Why is union greed bad, but CEO greed is OK?

It's amazing how CEO pay went from 20X the average worker in the 60's to over 300X
the average worker now. And they are doing the same job. Meanwhile wages are stagnant for the middle class and our economy is weak.

No, what is AMAZING is how us middle class people have stood by and let this happen.
Amazing that the Republicans continue to preach how rising CEO pay good, stagnant middle class pay what we deserve. Amazing that a certain portion of the middle class believe that bullshit.

But you are correct. Lots of amazement to be had out there.

Who is it that says stagnant middle class economic conditions are "what we deserve?" That's the part I'm lost on.

Here I thought the Republicans were claiming to have a better solution to get everybody making more money, not a stated desire to fuck the little guy.

Why is it that we can't concede that, generally, both sides want what they believe is best for everyone? Why do we have to pretend the other side has ill intentions to validate our own arguments? Is our entire culture -that- fucking intellectually insecure?

Dems are spewing all Marxist talking points and CEO's are today's Kulaks. It's sick and sad, mostly because the people expressing it expose themselves as total losers
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Hey Frank, what does what you wrote have to do with CEO's making less and the worker making more? You know, like it used to be when we REALLY were the number one economy in the world both in production and consumption.

We don't need a "new" system. But we do need to realign the current system more to the side of the worker. What would be wrong with that?

The CEO/worker concept is Failed Marxist thought. CEOs make what the Board thinks they should make and unlike in your Marxist Nations "Workers" are not trapped and helpless littel drones who HAVE to do whatever the State Demands

I feel sorry for you. You're going to have a crappy, little life of you keep listening to the Progs

They sure aren't paying CEO's based on what they could get somebody to do the job for. I've worked with a lot of competent, educated, and qualified people who would run these companies for far less. Yet the board pays them grossly high wages. Seems the game is rigged.

You obviously believe that the qualifications for being a CEO are no different than the qualifications for being a school teacher.
I would love for some of you to fill in for a CEO for about a month and see how "easy" it is.

It's really sad many cannot feel confident enough, as well as reasonable enough to be able to negotiate for themselves. If you add value to a company they will pay you that value. Did you also realize that a person making $15 an hr, that employer is paying an additional 30%, and more, depending on whether they include a 401k, etc., per hour?


But circumstance keeps me from that.

I wasn't born wealthy. I didn't get into the "Old Boys" clubs. And I am not ruthless.
You do realize that it is approximately only 20% of the wealthy that inherited it. That means 80% worked smart to make their wealth.

A CEO's compensation package is determined by the Board of Directors, and is based on their perceived value to the company.

If they don't like it, they can explore other options.

That goes for pretty much anyone else.


A union members compensation is determined by the board also, and is based on their perceived value to the company.

If they don't like it, they can explore other options too.

So I ask again:

Why is it morally accepted by the right wing for a CEO to try to milk as much money as he can out of a company........but morally wrong for a union employee to do the same thing?

Unfortunately the board of directors isn't allowed to pursue other options. The NLRB forces corporations to "bargain in good faith" with union thugs. That means they are forced to sign a union contract.
In response to the OP, neither of these things is inherently evil.

CEO pay is voluntary. The CEO can't force the company to pay what it isn't willing to part with, and the company can't force someone to be their CEO for less than he/she demands in compensation.

Where Union membership is voluntary and employment is not contingent on membership, the compensation of a union employee is also voluntary. Nothing voluntary that is agreed upon by all involved can be said to be inherently evil, at least by my standards.

Victimless crime is an oxymoron by those standards.
Right, only the Government should determine what people should make. That system has such a glorious track record.

I didn't suggest the government should determine it. I suggested that in the private sector there are many people would could and would do it for much cheaper. The game is rigged.

Why are you so helpless? Who is forcing you to take any job?

What does that have to do with crony capitalism?
The CEO/worker concept is Failed Marxist thought. CEOs make what the Board thinks they should make and unlike in your Marxist Nations "Workers" are not trapped and helpless littel drones who HAVE to do whatever the State Demands

I feel sorry for you. You're going to have a crappy, little life of you keep listening to the Progs

They sure aren't paying CEO's based on what they could get somebody to do the job for. I've worked with a lot of competent, educated, and qualified people who would run these companies for far less. Yet the board pays them grossly high wages. Seems the game is rigged.

You obviously believe that the qualifications for being a CEO are no different than the qualifications for being a school teacher.

Well teacher is an extremely important job.

