Why is Trump fighting the recounts?

More hot air. Come back when you have an inkling of evidence to support your BS

Conservatively the estimates are at least 1 million illegal votes. This has already been investigated. Bury your head in the sand it makes no difference to me.
Infowars doesn't count ya dumbass. There is no respectible study that shows any significant level of voter fraud. I'm all for investigating and improving our system of holes are found, but so far the only real thing that has been found are voter suppression tactics that the courts have done. Facts, try using them

Only an inspector generals report, you are not very well informed are you /eyeroll
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Why, you have chosen to live in a bubble its obvious. He was on tv the other night, note this includes people who are in the US legally working on visa's, but who are not legally allowed to vote in our elections its not just the illegal pukes.
If it's common knowledge and big news then a well informed individual such as yourself should have no problem providing a reliable link to the study. Put your money where your mouth is
Conservatively the estimates are at least 1 million illegal votes. This has already been investigated. Bury your head in the sand it makes no difference to me.
Infowars doesn't count ya dumbass. There is no respectible study that shows any significant level of voter fraud. I'm all for investigating and improving our system of holes are found, but so far the only real thing that has been found are voter suppression tactics that the courts have done. Facts, try using them

Only an inspector generals report, you are not very well informed are you /eyeroll
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Why, you have chosen to live in a bubble its obvious. He was on tv the other night, note this includes people who are in the US legally working on visa's, but who are not legally allowed to vote in our elections its not just the illegal pukes.
If it's common knowledge and big news then a well informed individual such as yourself should have no problem providing a reliable link to the study. Put your money where your mouth is

Your post is dripping with irony. I have burst your world view perhaps you should take a moment to gather yourself.
Infowars doesn't count ya dumbass. There is no respectible study that shows any significant level of voter fraud. I'm all for investigating and improving our system of holes are found, but so far the only real thing that has been found are voter suppression tactics that the courts have done. Facts, try using them

Only an inspector generals report, you are not very well informed are you /eyeroll
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Why, you have chosen to live in a bubble its obvious. He was on tv the other night, note this includes people who are in the US legally working on visa's, but who are not legally allowed to vote in our elections its not just the illegal pukes.
If it's common knowledge and big news then a well informed individual such as yourself should have no problem providing a reliable link to the study. Put your money where your mouth is

Your post is dripping with irony. I have burst your world view perhaps you should take a moment to gather yourself.
I'll take that as a message that you have absolutely nothing. I know the white flag when I see it. Let's try and stick with the truth from now on...
Only an inspector generals report, you are not very well informed are you /eyeroll
Post a link

Why, you have chosen to live in a bubble its obvious. He was on tv the other night, note this includes people who are in the US legally working on visa's, but who are not legally allowed to vote in our elections its not just the illegal pukes.
If it's common knowledge and big news then a well informed individual such as yourself should have no problem providing a reliable link to the study. Put your money where your mouth is

Your post is dripping with irony. I have burst your world view perhaps you should take a moment to gather yourself.
I'll take that as a message that you have absolutely nothing. I know the white flag when I see it. Let's try and stick with the truth from now on...

Only federal court cases, an investigation by congress, shall I continue? Did you know that voting in a federal election by an alien is a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 611 and makes the alien “inadmissible” e.g. they can never become a citizen and will be deported? Just how far are you libs willing to push this, do you want a full investigation which may result in millions of aliens legal and illegal forever becoming ineligible to become American citizens?
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Why, you have chosen to live in a bubble its obvious. He was on tv the other night, note this includes people who are in the US legally working on visa's, but who are not legally allowed to vote in our elections its not just the illegal pukes.
If it's common knowledge and big news then a well informed individual such as yourself should have no problem providing a reliable link to the study. Put your money where your mouth is

Your post is dripping with irony. I have burst your world view perhaps you should take a moment to gather yourself.
I'll take that as a message that you have absolutely nothing. I know the white flag when I see it. Let's try and stick with the truth from now on...

Only federal court cases, an investigation by congress, shall I continue? Did you know that voting in a federal election by an alien is a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 611 and makes the alien “inadmissible” e.g. they can never become a citizen and will be deported? Just how far are you libs willing to push this, do you want a full investigation which may result in millions of aliens legal and illegal forever becoming ineligible to become American citizens?
I thought there was already a report of an investigation done by the inspector general that shows over a million fraudulent votes. You just mentioned it, yet you can't provide a link to any proof... this last post of yours seems to admit that there has not been an investigation... your name isn't Donald by chance is it?
Expose more so than sabotage. If there is one thing we have learned from this election it is the ability for an outsider to assume power in Washington

Unfortunately we got a billionaire hustler who is likely going to make things worse before we can make things better...

