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Why ISIS is Americas Problem

Lets see, where do I begin? Some JV team from a desert somewhere we're told.

And just how did they arm themselves?

ISIS Is Taking Over Iraq Using Captured American Weapons

ISIS is marching through city after city in Iraq, and they are doing it with American weapons. Thanks to a series of stunning victories in recent months, ISIS has captured a vast array of U.S. military equipment including trucks, Humvees, rockets, artillery pieces and Stinger missiles.

ISIS Is Taking Over Iraq Using Captured American Weapons Washington s Blog


Now we have to reflect on why ISIS has become such a strength. Where did the void materialize for which ISIS quickly filled , like ants on a dropped piece of gum?

Panetta: Obama Wrong on Iraq Pullout, Failure to Arm Syrians

Former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says his old boss, President Barack Obama, erred when he failed to leave a residual military force in Iraq – and when he didn't opt to arm the Free Syrian Army earlier.

"I really thought that it was important for us to maintain a presence in Iraq," Panetta said in an interview aired Sunday on CBS's "60 Minutes."

Panetta said he and Obama's other advisers thought that at least 8,000 U.S. troops should have stayed in Iraq. "And frankly, having those troops there I think would've given us greater leverage on [Prime Minister Nouri al-]Maliki to try to force him to do the right thing as well."

The Obama administration has insisted that al-Maliki would not make a "status of forces" agreement that U.S. troops would not be prosecuted by Iraq's government. Republican critics claim the real reason is that Obama wanted to fulfill his campaign promise to completely end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Panetta Obama Wrong on Iraq Pullout Failure to Arm Syrians

There's been this issue though that ISIS really wants us dead well... you know..... because well, we're not Muslim or more simply, we're Americans


The White House said Sunday that a review of an Islamic State video confirms that American hostage Peter Kassig, an aid worker and former Army Ranger, has been beheaded by the terror group.

New ISIS video shows beheading of American hostage Peter Kassig Fox News


And now we see the fall of Ramadi and only 60 miles away Baghdad looms

And then we have the parade. You know? We can send the Obama drone brigade to snuff out some douche in a cave out in nowhere land, yet we can't seem to muster one to take out a mile long ISIS victory parade?


The evidence is conclusive. Obama: the abject failure and is responsible for ISIS so now we have to own it.


How's come Daesh Terrorist Scum have not taken over Iraq? Iraq has been producing record high levels of oil and Daesh Terrorist Scum have not been able to touch it in strong Shiite dominated Iraq.
Lets see, where do I begin? Some JV team from a desert somewhere we're told.

And just how did they arm themselves?

ISIS Is Taking Over Iraq Using Captured American Weapons

ISIS is marching through city after city in Iraq, and they are doing it with American weapons. Thanks to a series of stunning victories in recent months, ISIS has captured a vast array of U.S. military equipment including trucks, Humvees, rockets, artillery pieces and Stinger missiles.

ISIS Is Taking Over Iraq Using Captured American Weapons Washington s Blog


Now we have to reflect on why ISIS has become such a strength. Where did the void materialize for which ISIS quickly filled , like ants on a dropped piece of gum?

Panetta: Obama Wrong on Iraq Pullout, Failure to Arm Syrians

Former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says his old boss, President Barack Obama, erred when he failed to leave a residual military force in Iraq – and when he didn't opt to arm the Free Syrian Army earlier.

"I really thought that it was important for us to maintain a presence in Iraq," Panetta said in an interview aired Sunday on CBS's "60 Minutes."

Panetta said he and Obama's other advisers thought that at least 8,000 U.S. troops should have stayed in Iraq. "And frankly, having those troops there I think would've given us greater leverage on [Prime Minister Nouri al-]Maliki to try to force him to do the right thing as well."

The Obama administration has insisted that al-Maliki would not make a "status of forces" agreement that U.S. troops would not be prosecuted by Iraq's government. Republican critics claim the real reason is that Obama wanted to fulfill his campaign promise to completely end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Panetta Obama Wrong on Iraq Pullout Failure to Arm Syrians

There's been this issue though that ISIS really wants us dead well... you know..... because well, we're not Muslim or more simply, we're Americans


The White House said Sunday that a review of an Islamic State video confirms that American hostage Peter Kassig, an aid worker and former Army Ranger, has been beheaded by the terror group.

