Why is there support for Russia on the far right?

When democrats start purposely targeting civilians with grid square artillery barrages, cluster bombs, and Thermobaric weapons in Red States you might be able to make that argument and not sound like a complete nut.

Normally I would agree with you, but they're not using those types of weapons, and they don't have to. They have much more powerful weapons, they own the media, they own much of the non-elected governmental positions, and they own the academia. It's all they need, and they're succeeding, little by little.
How about moral, ethical, and legal…

Let me put it another way.

Homeless druggies in this country. It's a problem. It's right here in almost every town in the USA. We can say we care. But what do we do about it? Send thoughts and prayers? No, we just say we care. But that doesn't actually mean we actually care.

Having an opinion, isn't caring.
Sending thoughts and prayers isn't caring.
Posting about it on some political forum isn't caring.
Sending a few bust to some charity, isn't caring.
Let me put it another way.

Homeless druggies in this country. It's a problem. It's right here in almost every town in the USA. We can say we care. But what do we do about it? Send thoughts and prayers? No, we just say we care. But that doesn't actually mean we actually care.

Having an opinion, isn't caring.
Sending thoughts and prayers isn't caring.
Posting about it on some political forum isn't caring.
Sending a few bust to some charity, isn't caring.
So you don’t care. We get it and WE don’t care what you think
I am a Republican, and while I haven't decided that Russia isn't the best thing since the invention of bread, Let me tell you my story.

I was with the best, most honest man I ever met in 2006 when we took an Illini alumni and American Historical Society cruise on the Baltic Sea that included stopping at 9 different countries, including a last stop in St. Petersburg to see Catherine the Great's shrine aka the Hermitage Museum, where we saw an astonishing array of artistic works by Renaissance artists including many artists from Leonardo da Vinci to the second largest collection of Rembrandt van Rijn's paintings in the world, second only to the Rikjsmuseum in Amsterdam, which we had already seen earlier on the cruise. Well, when our tour ended in St. Petersburg, in order to get back to the US, we were taken by bus to the Moscow airport to fly home. Because i had fibromyalgia pain, my husband purchased first class seats on the flight home for a premium. For reasons not known to us, we were put on the bumpy back seats of the Aeroflot, and I was in a lot of pain when we landed in New York. My husband wrote a letter to the owners of the airline which of course was the Russian government asking only for the difference of first class smooth flight and back-of-the-bus bang-up job. The Russian government stiffed us, resulting in severe pain for me and hand-wringing by my better half over my sufferings of this painful disease that incorporates screaming out loud pain 24/7/365, no breaks except for a few warm days in the summertime. In Wyoming where we lived, it's cold until the middle of June and often after August 15 or earlier. People joke that there are two seasons at our former state--winter and the 4th of July. lol. My dear husband died 10 years later, never got his hard-earned money back he paid for those tickets. Vladimir Putin got his letter and never responded with a fair deal for my family man.

So I do not care for Vladimir Putin ever since because his national plane flight ripped us off. And the way he's letting his troops murder civilians and children doesn't surprise me one bit. The man is a cold fish who hates everybody but his own people, and he is merciless in dealing with the common man. So much for the bolsheviks wannabe outcome. Fear rules that country.

The shoe fits the bum. He's lying his ass off trying to avoid censure by other world countries, and his spiel about considering nukes and poisonous kills if he doesn't get satisfaction from his defeat in the Ukraine did not go well with his European neighbors, several of whom he wants to be objects of his missiles if he doesn't get his power over countries with as few as a handful of Russian citizens living there from past wars who preferred free society.

If President Trump had enjoyed truth at the polls in 2020, he would have Putin standing in the corner. All this bullshit the Russians are putting out about the Ukraine playing dirty tricks on the murderers who've tossed aside any semblance of human rights for the Ukrainians is as much a hoax as the 2020 election was, and the truth will be known, just as the truth became known that Hillary's little get-even scheme to lawyer her adversary to oblivion with a phony baloney Steel Dossier, paid for by Hillary R. Clinton and another payment by the DNC. to destroy one of the best Presidents we've had since Ike Eisenhower in my lifetime.

