Why is trump so quiet about Stormy Daniels?

Why is trump being so quiet about the Stormy Daniels affair?

  • He is listening to his lawyers....for a change.

    Votes: 6 20.7%
  • He is afraid of what she has.

    Votes: 9 31.0%
  • Because he knows there are many more like her out there.

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • Because he doesn't think it is important.

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • Because he didn't have the affair.....cough....hack....

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • Other...please specify.

    Votes: 3 10.3%

  • Total voters
Amazing! Not one vote that the affair never happened. So even with the vast number if RW nuts on this board....they all are confirming that he is a Liar....a sleazy....greasy...fat.....cheating liar.

Like I said, only 2 people know what, if anything, really happened.
2 people, you hope.

If there are records of texts between them, it's over for Trump.

over how? is texting illegal? is screwing a porn star illegal? is signing a NDA illegal?

the only illegality here would be if she breached the NDA by talking about it.

It's not "illegal" to violate an NDA, it just opens you up to monetary damages.

a breach of contract is an illegal act. the NDA usually specifies the penalty or damages for a breach. Yes, it is illegal.
She only has to convince a court. Not you.

All of this opens the door to Trump being depositioned. That's why he is being quiet.

He knows if he goes under oath...he is screwed. But I think Mueller will get him first....

so he goes under oath and say: yes I had a one time encounter with her and then paid her to keep quiet about it. What part of that is illegal, or would cause him to be "screwed"?

There are lots of issues....the money....the threat.....the defamation...the constant lies. There are many traps he could fall in.

dream on, the porn slut has no proof of anything. the only thing that we know is that she breached the contract of the NDA that she signed.

BTW, having sex with a porn slut is not illegal. Not very smart, but not illegal.

then why isn't Donald ranting and raving and tweeting, snooks?

why is he ok and she's a "porn slut"? misogynists are funny... it's all good for the guys but she's a slut?


meanwhile, he's the one who keeps screwing around with these women on his wife... oops, make that wives.

and he isn't denying anything. why are you? are you somehow feeling attacked if people tell the truth about him?

Uhm, so far, all the allegations against Trump are just that, allegations. There are hours of footage of Daniels getting jizzed all over. Face it honey, she got paid to screw men for years.
Scenario A: Trump admits he humped the porn star.

Melania sues for divorce and takes him to court for half of everything he owns. That leads to tax returns being made a matter of public record. Uh oh! What's this line item deduction for a donation to Planned Parenthood?!? Greenpeace? The Clinton Foundation! What's this Russian investment shit all about?

This also leads to the revelation Trump isn't nearly as wealthy as he has told the rubes he is.

There's just no positive outcome here.

Scenario B: Trump denies he humped the porn star.

Stormy's lawyer unveils texts from Trump whining he wants to hump her AGAIN. Texts about how great she was in bed. Texts about making her his next Apprentice.

Boom. Impeachment for perjury. It's over for Trump.

Lose/lose. So Trump is in STFU mode for now.

You left out scenario C:

Suit gets thrown out of court.
It hasn't been.

Thus Trump's silence.

You can be sure his legal team is working night and day to keep Trump from being depo'd at all costs.

What legal team he can find....that is....:04:

you are a sick human being. what is it that fills you libs with so much hate?
Amazing! Not one vote that the affair never happened. So even with the vast number if RW nuts on this board....they all are confirming that he is a Liar....a sleazy....greasy...fat.....cheating liar.

Like I said, only 2 people know what, if anything, really happened.
2 people, you hope.

If there are records of texts between them, it's over for Trump.

over how? is texting illegal? is screwing a porn star illegal? is signing a NDA illegal?

the only illegality here would be if she breached the NDA by talking about it.

It's not "illegal" to violate an NDA, it just opens you up to monetary damages.

a breach of contract is an illegal act. the NDA usually specifies the penalty or damages for a breach. Yes, it is illegal.


No, a breach of contract is not an "illegal act". It's a civil matter, not a criminal one.

You can tell that by the fact that no one has ever gone to jail for breaching a contract.
Gentlemen do NOT speak about their conquests bedsheet wise in public. It is just NOT DONE. Trash, on the other hand, do so.


what pure bullshit you posted.

take any one of the many MANY times your gropenfurer has gone on howard stern, & you'll get an earful. i particularly remember him boasting about the time he took both his wife at the time - ivanka - & his mistress at the time - marla maples - on the same aspen ski vacation - at the same time & what happened when they caught up with each other....
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He is being very quiet....WHY?
You remember when there was all that talk about Obama's birth certificate, and Obama would never address it?

Yeah, it's sort of like that.

nooooo..... it's more like all that talk about donny not showing his taxes....

it's more like THAT.

the IRS had his tax returns for 8 years while obozo was president and he used the IRS to target his enemies, don't you think that if Trump was cheating on his taxes it would have already come out? Guys like him get audited every year. Don't be so fricken naïve.
do his audits get publicized, or does he have to pay penalties every year for lying?
Next up Libbies will offer a convicted thief, pardoned by Obama, who will swear he stole money for Trump
Scenario A: Trump admits he humped the porn star.

