Why is Trump fighting the recounts?

Yes, instead the government allows for overpopulation of hunted animals and they end up diseased and domesticated.

The state control of hunting and fishing has caused many issues with the enviornment. These uneducated drones within the US government believe they are omniescient, and their regulations end up causing all these outbreaks of overhunting or overpopulation as a result.

The state also protects these shithead billionaires that carve up hundreds of acres of economically productive land to use as their personal hunting grounds.
That's mismanagement. Something that should be fixed

The state is more intelligent than you care to give it credit for. These are not minor inefficiences or mere glitches in the system. This is gross incompetence and exploitation by design.

There are a lot of you delusional nutjobs that believe we just need some screws tightened, a new paintjob or whatever. Mate, I'd love to open your eyes on the real reasons the first world is so wealthy....
You focus on isolated incidents where there is either negligence, poor management, or corruption.

I am making a general assertion. Show me your supposed exception to the rule, and I'll show you a special interest group behind it.

It does exist and should be scrutinized, fixed, or punished... but there are also many examples of good people doing good work... most national parks I've visited display what I'm talking about.

US national parks? Hilarious, because that's where all the real lobbying money is at. It's only protected when its relative worth is below a certain level of profitability. That is if you really want to call them protected, since they even allowed limited economic activity within many of these parks now. Sometimes they will outright eliminate protected land.

Did you know that the majority of national parks produce a direct revenue stream for the government? Did you honestly believe that the highest level politicians and bureaucrats have a hard on for the NPS? No, don't be so naive.

That government shield of yours is air thin. Even the most environmentally conscious countries, like Costa Rica, are rampant with corporate exploitation of the environment. Whenever the tourism industry in these countries takes a hit, the government will pass new legislation allowing more abuse of the land and wildlife.

Please, do me a favor. Explain how an institution which serves only money, can ever be expected to have the best interests of the environment in mind?
I'd rather have protected land and wilderness then another cluster of skyscrapers or field of oils pumps. I'd rather have lakes and river with fish that I can catch instead of our seafood companies dragging nets to fill their freezers.
That's mismanagement. Something that should be fixed

The state is more intelligent than you care to give it credit for. These are not minor inefficiences or mere glitches in the system. This is gross incompetence and exploitation by design.

There are a lot of you delusional nutjobs that believe we just need some screws tightened, a new paintjob or whatever. Mate, I'd love to open your eyes on the real reasons the first world is so wealthy....
I have no delusions about how wealthy and powerful the first world is. Some of it's earned but much is part of a broken system
I'd rather have protected land and wilderness then another cluster of skyscrapers or field of oils pumps. I'd rather have lakes and river with fish that I can catch instead of our seafood companies dragging nets to fill their freezers.

How long do you think that is going to last? These lands are already on the marketplace. Protected just signifies a high price tag.

In a world with finite resources, how long before the value of resource extraction outweighs the tourism revenue the NPS produces? Do you know why the petroleum industry in the US rebounded? The government tore down protected lands and commissioned oil pipelines to be built wherever Royal Dutch Shell and BP damn well pleased.

Remember the very recent Dakota Access Pipeline controversy? It was the state police that were ordered to beat down and detain native protestors on their very own lands, which were being illegally trespassed on.
I'd rather have protected land and wilderness then another cluster of skyscrapers or field of oils pumps. I'd rather have lakes and river with fish that I can catch instead of our seafood companies dragging nets to fill their freezers.

How long do you think that is going to last? These lands are already on the marketplace. Protected just signifies a high price tag.

In a world with finite resources, how long before the value of resource extraction outweighs the tourism revenue the NPS produces? Do you know why the petroleum industry in the US rebounded? The government tore down protected lands and commissioned oil pipelines to be built wherever Royal Dutch Shell and BP damn well pleased.

Remember the very recent Dakota Access Pipeline controversy? It was the state police that were ordered to beat down and detain native protestors on their very own lands, which were being illegally trespassed on.
Ok so wipe out all government ownership and control and what do you think big oil, energy, and hunting/game/farm will do?
Yes the government has its problems, but they also stand between much bigger and more serious problems
I have no delusions about how wealthy and powerful the first world is. Some of it's earned but much is part of a broken system

Almost all of the wealth in the first world was gained through bloodshed and exploitation. Next time you drink Coca-Cola, look at the label very closely. Those ingredients come from dozens of countries across the globe, and collectively between them they receive back less than 5% of the earnings.

