Why is Trump so obsessed with wanting Sessions to go after Hillary?

Trump isn't concerned about Hilary. Its a cover. He's going after sessions because he wants Mueller fried. Mueller is actually doing a proper investigation and Trump is getting nervous. Especially now that Mueller is looking into finances.
Crazy Ivan cannot handle Snow White Hillary's popular vote blowout. Nor the fact that the American people hate him. His incompetence as the national disgrace & embarrassment completes the trifecta.

Mueller, trump's crimes and trump's treason completes trump's madness now.

The Sleaze House reminds us of five year olds playing soccer in a minefield.

Hilarious and true!
"Attorney General Jeff Sessions has taken a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes (where are E-mails & DNC server) & Intel leakers!"

Donald Trump attacks Jeff Sessions for failing to investigate Clinton

She has already been thoroughly investigated and cleared by Comey and Congress. What more does Trump want? Is the fact that she won the popular vote by 3 million votes gnawing on him? Because of Russia influence in the election - does he feel he may not be a legitimate president? What do you think?
Because you nut bags have been pushing this Russia bullshit at him for months now with no evidence and all the while there's a ton of it against her and the Dems.
NaziCons spent millions to nail President Bill Clinton on blowjobs - and now they want Hillary. When is enough enough?

Just imagine if Hillary had won the presidency with the same baggage Trump currently has. NaziCons would be charging the White House with pitchforks and torches. Instead - they defend Trump with more conspiracy theories, fake news, and lies. I consider NaziCons the lowest form of life on the planet.
well we would because what was unveiled from the arrest of Pakistani IT dude Awan is obstruction of justice, just like hitlery's phones and hard drives. And btw, hitlery should be behind bars for her deleting 33k of emails, obstruction of justice. You think they used the same hammers? And again, collusion isn't a crime so the ukranian thing would have merely been pointed out, no need for a special prosecutor. but this pakistani dude and what he and his family did with all of those congress folks, especially DWS? uh oh jethro!!!
"Attorney General Jeff Sessions has taken a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes (where are E-mails & DNC server) & Intel leakers!"

Donald Trump attacks Jeff Sessions for failing to investigate Clinton

She has already been thoroughly investigated and cleared by Comey and Congress. What more does Trump want? Is the fact that she won the popular vote by 3 million votes gnawing on him? Because of Russia influence in the election - does he feel he may not be a legitimate president? What do you think?
Because you nut bags have been pushing this Russia bullshit at him for months now with no evidence and all the while there's a ton of it against her and the Dems.
You will witness the butthurt left screaming and wailing kicking their feet temper tantrum!
Because he is sickened that she has gotten away with cold blooded murder (repeatedly), child trafficking in Haiti, pedophile child sex abuse & murder found on her emails which Huma Abedin saved on her computer under the file "life insurance," (indeed it was)...... laundering money through Clinton Foundation - over 70 people and counting who have died mysteriously after working for her or crossing her, selling our secrets to the enemy, her inner circle - John Podesta, DWS, Abramovich, sick, sick, sick people. All of them. The witch should have been sentenced and locked up, life without parole and yet she is still walking the streets. LOCK HER UP!

So much for christians not lying.

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Hillary is not a Christian. Bill Clinton confided in one of his own top people that his wife was into witchcraft many years ago. From the looks of things, she still is. And yes, she is a bold faced liar. That isn't even in question here. But for those who doubt it here is the man who worked for Bill Clinton and was told decades ago about Hillary's participation in Witchcraft:
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"Why is Trump so obsessed with wanting Sessions to go after Hillary?"

Because Hillary is a criminal who broke numerous US laws and endangered our national security.

Just recently the FBI released over 400 more never-seen-before official documents / e-mails contained on Hillary's illegal personal server that were never turned in to the State Department, which are violations of the FOIA and the Federal Records Act. Each document / e-mail Constitutes 2 criminal counts - 1 each for the FOIA and for the Federal Records Act. That means the more than 400 newly released documents constitutes more than 800 federal criminal counts against Hillary Clinton.

Snowflakes like the OP continue to demonstrate they are not for the Rule of Law or enforcing the Rule of law when a Democrat is involved.
Comparing Hillary to Trump is like comparing a jaywalker to a bank robber.
Snow White Hillary is as clean as the driven snow. That is why the American People chose her in an historic landslide.

Crazy Ivan trump was born dirty

I really hope you're joking, because Hillary is certainly not as clean as snow. She's got dirt on her since Whitewater. Trump is clean as a bean.
Whitewater? That is when Ken Starr named her Snow White.

How much did trump settle trump university for?

Why won't American banks touch him?

Trump university was a sham, but it was nothing compared to Clinton scandals. American banks? What problem does Trump have with those?

