Why is there support for Russia on the far right?

As you may one day discover there's lots of things we can do other than sending troops to dissuade bad actors like Putin from being willing to gamble everything for a war of conquest.
I'm glad you approve of the President's leadership in that exact endeavor.

Trump's "savvy genius" is better opposed by a coordinated policy of NATO and other advanced democratic nations, short of an escalation and dispersion of hostilities.
I'm glad you approve of the President's leadership in that exact endeavor.

Trump's "savvy genius" is better opposed by a coordinated policy of NATO and other advanced democratic nations, short of an escalation and dispersion of hostilities.
Leadership? Leading would have been to continue Trump's program helping to fortify Ukraine against invasion instead of cancelling it a few months after taking office.

He led in the wrong direction and only came around after the invasion and strong pressure from both houses of congress and overwhelming support from the public for sending lethal aid to Ukraine.
Trump's "savvy genius" is better opposed by a coordinated policy of NATO and other advanced democratic nations, short of an escalation and dispersion of hostilities.
If Trump were still in office there would be no invasion or war to discuss because he would have continued fortifying Ukraine against invasion.

NATO isn't doing anything, they can't without causing a huge escalation.
Why is there support for Russia on the far right?

Those remaining true to the GOP establishment remember Putin as a vicious and sadistic thug working for the Soviet government and realize he hasn't changed.

However, the 74 million+ cultists idolize their leader, trump, and he idolizes Putin (and Kim Jong un). The trump cultists have no choice but to worship Putin as they worship trump.

I wondet why there are so many stupid anti trumpsters

neo nazis are far left because the original nazis were leftists
You're talking out of your ass now.

Trump actually stood up and started sending them the lethal aid they'd been asking for since 2014 which Biden cancelled after taking office.

As you may one day discover there's lots of things we can do other than sending troops to dissuade bad actors like Putin from being willing to gamble everything for a war of conquest.

You are posting bullshit, while Russians and a number of rightwingers were accusing administration of sabre rattling in a month leading up to the war, Bidens admin was arming Ukraine, preparing severe sanctions and warning of incoming Russian invasion.

Your argument that since Trump sent some javelins (and Biden has sent way more of), then therefore he would send in troops amid strong bi-partisan opposition is just a fantasy. Your conclusion is entirely baseless and fairly counterfactual given how Trump reacted to invasion and to this day has never called for troops on the ground.
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neo nazis are far left

Cool story, but why do they keep hanging out with rightwingers? Oh that's right, the whole white nationalism shit.

If Trump were still in office there would be no invasion or war to discuss because he would have continued fortifying Ukraine against invasion.

I cannot agree with the above.
First, it is mere speculation built on a layer of 'ifs'.

Personally, I would speculate that Trump would not have opposed Putin's actions. Trump would have justified Putin's invasion as a "peace keeping" endeavor to save ethnic Russians in the east, and Russian speakers throughout Ukraine from a 'corrupt and genocidal' regime in Kyiv. Don Trump would have bought into that fabrication. His record of obsequiousness towards Putin is well documented. I see little here to convince me he would have done a 180 on that behavior.

So far, I am content with America's actions in Ukraine, in the lead up to the invasion, and in the support role to NATO once the invasion was committed. Keep our soldiers and airmen out of harm's way.....but turn open the spigot of our arms manufacturers. Get those Javelins, Stingers, Switchblades, etc......into the hands of NATO and NATO can distribute as needed.

America...and the world....was required to be cautious with Vladimir Putin and his 6,000 nuclear weapons. Russia ain't disarmed Libya, or Sadam or the Taliban. Russia has the hammer those folks didn't. To be sure, we, and Britain, and France, et al, have hammers too. But such a hammer-fight...destroys much of our world. So caution is required. The stakes are unimaginably huge. Much bigger than just Ukraine.

This ongoing tragedy of Ukraine is the sorrowful result of the world's need for caution. If Putin didn't have nukes do you think his planes would still be allowed over Ukraine airspace? Do you think our Abrams tanks would NOT be in Ukraine? Do you think our Reapers & Predator with their Hellfires would not be turkey-shooting that Russian armor?

An atomic bomb......makes all the difference.

