Why is this election even close?

So Americans all have the same priorities?

Is that what you're saying, Trumpster?
He didn’t ask what “all Americans” priorities are, he just said Americans.

You don’t think at least the majority of Americans share priorities?
What are the priorities of Americans today?....
Since Biden, polls suggest most Americans consider the economy, inflation, supply chains, and the state of their 401ks and IRAs as the top priorities. There is simply no way anybody with brains or intellectual honesty can commend the Democrat approach or track record for any of those things. . .BUT. . .

The mainstream media minimalizes or quickly skips over news/facts that make a Democrat look bad but give intense coverage to what they see as Republican sins. And that may affect public perception.
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He didn’t ask what “all Americans” priorities are, he just said Americans.

You don’t think at least the majority of Americans share priorities?

I wish I hadn't even brought this up. This is depressing.

Not everyone thinks like you and your fellow Trumpsters in your orange universe. That's just reality.
The RCP has the generic congressional ballot at almost dead even today.

The GOP is running on liberty, lower taxes, secure borders, tough on violent crime, pro life, more choices, opportunity, prosperity for everybody.

The Dems are running on the right to unlimited abortion, transgendering kids, pushing CRT and LGBTX in schools, emptying prisons, defunding police, taking away fossil fuels and guns, government subsidy of every Democrat demographic.

Why is this election even close?
It's not uncommon for these polls to be skewed toward democrats. Why? Could be that republican voters are less likely to respond to telemarketing type calls among other reasons.

I wish I hadn't even brought this up. This is depressing.

Not everyone thinks like you and your fellow Trumpsters in your orange universe. That's just reality.
Wow, how insightful.

Clearly you are triggered. Have a drink or smoke something.
It's not uncommon for these polls to be skewed toward democrats. Why? Could be that republican voters are less likely to respond to telemarketing type calls among other reasons.
That was an issue raised by our local radio station just yesterday. They did some research and the Democrats have so weaponized all aspects of government, some conservatives/Patriots/Republicans are reluctant to answer polls honestly out of fear they'll be put on some kind of enemies list. And we know that doesn't come out of pure paranoia, but who knows how much that skews the results?
This is one of those threads that illustrates how hardcore wingers make absolutely zero (0) effort to accurately understand the priorities, perspectives and life experiences of Americans who dare to disagree with them. They just have no idea how other people think.

This infects both far ends of the spectrum, and this arrogant, willful ignorance is killing us, in real time.
Doesn’t matter. Both parties are the same. They are all a bunch of crooks.
The RCP has the generic congressional ballot at almost dead even today.

The GOP is running on liberty, lower taxes, secure borders, tough on violent crime, pro life, more choices, opportunity, prosperity for everybody.

The Dems are running on the right to unlimited abortion, transgendering kids, pushing CRT and LGBTX in schools, emptying prisons, defunding police, taking away fossil fuels and guns, government subsidy of every Democrat demographic.

Why is this election even close?
Because people on the other side don't believe the same things that you do and when it comes to inflation and the economy they don't think it is Biden's fault because the whole world is having a tough time or that it's the price we have to pay for sticking up for Ukraine. It's Putin's fault, with some Trump and Reagan mixed in. Couldn't possibly have anything to do with your home team being in charge. Besides, orange man bad.
Because people on the other side don't believe the same things that you do and when it comes to inflation and the economy they don't think it is Biden's fault because the whole world is having a tough time or that it's the price we have to pay for sticking up for Ukraine. It's Putin's fault, with some Trump and Reagan mixed in. Couldn't possibly have anything to do with your home team being in charge. Besides, orange man bad.
Boiled down to the basic fundamental, when we have a MSM that is largely a propaganda machine for one side and one side only, we have a largely uninformed electorate. Without a free and mostly impartial press, one side can pretty much control the message. The reason they wanted conservative talk radio silenced and/or the internet strictly controlled/censored was it gave them less control over the message.