You admit that Trump University was a sham--but then want to talk about his dealings with American banks--:dig:

Here is a real person that got hurt by the Trump University scam.

You must of just stuck your head out from under a rock to see what was going on. The New York State attorney General's office put a cease and decist order on the Trump foundation 3 weeks prior to the election. Apparently he had been using charitable donations to settle legal claims.
State Attorney General Orders Trump Foundation to Cease Raising Money in New York
'I've never encountered anything so brazen': Report details shocking new revelations about Trump Foundation

Link to his business practices--and you probably remember 4 bankrupcy's that you laughed about. What do you think that did to banks and other investors that ended up holding the bag on those bankrupcy's?
Donald Trump’s business failings, explained

And the hundreds of people who trump refuses to pay what he owes.

Then there's Las Vegas. How dirty do have to be that LV throws you out? And his bragging that he made bigly bucks screwing people with his bankruptcies.

We've never had a more corrupt prez than trump.

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SESSIONS needs to be concerned with Hillary....and Comey...and Lynch...and Wasserman-Schultz...and Barry....
Snow White Hillary is as clean as the driven snow. That is why the American People chose her in an historic landslide.

Crazy Ivan trump was born dirty

I really hope you're joking, because Hillary is certainly not as clean as snow. She's got dirt on her since Whitewater. Trump is clean as a bean.
Whitewater? That is when Ken Starr named her Snow White.

How much did trump settle trump university for?

Why won't American banks touch him?

Trump university was a sham, but it was nothing compared to Clinton scandals. American banks? What problem does Trump have with those?

You admit that Trump University was a sham--but then want to talk about his dealings with American banks--:dig:

Here is a real person that got hurt by the Trump University scam.

You must of just stuck your head out from under a rock to see what was going on. The New York State attorney General's office put a cease and decist order on the Trump foundation 3 weeks prior to the election. Apparently he had been using charitable donations to settle legal claims.
State Attorney General Orders Trump Foundation to Cease Raising Money in New York
'I've never encountered anything so brazen': Report details shocking new revelations about Trump Foundation

Link to his business practices--and you probably remember 4 bankrupcy's that you laughed about. What do you think that did to banks and other investors that ended up holding the bag on those bankrupcy's?
Donald Trump’s business failings, explained

And the hundreds of people who trump refuses to pay what he owes.

Then there's Las Vegas. How dirty do have to be that LV throws you out? And his bragging that he made bigly bucks screwing people with his bankruptcies.

We've never had a more corrupt prez than trump.

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How do you justify the Clinton Foundation stealing over a billion dollars of money allocated to the poorest of the poor - Haitian people - which is outright theft!

Haitian children eat in garbage dump - Clinton Foundation stole their relief money.

You're straining a gnat and swallowing a camel, Luddly. Have a look at the people you are bent on protecting. They are the most vile people still walking free today. Anyone else would have been locked up long ago.
Snow White Hillary is as clean as the driven snow. That is why the American People chose her in an historic landslide.

Crazy Ivan trump was born dirty

I really hope you're joking, because Hillary is certainly not as clean as snow. She's got dirt on her since Whitewater. Trump is clean as a bean.
Whitewater? That is when Ken Starr named her Snow White.

How much did trump settle trump university for?

Why won't American banks touch him?

Trump university was a sham, but it was nothing compared to Clinton scandals. American banks? What problem does Trump have with those?

You admit that Trump University was a sham--but then want to talk about his dealings with American banks--:dig:

Here is a real person that got hurt by the Trump University scam.

You must of just stuck your head out from under a rock to see what was going on. The New York State attorney General's office put a cease and decist order on the Trump foundation 3 weeks prior to the election. Apparently he had been using charitable donations to settle legal claims.
State Attorney General Orders Trump Foundation to Cease Raising Money in New York
'I've never encountered anything so brazen': Report details shocking new revelations about Trump Foundation

Link to his business practices--and you probably remember 4 bankrupcy's that you laughed about. What do you think that did to banks and other investors that ended up holding the bag on those bankrupcy's?
Donald Trump’s business failings, explained

And the hundreds of people who trump refuses to pay what he owes.

Then there's Las Vegas. How dirty do have to be that LV throws you out? And his bragging that he made bigly bucks screwing people with his bankruptcies.

We've never had a more corrupt prez than trump.

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To answer both of y'all:

Trump U was a scam, yes. However, the case is over. It was settled. End of story.

Dealings with American banks? That sounds perfectly legal to me.

Yeah, sorry that she fell into the scam, but it's over now. You can always re-earn money.

The NY Atty. Gen. should've put a cease & desist on the Clinton Foundation for all their money laundering from foreign donors that went to her campaign.