I regret our $300 ripoff unrequited fell into Putin's pocket. But it was a lesson I needed to know 22 years later as Putin rips off the Ukraine of its native people. I sent more than that to the Red Cross effort in the Ukraine, and now, I gotta quit going to the grocery store because it's 6 miles to town and 6 miles back, so instead of going to the store 3 times a week, I'm cutting back to 1 every other week, which truly helps my gas budget stay lower than when I was paying $2.something a gallon. and there wasn't any inflation to speak of after Bambam. If I keep tightening my belt, I'll be able to send some more help to the Red Cross in Eastern Europe's plight of dealing with the unthinkable war initiated by Vladimir Putin of Russia. I pray for the entire continent, because now, they're facing Putin's chemical warfare threats, and he's angry because Zelenskyy didn't take a ride, he stuck it out with fighting them back.

Hope others will consider helping out the Red Cross that has taken on helping Poland deal with the extra 3 million refugees who landed there. It will take me 2 or 3 months to scrimp by in order to send those angels of mercy that the Red Cross is to help out that critical mass of people that now is knocking on the door of 4 million refugees from the Ukraine alone, the ones that didn't get vaporized by a missile, that is. :( So I pray y'all will pitch in, even if it's giving up a pack of cigarrettes a week, every little bit helps them get their strength renewed with a meal and a blanket. Bless you if you can, and bless you if you can only sent up a little prayer or even a kind thought to those who lost homes, farms, or businesses and had to carry their light sacks of dry clothes and a loaf of bread to get by on till they got to Poland, and their paths were frequently the targets of Putin's terminator missiles. Prayers up. :hands: And for those who suffer, :huddle:

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If anyone doesn't have any personal ties with the people in Ukraine, then you're support can only be political.
There are different kinds and levels of support.....you are over-simplyfing.

I could say your refusal to support Ukraine could only be political.
Let me put it another way.

Homeless druggies in this country. It's a problem. It's right here in almost every town in the USA. We can say we care. But what do we do about it? Send thoughts and prayers? No, we just say we care. But that doesn't actually mean we actually care.

Having an opinion, isn't caring.
Sending thoughts and prayers isn't caring.
Posting about it on some political forum isn't caring.
Sending a few bust to some charity, isn't caring.
I'm supporting a young woman with 4 elementary school children who had to get them away from their drugged-up dad who was talking and acting out of his head. One of the daughters has heinous psychological problems from the housing horror until her mom took her little flock out. I pay her good money to vaccuum my house twice a week when I have elder walk problems. Wish I could do more for her.
Let me put it another way.

Homeless druggies in this country. It's a problem. It's right here in almost every town in the USA. We can say we care. But what do we do about it? Send thoughts and prayers? No, we just say we care. But that doesn't actually mean we actually care.

Having an opinion, isn't caring.
Sending thoughts and prayers isn't caring.
Posting about it on some political forum isn't caring.
Sending a few bust to some charity, isn't caring.
define caring?
Why do you pin me into this group?
Obvious answer is.....Yes, I despise the POS trump. FACT. I despise trump.
Does that FACT make me a commie, Nazi, traitor, anti-American, BS you promote.

I understand the HATE you have, or maybe I don't.
Maybe you don't HATE, but posting History suggests you do ACTUALLY hate.
It's all in comparison's, otherwise you choose which is best, and who the true divider was or is, and then we'll go from there. We think Trump is best out of the current and past lot, but this is based upon the job as president by what he did, and not upon his personal life or past life.

Don't know if he finally had a come to Jesus moment in his life, and he decided to try harder to make up for lost time or what, but all's we know is that he was trying to make America AMERICA again, and it was working until someone threw the Covid bomb at us. We'll be back.
I'm pretty sure you know what it means.
I definitely know what it means.....but me thinks you do not.....and your avoidance of presenting a definition pretty much substantiates that.