Name one person in power that isn't a hustler. Do you honestly believe Donald Trump is the first demagogue in Washington?

Money and power have ruled the field but the beauty of our political system is that the people do have a say and with enough voices and the right representatives the little guys can be heard

Holy shit, how delusional are you? Money and power have always ruled every political system, starting 5000 years ago. The very nature of the political machine is to satiate power lust.

The highlighted is just pure fantasy. If voting changed anything, it would be illegal. Are you so easily duped as to believe that the rich and powerful will simply let you vote away their riches and power?

I wouldn't lose hope just yet.

I haven't lost hope. I have lost faith in this (your) madness.

The very premise of systematically controlling human beings for the greater good is flawed. It is outright rubbish if you believe that you can create a system ran by the people, that exists with the sole purpose of controlling the people.
because they are trying to disenfranchise the electoral college and falsely discredit his presidency
Why not simply accept the results of the election and allow the country and those folks having to mrecount theses votes when they could be doing other business, to simply move on?
Trump won, that is accepted, Clinton conceded... If Stein is going to pay millions to do a recount then why not capitalize on it and try and expose corruption if any exisits? The people having to do the recounts are getting paid, they aren't complaining... Trump is the one spending money on lawyers trying to block the recount... put that money into trying to expose the rigged system he campaigned against. why not? STILL NOBODY HAS ANSWERED

Well, you just answered your own question. The rest of us simply consider the election old news. It's over. Move on.
Jesus man, do you really not get this?? Im not talking about the election!!!! I'm talking about the rigging in the voting process that Trump claimed was against him. The recount should expose this, perhaps spur reason for deeper investigation into the millions of illegal votes he claimed were cast... get it now?

I do get it. You're butt hurt and trying everything in the world hoping someway something will be found to overturn the election. That's really the whole gist of it.
Not even close, you obviously didn't read or comprehend a word I said.

Of course I did read and comprehend what you said. I simply don't buy into your BS.
What are the recounts for again?
For Stein they are a publicity stunt and for fund raising... for Trump they could help expose the rigged system he bitched about for weeks, except he no longer seems interested in pursuing that anymore.
Expose more so than sabotage. If there is one thing we have learned from this election it is the ability for an outsider to assume power in Washington

Unfortunately we got a billionaire hustler who is likely going to make things worse before we can make things better...

Name one person in power that isn't a hustler. Do you honestly believe Donald Trump is the first demagogue in Washington?

Money and power have ruled the field but the beauty of our political system is that the people do have a say and with enough voices and the right representatives the little guys can be heard

Holy shit, how delusional are you? Money and power have always ruled every political system, starting 5000 years ago. The very nature of the political machine is to satiate power lust.

The highlighted is just pure fantasy. If voting changed anything, it would be illegal. Are you so easily duped as to believe that the rich and powerful will simply let you vote away their riches and power?

I wouldn't lose hope just yet.

I haven't lost hope. I have lost faith in this (your) madness.

The very premise of systematically controlling human beings for the greater good is flawed. It is outright rubbish if you believe that you can create a system ran by the people, that exists with the sole purpose of controlling the people.
Agree to disagree
I said all along that I was 100% for a recount/audit (for a multitude of reasons). Among them though was that it would only increase Donald Trump's lead. That's exactly what happened...

Millions of wasted dollars later, Trump gains votes during recount in Wisconsin
Your attitude is exactly how i'd expect the Trumpsters to act, instead Trump is suing the block the recounts and his supporters are coming out against them like they are really a threat. If they believe the votes are rigged then there is no threat only the possibility for validation to their concerns. Instead of blocking the recounts Trump should expand them to California and Arizona and also beef up the investigation to try and uncover the millions of fraudulent votes there were cast... few of his surrogates have explained why they think he hasn't taken this route.
Trump spent the last few weeks of his campaign talking about the rigged system and problems with the voting system. Stein is obviously performing a publicity stunt but it seems to be understood by all camps that nothing is going to change the results of the election so why is Trump suing to block the recounts? Why not join the cause and try and reveal the rigged system that he was so passionately against during the campaign?

Hell, he could apply for a recount in California and try to expose the millions of fraudulent votes that he claimed Clinton got. Thoughts???
I'm going to guess it's because he hates seeing money wasted.
Trump spent the last few weeks of his campaign talking about the rigged system and problems with the voting system. Stein is obviously performing a publicity stunt but it seems to be understood by all camps that nothing is going to change the results of the election so why is Trump suing to block the recounts? Why not join the cause and try and reveal the rigged system that he was so passionately against during the campaign?