New ISIS video shows beheading of American hostage Peter Kassig Fox News


And now we see the fall of Ramadi and only 60 miles away Baghdad looms

And then we have the parade. You know? We can send the Obama drone brigade to snuff out some douche in a cave out in nowhere land, yet we can't seem to muster one to take out a mile long ISIS victory parade?


The evidence is conclusive. Obama: the abject failure and is responsible for ISIS so now we have to own it.


How's come Daesh Terrorist Scum have not taken over Iraq? Iraq has been producing record high levels of oil and Daesh Terrorist Scum have not been able to touch it in strong Shiite dominated Iraq.

Nice victory for you I see. Most know Obama is over his head and frankly, just is slightly dumber than George W. Many thought that couldn't be possible after Obama took the lead from Jimmy Carter as being the worst POTUS in the last century..... if not for ever.

Geaux4it 12151572
Nice victory for you I see. Most know Obama is over his head and frankly, just is slightly dumber than George W. Many thought that couldn't be possible after Obama took the lead from Jimmy Carter as being the worst POTUS in the last century..... if not for ever. -Geaux

The question was 'why has daesh terrorist scum not taken over Iraq? You ran away from it? But how can the man who predicted that invading Iraq would be dumb before it was invaded be dumber than the man who kicked UN inspectors out and actually started the 'dumbest' war probably in the history of the world. You make no sense. Don't run away. You need to explain what makes you think Obama is dumber than Bush43.
Geaux4it 12151572
Nice victory for you I see. Most know Obama is over his head and frankly, just is slightly dumber than George W. Many thought that couldn't be possible after Obama took the lead from Jimmy Carter as being the worst POTUS in the last century..... if not for ever. -Geaux

The question was 'why has daesh terrorist scum not taken over Iraq? You ran away from it? But how can the man who predicted that invading Iraq would be dumb before it was invaded be dumber than the man who kicked UN inspectors out and actually started the 'dumbest' war probably in the history of the world. You make no sense. Don't run away. You need to explain what makes you think Obama is dumber than Bush43.


And this year old article talking about...... drum roll please....... a 'Constitutional Lawyer'

Pretty dumb. You think Obama is smart compared to GW? They both equal a retard combined


GOP leader: Supreme Court has ruled 13 times that Obama exceeded his constitutional authority

President Barack Obama received a strong rebuke from the Supreme Court last week for his attempt to make appointments when Congress was still technically in session.

The 9-0 decision in National Labor Relations Board vs. Noel Canning came just as Speaker John Boehner announced plans to sue Obama for executive overreach.

Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., who defended Boehner’s lawsuit, said the Supreme Court’s ruling was emblematic of Obama’s term. Goodlatte, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said the "9-0 decision last week was the 13th time the Supreme Court has voted 9-0 that the president has exceeded his constitutional authority."

Has Obama really had such a tough time with the high court? We decided to review the record.

GOP leader: Supreme Court has ruled 13 times that Obama exceeded his constitutional authority
And more proof of stupidity.

When my Tigers lose by 1, its the same as losing by 100.


Ramadi falls

Saturday’s news of a successful commando mission in Syria to kill a senior leader of the Islamic State was welcomed news, but the fundamental problem with our strategy remains. The Post reported on Friday, “Islamic State fighters on Friday seized control of key parts of Ramadi, the capital of Iraq’s largest province, in what appeared to be a significant blow to a U.S.-backed military campaign to retake territory from the insurgents.” The media may have been fixated on Jeb Bush’s difficulties to explain whether he would have gone into Iraq in 2003, but the evident failure of the president’s current approach to fighting the Islamic State is the real and far more troubling development.

Ramadi falls
LMAO again....


Inquiry Weighs Whether ISIS Analysis Was Distorted

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon’s inspector general is investigating allegations that military officials have skewed intelligence assessments about the United States-led campaign in Iraq against the Islamic State to provide a more optimistic account of progress, according to several officials familiar with the inquiry.

