Why is there support for Russia on the far right?

As you may one day discover there's lots of things we can do other than sending troops to dissuade bad actors like Putin from being willing to gamble everything for a war of conquest.

That is ignorant.
Russia has NEVER gone to war over conquest.
They have never conquered anyone, ever.
They have been involved in lots of wars, but it has always been defensive, like against the invasions by Napoleon, Hitler, and in this case, the US.
When Russia supported China, Vietnam, Korea, Cuba, Egypt, Syria, etc., was that for conquest?
No, it was to help others attacked by the evil US invaders.
It is only the imperial US that is trying to invade in order to turn other distant nations into colonial resource slaves.

The US took over the Ukraine in 2014, and has bribed Zelensky into deliberately provoking and starting this evil war, by trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border.
Biden is owned by the military industrial complex. He shouldn't be giving them, or any country weapons and supplies.
It's none of our business who takes over who over there.
It's Europe problem.

And the US should especially not be giving money or weapons to Zelensky, who stole oil, violated treaties, constantly tried to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, and deliberately started this war by cutting off negotiations.
It should by acknowledged that most conservative Republicans are contemptuous of Putin, but there is a cult of trumpery, a lunatic fringe sympathetic to his brutal aggression.

1) Russia is under control of a far-right authoritarian regime that the radical rightists admire and wish to emulate, its infestation by oligarchs attesting to its abandonment of communism.​
2) There is an extremist element driven by the "Big Lie" and by the concomitant personal vendettas, grateful for Putin's help in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, and resentful of President's Zelenskyy's refusal to contrive fake criminal charges against Biden when pressured to do so by the withholding of vitally-needed military aid by Trump.​
3) The crackpots resent the U.S. again assuming leadership of NATO and other democratic nations in thwarting the brutal aggression of Trump's "savvy genius" - a restoration of America's international primacy in the cause of freedom and human rights.​

I agree Russia is right wing and not left wing.
Stalin was never a communist but an extreme state capitalists.
The obvious point being massive inequality between the income of individuals.

In 1991, Russia dropped the pretense of communism completely, when it privatized before it democratized.

But Zelensky and the Ukraine are even more capitalists than Russia, essentially selling its strategic position on the Russian border, to steal oil from Russia and accept bribes from the US, at the same time.
There probably has never been anyone as corrupt as Zelensky, who deliberately forced this war.
All he had to do in order to prevent it was to keep negotiations with Moscow open.
And the US should especially not be giving money or weapons to Zelensky, who stole oil, violated treaties, constantly tried to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, and deliberately started this war by cutting off negotiations.

We shouldn't be giving weapons to anyone.
Biden is owned by the military industrial complex. He shouldn't be giving them, or any country weapons and supplies.
It's none of our business who takes over who over there.
It's Europe problem.
Nonsense....a hundred years ago you would not have been incorrect.

Some say a butterfly flapping its wings is the beginning of a hurricane....aka what happens in any part of the world today has the possibility of affecting America in a negative or positive manner.....it would be suicidal for us not to analyze everything going on in the world today and determine what sort of influence it may have on our national security....someone like you doubtless believed that a rag tag band of terrorists in backward Afghanistan posed any threat whatsoever to America....but look what they did.

A Russian incursion victory in Ukraine would threaten U.S. dominance over world affairs. By winning the Cold War, the United States established great influence over the international order, but that influence has waned in the past decade, and a Russian victory in Ukraine would accelerate that process

. By reinvigorating NATO, the United States may hope to slow that process down, or even reverse it.
We shouldn't be giving weapons to anyone.
Ridiculous....you are way too naive to have any credence whatsoever in your perception of what America needs to do.

Your mindset is one of being totally disconnected from the modern world and our National Security today.
Actually it's not true about the right favoring Russia here.

Even THEY realize that Putin's invasion and massacre of Ukrainians is a bridge too far

The bulk of Russian support is coming from actual Russian sock puppets. Which has the benefit of pointing out who they are.

It also points out that it has been THEM driving the anti-vaxxer argument (which the far right HAS fallen for)
Again, Europe's problem. And Roosevelt shouldn't have stuck his nose in between China and Japan. It got a lot of people killed when Japan retaliated on Pearl Harbor. Roosevelt knew they would. That's why he did it. He was a pro war POS. Like most democrats.
You think like democrats. (and the Bush's)

That's a good thing. But why make Biden out to be scared? That's childish. Maybe Biden isn't so dumb that he realizes the loss of American lives isn't worth saving Ukraine.