Fun Fact: When the Sudanese government was massacring villages in Darfur, guess whose money was being funneled into the country to ensure the production of Arabic Gum, an essential ingredient in all soft drinks? Guess whose government was maintaining the exchange? Yep, the USA.

The first world isn't excessively wealthy because of a abundance of resources and skilled specialists. It wont be very long before America becomes just like Africa (which used to be the second most resource abundant continent on earth).
Ok so wipe out all government ownership and control and what do you think big oil, energy, and hunting/game/farm will do?

The same as they are doing now. Like I said, your government shield is air thin.

The state create problems in regards to the environment which otherwise would not exist. Again, the Dakota Access Pipeline. That would of been stopped were there not paid government goons beating down and imprisoning non-violent protestors.

Enviornmental issues cannot be fixed with a monopoly on force in play. I wish I had an easy answer, but the truth is that we just need to work extra hard to sabotage corporate and state abuse of the environment. (we often forget that states are the #1 destroyers and polluters of the environment).
Why are Dem's fighting voter ID laws? They require ID to get a fishing license or purchase alcohol. Unless they want to be able to cheat during elections.
I think it has to do with the fact it is a constitutional right. Similar to the Gunnies that don't want regulations on gun purchases. While I think common sense regulations is fair for guns, ID and BG checks... I also I think it is a fair argument to ask for ID to be shown to vote, the process should be as easy and accessible as possible but a persons identity should be verified at the booth.

The 2nd amendment guarantees the right to keep and bare arms, but you still need an ID to purchase one. The constitutional argument doesn't hold water if that is their argument. The right to feed yourself via fishing and hunting would seem to be a very basic right yet the libs charge even the poor gobs of money for a license and require ID. Hell I think I had to provide 3 forms of ID to get my last fishing license.
You do understand why hunters are required to get a license though don't you?

Absolutely, too many retards still wander the woods more apt to shoot themselves or somebody else even with current safeguards. Hence there is not one goddamn reason why a photo ID should not be required to vote, none. If there is one thing in this country that deserves to be protected its the integrity of our elections.

The obvious truth is Democrats want people who are not legally entitled to vote, illegals and legal immigrants who are not yet citizens and cannot legally vote. Why? Because most of them vote Dem. Democrats are undermining the integrity of our elections, fuckers.
Really? Is that what youve heard Me, the libtard, saying? How about you stop labeling an entire group of people by the narrow view of a portion

Look its not rocket science, if you vote Dem you are a liberal or a liberal collaborator.
I think it has to do with the fact it is a constitutional right. Similar to the Gunnies that don't want regulations on gun purchases. While I think common sense regulations is fair for guns, ID and BG checks... I also I think it is a fair argument to ask for ID to be shown to vote, the process should be as easy and accessible as possible but a persons identity should be verified at the booth.

The 2nd amendment guarantees the right to keep and bare arms, but you still need an ID to purchase one. The constitutional argument doesn't hold water if that is their argument. The right to feed yourself via fishing and hunting would seem to be a very basic right yet the libs charge even the poor gobs of money for a license and require ID. Hell I think I had to provide 3 forms of ID to get my last fishing license.
You do understand why hunters are required to get a license though don't you?

Absolutely, too many retards still wander the woods more apt to shoot themselves or somebody else even with current safeguards. Hence there is not one goddamn reason why a photo ID should not be required to vote, none. If there is one thing in this country that deserves to be protected its the integrity of our elections.

The obvious truth is Democrats want people who are not legally entitled to vote, illegals and legal immigrants who are not yet citizens and cannot legally vote. Why? Because most of them vote Dem. Democrats are undermining the integrity of our elections, fuckers.