NF 12152943
The question was 'why has daesh terrorist scum not taken over Iraq?
The question still is. What's your answer?
LMAO again.... -Geaux

Inquiry Weighs Whether ISIS Analysis Was Distorted

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon’s inspector general is investigating allegations that military officials have skewed intelligence assessments about the United States-led campaign in Iraq against the Islamic State to provide a more optimistic account of progress, according to several officials familiar with the inquiry.


Geaux thinks allegations are factual news and it makes him laugh to hear anything that Daesh Terrorist Scum are 'winning'.

If the NYTimes report makes Geaux Laugh out Loud, then this Iraqi News report must make Geaux Cry a river of tears when his beloved Daesh lose big time without one single American needing to die.

Kurdish Peshmerga and Anti-Terrorism forces liberate 7 villages south of Kirkuk By Abdelhak Mamoun - Aug 26, 2015

“Joint forces from the Peshmerga and the anti-terrorism forces were able, today, to liberate the villages al-Tamor and Albo Shehab, al-Samaka al-Kabira, al-Saghira, al-Riyanh, al-Zerka, al-Tabj and al-Tar in Daquq district south of the province,” noting that, “the operation aims to cleanse the rest of the areas from ISIS militants.”

The source, who asked to remain anonymous, added: “those forces managed to liberate 200 km,” indicating that “the organization suffered big losses in lives and equipment.”

Kurdish Peshmerga and Anti-Terrorism forces liberate 7 villages south of Kirkuk - Iraqi News

So why did Daesh lose 200 km of Highway and seven villages if they are 'winning' in Iraq?

Why don't you have an answer?
NF 12152943
The question was 'why has daesh terrorist scum not taken over Iraq?
The question still is. What's your answer?
LMAO again.... -Geaux

Inquiry Weighs Whether ISIS Analysis Was Distorted

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon’s inspector general is investigating allegations that military officials have skewed intelligence assessments about the United States-led campaign in Iraq against the Islamic State to provide a more optimistic account of progress, according to several officials familiar with the inquiry.


Geaux thinks allegations are factual news and it makes him laugh to hear anything that Daesh Terrorist Scum are 'winning'.

If the NYTimes report makes Geaux Laugh out Loud, then this Iraqi News report must make Geaux Cry a river of tears when his beloved Daesh lose big time without one single American needing to die.

Kurdish Peshmerga and Anti-Terrorism forces liberate 7 villages south of Kirkuk By Abdelhak Mamoun - Aug 26, 2015

“Joint forces from the Peshmerga and the anti-terrorism forces were able, today, to liberate the villages al-Tamor and Albo Shehab, al-Samaka al-Kabira, al-Saghira, al-Riyanh, al-Zerka, al-Tabj and al-Tar in Daquq district south of the province,” noting that, “the operation aims to cleanse the rest of the areas from ISIS militants.”

The source, who asked to remain anonymous, added: “those forces managed to liberate 200 km,” indicating that “the organization suffered big losses in lives and equipment.”

Kurdish Peshmerga and Anti-Terrorism forces liberate 7 villages south of Kirkuk - Iraqi News

So why did Daesh lose 200 km of Highway and seven villages if they are 'winning' in Iraq?

Why don't you have an answer?

Look... The percentage of Americans who beg to differ with you is growing. 43% of us think ISIS is winning in Iraq. You can cherry pick locations where ISIS has not conquered, yet ignore the final conclusion.

Essentially, you're jumping around crying- 'Look see.. I stopped the rash from spreading', yet your 5-seconds away from a fatal heart attack.

Just sayin

Voters See ISIS Winning in Iraq

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Voters aren’t happy with the way President Obama is fighting the radical Islamic State group and increasingly suspect that ISIS is winning the war in Iraq.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 43% of Likely U.S. Voters now believe ISIS is winning, up five points from 38% two months ago. Just 18% now think the United States and its allies are winning, compared to 25% who felt that way in mid-March. Twenty-nine percent (29%) still think neither side has the advantage. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Voters See ISIS Winning in Iraq - Rasmussen Reports™
. Look... The percentage of Americans who beg to differ with you is growing. 43% of us think ISIS is winning in Iraq.
Voters See ISIS Winning in Iraq

Voters See ISIS Winning in Iraq - Rasmussen Reports™

I am honored not to be in that 43% of Americans that apparently don't realize that Sunni ISIS does not have an Air Force or Navy and absolutely no control of the air space above them. They don't know that Shiite and Kurdish Iraqis have the huge tactical benefit of their own Air Force and the air power of dozens of the most powerful nations in the world on their side. Daesh terrorist scum cannot win in Iraq - ever. There is no way.