Melania sues for divorce and takes him to court for half of everything he owns. That leads to tax returns being made a matter of public record. Uh oh! What's this line item deduction for a donation to Planned Parenthood?!? Greenpeace? The Clinton Foundation! What's this Russian investment shit all about?

This also leads to the revelation Trump isn't nearly as wealthy as he has told the rubes he is.

There's just no positive outcome here.

Scenario B: Trump denies he humped the porn star.

Stormy's lawyer unveils texts from Trump whining he wants to hump her AGAIN. Texts about how great she was in bed. Texts about making her his next Apprentice.

Boom. Impeachment for perjury. It's over for Trump.

Lose/lose. So Trump is in STFU mode for now.

You left out scenario C:

Suit gets thrown out of court.
It hasn't been.

Thus Trump's silence.

You can be sure his legal team is working night and day to keep Trump from being depo'd at all costs.

What legal team he can find....that is....:04:
Trump's legal team is the fastest growing sector of our economy.
He is being very quiet....WHY?
You remember when there was all that talk about Obama's birth certificate, and Obama would never address it?

Yeah, it's sort of like that.

nooooo..... it's more like all that talk about donny not showing his taxes....

it's more like THAT.

the IRS had his tax returns for 8 years while obozo was president and he used the IRS to target his enemies, don't you think that if Trump was cheating on his taxes it would have already come out? Guys like him get audited every year. Don't be so fricken naïve.

ya- you go with that. the IRS cannot disclose them, dummy & there is nothing stopping trump from showing them whether he is being audited or not. mueller has them & trump knows it. hence the whole 'red line' threat donny threw out there.

. & btw... obama showed his birth certificate.
Scenario A: Trump admits he humped the porn star.

Melania sues for divorce and takes him to court for half of everything he owns. That leads to tax returns being made a matter of public record. Uh oh! What's this line item deduction for a donation to Planned Parenthood?!? Greenpeace? The Clinton Foundation! What's this Russian investment shit all about?

This also leads to the revelation Trump isn't nearly as wealthy as he has told the rubes he is.

There's just no positive outcome here.

Scenario B: Trump denies he humped the porn star.

Stormy's lawyer unveils texts from Trump whining he wants to hump her AGAIN. Texts about how great she was in bed. Texts about making her his next Apprentice.

Boom. Impeachment for perjury. It's over for Trump.

Lose/lose. So Trump is in STFU mode for now.

You left out scenario C:

Suit gets thrown out of court.
It hasn't been.

Thus Trump's silence.

You can be sure his legal team is working night and day to keep Trump from being depo'd at all costs.

What legal team he can find....that is....:04:

you are a sick human being. what is it that fills you libs with so much hate?

Sick? Why....the President us unable to find a top notch attorney....does that strike you as being odd?

Maybe because these attorneys don't want to be soiled by lying down with pigs....
Like I said, only 2 people know what, if anything, really happened.
2 people, you hope.

If there are records of texts between them, it's over for Trump.

over how? is texting illegal? is screwing a porn star illegal? is signing a NDA illegal?

the only illegality here would be if she breached the NDA by talking about it.

It's not "illegal" to violate an NDA, it just opens you up to monetary damages.

a breach of contract is an illegal act. the NDA usually specifies the penalty or damages for a breach. Yes, it is illegal.


No, a breach of contract is not an "illegal act". It's a civil matter, not a criminal one.

You can tell that by the fact that no one has ever gone to jail for breaching a contract.

I did not say it was a criminal matter. I said it was a violation of a binding legal document and breaching a legal document is a violation of law, it is illegal. and yes, people have gone to jail for such acts, recently a nuclear submariner for taking pictures after signing an NDA.

Hillary Clinton should be in jail for breaching an NDA whereby she agreed to protect classified data from disclosure.

don't choose to argue with me on this, I know this subject much better than you do.
He is being very quiet....WHY?
You remember when there was all that talk about Obama's birth certificate, and Obama would never address it?

Yeah, it's sort of like that.

nooooo..... it's more like all that talk about donny not showing his taxes....

it's more like THAT.

the IRS had his tax returns for 8 years while obozo was president and he used the IRS to target his enemies, don't you think that if Trump was cheating on his taxes it would have already come out? Guys like him get audited every year. Don't be so fricken naïve.

1. the IRS did NOT have his tax returns for eight years. There is no basis to believe that.
2. You can disclose your own tax returns during an audit.

keep lying for him though. I know the orange sociopath appreciates it.
He is being very quiet....WHY?
You remember when there was all that talk about Obama's birth certificate, and Obama would never address it?

Yeah, it's sort of like that.

nooooo..... it's more like all that talk about donny not showing his taxes....

it's more like THAT.

the IRS had his tax returns for 8 years while obozo was president and he used the IRS to target his enemies, don't you think that if Trump was cheating on his taxes it would have already come out? Guys like him get audited every year. Don't be so fricken naïve.
do his audits get publicized, or does he have to pay penalties every year for lying?

