Why is Trump fighting the recounts?

How does a recount undermine Trumps election? If the system was rigged against him then the results would either show that there was no rigging or there would be results in his favor... What damage is being done?

Soros seeks to create the impression that the election of Trump was not legitimate, The lies told by Stein on behalf of her master is that "DA RUSKIES HAXORED IT." It's complete stupidity of course, but Soros only seeks to spread FUD.

Fear, uncertainty, and doubt. Soros desires to create chaos as a means of undermining the American system.
Please explain how this "illegitimate" message is being spread? I don't see it that why and I'm not getting the impression that people are getting that impression from her actions. She just seems whacko and attention seeking... Again I will ask, wouldn't the results of this recount only help Trump if the system was rigged against him?
Are you being obtuse on purpose? What do you not understand that it is nothing more than a counting of ballots, no examination for fraud. Period. If you continue with your question I know you don't care about facts, just want others to fall for your erroneous line.

Trump won, that is accepted, Clinton conceded... If Stein is going to pay millions to do a recount then why not capitalize on it and try and expose corruption if any exisits? The people having to do the recounts are getting paid, they aren't complaining... Trump is the one spending money on lawyers trying to block the recount... put that money into trying to expose the rigged system he campaigned against. why not? STILL NOBODY HAS ANSWERED

George Soros seeks to undermine the Trump Presidency in exactly the same way he did with Bush. Soros funded titular Communist Stein to lead a recount effort that benefits only the democratic party. The Green (Communist) Party has disavowed their own candidate over the clear fact she is a DNC shill. Green Party Members Disavow Jill Stein's Recount Fundraising Strategy | RedState

Soros is attempting to discredit the president elect and give legitimacy to the obstructionist acts he is planning to engage in. Soros like his mentor Pol Pot, uses demagoguery as his primary tool. The Khmer Rouge democrats are owned by Soros as his personal property and will do exactly as ordered. Soros bought Stein as part of a campaign to thwart the goals of Trump.

The Khmer Rouge usually loses in open contests, but they engage in slander and libel to undermine the opposition. This is what the Khmer Rouge democrats are doing now.
How does a recount undermine Trumps election? If the system was rigged against him then the results would either show that there was no rigging or there would be results in his favor... What damage is being done?
I've answered that many times... Tired of repeating myself.
You must be getting paid. Soros group?

Are you being obtuse on purpose? What do you not understand that it is nothing more than a counting of ballots, no examination for fraud. Period. If you continue with your question I know you don't care about facts, just want others to fall for your erroneous line.

Trump won, that is accepted, Clinton conceded... If Stein is going to pay millions to do a recount then why not capitalize on it and try and expose corruption if any exisits? The people having to do the recounts are getting paid, they aren't complaining... Trump is the one spending money on lawyers trying to block the recount... put that money into trying to expose the rigged system he campaigned against. why not? STILL NOBODY HAS ANSWERED

George Soros seeks to undermine the Trump Presidency in exactly the same way he did with Bush. Soros funded titular Communist Stein to lead a recount effort that benefits only the democratic party. The Green (Communist) Party has disavowed their own candidate over the clear fact she is a DNC shill. Green Party Members Disavow Jill Stein's Recount Fundraising Strategy | RedState

Soros is attempting to discredit the president elect and give legitimacy to the obstructionist acts he is planning to engage in. Soros like his mentor Pol Pot, uses demagoguery as his primary tool. The Khmer Rouge democrats are owned by Soros as his personal property and will do exactly as ordered. Soros bought Stein as part of a campaign to thwart the goals of Trump.

The Khmer Rouge usually loses in open contests, but they engage in slander and libel to undermine the opposition. This is what the Khmer Rouge democrats are doing now.
How does a recount undermine Trumps election? If the system was rigged against him then the results would either show that there was no rigging or there would be results in his favor... What damage is being done?
I've answered that many times... Tired of repeating myself.
(1) The recounts are a means to attempt to undermine and delegitimize the Trump Administration.
(2) It is a money raising enterprise.
(3) It serves to keep the donors to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation from requesting their money back.
(4) It gives Hillary a means to continue to solicit money from donors to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation by making the donors believe she will run again in 2020 and that they will recoup their money after she is finally elected.
(5) It is a means whereby Hillary is punishing those who voted against her and cost her the Electorial College votes by forcing them to pay for the recounts.
Fine, then why not throw it back in their faces and expose how the liberals/Dems rigged the system and stole votes from Trump or gave illegal votes to Clinton?? NOBODY has answered this yet.