Because they can't convince reasonable, intelligent, and decent people in this country to vote for them. They have to kowtow to the criminal and alien bloc.
Huh, they just won the White House for the past 8 years and got 2 million more votes than the republicans in the recent election. Trump won fair and square by electoral college standards but your comment is complete BS

Ahem, we don't count the illegal votes of non American citizens. Personally I don't honor votes of anchor babies either who should not be in my country to begin with. So much for Dem's winning more votes. The traitors deserve everything that's coming their way over the next 4 to 8 years, 30 year if we are talking about the SCOTUS.
Ok so wipe out all government ownership and control and what do you think big oil, energy, and hunting/game/farm will do?

The same as they are doing now. Like I said, your government shield is air thin.

The state create problems in regards to the environment which otherwise would not exist. Again, the Dakota Access Pipeline. That would of been stopped were there not paid government goons beating down and imprisoning non-violent protestors.

Enviornmental issues cannot be fixed with a monopoly on force in play. I wish I had an easy answer, but the truth is that we just need to work extra hard to sabotage corporate and state abuse of the environment. (we often forget that states are the #1 destroyers and polluters of the environment).
Expose more so than sabotage. If there is one thing we have learned from this election it is the ability for an outsider to assume power in Washington. Unfortunately we got a billionaire hustler who is likely going to make things worse before we can make things better... but we also saw a nutty Jewish guy almost take the nom on the other side with a bunch of $27 donations. And more importantly his message of a corrupt system run by the billionaire class got out. There is plenty of ugliness in our government and corporate entities. Money and power have ruled the field but the beauty of our political system is that the people do have a say and with enough voices and the right representatives the little guys can be heard. I wouldn't lose hope just yet.
The 2nd amendment guarantees the right to keep and bare arms, but you still need an ID to purchase one. The constitutional argument doesn't hold water if that is their argument. The right to feed yourself via fishing and hunting would seem to be a very basic right yet the libs charge even the poor gobs of money for a license and require ID. Hell I think I had to provide 3 forms of ID to get my last fishing license.
You do understand why hunters are required to get a license though don't you?

Absolutely, too many retards still wander the woods more apt to shoot themselves or somebody else even with current safeguards. Hence there is not one goddamn reason why a photo ID should not be required to vote, none. If there is one thing in this country that deserves to be protected its the integrity of our elections.

The obvious truth is Democrats want people who are not legally entitled to vote, illegals and legal immigrants who are not yet citizens and cannot legally vote. Why? Because most of them vote Dem. Democrats are undermining the integrity of our elections, fuckers.

Because they can't convince reasonable, intelligent, and decent people in this country to vote for them. They have to kowtow to the criminal and alien bloc.
Huh, they just won the White House for the past 8 years and got 2 million more votes than the republicans in the recent election. Trump won fair and square by electoral college standards but your comment is complete BS

Ahem, we don't count the illegal votes of non American citizens. Personally I don't honor votes of anchor babies either who should not be in my country to begin with. So much for Dem's winning more votes. The traitors deserve everything that's coming their way over the next 4 to 8 years, 30 year if we are talking about the SCOTUS.
More hot air. Come back when you have an inkling of evidence to support your BS
I think it has to do with the fact it is a constitutional right. Similar to the Gunnies that don't want regulations on gun purchases. While I think common sense regulations is fair for guns, ID and BG checks... I also I think it is a fair argument to ask for ID to be shown to vote, the process should be as easy and accessible as possible but a persons identity should be verified at the booth.

The 2nd amendment guarantees the right to keep and bare arms, but you still need an ID to purchase one. The constitutional argument doesn't hold water if that is their argument. The right to feed yourself via fishing and hunting would seem to be a very basic right yet the libs charge even the poor gobs of money for a license and require ID. Hell I think I had to provide 3 forms of ID to get my last fishing license.
You do understand why hunters are required to get a license though don't you?

Absolutely, too many retards still wander the woods more apt to shoot themselves or somebody else even with current safeguards. Hence there is not one goddamn reason why a photo ID should not be required to vote, none. If there is one thing in this country that deserves to be protected its the integrity of our elections.

The obvious truth is Democrats want people who are not legally entitled to vote, illegals and legal immigrants who are not yet citizens and cannot legally vote. Why? Because most of them vote Dem. Democrats are undermining the integrity of our elections, fuckers.
Really? Is that what youve heard Me, the libtard, saying? How about you stop labeling an entire group of people by the narrow view of a portion

Look its not rocket science, if you vote Dem you are a liberal or a liberal collaborator.
Well then by your definition I am a liberal but I also support voter ID... so I guess that puts you back in the full of shit category
You do understand why hunters are required to get a license though don't you?

