Why isn't congress pushing impeachment proceedings now?

Patton was not a conservative, guys, sorry to tell you that. Many liberals have served honorably and faithfully just as many conservatives were cowards and fled from service in our history. And vis versa, kiddo.

Take the John Birch Society nonsense and stuff it.
Patton was not a conservative, guys, sorry to tell you that. Many liberals have served honorably and faithfully just as many conservatives were cowards and fled from service in our history. And vis versa, kiddo.

Take the John Birch Society nonsense and stuff it.

personal responsibility. love of country,love of god,hard work,differences in gender,right to work ect..and the word liberalism are oxymorons.:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
Henry Ford? Charles Lindbergh? Yidnar?
if we were fighting hitler today libbs would be protesting the war!!!the generals and the young men and women that fight and die for your freedom to spout out your Stalin loving anti American hatred are mostly conservatives,thats a damn fact!!! PATON WOULD SLAP YOU!!!:clap2::clap2:

Um, no. It was the conservative Republicans who argued to keep us out of the war. It was the conservative Republicans who admired Mussolini and Hitler for they way they ran their countries. It was the conservative Republicans who sold scrap metal to Japan for a profit....scrap metal that came back to us as bombs and bullets.

Joe Kennedy was not a republican nor was he a conservative.
4 etrm elected by the people does not a tyrant make.

You're to busy playing with bart simpson to not know the difference in what the last couple of presidents HAVE DONE. A dictator can be elected by the people Germany was a democracy before hitler. Communist Russia had elections. Just because you have elections doesn't mean your leader can't and want become a dictator. All it takes is a few laws past, a few powers extend to the excutive office and there you have it a DICTATOR.
Patton was not a conservative, guys, sorry to tell you that. Many liberals have served honorably and faithfully just as many conservatives were cowards and fled from service in our history. And vis versa, kiddo.

Take the John Birch Society nonsense and stuff it.

personal responsibility. love of country,love of god,hard work,differences in gender,right to work ect..and the word liberalism are oxymorons.:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Such a silly you are, just like littledebfascist. Patton was apolitical, simply a military man who fought the enemy as hard as he could. Joe Kennedy was a hardcore Boston Democrat right wing conservative who admired Hitler.
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If you behave and follow the law, and merely yell like a canting fascist, no one cares. You are issuing terroristic threats to LEO here. You know that is unlawful. That is stupid.

Behave? I'm an Adult, I don't behave children behave. If my rights are trampeled on I will fight back. Your Statist is showing.

One more time statist if they come to my house My domain my proprety I don't give a shit who they are I will treat them like any home invader and will drop them on the first shot. That is if they come warrantless but if they have a warrant they will have a reason, they don't have one nor will they ever have one.

You know that is unlawful.

This isn't Russia yet if they aren't welcomed by me in my domain I will drop them like a hot potato.

How's that reporting Obama for breaking the law doing?

Hell for all I know the person I talked to was you.
Patton was not a conservative, guys, sorry to tell you that. Many liberals have served honorably and faithfully just as many conservatives were cowards and fled from service in our history. And vis versa, kiddo.

Take the John Birch Society nonsense and stuff it.

personal responsibility. love of country,love of god,hard work,differences in gender,right to work ect..and the word liberalism are oxymorons.:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Such a silly you are, just like littledebfascist. Patton was apolitical, simply a military man who fought the enemy as hard as he could. Joe Kennedy was a hardcore Boston Democrat right wing conservative who admired Hitler.

Patton you commie fuck would have shot your ass where you stand. He wanted to give thge germans their guns back to fight your friends the commie russians.
You are drinking hard tonight, aren't you, littledebfascist? Careful when you play with your pistol.
You are drinking hard tonight, aren't you, littledebfascist? Careful when you play with your pistol.
listen up homo,if you think Patton would have not stood against the socialist bull sh!t you left wing America hating cowards are trying to push you are out of your mind!!!go burn the flag,kill an unborn child,burn a bible and marry a man,.............AIDS IS A LIBERAL DISEASE........:fu::dance::dance::dance::fu:
Never burned or supported burning the flag, abortion is a private choice, read the Bible more than once yearly, and have never or wanted to marry a man.

So you are saying you are a Big Government Statists that wants to suppress freedom of speech and expression, want to tell woman what to do with their lives, force people to read the Bible, and tell people what they can and can't do in their bedrooms.

You are a Big Government Statist.
Never burned or supported burning the flag, abortion is a private choice, read the Bible more than once yearly, and have never or wanted to marry a man.

So you are saying you are a Big Government Statists that wants to suppress freedom of speech and expression, want to tell woman what to do with their lives, force people to read the Bible, and tell people what they can and can't do in their bedrooms.