And I am more honored not to be in the percentage of Americans that want to see more Anericans getting killed and wounded in Iraq doing the actual fighting for Iraqi able bodied men who are not willing to stand and fight their enemy even with all the U.S. and coalition military assistance they are getting. You people who want more U.S. Casualties in Iraq now are sick duped and demented. I want no part of being included in that ignorant group of the must nutty Americans I think America has ever seen.
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Geaux 12160999
You can cherry pick locations where ISIS has not conquered, yet ignore the final conclusion.

It's not cherry picking to state the obvious fact that Daesh Terrorist Scum have not set foot in 2/3 of Iraq which includes the Shiite and Kurdish areas where oil is. That also includes Baghdad. They lost over a quarter of the populated areas that they seized last year. They have not made any lasting advances in nine months. You think they are winning only because you want them to win, Well they won't win and nothing really indicates that they can or will. Your dream will not come true.
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. Look... The percentage of Americans who beg to differ with you is growing. 43% of us think ISIS is winning in Iraq.
Voters See ISIS Winning in Iraq

Voters See ISIS Winning in Iraq - Rasmussen Reports™

I am honored not to be in that 43% of Americans that apparently don't realize that Sunni ISIS does not have an Air Force or Navy and absolutely no control of the air space above them. They don't know that Shiite and Kurdish Iraqis have the huge tactical benefit of their own Air Force and the air power of dozens of the most powerful nations in the world on their side. Daesh terrorist scum cannot win in Iraq - ever. There is no way.

And I am more honored not to be in the percentage of Americans that want to see more Anericans getting killed and wounded in Iraq doing the actual fighting for Iraqi able bodied men who are not willing to stand and fight their enemy even with all the U.S. and coalition military assistance they are getting. You people who want more U.S. Casualties in Iraq now are sick duped and demented. I want no part of being included in that ignorant group of the must nutty Americans I think America has ever seen.

No, I want more dead ISIS fighters than Americans. We must slaughter them

No, I want more dead ISIS fighters than Americans. We must slaughter them

why? Why is any of this our problem?

Well Joe, after 273 post in this thread your question has been answered multiple times. Since Obama's scouting of the JV team ISIS was an epic fail, we must now support his consequential decision to allow ISIS to flourish. Not to mention, he contributed to their existence

Well Joe, after 273 post in this thread your question has been answered multiple times. Since Obama's scouting of the JV team ISIS was an epic fail, we must now support his consequential decision to allow ISIS to flourish. Not to mention, he contributed to their existence

Well, know, you haven't answered the question.

If you and your right wing buddies think fighting ISIS is such a priority, you should form a volunteer legion to go over there and fight them. Just go ahead and get your gun out and volunteer to go over there. Bill Kristol can be your colonel.

But I'm just not seeing how this is OUR problem. You haven't made that case yet.
Arabia: Aquarius

For our modern age of Wall Street politics (i.e., globalization, free market, etc.), ISIS seems eerily like a Biblical prophecy about Gog-Magog or Armageddon, primed to strike at our sensibilities about culture exchange.

ISIS is a legacy of both the evolution of Judaism and Islam and the impact of World War II (1939-1945).

Oil contracts will affect any peace-directed negotiations, but in specific, ISIS has to be America's problem just as the Afghanistan-USSR was America's problem, and if we fail to capitalize, we will regret once more (i.e., Taliban).

ISIS seems to be a focused and unified expansionist jihad effort from the Middle East and an 'outgrowth' of sorts of Taliban activity (i.e., Bin Laden).

We don't want reports of ISIS anti-capitalist terrorist attacks on Washington D.C. Starbucks shops.

Therefore, how can we coordinate our academic understanding of the human history behind the development of Arabia as a conceptualized nations-state, and how can we use such understanding to evaluate profit-perfect contracts for the modern world?

This event will reveal the efficacy of modern journalism (i.e., CNN).




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