Why is Trump so obsessed with wanting Sessions to go after Hillary?

NaziCons spent millions to nail President Bill Clinton on blowjobs - and now they want Hillary. When is enough enough?

Just imagine if Hillary had won the presidency with the same baggage Trump currently has. NaziCons would be charging the White House with pitchforks and torches. Instead - they defend Trump with more conspiracy theories, fake news, and lies. I consider NaziCons the lowest form of life on the planet.
NaziCons spent millions to nail President Bill Clinton on blowjobs - and now they want Hillary. When is enough enough?

Just imagine if Hillary had won the presidency with the same baggage Trump currently has. NaziCons would be charging the White House with pitchforks and torches. Instead - they defend Trump with more conspiracy theories, fake news, and lies. I consider NaziCons the lowest form of life on the planet.

We conservatives spent millions to nail him on perjury. Sadly, he wasn't removed from office. What he did with Monica, however vapid and disgusting, was legal. However, he has allegedly raped other women. When he lied under oath, saying he didn't have sexual relations with Monica, was perjury. We conservatives want justice served on Hillary Clinton for being negligent during the Benghazi attack, allowing 4 Americans to die.

Hillary would've won the Presidency with actual baggage. Trump has no baggage. Him doing business in Russia was perfectly legal. Just because it's in Russia instead of somewhere else doesn't make it any less legal. We conservatives wouldn't be charging the White House with pitchforks and torches, as you say. However, we would be demanding her impeachment over ACTUAL CRIMES, unlike you liberals with your conspiracy theories. The fact that you accuse us conservatives of being conspiracists is laughable. Also, the fact you consider us the lowest form of life on the planet, lower than terrorists, rapists, murderers, and others, shows your lack of respect for the ideals of America and our freedom to debate this topic with you. Sir or madam, I am thoroughly disappointed in your statement here. It is disrespectful to your political opponents, to your political allies, and to the spirit of debate.

Also, the fact that you call us "NaziCons" is blatantly rude. You comparing those you disagree with to Nazis is highly disrespectful. Nazis were vile individuals who deified a man who wanted to exterminate an entire religious community simply out of pure hatred. I hope and pray you realize your folly and apologize for your rude behavior.
"Attorney General Jeff Sessions has taken a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes (where are E-mails & DNC server) & Intel leakers!"

Donald Trump attacks Jeff Sessions for failing to investigate Clinton

She has already been thoroughly investigated and cleared by Comey and Congress. What more does Trump want? Is the fact that she won the popular vote by 3 million votes gnawing on him? Because of Russia influence in the election - does he feel he may not be a legitimate president? What do you think?

This is just another diversion tactic of Trump--to get people off of the Russian investigation--but it's not going to work.

Hillary Clinton has already been investigated and there were NO charges recommended by the DOJ. So they have nothing. Again like Pavlov's dog, just mention Hillary Clinton's name and every right winger's mouth will start watering.


Ironically though here is who Trump was considering for his Secretary of State--one four star General and chief of the CIA that actually was charged. David Petraeus. Comey went to great lenghts to describe the difference in the cases but I am certain it wasn't reported on FOX NEWS or Trump's fairy godfather show SEAN HANNITY show.
Trump meets with David Petraeus as he mulls secretary of state pick

Comey pointed out that David Petraeus not only shared the classified information, but also hid the documents in his attic and then lied to investigators. "So you have obstruction of justice, you have intentional misconduct and a vast quantity of information," Comey said. "He admitted he knew that was the wrong thing to do. That is a perfect illustration of the kind of cases that get prosecuted." He added: "In my mind, it illustrates importantly the distinction to this case."
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com

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NaziCons spent millions to nail President Bill Clinton on blowjobs - and now they want Hillary. When is enough enough?

Just imagine if Hillary had won the presidency with the same baggage Trump currently has. NaziCons would be charging the White House with pitchforks and torches. Instead - they defend Trump with more conspiracy theories, fake news, and lies. I consider NaziCons the lowest form of life on the planet.

That's why Jason Chaffetz quit. He and Gowdy had their whole career planned around endless investigations of nothing at all.

