wow that's pretty smart, we should try that on our border". And you think this Putin bitch be would sticking his neck out for Ukraine? You are seriously dumber than a bag of rocks.
You're talking out of your ass now.

Trump actually stood up and started sending them the lethal aid they'd been asking for since 2014 which Biden cancelled after taking office.

As you may one day discover there's lots of things we can do other than sending troops to dissuade bad actors like Putin from being willing to gamble everything for a war of conquest.
What the hell are you prattling on about now? I've been supportive of the US aiding Ukraine to harden itself against outside threats since 2008. It was Obama and Biden that refused them lethal aid until after this invasion had already taken place.
Such hyper-partisan attempt at diversion (that neglected to cite Trump's withholding vital military funding to Ukraine unless Zelenskyy contrived fake criminal charges against Biden) noted.

The usual suspects in Congress who refused to align with the overwhelming majority of both Parties in opposition to the "savvy genius"'s slaughter of innocents cannot be so blithely evaded.

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