Why not simply accept the results of the election and allow the country and those folks having to mrecount theses votes when they could be doing other business, to simply move on?
Trump won, that is accepted, Clinton conceded... If Stein is going to pay millions to do a recount then why not capitalize on it and try and expose corruption if any exisits? The people having to do the recounts are getting paid, they aren't complaining... Trump is the one spending money on lawyers trying to block the recount... put that money into trying to expose the rigged system he campaigned against. why not? STILL NOBODY HAS ANSWERED

Well, you just answered your own question. The rest of us simply consider the election old news. It's over. Move on.
Jesus man, do you really not get this?? Im not talking about the election!!!! I'm talking about the rigging in the voting process that Trump claimed was against him. The recount should expose this, perhaps spur reason for deeper investigation into the millions of illegal votes he claimed were cast... get it now?
You must be getting paid. Soros group?

Are you being obtuse on purpose? What do you not understand that it is nothing more than a counting of ballots, no examination for fraud. Period. If you continue with your question I know you don't care about facts, just want others to fall for your erroneous line.

Trump won, that is accepted, Clinton conceded... If Stein is going to pay millions to do a recount then why not capitalize on it and try and expose corruption if any exisits? The people having to do the recounts are getting paid, they aren't complaining... Trump is the one spending money on lawyers trying to block the recount... put that money into trying to expose the rigged system he campaigned against. why not? STILL NOBODY HAS ANSWERED

George Soros seeks to undermine the Trump Presidency in exactly the same way he did with Bush. Soros funded titular Communist Stein to lead a recount effort that benefits only the democratic party. The Green (Communist) Party has disavowed their own candidate over the clear fact she is a DNC shill. Green Party Members Disavow Jill Stein's Recount Fundraising Strategy | RedState

Soros is attempting to discredit the president elect and give legitimacy to the obstructionist acts he is planning to engage in. Soros like his mentor Pol Pot, uses demagoguery as his primary tool. The Khmer Rouge democrats are owned by Soros as his personal property and will do exactly as ordered. Soros bought Stein as part of a campaign to thwart the goals of Trump.

The Khmer Rouge usually loses in open contests, but they engage in slander and libel to undermine the opposition. This is what the Khmer Rouge democrats are doing now.
How does a recount undermine Trumps election? If the system was rigged against him then the results would either show that there was no rigging or there would be results in his favor... What damage is being done?
I've answered that many times... Tired of repeating myself.
haha, damn you got me!
No, im just bored and procrastinating on some projects i need to work on...
(1) The recounts are a means to attempt to undermine and delegitimize the Trump Administration.
(2) It is a money raising enterprise.
(3) It serves to keep the donors to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation from requesting their money back.
(4) It gives Hillary a means to continue to solicit money from donors to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation by making the donors believe she will run again in 2020 and that they will recoup their money after she is finally elected.
(5) It is a means whereby Hillary is punishing those who voted against her and cost her the Electorial College votes by forcing them to pay for the recounts.
Fine, then why not throw it back in their faces and expose how the liberals/Dems rigged the system and stole votes from Trump or gave illegal votes to Clinton?? NOBODY has answered this yet.

Why not simply accept the results of the election and allow the country and those folks having to mrecount theses votes when they could be doing other business, to simply move on?
Trump won, that is accepted, Clinton conceded... If Stein is going to pay millions to do a recount then why not capitalize on it and try and expose corruption if any exisits? The people having to do the recounts are getting paid, they aren't complaining... Trump is the one spending money on lawyers trying to block the recount... put that money into trying to expose the rigged system he campaigned against. why not? STILL NOBODY HAS ANSWERED

Well, you just answered your own question. The rest of us simply consider the election old news. It's over. Move on.
Jesus man, do you really not get this?? Im not talking about the election!!!! I'm talking about the rigging in the voting process that Trump claimed was against him. The recount should expose this, perhaps spur reason for deeper investigation into the millions of illegal votes he claimed were cast... get it now?