A HUGE number of people aren't on message boards or social media though and far too many never heard of the Hunter Biden controversies before the 2020 election and way too many still don't know much, if anything, about that now. They don't know how horribly bad the situation at the border is or how precarious our economy is or any of the bad stuff that is routine for those of us on message boards and social media. They are not informed because a Democrat controlled media won't report much of anything that makes Democrats look bad. And if they do, they put a spin on it that infers that Republicans are the real culprits.
Boiled down to the basic fundamental, when we have a MSM that is largely a propaganda machine for one side and one side only, we have a largely uninformed electorate. Without a free and mostly impartial press, one side can pretty much control the message. The reason they wanted conservative talk radio silenced and/or the internet strictly controlled/censored was it gave them less control over the message.

A HUGE number of people aren't on message boards or social media though and far too many never heard of the Hunter Biden controversies before the 2020 election and way too many still don't know much, if anything, about that now. They don't know how horribly bad the situation at the border is or how precarious our economy is or any of the bad stuff that is routine for those of us on message boards and social media. They are not informed because a Democrat controlled media won't report much of anything that makes Democrats look bad. And if they do, they put a spin on it that infers that Republicans are the real culprits.
You know it's bad when the MSM can't sweep it under the rug anymore.

I wish I hadn't even brought this up. This is depressing.

Not everyone thinks like you and your fellow Trumpsters in your orange universe. That's just reality.
enjoy then the high gas and groceries the buydem criminal organization has given you
The RCP has the generic congressional ballot at almost dead even today.

The GOP is running on liberty, lower taxes, secure borders, tough on violent crime, pro life, more choices, opportunity, prosperity for everybody.

The Dems are running on the right to unlimited abortion, transgendering kids, pushing CRT and LGBTX in schools, emptying prisons, defunding police, taking away fossil fuels and guns, government subsidy of every Democrat demographic.

Why is this election even close?

Simple as this, if it is actually close----------------> big cities are going to vote Democratic because they have been all in on their nonsense. If they reverse course now, the big cities and blue states would collapse. Add to that, low income people in these big cities do not have 401Ks, stockmarket investments, and in fact are collecting subsidies that they believe will be lowered, lessened, or maybe removed if Democrats lose power, and there you have it. Understand, that small business owners and many blue collar workers have gone to the GOP. What the Left has now is the very rich, and the very poor, or at least moderately poor. The rich and very rich, because they think they are brilliant; and the poor, to sustain their handouts that they are afraid will disappear.

For the GOP to actually hose the Democrats, you are going to need MASSIVE turnout in collar counties, flipping representation to red, anywhere possible. And that STILL may not be enough to win senate seats or governorships, as the big cities and their machines are going to go blue.

Look at it a different way--------------->do you think that people who seen the light and left New York, Illinois, California, and a host of other states are more inclined to vote red, or blue in the states they evacuated to? So this means, what remains in these evacuated states lean even more Left! So yep, it is even closer than you think!

If anyone here in a blue state that lives in a red district of that state finds like minded individuals not wanting to vote, drag them, bribe them, drive them. This is NOT in the bag! Although, in fairness, in the area I live in, many Democrats are saying they are holding their nose and voting GOP this time around because of the condition of the country.

Do I believe them, lol? Maybe, maybe not; which is why I am going to drag, bribe, and drive as many people to the polls who think like me! If we can't win this time pulling out all of the stops, it is over. That is a FACT! And if we wake up the day after and find we lost, there is no longer a reason to fight because the economy is supposed to be the driving factor in most elections, AKA........pocketbook issues. So spend the day, and do the best you can. And remember this------------->if the GOP loses under these conditions with all of us trying as hard as we can, then come 2024..............not Trump, nor Desantis, not Jesus Christ coming back to run in the GOP primary will beat a Democrat. That is pure electoral math we must all accept, like it or not! I will make my stand here as the odds favor us to see what other Americans think. Should it fail, the writing will be on the wall, and we must re-evaluate our confidence in the rest of the country.
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Doesn’t matter. Both parties are the same. They are all a bunch of crooks.
I see no good options from either side all the way down to the local level.
The two parties claim to be for the people, as they enrich themselves, and both use government to attempt to control behavior.
Both have led this house of cards into soaring crippling debt, and neither has the balls to make the tough decisions to stop the cycle of wasteful frivolous spending.
I despise the D's in office, but I really can't stomach the GOP either. Trump will not get my vote again, that ship has sailed.
He only got my vote to piss on the Swamp called DC.
The Swamp won.
I live in MN.
Sure bet, that Omar, Keith Ellison and Governor Walz will easily win here based on one issue.
The ads are relentless and out of state money is flowing in to feed the DFL here.