Absolutely, too many retards still wander the woods more apt to shoot themselves or somebody else even with current safeguards. Hence there is not one goddamn reason why a photo ID should not be required to vote, none. If there is one thing in this country that deserves to be protected its the integrity of our elections.

The obvious truth is Democrats want people who are not legally entitled to vote, illegals and legal immigrants who are not yet citizens and cannot legally vote. Why? Because most of them vote Dem. Democrats are undermining the integrity of our elections, fuckers.

Because they can't convince reasonable, intelligent, and decent people in this country to vote for them. They have to kowtow to the criminal and alien bloc.
Huh, they just won the White House for the past 8 years and got 2 million more votes than the republicans in the recent election. Trump won fair and square by electoral college standards but your comment is complete BS

Ahem, we don't count the illegal votes of non American citizens. Personally I don't honor votes of anchor babies either who should not be in my country to begin with. So much for Dem's winning more votes. The traitors deserve everything that's coming their way over the next 4 to 8 years, 30 year if we are talking about the SCOTUS.
More hot air. Come back when you have an inkling of evidence to support your BS

Conservatively the estimates are at least 1 million illegal votes. This has already been investigated. Bury your head in the sand it makes no difference to me.
The 2nd amendment guarantees the right to keep and bare arms, but you still need an ID to purchase one. The constitutional argument doesn't hold water if that is their argument. The right to feed yourself via fishing and hunting would seem to be a very basic right yet the libs charge even the poor gobs of money for a license and require ID. Hell I think I had to provide 3 forms of ID to get my last fishing license.
You do understand why hunters are required to get a license though don't you?

Absolutely, too many retards still wander the woods more apt to shoot themselves or somebody else even with current safeguards. Hence there is not one goddamn reason why a photo ID should not be required to vote, none. If there is one thing in this country that deserves to be protected its the integrity of our elections.

The obvious truth is Democrats want people who are not legally entitled to vote, illegals and legal immigrants who are not yet citizens and cannot legally vote. Why? Because most of them vote Dem. Democrats are undermining the integrity of our elections, fuckers.
Really? Is that what youve heard Me, the libtard, saying? How about you stop labeling an entire group of people by the narrow view of a portion

Look its not rocket science, if you vote Dem you are a liberal or a liberal collaborator.
Well then by your definition I am a liberal but I also support voter ID... so I guess that puts you back in the full of shit category

Then you are a liberal collaborator who has worked to elect a lawless puke liberal president who routinely ignores the will of the people, their reps in congress, and our laws allowing millions of illegals to flood into our country and encourages illegals to vote in our elections. YOU are responsible for Obama's misdeeds.
Absolutely, too many retards still wander the woods more apt to shoot themselves or somebody else even with current safeguards. Hence there is not one goddamn reason why a photo ID should not be required to vote, none. If there is one thing in this country that deserves to be protected its the integrity of our elections.

The obvious truth is Democrats want people who are not legally entitled to vote, illegals and legal immigrants who are not yet citizens and cannot legally vote. Why? Because most of them vote Dem. Democrats are undermining the integrity of our elections, fuckers.

Because they can't convince reasonable, intelligent, and decent people in this country to vote for them. They have to kowtow to the criminal and alien bloc.
Huh, they just won the White House for the past 8 years and got 2 million more votes than the republicans in the recent election. Trump won fair and square by electoral college standards but your comment is complete BS

Ahem, we don't count the illegal votes of non American citizens. Personally I don't honor votes of anchor babies either who should not be in my country to begin with. So much for Dem's winning more votes. The traitors deserve everything that's coming their way over the next 4 to 8 years, 30 year if we are talking about the SCOTUS.
More hot air. Come back when you have an inkling of evidence to support your BS

Conservatively the estimates are at least 1 million illegal votes. This has already been investigated. Bury your head in the sand it makes no difference to me.
Infowars doesn't count ya dumbass. There is no respectible study that shows any significant level of voter fraud. I'm all for investigating and improving our system if holes are found, but so far the only real thing that has been found are voter suppression tactics that the courts have ruled against. Facts, try using them
You do understand why hunters are required to get a license though don't you?