I do get it. You're butt hurt and trying everything in the world hoping someway something will be found to overturn the election. That's really the whole gist of it.
I am getting bored, so I'll layout how Trump fixes this. You pass a bill in Congress mandating photo IDs to vote. Then you wait for a Supreme Court challenge from a conservative court appointed by Trump.
I'm fine with that... never had a problem with voters showing an ID to vote and perhaps an alternative path for those who don't have ID's... Lets just admit that Trumps calls of a rigged voting system was BS. He was hedging his bet in the case that he lost... this flip flop of him now suing to block the recount proves it or else he would welcome the investigation which would prove his claims and give him more votes.

Well it took 78 posts, but finally your true intentions are revealed. :lol:

Trump is PROTECTING the integrity of those who voted for him in the election. The best reason to cancel the recount came from Stein herself who admitted no fraud was evident in the three states she filed in. You continue to lie about what a recount can prove. It simply adds up votes to check against original totals. No fraud, other than more votes than there are registered voters in the precinct is possible. You have admitted I am right on most of those points, but the lie goes on.
He said he would accept the results if he won..

He won, he didn't necessarily accept the results as he's claiming the election was rigged.

What kind of an asshole are we getting here? :badgrin:
Trump can fix the illegal vote problem as best it can be fixed. Require a photo voter ID, no voting without one, replacements available at the polling place if you lost your old one.
I am still laughing at the "researchers" who claimed the fraud comes from actual voting not matching exit polling. Later they acknowledge the exit polls could have been faulty...Doh.
Fine, then why not throw it back in their faces and expose how the liberals/Dems rigged the system and stole votes from Trump or gave illegal votes to Clinton?? NOBODY has answered this yet.

Why not simply accept the results of the election and allow the country and those folks having to mrecount theses votes when they could be doing other business, to simply move on?
Trump won, that is accepted, Clinton conceded... If Stein is going to pay millions to do a recount then why not capitalize on it and try and expose corruption if any exisits? The people having to do the recounts are getting paid, they aren't complaining... Trump is the one spending money on lawyers trying to block the recount... put that money into trying to expose the rigged system he campaigned against. why not? STILL NOBODY HAS ANSWERED

Well, you just answered your own question. The rest of us simply consider the election old news. It's over. Move on.
Jesus man, do you really not get this?? Im not talking about the election!!!! I'm talking about the rigging in the voting process that Trump claimed was against him. The recount should expose this, perhaps spur reason for deeper investigation into the millions of illegal votes he claimed were cast... get it now?

I do get it. You're butt hurt and trying everything in the world hoping someway something will be found to overturn the election. That's really the whole gist of it.
Not even close, you obviously didn't read or comprehend a word I said.
I am getting bored, so I'll layout how Trump fixes this. You pass a bill in Congress mandating photo IDs to vote. Then you wait for a Supreme Court challenge from a conservative court appointed by Trump.
I'm fine with that... never had a problem with voters showing an ID to vote and perhaps an alternative path for those who don't have ID's... Lets just admit that Trumps calls of a rigged voting system was BS. He was hedging his bet in the case that he lost... this flip flop of him now suing to block the recount proves it or else he would welcome the investigation which would prove his claims and give him more votes.

Well it took 78 posts, but finally your true intentions are revealed. :lol:

Trump is PROTECTING the integrity of those who voted for him in the election. The best reason to cancel the recount came from Stein herself who admitted no fraud was evident in the three states she filed in. You continue to lie about what a recount can prove. It simply adds up votes to check against original totals. No fraud, other than more votes than there are registered voters in the precinct is possible. You have admitted I am right on most of those points, but the lie goes on.
what do you think the lie is?
what do you think the lie is?

That a recount will determine election fraud. That isn't what I think. it is what I know. Unlike you.
I stated in the OP and many other posts that nobody except for maybe a few looneys expect the results to change. I for one don't, Trump won, the margins are too big for a recount to change that... Apparently you missed the whole point of my OP

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