Sorry about that Ukraine. But that is the real reality. We all want you to drive Russia out, or make them pay such a tremendous cost in blood and treasure that you weaken them for a long long time. And yes, Ukraine, you too will pay a tremendous price too. But that is just the way it is. We/NATO will help you....to a point. But we fear mushroom clouds as much, or more, than you.
Cool story, but why do they keep hanging out with rightwingers? Oh that's right, the whole white nationalism shit.
I know democrats love to think that white nationalism means putting black people in chains

but that is a misrepresentation

white nationalism is recognition that the United States was founded on white culture and principles such as individual rights

which has been a blessing for all Americans of all races

white nationalism wants every racial group to share common values
I know democrats love to think that white nationalism means putting black people in chains

but that is a misrepresentation

white nationalism is recognition that the United States was founded on white culture and principles such as individual rights

which has been a blessing for all Americans of all races

white nationalism wants every racial group to share common values
Among your defense of white nationalism you forgot to actually answer the question.

You say neo-Nazis are leftwing, but can't explain why they keep hanging out among rightwingers.

You know who hangs out among fringy left-wingers? Antifa, which stands for anti-fasist/nazis.

What you are saying just does not match simple reality.
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Why is there support for Russia on the far right?
It should by acknowledged that most conservative Republicans are contemptuous of Putin, but there is a cult of trumpery, a lunatic fringe sympathetic to his brutal aggression.

1) Russia is under control of a far-right authoritarian regime that the radical rightists admire and wish to emulate, its infestation by oligarchs attesting to its abandonment of communism.​
2) There is an extremist element driven by the "Big Lie" and by the concomitant personal vendettas, grateful for Putin's help in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, and resentful of President's Zelenskyy's refusal to contrive fake criminal charges against Biden when pressured to do so by the withholding of vitally-needed military aid by Trump.​
3) The crackpots resent the U.S. again assuming leadership of NATO and other democratic nations in thwarting the brutal aggression of Trump's "savvy genius" - a restoration of America's international primacy in the cause of freedom and human rights.​
You say neo-Nazis are leftwing, but can't explain why they keep hanging out among rightwingers.
I never said that neo nazis were highly intelligent

they obviously dislike black people and accept the lie that republicans are anti black also

but they and you are wrong
BS bro. When are you party loyalist going to get it through you retarded brains. Trump sucked. Biden sucks. Going to war with Russia is stupid. Going to war with any country for things that do not pertain to us is equally stupid, for like 10,000 reasons.

WW2 is also what costs us a million lives. For what? To save Europe? Who cares about Europe. Who cares if Germany makes up 70% of Europe or 5%?
Does it bother you that we're not able to trade with the Roman empire? It should. Because people took over the Roman empire. And today, we don't even miss them.
Does it bother you that Mexico doesn't own Texas land now? Or that Russia still doesn't own California or Alaska?

You fuckwads act like Trump was sent from God. And Biden is the most powerful nincompoop in the world. He can't even tie his own friggin shoes.

Seriously, you party loyalist need to take a chill pill. 150 years of you morons ruining this country. Millions of our soldiers killed in wars that had nothing to do with our country. Hundreds of trillions spent on the MIC and lobbyist.
Lobbyist run DC and your republicans (and democrats).

Yall are seriously brainwashed. Trump needs to friggin retire. The GOP voters need to learn what a conservative actually is.
Even the simplistic retarded Chamberlain finally realized the Nazis would not stop after they invaded Poland.

If someone of your mindset had been in Charge of the USA back then we would all be speaking German today.

The only thing you are correct about is Biden. A total disaster.

Regarding Trump....I am on record stating that we need a younger guy.....I support Hawley of Mo or I would have no problem with Desantis of Florida or Cotton from Arkansas.

Even though I have always supported Trump.....I do not now think he should run again and he should throw his support to one of the three I mentioned.

Even though you are not sophisticated enough to even know what Isolationism is....that is exactly where you are coming from.

Do not get your panties in a wad over the possibility of us going to war with Russia....there is no chance of that happening....Putin just scared biden into believing that was a possibility....no one wants war between Russia and America.....not even putin.

Only morons believe there is a possibility of that.

I also must bring up the fact we did not have a million killed in WWII......you do not know your history and that doubtless contributes heavily to your inability to accurately analyze the current situation with Ukraine.

The Roman Empire? Mexico? You sound retarded or do you drink and post?
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I know democrats love to think that white nationalism means putting black people in chains

but that is a misrepresentation

white nationalism is recognition that the United States was founded on white culture and principles such as individual rights

which has been a blessing for all Americans of all races

white nationalism wants every racial group to share common values
The simple fact is that if the minorities take over the leadership of America that will mean the end of America....that is what they really want in their ignorance....not understanding that China or whoever would take over if the minorites manage to assume leadership for a brief period....would be far less kind to blacks than whites are.
I never said that neo nazis were highly intelligent

they obviously dislike black people and accept the lie that republicans are anti black also

but they and you are wrong
Republicans are way too optimistic about black folk.....now it is true some of them are waking up and by that I mean are beginning to see the light....aka conservatism is our only hope.