4 bankruptcies? Yeah, that happens. He's a big businessman. He's gonna deal with bankruptcies occasionally. Most big businessmen like him will. That doesn't necessarily imply he failed. He's made more money than you or I will ever make.

Next response:

Hundreds of people? Please, give me sources. I'm pretty sure he's not in mountains of debt.

Las Vegas? You mean Trump's hotel there? That's one of his business properties. It's open today. I don't know where you're getting that he was kicked out.

We have had PLENTY more corrupt admins. Ulysses S. Grant, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, etc. There will always be corruption, but his is new. It's biggest problem is the Obama holdouts leaking everything.
Why is Trump so obsessed with wanting Sessions to go after Hillary?

I doubt he's all that fixated on prosecuting Hillary. What I think he's doing is searching for something that holds news cycles and that gives him an attacker's position rather than the defenders. I'm all but sure that in Trump's mind it's about rhetorical strategy and not at all about policy or justice.

The reason is that Trump is better on the attack than on defense. That's no surprise. One need not know much about much of anything to assail opponents with ridiculous attacks that appeal to the hoi polloi. That's especially so during election season when the rantings and ravings of the intellectually "unwashed" masses are nonetheless votes to be garnered. Once an election is won, however, things change. To defend against any kind of attack, especially germane and hard hitting ones presented by individuals who are very smart, very well educated and very well informed, however, one, most especially the POTUS, must be very good at a host of things at which Trump is no good.

Quite simply, Trump has come to Washington and is now discovering that everyone who matters knows more about everything, except his own business, than he does. That's very different from being in NYC or any other non-national capital city. Why? Because in D.C., everything is politically important and very well understood by anyone who's got something to say about it and has the ability to be heard by people who matter. It's not just business, social issues of a debatable nature, and society pages. Merely being very rich won't "cut the mustard" in political D.C. because nobody cares about anyone's wealth (wealth is irrelevant in D.C. for individuals who have official power); behavior, thoughts and ideas are what matter. Political Washington, as with all nations' capitals, is truly the "big league" like no other place in America.
"Attorney General Jeff Sessions has taken a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes (where are E-mails & DNC server) & Intel leakers!"

Donald Trump attacks Jeff Sessions for failing to investigate Clinton

She has already been thoroughly investigated and cleared by Comey and Congress. What more does Trump want? Is the fact that she won the popular vote by 3 million votes gnawing on him? Because of Russia influence in the election - does he feel he may not be a legitimate president? What do you think?
Trump remembers "locker up" was a surefire applause line. He's feeling lonely and depressed these days and needs to suck some energy from the neck of his core Tard Herd.
"Attorney General Jeff Sessions has taken a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes (where are E-mails & DNC server) & Intel leakers!"

Donald Trump attacks Jeff Sessions for failing to investigate Clinton

She has already been thoroughly investigated and cleared by Comey and Congress. What more does Trump want? Is the fact that she won the popular vote by 3 million votes gnawing on him? Because of Russia influence in the election - does he feel he may not be a legitimate president? What do you think?

Because we want him to.
"Attorney General Jeff Sessions has taken a VERY weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes (where are E-mails & DNC server) & Intel leakers!"

Donald Trump attacks Jeff Sessions for failing to investigate Clinton

She has already been thoroughly investigated and cleared by Comey and Congress. What more does Trump want? Is the fact that she won the popular vote by 3 million votes gnawing on him? Because of Russia influence in the election - does he feel he may not be a legitimate president? What do you think?
Trump remembers "locker up" was a surefire applause line. He's feeling lonely and depressed these days and needs to suck some energy from the neck of his core Tard Herd.
As I recall that was another one of those miracles he was going to perform on day 1.
NaziCons spent millions to nail President Bill Clinton on blowjobs - and now they want Hillary. When is enough enough?

Just imagine if Hillary had won the presidency with the same baggage Trump currently has. NaziCons would be charging the White House with pitchforks and torches. Instead - they defend Trump with more conspiracy theories, fake news, and lies. I consider NaziCons the lowest form of life on the planet.

That's why Jason Chaffetz quit. He and Gowdy had their whole career planned around endless investigations of nothing at all.

The bastards both voted to cut embassy security, then voted to refuse her and Obamas requests and yet they spearheaded the phony Benghazi investigation.

When she didn't win, chaffetz had no career left. And he doesn't have the balls to go up against our corrupt traitor of s president. So he quit. Right after that, chicken shit Gowdy said he wouldn't so much as ask trump for the time of day.

The GOP is as crooked as the proverbial dogs hind leg. And RWNJs will believe anything that feeds their agenda.

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The corporate state's agenda is always to defund and hamstring government as the voice of the people and then claim govt - and by extension the voice of the people – can never work. We must have a few wealthy elites in charge of the rabble via authoritarianism.

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