Why is Trump fighting the recounts?

Why are Dem's fighting voter ID laws? They require ID to get a fishing license or purchase alcohol. Unless they want to be able to cheat during elections.
Please explain how this "illegitimate" message is being spread? I don't see it that why and I'm not getting the impression that people are getting that impression from her actions. She just seems whacko and attention seeking... Again I will ask, wouldn't the results of this recount only help Trump if the system was rigged against him?

Two weeks before the election, Hillary (a wholly owned subsidiary of George Soros) was SHOCKED, SHOCKED I TELLS YA that Donald Trump would not vow to accept the results of the election. Hillary said that showed a person unfit to be president.

Fast forward to the Trump win, and Soros democrats refuse to accept the results of the election, First the good little Soros soldier rioted. Then they tried to coerce electors to be faithless. Now the same moronic and desperate fucks are pushing this illegitimate recount to try and reverse the results of the election.

The goal of Soros and his party, the Khmer Rouge democrats, is to sew the seeds of discord and mistrust everywhere. To undermine the foundation of the free republic. Soros intends to use the democrats he bought to disrupt every facet of Constitutional governance.
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what do you think the lie is?

That a recount will determine election fraud. That isn't what I think. it is what I know. Unlike you.
I stated in the OP and many other posts that nobody except for maybe a few looneys expect the results to change. I for one don't, Trump won, the margins are too big for a recount to change that... Apparently you missed the whole point of my OP

The topic was election fraud, I addressed that.
Jesus man, do you really not get this?? Im not talking about the election!!!! I'm talking about the rigging in the voting process that Trump claimed was against him. The recount should expose this, perhaps spur reason for deeper investigation into the millions of illegal votes he claimed were cast... get it now?

What do the efforts of Soros wholly owned puppet Stein do to address allegations of rigging? In what way does a recount prove or disprove such claims?

At best, it can show that clerks were sloppy in counting.
Trump can fix the illegal vote problem as best it can be fixed. Require a photo voter ID, no voting without one, replacements available at the polling place if you lost your old one.

I suspect there was MUCH deeper rigging of the election in California. This state warrants a full blown federal investigation. 500 to 1, the paper ballots have already been destroyed due to space restrictions or other nonsense.
. Why not try and investigate the corrupt, rigged system that Trump has said exists?

Because we remember Floriduh in 2000....strange people looking for "hanging chads" or attempted votes. Given the Rat history of cheating, we don't want Trump ballots in Rat hands...they'll be lost or "misplaced".
Why are Dem's fighting voter ID laws? They require ID to get a fishing license or purchase alcohol. Unless they want to be able to cheat during elections.
I think it has to do with the fact it is a constitutional right. Similar to the Gunnies that don't want regulations on gun purchases. While I think common sense regulations is fair for guns, ID and BG checks... I also I think it is a fair argument to ask for ID to be shown to vote, the process should be as easy and accessible as possible but a persons identity should be verified at the booth.
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Please explain how this "illegitimate" message is being spread? I don't see it that why and I'm not getting the impression that people are getting that impression from her actions. She just seems whacko and attention seeking... Again I will ask, wouldn't the results of this recount only help Trump if the system was rigged against him?

Two weeks before the election, Hillary (a wholly owned subsidiary of George Soros) was SHOCKED, SHOCKED I TELLS YA that Donald Trump would not vow to accept the results of the election. Hillary said that showed a person unfit to be president.

Fast forward to the Trump win, and Soros democrats refuse to accept the results of the election, First the good little Soros soldier rioted. Then they tried to coerce electors to be faithless. Now the same moronic and desperate fucks are pushing this illegitimate recount to try and reverse the results of the election.

The goal of Soros and his party, the Khmer Rouge democrats, is to sew the seeds of discord and mistrust everywhere. To undermine the foundation of the free republic. Soros intends to use the democrats he bought to disrupt every facet of Constitutional governance.
What are you ranting about? Hillary called and conceded to Trump the night of the election then did it publicly the day after. She and Obama have acted with integrity so far.
Jesus man, do you really not get this?? Im not talking about the election!!!! I'm talking about the rigging in the voting process that Trump claimed was against him. The recount should expose this, perhaps spur reason for deeper investigation into the millions of illegal votes he claimed were cast... get it now?

What do the efforts of Soros wholly owned puppet Stein do to address allegations of rigging? In what way does a recount prove or disprove such claims?

At best, it can show that clerks were sloppy in counting.
Great then they can waste their millions of dollars on a worthless effort. Don't see what the big deal is.
Trump can fix the illegal vote problem as best it can be fixed. Require a photo voter ID, no voting without one, replacements available at the polling place if you lost your old one.

I suspect there was MUCH deeper rigging of the election in California. This state warrants a full blown federal investigation. 500 to 1, the paper ballots have already been destroyed due to space restrictions or other nonsense.
Well instead of Trump pursuing Cali he is paying lawyers to try and block Steins recounts.

Great then they can waste their millions of dollars on a worthless effort. Don't see what the big deal is.

Again, the purpose is to stir up the same people who have been rioting, The intent is to increase the "not my president" bullshit.

Imagine if Republicans had acted this way about Obama. The democrats would be shrieking that there were lynchings on mainstreet.

Great then they can waste their millions of dollars on a worthless effort. Don't see what the big deal is.

Again, the purpose is to stir up the same people who have been rioting, The intent is to increase the "not my president" bullshit.

Imagine if Republicans had acted this way about Obama. The democrats would be shrieking that there were lynchings on mainstreet.

The far left made those claims anyway!
What are you ranting about? Hillary called and conceded to Trump the night of the election then did it publicly the day after. She and Obama have acted with integrity so far.

Hillary conceded, THEN demanded recounts.


Integrity and Hillary are two terms that NEVER can be used together, ever.

Obama has called for the end of recounts, I agree with that.
It makes sense to me for there to be qualifying criteria or valid evidence/suspicion to undertake a recount. Stein seems to be using it as a publicity stunt and for fund raising, and it appears to be a miss use of the intended purpose.

Great then they can waste their millions of dollars on a worthless effort. Don't see what the big deal is.

Again, the purpose is to stir up the same people who have been rioting, The intent is to increase the "not my president" bullshit.

Imagine if Republicans had acted this way about Obama. The democrats would be shrieking that there were lynchings on mainstreet.
Agreed, but don't put all Dems in Jill steins boat. She is a wingnut

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