I am on the verge of putting you on ignore.....too many of your posts do not measure up to the standard that one should expect on a message board.
Normally I would agree with you, but they're not using those types of weapons, and they don't have to. They have much more powerful weapons, they own the media, they own much of the non-elected governmental positions, and they own the academia. It's all they need, and they're succeeding, little by little.
All types of warfare..... I just wish the republican's weren't rhino's when it's crunch time.
And the US should especially not be giving money or weapons to Zelensky, who stole oil, violated treaties, constantly tried to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, and deliberately started this war by cutting off negotiations.
All of that of course are Kremlin lies being spewed by a sock puppet
I definitely know what it means.....but me thinks you do not.....and your avoidance of presenting a definition pretty much substantiates that.

I am on the verge of putting you on ignore.....too many of your posts do not measure up to the standard that one should expect on a message board.

Me posting a definition is simply ignoring your word games. You can't refute what I'm saying, so you change the focus to some arbitrary definition of a self explanatory word.

Sorry, I'm not into word games. If all you want to do is play word games with me, then please, by all means, put me on ignore.
Why is there support for Russia on the far right?

Those remaining true to the GOP establishment remember Putin as a vicious and sadistic thug working for the Soviet government and realize he hasn't changed.

However, the 74 million+ cultists idolize their leader, trump, and he idolizes Putin (and Kim Jong un). The trump cultists have no choice but to worship Putin as they worship trump.

/———/ Oh bullshyt. Get a life.
Why is there support for Russia on the far right?

Those remaining true to the GOP establishment remember Putin as a vicious and sadistic thug working for the Soviet government and realize he hasn't changed.

However, the 74 million+ cultists idolize their leader, trump, and he idolizes Putin (and Kim Jong un). The trump cultists have no choice but to worship Putin as they worship trump.

BertramN, FYI, I'm farther right than anybody else here who's been around for 12 years, which includes a couple of years of absence when my husband of 44 years passed away too soon. It took me a couple of years to get over and come back here, at which time I forgot the new "password" I was given before he died, so I had to get a new name and a password I could remember. I had still kept up with the news, and I was still "far right," as you call it. Even so, when you said "Why is there support for Russia on the far right?" that rings no bells at all in my experience. The one time my husband and I visited Russia on an alumni trip, it had elements of friendship and unbelievable betrayal of trust included in our experience there. My career in fiber art was well established by then. I loved seeing the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, and I'm certain it is one of the world's best-thought art museums that had unique artifacts such as one of the only surviving paintings/sculptures created by Leonardo Da Vinci, and almost as many Rembrandts as the Van Rijn Museum in Amsterdam, Holland dedicated to showing Rembrand's paintings, almost exclusively. I was very, very impressed with the staff of the Hermitage as I watched them telling a visitor not to use his flash camera again, because the light from them could alter the depth of color on ancient paintings. IOW, preservation of irreplacable treasures was their calling, no matter who was the ill-informed. And I really didn't know much about Putin at the time, except to notice in Russia, he is responsible for a lot of mouths to feed post all years after WWII. When our visit was over, our tour put us in the Moscow Airport to travel home. For reasons not known to me, when we got on the plane, they informed us that all the first class seats were taken, although we had paid for our first class ticket 3 months before our trip even started. They seated us in the last row, where it was cramped, uncomfortable, and bumpy all the way back to NYC, where we took our flight home on an American flight that did not cancel our first class accommodations. My husband promptly wrote a letter to the government in Moscow for a refund of his expenses that were not honored in reality. He never got a response back, so I realized someone in the government stole our trust when they expropriated our seats and gave them to somebody else and not feeling they had any intention of refunding us for their error or shennanigan against American travelers. I owned my own business, and not ever did I cheat anyone intentionally, but if they mentioned or we found an error on our part at the end of each day, their money was promptly returned with a substantial free merchandise gift certificate to show them that their business was appreciated, because when you hire people to treat customers well, you owe them money for their services, good or bad, with no judgment against them if they clean up their act, and a pink slip if they ever gave a customer a bad day, which was in their written job description they signed saying they understood the importance of good will to those who fed them with honest business transactions.