I know there are many qualified people who would do the job for less. The game is rigged.
Cant help but ask. We are seeing a LOT of companies moving to the South, due to our vast right to work labor practices. So, yes, we see those jobs coming, and they are paying a fair bit less than they would if located in union states. And that's fine.

What I don't get is how those same companies make the move to a right to work state, and they do better financially- that's true. BUT, does that result in lower prices for the consumer? Nope. It results in higher pay for the CEO and board member types.

So, its bad for union members to be greedy and want more pay. And the right demonizes them. Fair enough. Greed is a deadly sin.

Then why doesn't the right also crucify all the greedy CEO's of the world who shrewdly try to drain every dollar they can out of their employer, just like unions?

Seems greed is greed....regardless of one's place on the totem pole.
First, you are going to have to prove that you even know what the word means.
Why are you so helpless? Who is forcing you to take any job?

you seem not to understand the disparity in power and how the only thing that obtains a fair wage... especially in an economy where there are six applicants for every job.... is collective bargaining.

Well Obama's economy sucks. If you studied the FDR Depression, you'd see that Obama is following the exact script that FDR did to prolong his Depression
Stalin had the Kulaks, Hitler had the Jews, Mao had the Capitalists and Democrats have the CEO
The Leftist Mindless Collective are the ones who feel trapped and can never do better for themselves. They only get the ideas the masters feed into the collective, how can they do better on their own? Education? Training? Inspiration? Genius? all dead and alien concepts to the Prog Drone

They rail against the World Number One economic System not because they can do better, but because that's their marching orders

Our last true conservative government was in the 1920's and they were the Roaring 20's for a good reason. They started off worse that the FDR Depression and at the end of Coolidge's Second term you could not find an unemployed person in the entire USA. That's what worked and that what works. Conservatism, lettign the economy work gives us the greatest prosperity; Liberalism gives us Detroit

Frank, are you a CEO of a substantial corporation? No, I didn't think so. So why you rooting against yourself. Or don't you even have a job? Ever had a job? But I would bet my good money that you have never ever in your life been a rich CEO. Never ever.

But you got hope eh? And envy?

You'd lose, that's one of the stupidest bets ever.

I don't want to be a CEO. You have a very strange "CEO or Worker Drone" idea about our world and I'm not even sure where it came from.

I worked for one of the greatest CEO's on the planet from 1980-1992. I was the first analyst he hired. He started with an idea borrowed $50K and he's been on Forbes 400 list the for at least the past 10 years. His partner in Florida was on the list and he might be there again.

Seriously, stop listening to losers like Bucs90, it won't do you any good

Oh you mean you worked for a CEO who didn't make 300 times what you make. Look at the numbers Frank. Look at what the average pay differential was at between CEOs and workers. And seeing as how you went to work for a start up company why I bet that your CEO not only started the company, he worked for peanuts as a start up and your CEO even knew how to make what ever it was your company did.

And you think todays CEO's are cut from the same cloth eh?

1980 through 1992. Not the same Frank. Not at all.
Its the workers who run the country. They're the ones who support the 1%. The workers must do very hard work, work long hours and often must live in poverty. Women and children especially live below the poverty line even though the mother works a full time job.

Without the workers, there would be no wealthy to be greedy for the money the workers earn for them.

A CEO's compensation package is determined by the Board of Directors, and is based on their perceived value to the company.

If they don't like it, they can explore other options.

That goes for pretty much anyone else.


A union members compensation is determined by the board also, and is based on their perceived value to the company.

If they don't like it, they can explore other options too.

So I ask again:

Why is it morally accepted by the right wing for a CEO to try to milk as much money as he can out of a company........but morally wrong for a union employee to do the same thing?

Unfortunately the board of directors isn't allowed to pursue other options. The NLRB forces corporations to "bargain in good faith" with union thugs. That means they are forced to sign a union contract.

And? bripat, as an wahnarkist, you want the system to fail. So you really have no worthwhile comment on any subject to make.
Stalin had the Kulaks, Hitler had the Jews, Mao had the Capitalists and Democrats have the CEO

Frank, if your deductive reasoning power was the same in 1980 as it seems to be now, I am surprised you got hired.

Saying that Democrats opposed to excessive CEO pay is being like Hitler and Jews etc etc.

What a crock of bullshit frank. Use some of your analytical skills and think about what you write. Good god.

But I would make you another bet if I could. And that bet would be that I can find a hard core Republican who thinks it sucks that his/her wages are flat while their CEOs pay goes up and up and up. No doubt about it. Those people are out there. Repubs.

You seem to have nothing in common with middle class men and women (Dems or Repubs or independents) who work for a living. Why is that. You think you're better than people like me who work?

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