I meant a million, as in a gazillion. You know, a shit ton of Americans killed fighting for Europe's freedom. I wasn't using a specific number.
I can't believe I had to set that straight.

The current situation in Ukraine. "None of our business."

Ok, that was an easy point. Not easy enough, I suppose. Let me get my crayons out.

I'll explain it like Harris explained Ukraine. A long time ago (in a galaxy far far away), there was a country that others traded with. It was an established sovereign country. Then it was taken over by another country. Say Texas for example, it was once Mexico. Texans didn't like the way it was being governed, so they kick the crap out of their military and made it Texas, instead of Tejas. Now, we buy things made and grown from Texas from Texas.
Would it matter if Texas was still Tejas? If our entire lives, it had always been Tejas?
No, we'd never know the difference.
Did you get the point that time?

If Russia takes over Ukraine, is it going to really matter to any of us in even 5 years, or even less? No. Because we'll still be trading partners with Russia.
You have no point...at best you have some sort of childish fantasy....you have no concept of reality regarding world affairs at this point in our history most especially.

The more you post the more you reveal you are a die hard isolationist.....with all the reamifications of that regarding our National Security.

Bullshit. Russia invading Ukraine is no different than the US invading Iraq. We killed thousands of civilians, most with precision targeted munitions. The very definition of targeting civilians. So you can stuff that nonsense. Oddly Russia and China said nothing. That won't happen again thanks to Biden and idiots like you.

The difference is, I don't hold Russia to a different standard than the US. Hypocrites like you, do.
Wow can you say “I’m a simpleton”?
Actually it's not true about the right favoring Russia here.

Even THEY realize that Putin's invasion and massacre of Ukrainians is a bridge too far

The bulk of Russian support is coming from actual Russian sock puppets. Which has the benefit of pointing out who they are.

It also points out that it has been THEM driving the anti-vaxxer argument (which the far right HAS fallen for)
Sock Rogue AI
Do you not have complete mastery of the language? That might explain your lack of understanding.
I quoted you, and I don't understand the concept of language? You might want to rethink that. Either way, you not worth my time, with your silly and irrelevant nonsense.
If Trump were still in office there would be no invasion or war to discuss because he would have continued fortifying Ukraine against invasion.

NATO isn't doing anything, they can't without causing a huge escalation.
Furthermore, the price of oil would be under $50/bbl and Putin woulnd't have the money he needed to launch the invasion.
I quoted you, and I don't understand the concept of language? You might want to rethink that. Either way, you not worth my time, with your silly and irrelevant nonsense.
You quoted me, but either deliberately misrepresented what I said, or you just don’t understand the language. Which would explain your illogical narrative.
Why is there support for Russia on the far right?

Those remaining true to the GOP establishment remember Putin as a vicious and sadistic thug working for the Soviet government and realize he hasn't changed.

However, the 74 million+ cultists idolize their leader, trump, and he idolizes Putin (and Kim Jong un). The trump cultists have no choice but to worship Putin as they worship trump.

Leftism is causing a lot of strange bedfellows these days, so curb leftist activities, and the middle might become obtainable once more. Until leftism is put in check on their most radical bull crap, then the world will be fractured severely.
Leftism is causing a lot of strange bedfellows these days, so curb leftist activities, and the middle might become obtainable once more. Until leftism is put in check on their most radical bull crap, then the world will be fractured severely.
Far Left & Left supporting Arabs /Islamists over Israel ( The Tiny Quasi Socialist Dove Jewish State ) is baffling ...
Leftism is causing a lot of strange bedfellows these days, so curb leftist activities, and the middle might become obtainable once more. Until leftism is put in check on their most radical bull crap, then the world will be fractured severely.

And republicans (also) forgot to just mind their own business. No one here really cares about Russia or Ukraine.
Not that many may care about Ukraine the Nation.....but Americans (the great majority of them) care very much about the people of Ukraine and admire them greatly for being willig to stand up and fight for their freedom and the hatred of Putin and his cronies is growing by leaps and bounds.

It is almost unbelievable that in these times someone like putin is willing to engage in a horrendous attack on a civilian population.....absolutely horrific.

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