The bastards both voted to cut embassy security, then voted to refuse her and Obamas requests and yet they spearheaded the phony Benghazi investigation.

When she didn't win, chaffetz had no career left. And he doesn't have the balls to go up against our corrupt traitor of s president. So he quit. Right after that, chicken shit Gowdy said he wouldn't so much as ask trump for the time of day.

The GOP is as crooked as the proverbial dogs hind leg. And RWNJs will believe anything that feeds their agenda.

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Comparing Hillary to Trump is like comparing a jaywalker to a bank robber.
Snow White Hillary is as clean as the driven snow. That is why the American People chose her in an historic landslide.

Crazy Ivan trump was born dirty

I really hope you're joking, because Hillary is certainly not as clean as snow. She's got dirt on her since Whitewater. Trump is clean as a bean.
Comparing Hillary to Trump is like comparing a jaywalker to a bank robber.
Snow White Hillary is as clean as the driven snow. That is why the American People chose her in an historic landslide.

Crazy Ivan trump was born dirty

I really hope you're joking, because Hillary is certainly not as clean as snow. She's got dirt on her since Whitewater. Trump is clean as a bean.
Whitewater? That is when Ken Starr named her Snow White.

How much did trump settle trump university for?

Why won't American banks touch him?
Comparing Hillary to Trump is like comparing a jaywalker to a bank robber.
Snow White Hillary is as clean as the driven snow. That is why the American People chose her in an historic landslide.

Crazy Ivan trump was born dirty

I really hope you're joking, because Hillary is certainly not as clean as snow. She's got dirt on her since Whitewater. Trump is clean as a bean.
Whitewater? That is when Ken Starr named her Snow White.

How much did trump settle trump university for?

Why won't American banks touch him?

Trump university was a sham, but it was nothing compared to Clinton scandals. American banks? What problem does Trump have with those?
NaziCons spent millions to nail President Bill Clinton on blowjobs - and now they want Hillary. When is enough enough?

Just imagine if Hillary had won the presidency with the same baggage Trump currently has. NaziCons would be charging the White House with pitchforks and torches. Instead - they defend Trump with more conspiracy theories, fake news, and lies. I consider NaziCons the lowest form of life on the planet.

That's why Jason Chaffetz quit. He and Gowdy had their whole career planned around endless investigations of nothing at all.

The bastards both voted to cut embassy security, then voted to refuse her and Obamas requests and yet they spearheaded the phony Benghazi investigation.

When she didn't win, chaffetz had no career left. And he doesn't have the balls to go up against our corrupt traitor of s president. So he quit. Right after that, chicken shit Gowdy said he wouldn't so much as ask trump for the time of day.

The GOP is as crooked as the proverbial dogs hind leg. And RWNJs will believe anything that feeds their agenda.

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Right wingers attacked Trey Gowdy--over the 8th investigation into Benghazi, when Gowdy couldn't produce another scandal-LOL

A few hours later, far-right radio personality Michael Savage told his audience, “Trey Gowdy should be impeached for wasting my time! He promised us a lot! Remember?” (Members of Congress can be expelled, but not impeached, under the U.S. Constitution.) Of course, Savage isn’t alone. The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank explained today that “conspiracy-minded” conservatives are blaming Gowdy “for failing to deliver the goods.” There was a meeting yesterday of the “Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi,” where members agreed the far-right South Carolinian let them down by failing to confirm their beliefs.

These ridiculous investigations cost the taxpayers of this country millions, and they were for nothing more than right wing political dog and pony shows.

Benghazi really couldn't have been better stated than this.

"Herein lies a lesson for Republicans who are perpetually trying to appease the far right: It’s a fool’s errand. They went to the tea party – and now they’re taking Donald Trump to the prom. Likewise, then-House Speaker John Boehner named the Benghazi committee because activists were dissatisfied that seven previous congressional investigations had failed to uncover major scandal material. Now an eighth has produced more of the same – and the agitators are as agitated as ever.