If he did, Lois Lerner would have leaked it. don't be so ignorant
Not so. She didn't have to lie, just not talk about it.
She was coerced into signing a statement in January denying the affair.

Coerced? Boy, it just keeps getting better. What were the stakes if she refused to sign it and who made the threats?

And, digging a little deeper, why would she have to deny anything if she had honored the spirit of the contract for which she was paid?

she said she was threatened. no one has denied that as of this time. so why are you acting as if there's been a denial?

you seem to do that a lot when it comes to the Donald.

and there's a law suit that should sort all that out. I can't wait til Donald's deposition.

Who threatened her and with what? It's easy to claim you're coerced into signing something that later becomes inconvenient when you're looking for a big payoff. IOW, I'm skeptical regarding that claim. Convince me.
She only has to convince a court. Not you.

All of this opens the door to Trump being depositioned. That's why he is being quiet.

IOW, smart. I've noticed a pattern. If Trump comments about something, the haters fall all over themselves screaming condemnation on him. Now he's not saying much and they're congratulating him for not commenting?

I'll let you be the judge.
2 people, you hope.

If there are records of texts between them, it's over for Trump.

over how? is texting illegal? is screwing a porn star illegal? is signing a NDA illegal?

the only illegality here would be if she breached the NDA by talking about it.

It's not "illegal" to violate an NDA, it just opens you up to monetary damages.

a breach of contract is an illegal act. the NDA usually specifies the penalty or damages for a breach. Yes, it is illegal.


No, a breach of contract is not an "illegal act". It's a civil matter, not a criminal one.

You can tell that by the fact that no one has ever gone to jail for breaching a contract.

I did not say it was a criminal matter. I said it was a violation of a binding legal document and breaching a legal document is a violation of law, it is illegal. and yes, people have gone to jail for such acts, recently a nuclear submariner for taking pictures after signing an NDA.

Hillary Clinton should be in jail for breaching an NDA whereby she agreed to protect classified data from disclosure.

don't choose to argue with me on this, I know this subject much better than you do.

they are alleging it isn't binding, snooks.

you don't get to determine if it's binding or not. the court does.
He is being very quiet....WHY?
You remember when there was all that talk about Obama's birth certificate, and Obama would never address it?

Yeah, it's sort of like that.

nooooo..... it's more like all that talk about donny not showing his taxes....

it's more like THAT.

Is the audit still going on? Or was that a lie...another lie....a lie one many.

that's a good question.
He is being very quiet....WHY?
You remember when there was all that talk about Obama's birth certificate, and Obama would never address it?

Yeah, it's sort of like that.

nooooo..... it's more like all that talk about donny not showing his taxes....

it's more like THAT.

the IRS had his tax returns for 8 years while obozo was president and he used the IRS to target his enemies, don't you think that if Trump was cheating on his taxes it would have already come out? Guys like him get audited every year. Don't be so fricken naïve.
do his audits get publicized, or does he have to pay penalties every year for lying?

If he did, Lois Lerner would have leaked it. don't be so ignorant

you have a vivid imagination.
He is being very quiet....WHY?
You remember when there was all that talk about Obama's birth certificate, and Obama would never address it?

Yeah, it's sort of like that.

nooooo..... it's more like all that talk about donny not showing his taxes....

it's more like THAT.

the IRS had his tax returns for 8 years while obozo was president and he used the IRS to target his enemies, don't you think that if Trump was cheating on his taxes it would have already come out? Guys like him get audited every year. Don't be so fricken naïve.

1. the IRS did NOT have his tax returns for eight years. There is no basis to believe that.
2. You can disclose your own tax returns during an audit.

keep lying for him though. I know the orange sociopath appreciates it.

The IRS did not have his tax returns???????? who do you send yours to? Are you as stupid as you appear to be?

yes, anyone can publish their tax returns if they want to. I suggest you print 100 copies of yours and throw them out your car window.
She was coerced into signing a statement in January denying the affair.

Coerced? Boy, it just keeps getting better. What were the stakes if she refused to sign it and who made the threats?

And, digging a little deeper, why would she have to deny anything if she had honored the spirit of the contract for which she was paid?

she said she was threatened. no one has denied that as of this time. so why are you acting as if there's been a denial?

you seem to do that a lot when it comes to the Donald.

and there's a law suit that should sort all that out. I can't wait til Donald's deposition.

Who threatened her and with what? It's easy to claim you're coerced into signing something that later becomes inconvenient when you're looking for a big payoff. IOW, I'm skeptical regarding that claim. Convince me.
She only has to convince a court. Not you.

All of this opens the door to Trump being depositioned. That's why he is being quiet.

IOW, smart. I've noticed a pattern. If Trump comments about something, the haters fall all over themselves screaming condemnation on him. Now he's not saying much and they're congratulating him for not commenting?

I'll let you be the judge.

They want him to start WW III over Russia, bitch about his hard-line approach to NK, claim consensual sex is between two people.... these folks have lost it.

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