Absolutely, too many retards still wander the woods more apt to shoot themselves or somebody else even with current safeguards. Hence there is not one goddamn reason why a photo ID should not be required to vote, none. If there is one thing in this country that deserves to be protected its the integrity of our elections.

The obvious truth is Democrats want people who are not legally entitled to vote, illegals and legal immigrants who are not yet citizens and cannot legally vote. Why? Because most of them vote Dem. Democrats are undermining the integrity of our elections, fuckers.
Really? Is that what youve heard Me, the libtard, saying? How about you stop labeling an entire group of people by the narrow view of a portion

Look its not rocket science, if you vote Dem you are a liberal or a liberal collaborator.
Well then by your definition I am a liberal but I also support voter ID... so I guess that puts you back in the full of shit category

Then you are a liberal collaborator who has worked to elect a lawless puke liberal president who routinely ignores the will of the people, their reps in congress, and our laws allowing millions of illegals to flood into our country and encourages illegals to vote in our elections. YOU are responsible for Obama's misdeeds.
Haha, ok... you got me
Because they can't convince reasonable, intelligent, and decent people in this country to vote for them. They have to kowtow to the criminal and alien bloc.
Huh, they just won the White House for the past 8 years and got 2 million more votes than the republicans in the recent election. Trump won fair and square by electoral college standards but your comment is complete BS

Ahem, we don't count the illegal votes of non American citizens. Personally I don't honor votes of anchor babies either who should not be in my country to begin with. So much for Dem's winning more votes. The traitors deserve everything that's coming their way over the next 4 to 8 years, 30 year if we are talking about the SCOTUS.
More hot air. Come back when you have an inkling of evidence to support your BS

Conservatively the estimates are at least 1 million illegal votes. This has already been investigated. Bury your head in the sand it makes no difference to me.
Infowars doesn't count ya dumbass. There is no respectible study that shows any significant level of voter fraud. I'm all for investigating and improving our system of holes are found, but so far the only real thing that has been found are voter suppression tactics that the courts have done. Facts, try using them

Only an inspector generals report, you are not very well informed are you /eyeroll
Huh, they just won the White House for the past 8 years and got 2 million more votes than the republicans in the recent election. Trump won fair and square by electoral college standards but your comment is complete BS

Ahem, we don't count the illegal votes of non American citizens. Personally I don't honor votes of anchor babies either who should not be in my country to begin with. So much for Dem's winning more votes. The traitors deserve everything that's coming their way over the next 4 to 8 years, 30 year if we are talking about the SCOTUS.
More hot air. Come back when you have an inkling of evidence to support your BS

Conservatively the estimates are at least 1 million illegal votes. This has already been investigated. Bury your head in the sand it makes no difference to me.
Infowars doesn't count ya dumbass. There is no respectible study that shows any significant level of voter fraud. I'm all for investigating and improving our system of holes are found, but so far the only real thing that has been found are voter suppression tactics that the courts have done. Facts, try using them

Only an inspector generals report, you are not very well informed are you /eyeroll
Post a link
Ahem, we don't count the illegal votes of non American citizens. Personally I don't honor votes of anchor babies either who should not be in my country to begin with. So much for Dem's winning more votes. The traitors deserve everything that's coming their way over the next 4 to 8 years, 30 year if we are talking about the SCOTUS.
More hot air. Come back when you have an inkling of evidence to support your BS

Conservatively the estimates are at least 1 million illegal votes. This has already been investigated. Bury your head in the sand it makes no difference to me.
Infowars doesn't count ya dumbass. There is no respectible study that shows any significant level of voter fraud. I'm all for investigating and improving our system of holes are found, but so far the only real thing that has been found are voter suppression tactics that the courts have done. Facts, try using them

Only an inspector generals report, you are not very well informed are you /eyeroll
Post a link

Why, you have chosen to live in a bubble its obvious. He was on tv the other night, note this includes people who are in the US legally working on visa's, but who are not legally allowed to vote in our elections its not just the illegal pukes.

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