Why Is Trump At War With Everyone...Except Russia?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
I mean, he's (Donald Trump) at war with the intelligence committee, he's at war with the press, he's at war with Republicans & Democrats that are critical of him, and the only people he isn't at war with - are the Russians. He LIKES the Russians.

Something is very wrong here. Why is that?
He isn't at war with the people that elected him. The press and the intelligence community have shown themselves to be pawns of the Democratic Party. It was the intelligence community that leaked the fake report to the news media that Trump totally destroyed today.
Why Is Trump At War With Everyone...Except Russia?

Wrong question. Globalists started their war against Trump. Russia is against globalism. Here is what Russians think about Trump:

For the first time we have a clear and ideologically completed alternative to the policy of the last decades , which even Americans consider to be a failure .

Trump’s ideology is a departure from the destructive globalization of recent years in favor of a healthy American isolationism.

Like any normal American isolationist , Trump calls for strengthening America. Its military domination has to be the undisputed.

His vision is based on the fact that America needs to pursue its own interests and not impose its values .

No matter what you think about Trump one has to admit : his brief declaration of foreign policy is the only intelligible coherent and adequate one to the reality of American doctrine in the last 30 years.

Trump formulated the American anti-globalization and patriotic alternative. An alternative to the forces and interests that have been activated by Ukrainian coup, which goal was to create a self-reproducing mechanism of the Cold War. Trump’s attempt to stifle this mechanism promises not to be good for Trump. However, the failure of this attempt does not promise anything good for America.

Translated from:
Аналитическая программа «Однако» с Михаилом Леонтьевым. Новости. Первый канал
I'm loving Trump so far. It's about damn time imo.

Also, I sincerely hope he chews the press up and spits those bastards out in the nearest honey pot. (I've disliked the MSM's bullshit for a very, very long time)
Trump is only at war with those who are at war with him. Last I checked Russia isn't at war with Trump, so Trump isn't at war with them or Putin. Now as far as these butt hurt libs and repubs go, well now that's a different story.
Look at all these shitbag progs who want war with Russia!

What the actual fuck is wrong with you people?
I mean, he's (Donald Trump) at war with the intelligence committee, he's at war with the press, he's at war with Republicans & Democrats that are critical of him, and the only people he isn't at war with - are the Russians. He LIKES the Russians.

Something is very wrong here. Why is that?

As if we already didn't know, the Trumpster has such thin-skin that ANYONE who gives him even the smallest slight, becomes an enemy....He is even at war with Meryll Streep, Arnold, some union guy in Ohio, etc., etc........Want for Trump to like you?......Just tell him he is the greatest fuckhead that ever walked the planet (he'll just hear the "greatest" part of that statement.)

Kidding aside, Putin wants Donald in because Trump's ego is easy picking.
I mean, he's (Donald Trump) at war with the intelligence committee, he's at war with the press, he's at war with Republicans & Democrats that are critical of him, and the only people he isn't at war with - are the Russians. He LIKES the Russians.

Something is very wrong here. Why is that?
he likes you Marc....i heard him say to a reporter...."Marc of Atlanta....he is a good guy".....
Because the old order is at war with the new.

Who stands to lose the most if Russia and America are allies instead of enemies?

This is exactly what I mean when I say the party system warps critical thinking.

The left should be ecstatic...reduced probability of nuclear war, more stability and high probability of peace. Instead they are the opposite. Angered by the prospect, using propaganda to increase instability, increase the power of the pentagon, the CIA and the military-industrial complex. The liberals are playing the fool...pawns of the very system they hate.

Many of us don't want to be at war with the Russians. It's a lose-lose situation. I'm no big fan of Putin but he has made some pretty good points about us being belligerent towards Russia.

I mean, he's (Donald Trump) at war with the intelligence committee, he's at war with the press, he's at war with Republicans & Democrats that are critical of him, and the only people he isn't at war with - are the Russians. He LIKES the Russians.

Something is very wrong here. Why is that?

As if we already didn't know, the Trumpster has such thin-skin that ANYONE who gives him even the smallest slight, becomes an enemy....He is even at war with Meryll Streep, Arnold, some union guy in Ohio, etc., etc........Want for Trump to like you?......Just tell him he is the greatest fuckhead that ever walked the planet (he'll just hear the "greatest" part of that statement.)

Kidding aside, Putin wants Donald in because Trump's ego is easy picking.
I mean, he's (Donald Trump) at war with the intelligence committee, he's at war with the press, he's at war with Republicans & Democrats that are critical of him, and the only people he isn't at war with - are the Russians. He LIKES the Russians.

Something is very wrong here. Why is that?

These flip floppers all of a sudden love Puttin, so funny to watch...

I mean, he's (Donald Trump) at war with the intelligence committee, he's at war with the press, he's at war with Republicans & Democrats that are critical of him, and the only people he isn't at war with - are the Russians. He LIKES the Russians.

Something is very wrong here. Why is that?
lol Actually, it is the intelligence services, the MSM, the Democrats and a few Republicans he handled roughly who have declared war on Trump while he seeks ways to reach mutually beneficial ways to engage Russia. If he were a politician he would be eager to step in front of the cameras and say tough things about Russia and Putin because a politician's career depends more on appearances than acomplishments, but Trump is a pragmatist whose career in business depended on accomplishments more than appearances, so while some are talking tough without thinking about the consequences, Trump is thinking about how to accomplish the best result with Russia.
I mean, he's (Donald Trump) at war with the intelligence committee, he's at war with the press, he's at war with Republicans & Democrats that are critical of him, and the only people he isn't at war with - are the Russians. He LIKES the Russians.

Something is very wrong here. Why is that?

These flip floppers all of a sudden love Puttin, so funny to watch...


More.fake news......since when did you libs love starting wars all the fucking time?
Democrats are all too ready to go to war with white countries just because, but they refused to fight in Vietnam to defeat communism.
but Trump is a pragmatist whose career in business depended on accomplishments more than appearances, so while some are talking tough without thinking about the consequences, Trump is thinking about how to accomplish the best result with Russia.

Nonsense.......Take your "theory" a step further......North Korea is a nuclear threat to us...so, what does Trump do? The Donald insults China at every turn....China, the ONLY possible superpower that has ANY influence on the madman in N. Korea.
I mean, he's (Donald Trump) at war with the intelligence committee, he's at war with the press, he's at war with Republicans & Democrats that are critical of him, and the only people he isn't at war with - are the Russians. He LIKES the Russians.

Something is very wrong here. Why is that?[/
progressives are always wrong
I mean, he's (Donald Trump) at war with the intelligence committee, he's at war with the press, he's at war with Republicans & Democrats that are critical of him, and the only people he isn't at war with - are the Russians. He LIKES the Russians.

Something is very wrong here. Why is that?

Uhh, because he's NOT owned by Russia?
I mean, he's (Donald Trump) at war with the intelligence committee, he's at war with the press, he's at war with Republicans & Democrats that are critical of him, and the only people he isn't at war with - are the Russians. He LIKES the Russians.

Something is very wrong here. Why is that?
Because you're an idiot.

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