It's like everyone here completely forgot about the economy, shutdowns, vaccine mandates, and the Summer of Love or Omar's crazy statements.
This election is not close, not by a long shot! :nono:
Simple as this, if it is actually close----------------> big cities are going to vote Democratic because they have been all in on their nonsense. If they reverse course now, the big cities and blue states would collapse. Add to that, low income people in these big cities do not have 401Ks, stockmarket investments, and in fact are collecting subsidies that they believe will be lowered, lessened, or maybe removed if Democrats lose power, and there you have it. Understand, that small business owners and many blue collar workers have gone to the GOP. What the Left has now is the very rich, and the very poor, or at least moderately poor. The rich and very rich, because they think they are brilliant; and the poor, to sustain their handouts that they are afraid will disappear.

For the GOP to actually hose the Democrats, you are going to need MASSIVE turnout in collar counties, flipping representation to red, anywhere possible. And that STILL may not be enough to win senate seats or governorships, as the big cities and their machines are going to go blue.

Look at it a different way--------------->do you think that people who seen the light and left New York, Illinois, California, and a host of other states are more inclined to vote red, or blue in the states they evacuated to? So this means, what remains in these evacuated states lean even more Left! So yep, it is even closer than you think!

If anyone here in a blue state that lives in a red district of that state finds like minded individuals not wanting to vote, drag them, bribe them, drive them. This is NOT in the bag! Although, in fairness, in the area I live in, many Democrats are saying they are holding their nose and voting GOP this time around because of the condition of the country.

Do I believe them, lol? Maybe, maybe not; which is why I am going to drag, bribe, and drive as many people to the polls who think like me! If we can't win this time pulling out all of the stops, it is over. That is a FACT! And if we wake up the day after and find we lost, there is no longer a reason to fight because the economy is supposed to be the driving factor in most elections, AKA........pocketbook issues. So spend the day, and do the best you can. And remember this------------->if the GOP loses under these conditions with all of us trying as hard as we can, then come 2024..............not Trump, nor Desantis, not Jesus Christ coming back to run in the GOP primary will beat a Democrat. That is pure electoral math we must all accept, like it or not! I will make my stand here as the odds favor us to see what other Americans think. Should it fail, the writing will be on the wall, and we must re-evaluate our confidence in the rest of the country.
That's a sad commentary on our country but I don't necessarily disagree with most of it.

Large corporations vote Democrat because the Democrats will continue to favor them in return for large contributions. At the same time the Democrats continue to impose all manner of restrictions, regulations, taxes etc. on the smaller competitors of those large corporations. The GOP may not ruffle the feathers of the big guys either but they do tend to encourage and promote the small businesses and give them more of a fighting chance to compete.

More than 2 million federal employees will vote mostly Democrat because the Democrats never question them or threaten them if they aren't doing their jobs. The big unions contribute to and promote Democrats because they are given almost unlimited power under Democrat rule. Farmers are more torn because some GOP policies are favorable to them but they really look more to Democrats for lucrative subsidies.

And for the working class, it all depends on how informed they are. If they believe the Democrats and MSM that all their miseries are due to Republicans. . .

And if they have been able to see through that crapola and see why the Republican agenda is better for everybody. . .

I honestly don't know where everybody is on this at this time. My Democrat friends and relatives seem to be doing somewhat less Republican bashing these days, but does that mean they'll vote red? I don't know.

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