Why Is Trump At War With Everyone...Except Russia?

I mean, he's (Donald Trump) at war with the intelligence committee, he's at war with the press, he's at war with Republicans & Democrats that are critical of him, and the only people he isn't at war with - are the Russians. He LIKES the Russians.

Something is very wrong here. Why is that?
You're confused. They are at war with him. They are douche bags who are afraid of losing their privilege.
I mean, he's (Donald Trump) at war with the intelligence committee, he's at war with the press, he's at war with Republicans & Democrats that are critical of him, and the only people he isn't at war with - are the Russians. He LIKES the Russians.

Something is very wrong here. Why is that?
he likes you Marc....i heard him say to a reporter...."Marc of Atlanta....he is a good guy".....
Hahaha...well, I don't hate the guy. But he's horrendous for the country.
The Loose Cannon in Chief lost control of himself again today. I fully expect him to give himself a heart attack within 6 months. The final straw will probably be something like Rosie O'Donnell criticizing him about something.
The Loose Cannon in Chief lost control of himself again today. I fully expect him to give himself a heart attack within 6 months. The final straw will probably be something like Rosie O'Donnell criticizing him about something.
Telling the truth is losing control?
I mean, he's (Donald Trump) at war with the intelligence committee, he's at war with the press, he's at war with Republicans & Democrats that are critical of him, and the only people he isn't at war with - are the Russians. He LIKES the Russians.

Something is very wrong here. Why is that?

As if we already didn't know, the Trumpster has such thin-skin that ANYONE who gives him even the smallest slight, becomes an enemy....He is even at war with Meryll Streep, Arnold, some union guy in Ohio, etc., etc........Want for Trump to like you?......Just tell him he is the greatest fuckhead that ever walked the planet (he'll just hear the "greatest" part of that statement.)

Kidding aside, Putin wants Donald in because Trump's ego is easy picking.
So you think accusing him of having prostitutes give him golden showers is a "small slight?"

Normal Americans piss on douche bags like you.
I mean, he's (Donald Trump) at war with the intelligence committee, he's at war with the press, he's at war with Republicans & Democrats that are critical of him, and the only people he isn't at war with - are the Russians. He LIKES the Russians.

Something is very wrong here. Why is that?

He's psychotic. He has been so far removed from the real world for so long that he no longer realizes what the real world is.
You're describing Obama, of course. He has been sequestered away among his WH staff for so long he has become crazy enough to think people really care about what he has to say.

You're an idiot of course. You couldn't be more of an idiot if you let me write your posts for you with the intention of portraying you as an idiot.
lol Nope, when Obama campaigned for Clinton, no one paid any attention to him, not even black voters. He and you just don't understand how completely irrelevant he has become.
The Loose Cannon in Chief lost control of himself again today. I fully expect him to give himself a heart attack within 6 months. The final straw will probably be something like Rosie O'Donnell criticizing him about something.
I think the media piss drinkers are the ones who lost control. They are so desperate to destroy Trump that they are humiliating themselves into bankruptcy.
I mean, he's (Donald Trump) at war with the intelligence committee, he's at war with the press, he's at war with Republicans & Democrats that are critical of him, and the only people he isn't at war with - are the Russians. He LIKES the Russians.

Something is very wrong here. Why is that?
he likes you Marc....i heard him say to a reporter...."Marc of Atlanta....he is a good guy".....
Hahaha...well, I don't hate the guy. But he's horrendous for the country.
you dont know that yet Marc....he just might surprise everyone....like i did bush and obama,ill give the guy the benefit of the doubt and actually wait until he sits behind the desk before i start in on the guy....
Trump wants to piss you off.

Great, he'll then go down as the "president who pissed off the most people on the planet"..
(except, of course, for idiots, like you)
Apparently you believe leftwing piss drinking douche bags like you are far more numerous than you actually are. The public is laughing at the media, moron. They aren't angry with Trump.
I mean, he's (Donald Trump) at war with the intelligence committee, he's at war with the press, he's at war with Republicans & Democrats that are critical of him, and the only people he isn't at war with - are the Russians. He LIKES the Russians.

Something is very wrong here. Why is that?
he likes you Marc....i heard him say to a reporter...."Marc of Atlanta....he is a good guy".....
Hahaha...well, I don't hate the guy. But he's horrendous for the country.
Yeah, right. You're as credible as CNN.
Russia doesn't hate America as much as democrats do. They have had 8 years to replace Americans with democrats. They have packed the media and intelligence agencies with operatives. Trump is applying some disinfectant.

There's an easy exercise to do to really understand how wacked out people like the above poster are.

Just imagine that the Russians had meddled in our election for the purpose of getting Hillary Clinton elected.

Imagine then what they'd be posting. Not a single fucking one of them would be holding the same opinions they're tossing around now.

That's how fucked up these jackwads are.

Nice to meet ya kettle....
The Loose Cannon in Chief lost control of himself again today. I fully expect him to give himself a heart attack within 6 months. The final straw will probably be something like Rosie O'Donnell criticizing him about something.
I think the media piss drinkers are the ones who lost control. They are so desperate to destroy Trump that they are humiliating themselves into bankruptcy.

I mean, he's (Donald Trump) at war with the intelligence committee, he's at war with the press, he's at war with Republicans & Democrats that are critical of him, and the only people he isn't at war with - are the Russians. He LIKES the Russians.

Something is very wrong here. Why is that?
Trump wants to piss you off.
It seems to be working.
What gives you the impression that I'm pissed off?
I mean, he's (Donald Trump) at war with the intelligence committee, he's at war with the press, he's at war with Republicans & Democrats that are critical of him, and the only people he isn't at war with - are the Russians. He LIKES the Russians.

Something is very wrong here. Why is that?

Why do you lefties hate Russia so much? My guess is you don't even know why. Maybe they are too white for your liking?

Remember when McCain wanted us to go to war with Russia over their incursion with Georgia? McCain, Bush, and Clinton are all onboard with the Globalist Agenda, the American people are not.
Where do you see anything I stated about going to war with Russia?

WTF is wrong with you, have you lost your cotton pickin' mind?
Russia doesn't hate America as much as democrats do. They have had 8 years to replace Americans with democrats. They have packed the media and intelligence agencies with operatives. Trump is applying some disinfectant.

There's an easy exercise to do to really understand how wacked out people like the above poster are.

Just imagine that the Russians had meddled in our election for the purpose of getting Hillary Clinton elected.

Imagine then what they'd be posting. Not a single fucking one of them would be holding the same opinions they're tossing around now.

That's how fucked up these jackwads are.

What did they do when it became public knowledge that Ted Kennedy conspired with the Russians for them to interfere in our elections?
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