That said, I had no hatred for Russia, they simply had someone either pocketing refunds so cleverly no one could charge them, or whether they regularly cheated Americans. I will never know the answer to that, but I still held that the top dogs in any country, ours included, are responsible of fair and equal treatments with observance of human rights in the fairness quarter.

And as far right as I am, I'm well-informed about the slaughter of Ukrainians by the KGB inflicting starvation on people Stalin had no use for. And they were communists when they murdered anywhere between 20 million and 100 million (as some resources claim, I didn't make that up), Russian citizens in the Ukraine and elsewhere were put to their deaths in disrespect, hate, and likely information that favored Stalin, who ordered death to Russian citizens by the KGB. I believe from my readings that went on from the year 1930 to 1947. They terrorized anybody in the Russian satellites in Eastern Europe, as well as "Mother" Russia for criticizing Stalin or any of his henchmen in his small circle of supportive Oligarchs. Communism resulted in something far, far worse than the Bolsheviks murdering a benevolent Czar and his wife, and all of his children, close relatives, his staff, just like Maxine Waters' list of undesirables she claimed and sent people to stalk them in public places right after president Trump took office. They went after his staff, his staff, his extended family, and the President and his wife,and even his grade-school son, and her orders trickled down even to anyone on any street in America wearing a MAGA hat or t-shirt not to mention any vehicle bearing a Trump for President sticker, a MAGA support bumper sticker, and anyone inside such an inanimate object as a truck with a flag flying in the wind on a flagpole in the truck's backside.

I object to illegal and unconstitutional stalking for political reasons, whether right or left. It's just the wrong thing to do, and the House Speaker is not disciplining this criminal behavior in the least, which is her job to do. The current House Speaker should have been impeached yesterday, which smacks of crooked elections to put liars in the House and in the Senate, who really were not elected they were installed by means of stuffing the ballot boxes as was videoed in a Georgia precinct in which Democrats drove out the Republicans after midnight, and by three am. they had stuffed and re-inserted votes already counted. The video picked up on one Democrat precinct worker putting the same box of Democrat ballots in over and over and over up to 6 or 7 times. They had no one looking over their shoulders, because the head Democrat in Georgia informed the Republicans present that they were about to lock up, so they could go home. When the last one left, she returned to find out the doors were locked. She had no idea what was gong on in that precinct voting place, so she just went home. It wasn't until the video was discovered and shown in public and as a viral video viewed on millions of home computers.

If we don't get the cheating Democrat leadership out of Congress, we will never be a free people. Instead, the communists pulling these stunts will be so unpopular, their only reason for staying in power would be to kill their adversaries, just like the Russians did in 1917 and again from 1930 to 1947, and probably a few genocidal riddances between 1917 and 1930, and guess what. The Russians are doing it again in the Ukraine where the 1930s-1947 citizens were systematically genocided.

Not one single Republican far right or far left supports the Russian invasion of Ukraine. And not one single atheist in the Communist Party the Democrat Party has been converted to by their leadership will admit their crimes at the polls to get all that they are demanding, and if they are left alone and unpunished for their voting crimes, they will start killing us with Maxine Waters at the push button gas chamber. These Democrats are criminals and they need to be escorted out of Washington DC, and local governments in all 50 states if they are pulling deep state strings against anyone wearing a MAGA hat, shirt, or car sticker. Needless to say, we will deal with Putin's war crimes against Crimea, the Ukraine, and Poland, and any other country that doesn't want to be under the Ruskie killing thumb ever agiain.

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