You are a Big Government Statist.
i did not say you could not participate in those liberal activities,AND THEY ARE LIBERAL ACTIVITIES,I am just pointing out what libbs support .and do not tell me you are a Christian man of faith.LIBERAL DOCTRINE DOES NOT RECOGNIZE EVIL!!!!THERE IS NO BLACK AND WHITE FOR YOU SUBHUMAN ANIMALS IT'S ALL BEEN REDUCED TO OPINION EVEN THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH IS RELATIVE TO INSANE PIGS LIKE YOU......:clap2::dance::piss2::afro::dance::clap2:
Yidnar's first lie exposed: The vast majority of America was isolationistic, and FDR moved as quickly as he could through the thirities into the forty and forty-one to educate the fools that America would have to fight Germany.

Yidnar's second lie exposed: Run Palin or Bachmann, and Obama will get 48 to 52% of the white vote and more than 80% of the darker vote.

You are as stupid as USAR and Tea Party Fascist and NeoFascist.

You are a demagogue, a fascist, a racist, and a fool. Dismissed.

Folks like you guarantee an Obama re-election.
Fools??is that what liberals like you think American's are??FDR WAS A SOCIALIST TYRANT THAT SPENT 16 YRS IN OFFICE !!he had i repeat he had no intention of getting involved in world war 2.pearl harbor you idiot forced him to get off of his commy ass!!:cuckoo:

That's right, call everyone you disagree with a commie. I'm applying my personal corollary to Godwin's Law. See ya, newb. :tongue:
konrad v the damn name speaks for itself commy:cool:
You are drinking hard tonight, aren't you, littledebfascist? Careful when you play with your pistol.

I may drink, but at least I'm not stupid enough to post some of the out right lies and bullshit you post.
Never burned or supported burning the flag, abortion is a private choice, read the Bible more than once yearly, and have never or wanted to marry a man.

So you are saying you are a Big Government Statists that wants to suppress freedom of speech and expression, want to tell woman what to do with their lives, force people to read the Bible, and tell people what they can and can't do in their bedrooms.

You are a Big Government Statist.
i did not say you could not participate in those liberal activities,AND THEY ARE LIBERAL ACTIVITIES,I am just pointing out what libbs support .and do not tell me you are a Christian man of faith.LIBERAL DOCTRINE DOES NOT RECOGNIZE EVIL!!!!THERE IS NO BLACK AND WHITE FOR YOU SUBHUMAN ANIMALS IT'S ALL BEEN REDUCED TO OPINION EVEN THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH IS RELATIVE TO INSANE PIGS LIKE YOU......:clap2::dance::piss2::afro::dance::clap2:

You are not a Christian man of faith, you are of the great liar. You wish to use Big Government to stop activities that are not criminal, and impose your beliefs by Big Government on the mainstream that does not want it. You use Nazi race terms such as "subhuman animals" to define your opponents.

You are an American Fascist, no better than the Nazis of Germany.

For shame. For shame.
Never burned or supported burning the flag, abortion is a private choice, read the Bible more than once yearly, and have never or wanted to marry a man.

So you are saying you are a Big Government Statists that wants to suppress freedom of speech and expression, want to tell woman what to do with their lives, force people to read the Bible, and tell people what they can and can't do in their bedrooms.

You are a Big Government Statist.
i did not say you could not participate in those liberal activities,AND THEY ARE LIBERAL ACTIVITIES,I am just pointing out what libbs support .and do not tell me you are a Christian man of faith.LIBERAL DOCTRINE DOES NOT RECOGNIZE EVIL!!!!THERE IS NO BLACK AND WHITE FOR YOU SUBHUMAN ANIMALS IT'S ALL BEEN REDUCED TO OPINION EVEN THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH IS RELATIVE TO INSANE PIGS LIKE YOU......:clap2::dance::piss2::afro::dance::clap2:

You are not a Christian man of faith, you are of the great liar. You wish to use Big Government to stop activities that are not criminal, and impose your beliefs by Big Government on the mainstream that does not want it. You use Nazi race terms such as "subhuman animals" to define your opponents.

You are an American Fascist, no better than the Nazis of Germany.

For shame. For shame.

Wrong only one person holds that title and that is obama.
You are drinking hard tonight, aren't you, littledebfascist? Careful when you play with your pistol.
listen up homo,if you think Patton would have not stood against the socialist bull sh!t you left wing America hating cowards are trying to push you are out of your mind!!!go burn the flag,kill an unborn child,burn a bible and marry a man,.............AIDS IS A LIBERAL DISEASE........:fu::dance::dance::dance::fu:

^ Conservative Poster...
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