But many more of them need to shake off the shackles of the democratic partly.
I know democrats love to think that white nationalism means putting black people in chains

but that is a misrepresentation

white nationalism is recognition that the United States was founded on white culture and principles such as individual rights

which has been a blessing for all Americans of all races

white nationalism wants every racial group to share common values
It is true most Republicans think it is possible for us to live in harmony and equality with blacks....I along with Mr. Lincoln do not believe that.

I am not a republican.
There's not even a suggestion much less a plan to put US troops on the ground in Ukraine and never has been.
Exactly....even Ukraine does not want us to send soldiers.....all they want is support in terms of ammunition, weapons etc. to defend themselves.....they are willing to fight and die for their country....though outnubered several times over....they are outfighting the incompetent Russians and with logistical support....they will continue to defeat them.
Why is there support for Russia on the far right?

Those remaining true to the GOP establishment remember Putin as a vicious and sadistic thug working for the Soviet government and realize he hasn't changed.

However, the 74 million+ cultists idolize their leader, trump, and he idolizes Putin (and Kim Jong un). The trump cultists have no choice but to worship Putin as they worship trump.

What a jackass.
Exactly....even Ukraine does not want us to send soldiers.....all they want is support in terms of ammunition, weapons etc. to defend themselves.....they are willing to fight and die for their country....though outnubered several times over....they are outfighting the incompetent Russians and with logistical support....they will continue to defeat them.
Biden gives them just enough to stay in the fight, but not enough to win. Biden is a war criminal.
Even the simplistic retarded Chamberlain finally realized the Nazis would not stop after they invaded Poland.

If someone of your mindset had been in Charge of the USA back then we would all be speaking German today.

Again, Europe's problem. And Roosevelt shouldn't have stuck his nose in between China and Japan. It got a lot of people killed when Japan retaliated on Pearl Harbor. Roosevelt knew they would. That's why he did it. He was a pro war POS. Like most democrats.
You think like democrats. (and the Bush's)
The only thing you are correct about is Biden. A total disaster.

Regarding Trump....I am on record stating that we need a younger guy.....I support Hawley of Mo or I would have no problem with Desantis of Florida or Cotton from Arkansas.

Even though I have always supported Trump.....I do not now think he should run again and he should throw his support to one of the three I mentioned.

Even though you are not sophisticated enough to even know what Isolationism is....that is exactly where you are coming from.

Do not get your panties in a wad over the possibility of us going to war with Russia....there is no chance of that happening....Putin just scared biden into believing that was a possibility....no one wants war between Russia and America.....not even putin.

That's a good thing. But why make Biden out to be scared? That's childish. Maybe Biden isn't so dumb that he realizes the loss of American lives isn't worth saving Ukraine.
I also must bring up the fact we did not have a million killed in WWII......

I meant a million, as in a gazillion. You know, a shit ton of Americans killed fighting for Europe's freedom. I wasn't using a specific number.
I can't believe I had to set that straight.

you do not know your history and that doubtless contributes heavily to your inability to accurately analyze the current situation with Ukraine.

The current situation in Ukraine. "None of our business."
The Roman Empire? Mexico? You sound retarded or do you drink and post?

Ok, that was an easy point. Not easy enough, I suppose. Let me get my crayons out.

I'll explain it like Harris explained Ukraine. A long time ago (in a galaxy far far away), there was a country that others traded with. It was an established sovereign country. Then it was taken over by another country. Say Texas for example, it was once Mexico. Texans didn't like the way it was being governed, so they kick the crap out of their military and made it Texas, instead of Tejas. Now, we buy things made and grown from Texas from Texas.
Would it matter if Texas was still Tejas? If our entire lives, it had always been Tejas?
No, we'd never know the difference.
Did you get the point that time?

If Russia takes over Ukraine, is it going to really matter to any of us in even 5 years, or even less? No. Because we'll still be trading partners with Russia.
Biden gives them just enough to stay in the fight, but not enough to win. Biden is a war criminal.

Biden is owned by the military industrial complex. He shouldn't be giving them, or any country weapons and supplies.
It's none of our business who takes over who over there.
It's Europe problem.

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