There’s a certain twisted logic to this. The unhinged right starts with the ideologically satisfying answer – President Obama and Hillary Clinton are guilty of horrible Benghazi-related wrongdoing – and then works backwards, looking for “proof” that matches the conclusion. When their ostensible allies fail to tell these activists what they want to hear, they could reevaluate their bogus assumptions, but it’s vastly easier to believe Republicans have let them down"

With Clinton exonerated, conspiracy theorists turn on Trey Gowdy


I guess we can only Thank God that Democrats didn't drag up 240 grieving mothers of 240 U.S. Marines that were killed in an Embassy in Lebanon and call Ronald Reagan a murderer.

Every President has had their share of Benghazi's.

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Why is Trump so obsessed with wanting Sessions to go after Hillary?

Isn't it obvious? He is obsessed with stopping the special investigation. His pal Clinton he could give two shits about at this point, all he is trying to do is turn the Republican wackadoos on Sessions so he can catch less flack from Republicans if he fires him eventually and get someone else who is willing to fire Mueller.

It is a FUCKING STUPID plan and to anyone with half a brain does nothing but shows how desperate Trump is getting to setup some sort of way out of this one.
Comparing Hillary to Trump is like comparing a jaywalker to a bank robber.
Snow White Hillary is as clean as the driven snow. That is why the American People chose her in an historic landslide.

Crazy Ivan trump was born dirty

I really hope you're joking, because Hillary is certainly not as clean as snow. She's got dirt on her since Whitewater. Trump is clean as a bean.
Whitewater? That is when Ken Starr named her Snow White.

How much did trump settle trump university for?

Why won't American banks touch him?

Trump university was a sham, but it was nothing compared to Clinton scandals. American banks? What problem does Trump have with those?

You admit that Trump University was a sham--but then want to talk about his dealings with American banks--:dig:

Here is a real person that got hurt by the Trump University scam.

You must of just stuck your head out from under a rock to see what was going on. The New York State attorney General's office put a cease and decist order on the Trump foundation 3 weeks prior to the election. Apparently he had been using charitable donations to settle legal claims.
State Attorney General Orders Trump Foundation to Cease Raising Money in New York
'I've never encountered anything so brazen': Report details shocking new revelations about Trump Foundation

Link to his business practices--and you probably remember 4 bankrupcy's that you laughed about. What do you think that did to banks and other investors that ended up holding the bag on those bankrupcy's?
Donald Trump’s business failings, explained
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Geez, the Trump-thumpers are strong in here tonight. I'd love to hang out with you guys and girls, but there's currently no room for anyone to fit into that fantasy world in your heads. That's because Donald Trump already has that space between your ears leased for the next 3-1/2 years.

He's sure done a good job fixing it up because before Trump moved in there, it was nothing but a run-down vacant space which was infested with mice, spiders, and cockroaches.

It might however be available for occupancy in 2020, but Trump has reserved the option of leasing it for another four years if he wants to. So we'll see.
Geez, the Trump-thumpers are strong in here tonight. I'd love to hang out with you guys and girls, but there's currently no room for anyone to fit into that fantasy world in your heads. That's because Donald Trump already has that space between your ears leased for the next 3-1/2 years.

He's sure done a good job fixing it up because before Trump moved in there, it was nothing but a run-down vacant space which was infested with mice, spiders, and cockroaches.

It might however be available for occupancy in 2020, but Trump has reserved the option of leasing it for another four years if he wants to. So we'll see.

Sounds like we are totally in your head man.

And oreo, thank you for not posting that vid of homosexual Shep Smith again!
Trump isn't concerned about Hilary. Its a cover. He's going after sessions because he wants Mueller fried. Mueller is actually doing a proper investigation and Trump is getting nervous. Especially now that Mueller is looking into finances.
Trump isn't concerned about Hilary. Its a cover. He's going after sessions because he wants Mueller fried. Mueller is actually doing a proper investigation and Trump is getting nervous. Especially now that Mueller is looking into finances.
Crazy Ivan cannot handle Snow White Hillary's popular vote blowout. Nor the fact that the American people hate him. His incompetence as the national disgrace & embarrassment completes the trifecta.

Mueller, trump's crimes and trump's treason completes trump's madness now.

The Sleaze House reminds us of five year olds playing soccer in a minefield.

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