Hell, he could apply for a recount in California and try to expose the millions of fraudulent votes that he claimed Clinton got. Thoughts???
I'm going to guess it's because he hates seeing money wasted.
He is spending money to pay lawyers to try and block the recounts. That seems like a complete waste... Especially since the results could reenforce his claims of a rigged system.
Trump spent the last few weeks of his campaign talking about the rigged system and problems with the voting system. Stein is obviously performing a publicity stunt but it seems to be understood by all camps that nothing is going to change the results of the election so why is Trump suing to block the recounts? Why not join the cause and try and reveal the rigged system that he was so passionately against during the campaign?

Hell, he could apply for a recount in California and try to expose the millions of fraudulent votes that he claimed Clinton got. Thoughts???
I'm going to guess it's because he hates seeing money wasted.
He is spending money to pay lawyers to try and block the recounts. That seems like a complete waste... Especially since the results could reenforce his claims of a rigged system.
Trump is a smart guy. Before I comment further, can we agree on that?
Trump spent the last few weeks of his campaign talking about the rigged system and problems with the voting system. Stein is obviously performing a publicity stunt but it seems to be understood by all camps that nothing is going to change the results of the election so why is Trump suing to block the recounts? Why not join the cause and try and reveal the rigged system that he was so passionately against during the campaign?

Hell, he could apply for a recount in California and try to expose the millions of fraudulent votes that he claimed Clinton got. Thoughts???
I'm going to guess it's because he hates seeing money wasted.
He is spending money to pay lawyers to try and block the recounts. That seems like a complete waste... Especially since the results could reenforce his claims of a rigged system.
Trump is a smart guy. Before I comment further, can we agree on that?
He is brilliant in many areas. Marketing, branding, messaging, and business strategy amongst a few. Though effective in many cases, I do not respect much of his tactics and find many of them dishonest, overly aggressive, and transparent. I am hopefully that he can polish up while in the White House and focus on the areas that will be most effective to help our economy. The bad side of his personality is truly ugly and I hope he can keep his outbursts at a minimum and limit the potential damage that they can cause.
Trump spent the last few weeks of his campaign talking about the rigged system and problems with the voting system. Stein is obviously performing a publicity stunt but it seems to be understood by all camps that nothing is going to change the results of the election so why is Trump suing to block the recounts? Why not join the cause and try and reveal the rigged system that he was so passionately against during the campaign?

Hell, he could apply for a recount in California and try to expose the millions of fraudulent votes that he claimed Clinton got. Thoughts???
I'm going to guess it's because he hates seeing money wasted.
He is spending money to pay lawyers to try and block the recounts. That seems like a complete waste... Especially since the results could reenforce his claims of a rigged system.
Trump is a smart guy. Before I comment further, can we agree on that?
He is brilliant in many areas. Marketing, branding, messaging, and business strategy amongst a few. Though effective in many cases, I do not respect much of his tactics and find many of them dishonest, overly aggressive, and transparent. I am hopefully that he can polish up while in the White House and focus on the areas that will be most effective to help our economy. The bad side of his personality is truly ugly and I hope he can keep his outbursts at a minimum and limit the potential damage that they can cause.
Trump spent the last few weeks of his campaign talking about the rigged system and problems with the voting system. Stein is obviously performing a publicity stunt but it seems to be understood by all camps that nothing is going to change the results of the election so why is Trump suing to block the recounts? Why not join the cause and try and reveal the rigged system that he was so passionately against during the campaign?

Hell, he could apply for a recount in California and try to expose the millions of fraudulent votes that he claimed Clinton got. Thoughts???
I'm going to guess it's because he hates seeing money wasted.
He is spending money to pay lawyers to try and block the recounts. That seems like a complete waste... Especially since the results could reenforce his claims of a rigged system.
Trump is a smart guy. Before I comment further, can we agree on that?
He is brilliant in many areas. Marketing, branding, messaging, and business strategy amongst a few. Though effective in many cases, I do not respect much of his tactics and find many of them dishonest, overly aggressive, and transparent. I am hopefully that he can polish up while in the White House and focus on the areas that will be most effective to help our economy. The bad side of his personality is truly ugly and I hope he can keep his outbursts at a minimum and limit the potential damage that they can cause.
Does his tactics really matter?

The guy has an uncanny ability to make things happen. Isn't that what we should be focused on?

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